Will a Basset Hound Be Good with My Kids? Facts & FAQ

There’s a lot to consider before bringing a dog home. For instance, do you have the space, time, and resources to care for a pet? If you have children, an important question is whether the pet will be a good fit for everyone in the household. In the case of a Basset Hound, you can rest easy knowing that the pup will get along great with your kids. Keep reading below to learn more about how well Basset Hounds interact with families, other dogs, and strangers.


Basset Hound Temperament

Before bringing any dog home, you’ll want to learn a little about its general temperament. The Basset Hound is known for its charming personality, exemplary patience, and low-key demeanor. Due to its calm and laidback nature, it has garnered a reputation for being a bit of a couch potato.

The Basset Hound can be difficult to train because of its willful personality, but that does not mean the dog cannot be trained. For an experienced dog owner, the Basset Hound can be trained with persistence and dedication. An inexperienced dog owner may struggle with the Basset Hound’s stubborn aloofness.

Due to its easygoing personality, the Basset Hound makes an excellent companion for anyone who prefers to stay indoors. Still, this dog (like any) will need adequate time outdoors.

Basset Hound lying down on the grass
Image Credit: Billion Photos, Shutterstock

How Well Do Basset Hounds Do with Families?

Basset Hounds are great with families. They’re known to be moderately affectionate, but their main strength comes from their loyalty. Few creatures on the planet will be as steadfast and dedicated to you and your family as the Basset Hound.

Basset Hounds are excellent family pets due to their friendly personalities and playful streak. Plus, their low-energy nature means they can snuggle indoors with the family without needing to tear around the house.

How Well Do Basset Hounds Do with Other Dogs?

Basset Hounds get along great with other dogs. They are known to be friendly and willing to accept a new dog’s presence in the home.

However, it is important to properly socialize your Basset Hound to ensure that unfamiliar faces are not met with aggression or fear. Likewise, a proper introduction will be necessary to make sure that your Basset Hound and the new dog do not get off on the wrong foot. Take your time with introductions, and keep your dogs separate until it is time to bring them closer together. This process can take days or weeks, so don’t rush it.

Basset hound puppies eating from the bowl
Image Credit: Anna Tronova, Shutterstock

How Well Do Basset Hounds Do with Strangers?

Basset Hounds are moderately reserved regarding strangers, but with enough time and encouragement, they can view strangers as new friends. If you’re looking for a guard dog, the Basset Hound is not the way to go. They will alert you of a stranger, but beyond that, there isn’t much that they will do about an intruder. They are somewhat vigilant but willing to step aside and allow anyone inside the home.

How Often Do Basset Hounds Bark?

Basset Hounds are very vocal dogs. They bark at threats, neighbors, or squirrels running in the yard. If you live in an apartment or a location with a strict policy on noise pollution, you must control the dog’s urge to bark before it spirals out of control. Considering how difficult the Basset Hound can be to train, it isn’t going to be easy, but it will be necessary if you want to live in a house that isn’t filled with barking.

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What Does Caring for a Basset Hound Look Like?

Properly caring for a dog is the primary responsibility of a dog owner. Beyond ensuring that your Basset Hound is getting a healthy diet and seeing the vet regularly, you must also take care of its grooming, exercise, and training.


Basset Hounds don’t shed much but require more maintenance than the average dog. Although the dog has a short, sleek coat, it requires frequent brushing to ensure its fur doesn’t spread throughout the house. Brushing your Basset Hound once weekly is a good way to keep the shedding to a minimum.

Also, the folds of your Basset Hound’s skin may need extra cleaning. Its skin can accumulate grease without proper cleaning, leading your dog to smell bad. Bathing them at least every 3 weeks is an excellent way to prevent your Basset Hound from producing too much grease on his skin.

Credit: siberian spring, Shutterstock


While Basset Hounds are moderately energetic, they have excellent stamina. They need regular exercise, but it should not be too strenuous. Daily, moderate exercise is perfect for this pup, such as a medium-length walk in the park.


Training ensures your dog’s safety and ability to adjust to unfamiliar situations. Although the Basset Hound can be independent and stubborn, it is possible to train it effectively. To build a training foundation, focus on early socialization as well as providing treats for obedience.


Final Thoughts

Basset Hounds are excellent pets for families due to their charming demeanor and their friendliness around children. While the Basset Hound may be challenging to train and require extra grooming care, the dog makes an excellent companion for any family.

Featured Image Credit: Jon Buscall, Shutterstock

The post Will a Basset Hound Be Good with My Kids? Facts & FAQ appeared first on Pet Keen.

How Fast Can Labradoodles Run? Facts & FAQ

Running is more fun with a companion, and many people enjoy dogs that enjoy running as much as they do. Fortunately, Labradoodles are a great choice for a running partner since they can hit a 35-mph sprint and a regular pace of 25 mph.

Find out more about how fast a Labradoodle can run and how you can create the best running companion with your dog.


Labradoodle Running Speed

There are no scientific records of the Labradoodle’s running speed, but the average of 25 mph for a regular pace aligns with the average speeds for the dog’s size and breed. Labradors are bred to retrieve, so they must be able to keep pace over distances. Similarly, Poodles were originally bred to hunt and retrieve.

The fastest dog, a Greyhound, can clock speeds of 40 mph. Small and toy breeds, with their small stature and short legs, can only reach speeds of about 5 or 10 mph. Large or giant breeds, such as the Newfoundland, are too heavy and stocky to be quick.

The middle range, such as German Shorthair Pointers, Siberian Huskies, and Dalmatians, are close to the Labradoodle in size and build—neither heavy nor especially light. They have speeds between 15 mph and 25 mph.

parti labradoodle on jetty
Image Credit: TheWonderWays, Shutterstock

What Affects the Labradoodle’s Running Speed?

Labradoodles are a mixed breed that includes a Labrador Retriever and a Poodle. Though these dogs have similarities across litters, their genetics are variable and depend on the traits of the parents and how they express in the puppies.

Though some Labradoodles may reach sprint speeds of 35 mph and a regular pace of 25 mph, that doesn’t mean all of them will. Some may be faster or slower, especially if they’re young, old, or struggling with health or mobility issues.

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Are Labradoodles Faster Than Other Animals?

Labradoodles have impressive running speeds, but they fall short of some of the fastest animals in the world.

Cheetah 0–60 mph in 3 seconds
Springbok 55 mph
Lion 50 mph
Wildebeest 50 mph
Pronghorn 35 mph
Labradoodles 25–35 mph

Labradoodles are still fast dogs, however, especially with a sprint. And even if you have a slower Labradoodle, it’s still faster than the average human and more than capable of keeping up on a daily run.

With average speeds of 8 mph for men and 6.5 mph for women, even toy breeds are faster than humans. The fastest track athletes still have an average speed of 15 mph, so it’s more likely that you’ll be struggling to keep up with your dog, not the other way around.

Brown Labradoodle jumps throug a tire
Image Credit: Fabian Kleinke, Shutterstock

How Should I Start Running with My Labradoodle?

If you want your Labradoodle to accompany you on runs, it’s important to take proper precautions. Puppies shouldn’t be out on rigorous runs, as it can damage their joints and hinder growth. Limit your time out to short, light jogs until your dog is an adult.

When that time comes, usually around 12 or 18 months, you can slowly build up your dog’s conditioning to prepare for regular running. Be sure to consult with your veterinarian to make sure your dog is fit and healthy as a running companion.


Get Ready to Run

If you want a running buddy, Labradoodles are a great breed for it. While they’re not the fastest breed, they can sustain speeds of 25 mph over distances and are perfectly capable of being alongside a slower human runner. But running should be fun for both of you, so make sure you take it slow and give your dog time to get fit for regular runs or jogs.

Featured Image Credit: Flyby Photography, Shutterstock

The post How Fast Can Labradoodles Run? Facts & FAQ appeared first on Pet Keen.

How Much Do Pugs Smell? Facts & FAQ

With their goofy, Instagram-worthy smile and silly shenanigans, Pugs get away with a lot of mischief. However, as avid cuddlers, you may have noticed that your snuggly Pug, well, stinks a lot. You don’t have to feel bad—it’s normal. Pugs are known to be smelly pets, but there are actually a few reasons why. If you’re interested in finding out more and how you can control bad Pug odors, read down below.


Why Do Pugs Smell Bad?

Pugs can smell bad for a whole laundry list of reasons, and some are more common than others. Check out each and diagnose accordingly with your Pug to stop bad smells in their tracks.

adult apricot pug dog looking at camera
Image Credit: Tamara Hastings, Shutterstock

Skin Folds

The myriad skin folds on a Pug’s face and even body can harbor bacteria that feast on trapped skin cells and hair. These bacteria can turn into a yeast infection or other malodorous discharge. Regularly clean your Pug’s skin folds, especially if they go outside often. Messy eating can get food trapped in there too, so watch for rogue bits in your Pug’s fur.

Skin Oils

Simply put, skin oils build up after a Pug hasn’t had a nice thorough bath in a while, causing doggy body odor. This is thankfully fixed very easily with a nice bath with your favorite dog shampoo.

fawn pug dog waiting to go out to playground
Image Credit: Ezzolo, Shutterstock

Yeast Infections

These typically happen around the face, skin folds, and ears, but they can occur anywhere. Yeast infections present as a discharge and rash-like marks on your Pug’s skin. These are commonly treated with antibiotics or topical medications.

Stinky Paws

Pugs love playing outside like any breed, and they pick up the weirdest stuff on their paws sometimes. It’s a good idea to briefly rinse off your Pug when they go outside, which helps keep them smelling fresh for longer. Fungal infections may require a special antifungal spray, which a trusted vet can help you with.

Puggle relaxing on the couch
Image Credit: Anna Hoychuk, Shutterstock

Females in Heat Emit Odors

Female Pugs in heat can produce an unpleasant odor, which is due to tissue and blood coming from their genitals. There really isn’t much to do about this one except to spay your Pug and give her more regular baths, but a vet can give you more specific information about caring for your dog during this time.

Dental Hygiene

Pugs’ mouths are uniquely shaped and suited to breed bacteria that generate bad odors like foul doggy breath. Dental chews and treats like carrots are great self-cleaning supplies to have, but there’s no substitute for just brushing your dog’s teeth every so often. It’ll definitely do wonders for their bad breath and keep their overall dental health in great shape.

teeth of a pug dog getting checked by a vet
Image Credit: Ermolaev Alexander, Shutterstock


The dreaded dog farts are almost always because of a diet issue, though rarely a condition like IBS. Regulating mealtimes and not feeding your dog table scraps will go a long way to stopping offensive dog farts at night.

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How to Control Bad Pug Odors

Pugs might be stinkier than in their photos, but that doesn’t mean you should quit on them. You have lots of options to keep your Pug clean, happy, and healthy. Let’s review some of those so you can get an idea of how to best mitigate your smelly Pug.

  • Use high-quality shampoos that won’t harm your Pug’s natural skin oils since they could suffer even worse skin issues as a result.

  • Trim your dog’s nails when you bathe them. Dog nails can harbor bacteria that contribute to odors.

  • Clean your Pug’s face folds and ears every day. It seems excessive, but they can accumulate dust and other stuff quite fast!

  • Dry your Pug completely after bath time. Nobody likes the wet dog smell.



Pugs are one of the cuddliest dogs on the block, but they take some work to stay clean and fresh. Regular baths and a good wipe down on their skin folds will help keep them clean, at a bare minimum.

Featured Image Credit: fongleon356, Shutterstock

The post How Much Do Pugs Smell? Facts & FAQ appeared first on Pet Keen.