Pet Pleasant Dog Shampoo & Pet Spray Review 2023: Our Expert’s Opinion

Our Final Verdict

We give the Pet Pleasant Dog Shampoo & Pet Spray an overall rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars.

Quality: 5/5
Packaging: 4/5
Ingredients: 5/5
Ease of Use: 5/5
Value: 5/5

For every dog owner, bathtime is a big deal – you must keep your pup feeling (and smelling) clean! Finding good products to use can be tricky because there are so many considerations. Luckily, Pet Pleasant makes this process a lot easier by offering a shampoo and spray made of safe and pleasant ingredients, helping cleanliness be a much simpler process – for both your pup and yourself!


At a Glance: What We Reviewed

Fortunately, you can buy the products individually or as a package that includes both a shampoo and a spray – intended for your pup to continue smelling fresh long after the bath itself!

Image Product Details

Our Favorite


Honeydew Pet Shampoo
Honeydew Pet Shampoo

  • Aroma therapy helps calm your pet during bath time

  • Keeps your pet smelling good long after the bath

  • Made of gentle ingredients, such as oatmeal and aloe vera
  • Second place

    Honeydew Pet Spray
    Honeydew Pet Spray

  • Uses aroma therapy to keep your pet calm after the spray

  • Keeps your pet smelling clean in between baths

  • Very gentle for sensitive pets, using all-natural ingredients
  • divider-paw

    About Pet Pleasant

    Pet Pleasant Pet Shampoo & Spray Set - products on the bathtub

    The Backstory Behind Honeydew

    Pet Pleasant by Honeydew is a sub-division of Maple Holistics, a company that focuses on natural ingredients to solve common skin and hair problems. Founded by long-time friends Ben and Motti in Cleveland, Ohio, Maple Holistics took a stab at remedying hair loss and sensitivities – with great success! Although Ohio was the beginning, the products are now produced in a state-of-the-art Farmingdale, New Jersey facility.

    On the Honeydew website, you are led in with a bold proclamation: “We create products that feature naturally derived ingredients that help you get results.” This already expresses the company’s philosophy, which establishes great confidence between myself (the consumer) and the brand producing the shampoo and spray!

    Honeydew believes in distinct principles that each product is meant to follow. The first is a formulation by experts… which must effectively feature naturally derived ingredients. The products must be cruelty-free and environmentally conscious, naturally making most of them vegan.

    All the formulations are done in-house, and the brand never tests on animals – they test it on themselves! Those who create the formulas have to try them on their own bodies. Pretty neat if I do say so myself!

    Which Types of Pets is the Pet Pleasant Dog Shampoo & Pet Spray Set Best Suited For? 

    The Pet Pleasant Dog Shampoo & Pet Spray is heavily marketed towards dogs, primarily because cats aren’t bathed too frequently. However, the ingredient list is fine for our feline friends as well, so I see no reason that it can’t be used for both!

    The ingredients being so gentle and well-formulated allow both the shampoo and the spray to be used on puppies, dogs, and senior dogs alike. No consideration is needed for pet age because it isn’t specific for a certain point in your pet’s life.



    Pet Pleasant Pet Shampoo & Spray Set - lorelei sitting next to the products

    When it comes down to putting something on or inside your pet, the ingredients matter the most. As my dog has easily irritated skin due to medical issues, I value the quality of the ingredients the most. The Pet Pleasant Dog Shampoo & Pet Spray surprised me on this front.

    The Ingredient List

    Many shampoos have a list of ingredients that sound like they just popped out of an experimental lab… because you cannot fathom what they are. The shampoo and spray have an ingredient list that can be easily read and understood!

    Made predominantly with lavender, oatmeal, aloe vera, and jojoba oil, the ingredients are gentle and soothing on the skin. The other ingredients include Calcium Gluconate, Evening Primrose, and the like. Many of these ingredients are those used on people with allergenic skin, so that builds a trusty rapport as I am one to use products on my pup that are also safe for me.

    What is also worth noting about ingredients is what is not on the list. There are no parabens, sulfates, formaldehyde, or BPA. It is gentle if accidentally getting in the eyes: pain-free!

    Honeydew, as a brand, prides itself on using naturally derived ingredients, being environmentally conscious, and being vegan, so there is a lot of assurance that the ingredients used in the shampoo and spray fit within these set standards.

    The Aromatherapy Theory

    A big part of this shampoo and spray’s advertisement revolves around its aromatherapy. Aromatherapy is the idea that certain natural scents have a positive psychological impact on humans and animals. The claim is that a smell such as lavender elicits a mental response to relax, helping the body relax.

    Although there is little actual scientific data to back this up, there are a lot of real-life experience claims to state that there is a connection between smell and specific physiological responses. Aromatherapy has been used for thousands of years.

    What this has to do with the Pet Pleasant Dog Shampoo & Pet Spray is that the whole set releases a mild aroma that is meant to keep your pet calm. Once more, though aromatherapy is more theoretical than scientifically proven, I felt like my dog relaxed during the bath once I used the shampoo. 

    Pet Pleasant Pet Shampoo & Spray Set - lorelei getting a bath

    The Set In Unison

    The shampoo is (of course) for bathtime, while the spray helps keep bathtime at bay for longer. When timed out right, the spray did help maintain much of the positive effects of the shampoo, saving my dog from needing to have four baths a month! Once the shampoo’s lavender scent began to fade, that is when the spray was used.


    Overall, the quality of both the shampoo and the spray is top-notch. From natural ingredients to the careful thought of aromatherapy formulation, nothing about either product felt like corners were cut.

    The quality is critical considering this is going on my dog’s skin. Both products had no unpleasant residue and left my dog feeling clean and soft for much longer, a big feather in the cap for product quality.


    Product Reviews  

    1. Pet Pleasant Dog Shampoo

    Pet Pleasant Pet Shampoo & Spray Set - Pet Pleasant Pet Shampoo

    My experience with the shampoo was overwhelmingly positive, significantly due to the ingredients used and how much smoother bathtime went. My dog’s coat dried in half the usual time and was left untangled and soft. 

    • The bottle was aptly made for one-handed use (more on this in the experience section)

    • The scent wasn’t overwhelming, it was a light smell

    • The ingredients are soothing on the skin

    • No greasy residue left in the fur after the wash

    • Helped the fur dry quickly and easily

    • Detangled the longer fur, such as the tail

    • The packaging could be a bit better, as the set arrived sticky and wet (as if something had leaked)

    • There is only one size option

    2. Pet Pleasant Pet Spray

    Pet Pleasant Pet Shampoo & Spray Set - Pet Pleasant Pet Spray

    The pet spray is a great way to delay having to put the pup in the bath, and I enjoyed the results. Lorelei continued to feel clean and smell lovely, designating bathtime to twice a month rather than four times a month.

    • Lovely lavender scent that wasn’t overwhelming

    • It did not leave any greasy residue on the coat

    • Added a bit of a shine

    • Did not irritate the skin

    • Made of good quality ingredients

    • The packaging could be a bit better, as the set arrived sticky and wet (as if something had leaked)

    • There is only one size option


    Our Experience With the Pet Pleasant Dog Shampoo & Pet Spray

    Pet Pleasant Pet Shampoo & Spray Set

    I feel like I always need to preface any review with my pup – because Lorelei is quite special! She is a rescue pup that came to me in horrid condition, and it took quite a few years to bring her back to peak health. My poor pup has had quite a battle with health issues as a result of this, ranging from belly problems to skin sensitivities.

    Lorelei came home with severe dermatitis that caused her to lose much of her fur and continues to keep her skin sensitive to this day. As such, I am very cautious about what shampoo and cleansing products I use on her, as she has been on a medicated shampoo for many years until I could finally wean her off of it.

    After carefully researching the ingredients in the Pet Pleasant Dog Shampoo & Pet Spray, I felt very comfortable trying it out on my pup. She has never been a fan of bathtime (after having such itchy and irritated skin for years, who would be?!), so I also liked the idea of aroma therapy helping keep her nerves at bay.

    The shampoo and spray set arrived in a non-descript Amazon package, wound by plastic wrap. Upon first grabbing the set, I noticed it was a bit sticky. Although there appeared to be a leak causing the tacky packaging, after wiping it down, all was good, and the bottles remained completely full. This didn’t impact the shampoo and spray performance or my use of the set, but it was worth mentioning!

    The set arrival time was perfect, as Lorelei was due for a bath after a fun playdate with her puppy friends. Smelling pungently of dog, my nose was ready for lavender delight. Once the water was warm, I placed Lorelei in the bath and had the shampoo on hand.

    This might sound like an odd point to bring up, but the shampoo squeezed out of the bottle in an easy, one-handed way, with just the right amount of pressure needing to be applied. I often bathe my pup with a single hand, using one to hold her in a single spot while the other applies shampoo. With this review, one hand was occupied with a camera, so I had to bathe her single-handedly! This bottle made that even easier!

    The first thing that caught my attention was the light smell, a lovely lavender scent. It wasn’t overwhelming and didn’t smell artificial (if that makes sense); it was just sweet. I feel like my pup also noticed because I felt her start to relax. Lavender paired with warm water probably made her a bit drowsy (in a good way)! As all dog owners know, minimal fighting in the bath equals a much faster bathtime.

    The shampoo came out at the correct thickness as well, not too runny to slide immediately off of her fur but not so thick that it became a hassle to get it foaming. It lathered on with ease, getting right through her whole coat quickly. There was no greasy or oily residue, something I also very much appreciated. With greasy shampoos, it becomes so hard to get it all out during a rinse – and my pup immediately gets flare-ups if any shampoo remains left in her coat. The Pet Pleasant shampoo rinsed out so quickly, that I could feel it leaving her coat within a few moments.

    Lorelei got turned into a burrito in her towel with a little towel rub down, which to my surprise, left her much drier than other shampoos I have used on her! This instance alone cut my bath time in half because blowdrying her was so easy. Her fur poofed up dry mere minutes after running a warm blowdryer (it was on the lowest heat setting!).

    I didn’t even need to run her brush through her coat, it felt like there was a detangler within the shampoo. This was especially evident in her tail, which always has knots after a wash (much like my hair; like mother, like four-legged daughter, I suppose!). I like the silky smooth feeling left behind after blowdrying, again, without a brush needing to be applied.

    Over the next few days, Lorelei remained soft, with a bit of a shine to her coat. Her skin remained completely un-irritated, and I saw no adverse response or reaction to the shampoo. This was a massive breath of fresh air because many years were spent fighting skin problems. The smell faded within a few days but was so Pleasant while it lasted.

    Granted, that is where the spray comes into play – once the scent subsided, a little spritz brought the lavender right on back! Like the shampoo, the spray was not greasy or oily, leaving her coat feeling nice. This is such a great in-between product because it really did keep me from needing to bathe her frequently.

    Pet Pleasant Pet Shampoo & Spray Set - lorelei's hair after using the products


    Final Thoughts

    I felt like the Pet Pleasant shampoo and spray was well worth the value – and I’ll definitely be using it again! From the good ingredients to cutting bathtime in half, my pup and I are delighted with the results. She gets to smell fresh and remain clean for longer, and I don’t have to spend as much time bathing her. It sounds like a win/win to us!

    The post Pet Pleasant Dog Shampoo & Pet Spray Review 2023: Our Expert’s Opinion appeared first on Pet Keen.