Border Fancy Canary: Pictures, Care Guide, Temperament & Traits

The Canary is one of the most well-known birds in the world and is adored by pet owners and fanciers alike. The Border Fancy Canary is a common variety you’ll often see in pet stores. This adorable bird has a life expectancy of between 10 and 15 years and can grow up to 5.5 inches as it reaches adulthood.

If you’ve been considering adopting or purchasing a Border Fancy Canary bird, there are a few things you’ll want to know first. In this guide, we’ll discuss the bird’s origins and history, its temperament, a few pros and cons, health conditions, how to care for this species, and much more.


Common Names: Border, Border Fancy
Scientific Name: Serinus canaria domesticus 
Adult Size: Up to 5.5 inches
Life Expectancy: 10 to 15 years

Origin and History

Image Credit: Capri23auto, Pixabay

With its gorgeous showy looks, robust nature, and beautiful voice, it’s no wonder that the Border Fancy is one of the most popular Canary breeds among bird lovers. It got its name from the border region between Scotland and England. Since the Canaries were extremely popular in the 1700s, breeders decided to breed a fresher version, resulting in the Border Fancy Canary.

Once the breed was created, it quickly became popular in Scotland and England. The Border Fancy has been featured in many movies, books, television series, and more, not just for its beauty but also for its strong singing voice.


The Border Fancy Canary is shy, gentle, docile, and calm. They are also solitary creatures that don’t like to be held or touched too much. Their size has earned them the nickname of the “Wee Gem,” and their song is loved by anyone who keeps one as a pet. They love to move around, however, so make sure your Canary has plenty of space in its cage to do so and that you let it out to fly around a safe room regularly as well. However, if you’re looking for a pet that you can hold, it might not be the best choice.

  • Shy, gentle, and docile

  • Doesn’t grow very big

  • Their song is cheerful and well-loved

  • Can be messy

  • Song could be too loud for some apartments or crowded areas

Speech & Vocalizations

The Border Fancy Canary has a gorgeous song. Even when it’s left alone and has no one to impress, it will break out in song. The breed has a melody that is easy to recognize, cheerful, and pleasant to hear. Since they sing more by themselves, most pet owners do not keep pairs of Canaries in their homes, and males typically sing more often than females.

Border Fancy Canary Colors and Markings

Image Credit: RoyBuri, Pixabay

Border Fancy Canaries are often prominently displayed at bird shows because of the bird’s vibrant colors. This bird is usually a vivid bright yellow color with white under the tail. In many cases, the yellow hue will have lighter undertones, such as a lighter yellow, a very light green, or even white.

The vivid bright yellow color gives the Border Fancy Canary its distinctive look and cheerful, glowing appearance, and the bird’s personality measures up also. If you’re looking for a pet that will cheer you up just by looking at it, the Border Fancy is ideal.


Caring for the Border Fancy Canary

Now that you know quite a bit about the Border Fancy Canary, you may have decided to adopt or purchase one. However, there are a few factors to consider before making that decision, such as the bird’s health problems, diet, and nutritional needs. We’ll discuss all of this in the coming sections, but now we’ll give you a bit of information on caring for your new pet below.

While it is a tiny bird, it requires a lot of space to move around. The perfect cage for a Canary is at least 20 inches wide with a minimum of two perches. The birds love to climb, so make sure they have plenty of space. When it comes to the size of the cage you put your Canary in, bigger is always better.

While you can keep two Canaries in the same cage, it’s best not to so that each will have the room they need.

Common Health Problems

The Border Fancy Canary has a few health problems you’ll need to be on the lookout for. While the breed is known for its good health and minimal care requirements, it’s vulnerable to a few conditions.

  • Canary Pox

  • Mites

  • Canker

If you see your Canary looking like a fluffed-up tennis ball,  there may be something wrong that needs to be addressed. It’s best to make an appointment with your vet to determine what’s wrong with your little friend.

Diet and Nutrition

Feeding your Border Fancy Canary a healthy diet of grains, fruits, vegetables, insects, and seeds is essential. Of course, the insects are usually eaten by the Canaries in the wild, so they don’t have to be a part of their diet.

They enjoy small insects such as water beetles and greens like weeds, fruits, grass, and leafy vegetables. Don’t forget to pick up vitamin-coated Canary seeds at your local pet store to keep your Canary healthy and happy. As with any bird, it’s best to keep fresh water and food in your Border Fancy Canary’s cage at all times and keep the cage clean.


Like other Canaries, the Border Fancy Canary needs plenty of room to roam in its cage. Make sure the cage has plenty of perches, toys, and room to climb so the bird can get the exercise it needs to be physically and mentally healthy.

It’s also recommended that you let your Border Fancy Canary out of the cage to fly around regularly so it can stretch its wings. Remember to keep all doors and windows closed so that your bird can’t escape, and turn the ceiling fans off. Also, ensure that anything that could hurt your bird, like other pets, children, or objects, is kept out of the room when the bird is out.

Where to Adopt or Buy a Border Fancy Canary

You can find a Border Fancy Canary at many local pet stores and even at some rescue centers. If you decide to use a breeder for your Border Fancy Canary, make sure to do your research beforehand. Ask the breeder for a tour of the facility, and if they refuse, move on to another option. A reputable breeder will show you the birds so you can determine if the building is sanitary.



Border Fancy Canaries have gorgeous voices and beautiful coloring to match. They don’t get very big and can be kept in any home. However, it’s important to note that they need plenty of space in their cage to get the exercise they need, and they do get quite loud, so it might not be best to keep one where they can disturb the neighbors.

Finally, if you’re considering adopting or purchasing a Canary breed, ensure that you’re ready for the responsibility. If you adopt a Border Fancy, you’ll be treated to cheerful colors, a great personality, and cheerful music for many years.

Featured Image Credit: Terentieva Yulia, Shutterstock

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