Do Pitbulls Bark a Lot? How Much, & How to Stop It

The Pitbull breed is considered a moderate barker that shouldn’t bark too often or for too long. However, all dogs use barking as a means of communication, and because the Pitbull is a protective and loyal dog, this means there can be some instances where yours might bark more than is typical.

This is especially true if they feel threatened themselves if they think one of their family is under threat, or because they are afraid, lonely, bored, or otherwise agitated. Dogs may also bark to get attention, and because the Pitbull can be a very playful breed, it may simply be barking because it is excited and is getting carried away in the moment. It is possible to reduce barking, but you should expect, and potentially even welcome, some barking.


Reasons Your Pitbull Is Barking

The key to minimizing barking is first to determine why your dog is barking so much: whether any triggers might be setting them off.

1. Protection

pitbull terrier walking
Image Credit: Piqsels

The Pitbull is a loyal family dog who will do anything to protect its family. Part of this protectiveness is identifying what it perceives to be a potential threat and then alerting you to that threat. It can be a serious concern if one becomes overly protective, especially as it matures, so you should try to train this behavior out early. Socialization is critical to helping combat this particular type of excessive barking.

2. Boredom

Pitbulls make good family dogs because they enjoy companionship and enjoy the fulfillment and stimulation that comes from being around family. They require lots of love, and they thrive on attention. If they don’t get this attention, or they aren’t getting enough exercise or mental stimulation, they can become bored. And boredom leads to barking.

3. Fear

pitbull under the table
Image Credit: Mike Burke, Unsplash

Barking is a natural reaction for dogs and a means of communicating with other dogs, family, and other people. If your Pitbull is scared, it may bark to warn off attackers or to let any perceived threat know to leave it alone. Socialization will help reduce this type of barking but is most effective when the dog being socialized is young.

4. Anxiety

Dogs can get anxious about many things, but Pitbulls are known to be somewhat prone to separation anxiety. If your dog is especially vocal when you leave the house or are gone for longer than usual, it could be a sign of separation anxiety. This can also be accompanied by destructive behavior and other activities.

5. Excitedness

pitbull terrier
Image Credit: Eve Photography, Shutterstock

Pitbulls can be easily excited, whether by the prospect of going for a walk or by a new toy. They can get excited when they believe it is dinner time. Dogs don’t have that many ways of verbally communicating their emotions, and barking is one of the few that they do have. If your dog is barking because of excitement, it is likely accompanied by jumping up, running around, and other excitable activities.

6. Attention Seeking

Some dogs, including Pitbulls, love attention, and if they feel they aren’t getting the attention they desire, they may look for ways to get more. This can include negative attention, which means that a dog might be barking to get your attention despite knowing that you won’t like it. The problem is exacerbated if you give treats or fuss when they bark and act out because they will bark to get the same response next time.


How To Stop Your Pitbull Barking

Once you have identified the most likely reason for the barking, you can take steps to minimize or prevent future barking.

1. Distraction

american pitbull terrier dog playing
Image Credit: Nata Bene, Shutterstock

If your dog is worried, fearful, or anxious, you can distract them. Encourage them to play with a toy or play outside with you. Alternatively, if your dog is barking because they’re bored, ensure that they have toys, especially interactive toys, that engage the brain and require more thought from your dog.

2. Fulfilment

Dogs require food, care, attention, love, and exercise. If your dog is barking because it lacks any of these, ensuring it gets what it is missing or fulfilling its needs will help reduce barking incidents. Ensure their dietary needs are met, take your Pitbull for two walks a day, and offer fulfilling playtime.

3. Socialization

two pitbulls playing
Image Credit: Tulia Colombia Torres Hurtado, Pixabay

Socialization is vital to raising a well-adjusted and sensible dog that is less likely to bark and cause mayhem. Start when your Pitbull is young and ensure they meet or come into contact with different people, animals, and situations. Keep up with socialization as they age, and they will not see as many threats or be as fearful of new situations.

4. Exercise

A tired dog is a good dog, and if your strong and athletic Pitbull isn’t getting enough exercise, it may get bored and be more likely to bark. Providing plenty of exercise each day, including regular walks, is essential. If this doesn’t provide enough physical exercise for your dog, consider signing up for agility classes or another type of canine sports class to burn off excess energy.

5. Training

Woman training a pitbull in the park
Image Credit: YouraPechkin, Shutterstock

Training is another activity that should be started when your dog is young and reinforced as they get older. Use positive reinforcement techniques, so rather than reprimanding your dog for barking, praise and reward them for not barking or when they stop barking. Be consistent with your training methods and ask other family members to participate.


Do Pitbulls Make Good Pets?

Pitbulls have a bad reputation, thanks to media coverage and some negative stories. However, they can make very good pets. They are loyal and loving and form strong bonds with their humans. But you will need to ensure that they are socialized and trained from a young age.

Are Pitbulls Aggressive?

Pitbulls have been used for fighting and as attack dogs, and because they are strong and muscular, they have gained a reputation for being aggressive. As long as they are socialized and trained from a young age, there is no reason that a Pitbull will become aggressive.

Is a Pitbull a Good Family Dog?

Pitbulls have been described as nanny dogs because they instinctively care for young children and small pets. They are loyal and loving, and they are fun and energetic, as well as strong. This combination means that they can make excellent family dogs.



The Pitbull has a notorious history, with media reports of aggressive Pitbulls attacking family members and strangers. However, the breed can make an excellent family pet as long as it is socialized and trained and gets the physical and mental stimulation it requires. With that said, Pitbulls can be prone to barking for various reasons.

Above, we have looked at some of the most common causes of excessive barking and what you can do to help prevent it. But every dog is different, and the most important step to preventing barking is to identify the cause of it.

Featured Image Credit: Madcat_Madlove, Shutterstock

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