Do Pet Birds Carry Diseases? Here’s How They Could Make You Sick (Vet Answer)

Can you get sick from your pet bird? Pet birds can carry diseases, but it is not common for humans to get sick from them. If you are concerned about your bird getting you sick, please talk to your own doctor. With that said, people usually only get sick from their pet bird when something else is going on, when their immune system is compromised, they are on medication, or the hygiene of the bird’s home is less than ideal.

Read to learn more!


What Is a Zoonotic Disease?

Diseases that can be passed from animals to humans are called zoonotic diseases. However, many bird diseases do not infect people. For example, the psittacine beak and feather disease virus does not infect people. So, it is not zoonotic.

Avian zoonotic diseases do not always have to cause illness in birds but can still make people sick, while others make both birds and humans ill. Regardless, it is always important to maintain good hygiene when caring for birds. Here are some tips you can remember:

woman washing her hands
Image Credit: slavoljubovski, Pixabay
  • Wash your hands

  • Do not eat food that birds have bitten or held in their feet

  • Keep their homes clean of feces

  • Keep their homes well ventilated

  • Protect indoor birds from outdoor birds

  • Yearly vet checks

The following list of potential zoonotic diseases in pet birds is long. And intimidating. However, remember it’s not common for people to get sick from their birds; it’s just something to be aware of. Be aware but do not panic. Zoonotic Diseases in Birds and Humans

Here, we will not discuss all the following potentially more common zoonotic diseases. While this list is long, it is not a complete list.

Image Credit: Ground Picture, Shutterstock
  • Salmonellosis / Escherichia coli / Campylobacter / Cryptosporidium

  • Chlamydia psittacine

  • Giardia

  • Aspergillus

  • Candida albicans

  • Tuberculosis

  • Cryptococcosis & Histoplasmosis

  • Avian Flu

  • Bird Allergies and Hypersensitivities

The 9 Common Diseases Pet Birds Carry

Salmonella / Escherichia coli (E. coli) / Campylobacter / Cryptosporidium

These are all bacteria that can be found in bird feces, especially chickens. When humans accidentally ingest them, they can cause severe diarrhea and food poisoning-like symptoms.

  • Diarrhea

  • Bloody diarrhea

  • Stomach aches

  • Vomiting

  • Fever

Birds carrying these bacteria do not have to show signs of illness, and some can even be a natural part of their microbiome. This is why the myth that a pet has less bacteria in their mouth than humans is not relevant. Even if it were true (doubtful), the bacteria that birds have in their digestive tract can cause illness in humans.

With that, it is possible for these bacteria to also cause diarrhea and illness in birds.

Image Credit: Pegasene, Shutterstock


Chlamydia infections are common in parrots. It is not the same type of chlamydia that is a sexually transmitted disease in humans, but it is related, so it has a similar name.

Chlamydophila psittaci causes parrot fever. In birds, it can cause severe disease, but it can also be completely asymptomatic—no signs of disease. In fact, it can happen when Chlamydophila psittacine is carried in asymptomatic birds for a long time while they accidentally spread it to other birds and humans.

This is why it is good to test your bird for chlamydia. It is shed in bird feces and nasal secretions and then breathed in by humans, where it can cause flu-like symptoms. Pregnant women should be extra cautious because it can cause abortions.

Senegal parrot
Image Credit: Ondrej Prosicky, Shutterstock


Giardia is a single-celled parasite that infects the digestive system, causing diarrhea and weight loss. If your pet bird (parrots, chickens, pigeons, canaries, etc.) has giardia, you can get it from them and have the same symptoms.

If you get a new bird, it is a good idea to get a fecal exam at the vet to make sure they do have giardia before you introduce them to their new home.

Indoors, once you have established that they do not have it, they are not likely to get it. However, outdoor birds easily get it from contaminated water, food, or feces. Keeping their homes nice and dry helps prevent it.


Aspergillosis is an infamous fungal infection in birds because they are particularly susceptible to it. Aspergillus fumigatus, the causative fungus, is found everywhere in the environment and causes respiratory disease in birds but rarely does in humans (and other mammals).

When it does infect birds, that also means there will be more of it in their home. This can be a potential problem for immunocompromised people or when the ventilation is poor. However, most of the time, the human immune system is strong enough not to be affected by it.

Image Credit: Yashkin Ilya, Shutterstock


Candidiasis an infection of the yeast Candida albicans. It is usually a commensal organism on birds and humans, not causing any problems. However, it can overgrow and become an infection if circumstances are just right, especially in unhygienic situations or immunocompromised individuals.


Caused by Mycobacterium avium tuberculosis is a very serious disease in both humans and birds. It is an important epidemiological disease, particularly in certain parts of the world. And not only can infected birds spread it to humans, but infected humans can spread it to birds. Birds spread it to humans through their feces, and they can get it themselves from other infected birds or contaminated soil as it survives for a long time.

Tuberculosis is difficult to treat, and because it is such an important disease and can live in the environment for such long-time, infected birds should not be kept with humans.

Cryptococcosis & Histoplasmosis

Both these diseases are zoonotic in pigeons. They are fungus found in pigeon feces. Coops need to be kept clean, and protective respiratory equipment may be recommended.

In humans, cryptococcus can cause infections in the brain, lungs, and kidneys with cryptococcus infections. And histoplasmosis can cause lower respiratory infections like pneumonia.

a racing pigeon eating crumbs
Image Credit: vickypawprince, Pixabay

Avian Influenza

Avian influenza has been prominent in the news. It is a virus that spreads easily among birds outdoors. And while it is still rare for humans to get avian influenza, it has happened. Because of its potential to be a new viral zoonotic pathogen, it is of high priority to monitor.

As we have learned in the past few years, respiratory viruses that mutate to infect humans can be dangerous. And avian influenza has spread, particularly in the US, among birds and chickens.

It is deadly in birds and causes flu-like symptoms in humans, which (as we now know) can range from mild to severe with complications.

veterinarian examining a chicken hen
Image Credit: Julia Zavalishina, Shutterstock

Bird Allergies and Hypersensitivities

It is common for birds to cause allergic or hypersensitivity reactions in humans. Allergic reactions can be life-threateningly serious, while hypersensitivity reactions are less severe but can still be problematic. The dander off bird’s skin, feathers, and poop can create a lot of dust which is usually what people react to as it drifts in the air.

While hypersensitivity reactions usually go away quickly once exposure to the birds stops, if a person is continuously exposed, they can cause long-term and permanent lung damage. People who work in coops with pigeons a lot have this happen.

Any signs of allergic reactions need to be discussed with a doctor and anaphylactic reactions need emergency medical treatment. divider-bird

Concluding Thoughts

Birds can be surprisingly entertaining and loving. And I think they are great and safe pets for just about everyone. However, if you are at all concerned with getting sick, discuss it with your doctor, especially if you have any underlying health problems. Perhaps this article can help you and your doctor assess the risks and benefits.

Featured Image Credit: Pawle, Shutterstock

The post Do Pet Birds Carry Diseases? Here’s How They Could Make You Sick (Vet Answer) appeared first on Pet Keen.

10 Common Diseases of Cockatiels – Our Vet Answers

If you are a bird owner (or maybe want to own a feathered friend in the future), you have probably heard of a cockatiel. Cockatiels are members of the Cockatoo family, native to Australia. They are one of the most common pet birds, found extensively all over the world in many different colors. However, like all pets, they are susceptible to certain diseases.

This article goes over some of the common diseases that cockatiel owners should be mindful of to ensure your bird remains healthy and happy.


The 10 Common Diseases of Cockatiels

1. Chlamydophilosis

Cute Cockatiel With Its Beak Open
Image Credit: Ian Fox, Shutterstock

This disease is also referred to as “Parrot Fever”. This disease can affect any bird and is one of the common ailments of pet cockatiels. It is caused by Chlamydophila psittaci. This organism lives inside the cells of your pet bird, making it difficult to treat.

There are no specific signs of this disease. Birds that are affected may sometimes appear completely normal (also known as asymptomatic). Other signs of a bird with this disease may include the following:

  • Lethargy

  • Wet droppings that appear lime green or yellow

  • Decreased appetite, or no appetite

  • Nasal discharges

  • Breathing difficulty

  • Shivers

This disease can spread from birds to humans, a concept known as zoonosis. Therefore, vets will encourage owners to perform blood tests on their pet birds to ensure they are free of this disease. Birds that are showing signs of illness may also have their feces examined and tested.

2. Fungal Infections

Cockatiels and other small parrots are prone to fungal infection by Macrorhabdus ornithogaster. This is common in birds that are immunocompromised, kept in unhygienic conditions, being hand fed, or under medication. Signs of this disease include the following:

  • Weight loss

  • Diarrhea

  • Passing undigested food in feces

  • Lethargy

Your veterinarian can diagnose this fungal infection by examining your bird’s feces under a microscope. In addition, they may also perform diagnostic tests, such as an X-ray or blood tests. The mortality rate of this infection is, unfortunately, relatively high. However, prompt treatment may save your bird and allow a full recovery.

3. Aspiration Pneumonia

This disease is commonly seen in hand-fed parrots, including cockatiels. If you overfeed your baby cockatiel a large amount of formula, they may not be able to handle the intake, and some of the food may enter their airways instead of their crop. The signs of this infection are commonly seen when birds are being weaned and have an increased appetite. Signs of this disease include:

  • Increased, labored breathing.

  • Poor response to feeding (no head bobbing when being fed)

  • Lethargy

Depending on the age of your bird, your vet may opt to run some tests. However, most vets can easily diagnose this disease by asking questions relevant to your bird’s hatch date, age and how you feed them. While some birds can recover from mild infections with treatment, those with moderate to severe infections, unfortunately, don’t mount an effective response to treatment and medication.

4. Cataracts

Cataracts are cloudy areas in the lens of your pet birds. This condition is common in older cockatiels and often happens gradually. Most birds adapt well to the gradual loss of their sight. Some signs that your bird has cataracts include:

  • Cloudiness of the eye

  • Hesitant to jump on perch

  • Bumping into objects

As the presence of cataracts can predispose your bird’s eye to other diseases, it is recommended to see a veterinarian eye specialist as part of your bird’s routine check-ups when they’re older.

5. Gout

yellow cockatiel on a human hand
Image Credit: tenenbaum, Shutterstock

As cockatiels age, they’re prone to another condition known as gout. Gout is defined as the abnormal deposition of uric acid in your bird’s body. Uric acid is naturally formed as the end product of protein breakdown in pet birds. Under normal circumstances, it is secreted out of the body in your bird’s feces. This problem often sets in when birds have underlying kidney issues, which prevent proper secretion of uric acid.

Gout causes pain in your bird’s joints (particularly their feet). The signs of gout include the following:

  • Pain

  • Swollen feet and joints

  • Anorexia (lack of appetite)

  • Lethargy

  • Reluctance to fly, walk, or climb

Other forms of this condition may affect your bird’s internal organs. Unfortunately, when the internal organs are affected, you may not see any signs, and your bird may unexpectedly pass away.

This condition is extremely painful and requires constant medicine prescribed by your vet. If your bird does not improve from medication, your vet may discuss humane euthanasia with you. Though a healthy, well-balanced diet may reduce incidences of gout, the disease complex of gout in birds isn’t completely understood, and this disease may be caused by a multitude of factors.

6. Obesity

Cockatiels Eat Rice
Image Credit: Nipa Noymol, Shutterstock

In birds, obesity is described as your pet bird being 20% over their ideal weight. It is the most common nutritional disease of pet cockatiels. It is seen more commonly in birds fed diets high in fats. Such diets include seeds, nuts, and table scraps. A sedentary lifestyle and boredom leading to overfeeding may also perpetuate obesity in your cockatiel. Spotting obesity may be difficult, as your bird’s feathers may mask a bulky body. However, you may notice signs such as

  • Difficulty walking or flying

  • Breathing difficulties

Treatment and management of obesity are long-term and involve lifestyle changes for your bird and a massive commitment from you as well. It usually involves a dietary change, portion control, exercise, and enrichment. Your vet will be able to set up such a plan for your bird.

7. Egg Binding

cockatiel-hatching-egg egg binding
Image Credit: Oleksii Maznychenko, Shutterstock

This disease is something you should be mindful of if you have a female cockatiel. It can be caused by inadequate calcium in their diet, vitamin A deficiency, diseases of the reproductive tract, being first-time layers, obesity, or your bird’s genetics. Signs of egg binding include:

  • Sitting at the bottom of their cage or spending an inordinate time in their nest box (without producing an egg)

  • Depression

  • Closed eyes

  • Tail bobbing

  • Difficulty breathing

This disease requires prompt veterinary care. Your vet will ascertain your bird’s condition, stabilize her condition, and then help her pass the stuck egg. Surgery may be needed in some cases. As is the case with many ailments, your vet will discuss medication or preventive measures with you depending on your bird’s clinical signs and condition.

8. Lead and Zinc Toxicosis

Lead and zinc are two metals commonly found in many households. Pet cockatiels that are tame and roam around your house may ingest these metals as they explore and play. Common household metals that may have these metals include galvanized toys, chains, mesh, bells, pennies, costume jewelry, curtain weights, blinds, and unethically manufactured bird toys.

The clinical signs of lead and zinc toxicosis are similar. The signs include the following:

  • Weight Loss

  • Diarrhea

  • Regurgitation

  • An inability to move.

  • Uncoordinated movement or flight

  • Seizures

  • Blindness

These signs may start as minor and gradually increase in the extremities as your bird increases the metal toxin over time. At other times, sudden ingestion of a high amount of metal toxins may result in extreme signs showing up rapidly.

9. Giardiasis

Starved cockatiel looking sick
Image Credit:

Giardia are gut parasites. In the parrot world, they are most commonly observed in cockatiels. Some birds with these parasites may appear completely normal. However, others may begin pulling feathers out from their inner wings and inner thighs for reasons that aren’t completely understood yet. Other signs that your bird might have giardiasis include the following:

  • Weight loss

  • Lethargy

  • Vomiting

  • Diarrhea or foul-smelling loose stools

  • Loss of appetite

Your vet can diagnose these parasites by running tests on your bird’s feces and setting up a treatment plan appropriate for your bird, depending on their clinical signs.

10. Trauma

Pied Cockatiel close up
Image Credit: zoosnow, Pixabay

Finally, though not a disease in a strict sense, cockatiels are vulnerable to trauma in the form of injury. This is particularly true for birds that are tame and allowed to fly around the house for extended periods. The most common incidences of trauma are the following:

  • Bite wounds from cats, dogs, or other pet birds

  • Flying into walls, windows, or ceiling fans

  • Falling off play gyms, the top of their cage, or other perches

  • Foot bands being caught in an object

  • Biting into an electrical wire and receiving a shock

  • Getting burned from a hot object, such as a pan, steamer, iron

In many cases, the outcome for birds that experience traumas is poor. Therefore, it is important to bird proof your house before allowing your parrot outside their cage for exercise and interaction with you.

What Are the Treatments for These Diseases?

Treatment for all the aforementioned diseases will come from proper diagnosis from your vet and may vary. For example, treatment for chlamydophilosis lasts at least 45 days with the drug doxycycline, which your veterinarian will prescribe. Your veterinarian may prescribe additional supplements and medication for these ailments as deemed necessary. As for a fungal infection, treatment typically involves antifungal drugs alongside other supportive treatments.

For some serious situations, like aspiration pneumonia and toxicoses, treatment for this disease depends on the severity of the signs your cockatiel shows, along with supportive therapy (such as oxygen, warmth, fluid therapy, and nebulization). Serious cases of gout may result in the bird being euthanized because gout is very painful.

With cases of obesity, your vet may recommend getting them to move around more while in the cage by providing them with toys or a change in diet.



In this article, we’ve gone over some common diseases pet cockatiel owners should be wary of. Routine veterinary check-ups, proper cage setups, species-appropriate diet, and exercise plans, bird-proofing your home, and being proactive about learning more about these diseases are recommended for pet bird owners.

Treatment attempts for these diseases at home are strongly discouraged; in many cases, trying to self-diagnose and self-medicate your bird might worsen your bird’s condition. If you suspect something is wrong with your cockatiel, visit your veterinarian and have them examine your feathered companion.

Featured Image Credit: Marlon Roth, Shutterstock

The post 10 Common Diseases of Cockatiels – Our Vet Answers appeared first on Pet Keen.

8 Pet Birds That Don’t Fly (With Pictures)

Several birds can be kept as pets, but very few can’t fly. From our research, ducks and chickens are the best birds to keep as pets if you don’t want them to fly away. While these birds are usually kept for eggs or meat, they are often kept as pets. Many of the ducks and chickens discussed below are sweet, gentle, and love to be around people.


The 8 Pet Birds That Don’t Fly

1. Pekin Ducks

two pekin ducks walking on grass
Image Credit: woeger, Pixabay
Weight: 7 to 9 pounds
Temperament: Friendly, noisy
Lifespan: 8 to 12 years

Pekin Ducks weigh 7 to 9 pounds, grow to be around 20 inches in height, and have a lifespan of between 8 and 12 years, making them an excellent option for a pet. Pekin Ducks are docile and friendly and can lay 150 to 200 large white eggs a year to put on your breakfast table.

These birds have strong wings and even hollow bones capable of flight, but their weight keeps them from getting off the ground. They are also called White Pekins, American Pekins, and Long Island Ducks. Instead of trying to fly, Pekin ducks are perfectly content to waddle around in the backyard, swim in a pond, or even splash in puddles, making them the perfect duck to add to a backyard flock. They also like to make noise, so ensure you’re prepared.

2. Indian Runner Ducks

two Indian runner ducks
Image Credit: Erwin Bosman, Shutterstock
Weight: 3.5 to 5 pounds
Temperament: Energetic
Lifespan: 8 to 12 years

Indian Runner Ducks can run very fast, but they can’t fly. That is because the duck has a unique, erect posture, much like a penguin, that keeps it from being able to take flight. Although they can’t fly, their speed can become an issue if they don’t have enough room to run.

They are very quiet but, if startled, can jump a fence in fright, so make sure your fence is high enough to keep them in. Indian Runners are available in quite a few colors, including brown and white, and are great for egg production. On average, a hen can lay between 300 and 350 eggs a year.

They are happy scampering around and playing in the water for hours and make great pets. Indian Runners grow 20 to 30 inches tall, weigh between 3.5 and 5 pounds, and live for 8 to 12 years.

3. Cayuga Ducks

cayuga ducks
Image Credit: Elsemargriet, Shutterstock
Weight: 7 to 8 pounds
Temperament: Calm
Lifespan: 8 to 12 years

Cayuga Ducks weigh between 7 and 8 pounds, and live for 8 to 12 years, if they are cared for properly. This lazy, calm bird doesn’t want to stray from the property, even if it could fly to do so. However, younger females might attempt to take flight if their environment is unsettling.

Once the birds are fully grown, they are too heavy to fly. These ducks make excellent pets and are absolutely gorgeous with their black feathers and emerald-green sheen. They’re primarily raised for meat and eggs but still make great pets. They can lay 100 to 150 eggs per year.

4. Rouen Ducks

rouen duck
Image Credit: SAVA86, Pixabay
Weight: 6 to 8 pounds
Temperament: Calm and easy to tame
Lifespan: 8 to 12 years

Rouen Ducks weigh between 6 and 8 pounds, making them too heavy to fly, and they live 8 to 12 years. They are raised for show and meat but are docile and easy to tame, meaning they also make great pets. They have gorgeous plumage and come in a few shades of brown, with gray feet and bills.

The Rouen isn’t the best duck for egg production as they only lay between 140 to 180 eggs per year, if that. It is often kept as a backyard bird and is good with kids. Plus, you don’t have to worry about the breed trying to run away or fly away, either.

5. Orpington Chickens

two Lavender Orpington Chickens
Image Credit: Racheal Carpenter, Shutterstock
Weight: 8 to 10 pounds
Temperament: Calm
Lifespan: 5 to 10 years

Orpington Chickens weigh 8 to 10 pounds at full growth and live for between 5 and 10 years. They are an incredibly docile and gentle breed that won’t be trying to escape over the fence. The Orpington is easy to care for, gets along well with children, and works great for first-time chicken owners.

From blue to brown, there are many colors to choose from when purchasing these chickens as pets. The type of Orpington Chicken you keep will determine how many eggs you get each year.

6. Silkie Chickens

white and grey silkie chicken colors
Image Credit: Olga Salt, Shutterstock
Weight: 3 to 4 pounds
Temperament: Docile
Lifespan: 7 to 9 years

Silkie chickens weigh 3 to 4 pounds, meaning they aren’t very heavy, but their tiny wings make it impossible to fly. They live 7 to 9 years on average but can live longer if cared for well. This docile, gentle, kid-friendly breed loves to be around people.

Silkies are available in white, black, partridge, buff, blue, splash, and gray colors. They lay small, cream-colored eggs but only produce an average egg yield of 100 eggs a year. They are also beginner-friendly and easy to care for.

If you’re looking for a pet chicken that can’t fly, is adorably tiny, and is family-friendly, you’ve found your pet with the Silkie chicken.

7. Plymouth Rock Chickens

Close up shot of Plymouth Rock chicken in Old City Park at Texas
Image Credit: Kit Leong, Shutterstock
Weight: 3 to 7.5 pounds
Temperament: Docile
Lifespan: 6 to 8 years

One of the oldest breeds of chicken is the Plymouth Rock Chicken. It weighs 3 to 7.5 pounds, lives for 6 to 8 years, and is friendly, docile, and gentle. It can lay 200+ large eggs a year, and you can expect plenty of eggs on the table during the summer and winter. The Plymouth Rock is a gentle, sweet bird that gets along well with humans and other animals.

They can’t fly, so you don’t have to worry about them escaping your yard, and they love to be picked up, petted, and pampered. It’s important to note that these birds need quite a bit of tender loving care from their owners, so you can’t just drop them in the backyard and forget them. They become attached and will demand attention if you’re not giving them the attention they think they need.

8. Australorp Chickens

Black australorp chickens_Shutterstock_Ton Bangkeaw
Image Credit: Ton Bangkeaw, Shutterstock
Weight: 5 to 8 pounds
Temperament: Docile
Lifespan: 6 to 10 years

Australorp Chickens are docile and can live between six and 10 years if they are cared for properly. They weigh 5 to 8 pounds when they are fully grown and make a great addition to any backyard. They produce large brown eggs, with an annual egg production of around 260, so you should have enough eggs all year. Since they are a heavier breed, they struggle to fly, so they won’t fly off to unknown parts. Australorps are available in black, blue, and white colors.

It is a family-friendly breed that loves children and has no problem with other pets. The bird has often been classified as dignified, lovable, and a delight to have around, so what could be better than that?



If you’re looking for a pet bird that doesn’t fly or is too heavy to fly, the ducks and chickens we’ve discussed could be the perfect choice for you. If you’re considering purchasing ducks or chickens for pets, remember that they take a lot of work, and many of the birds on our list need extra attention from their pet owners.

While keeping a duck or a chicken as a pet may seem odd to some, you’d be surprised how many people do it. Keeping a duck or chicken is ideal if you want a loyal pet and enjoy eating fresh eggs. Besides, they are adorable, colorful, and sweet as well.

Featured Image Credit: furbymama, Pixabay

The post 8 Pet Birds That Don’t Fly (With Pictures) appeared first on Pet Keen.