Why Do Cats Like Bathtubs So Much? 7 Likely Reasons

At first thought, it’s an odd conundrum. Your cat can’t stand it when you want to bathe them, but in between baths, they want to spend all their time in the tub. But while it might seem a bit odd at first, there’s usually a pretty good reason for this.

Below, we’ve highlighted a few reasons you might keep finding your cat in the tub, and after you learn a bit more about them, they’ll start to make a bit more sense!


Reasons Why Cats Like Bathtubs So Much

While your cat might not enjoy it when you turn the water on in the tub, that doesn’t mean you won’t catch them lying around enjoying the tub in between uses. Below, we’ve highlighted seven different reasons your cat might like hanging out in the tub so much.

1. It’s Cool

Image Credit: artsandra, Shutterstock

If it’s a hot summer day, your cat might just enjoy the cool feeling of the tub. Bathtubs tend to provide a cool surface even on the hottest days, and sometimes, that’s exactly what a cat is looking for. If you pay attention to when your cat is heading to the bathtub to hang out, it might tell you why they like it so much.

2. It’s Warm

Just like your cat might want to hang out in the bathtub because it’s cool, there’s also a chance they want to hang out in the bathtub because the bathroom is a bit warmer than the rest of the house. If this sounds like your bathroom, it might be why they’re constantly heading in there.

And once they’re in the bathroom, they’re just looking for a comfortable place to lie down, and the bathtub might be it.

3. It’s Cozy & Compact

Cat lying in the bathtub
Image Credit: Natalia De la Rubia, Shutterstock

While you might not think of an empty bathtub as the perfect place to take a nap, there are a few different reasons your cat might think this way. It’s a smooth surface, and the enclosure makes them feel safe, but if something comes up, they can quickly hop out and get away.

This all makes for an ideal place for a cat to curl up or stretch out, and it’s why so many cats simply can’t get enough of bathtubs!

4. There Might Be Water

While your cat might not like a lot of water, a little water sitting in a nook or a crevice is pretty interesting to them. It gives them something to look at, and if they’re thirsty, they can go over and take a drink. Most cats don’t want to be in a ton of water, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want it around.

5. It’s Interesting

cat in the bathtub
Image Credit: Irina Borodovskaya, Shutterstock

The bathtub might not seem all that interesting to you, but sometimes, your tub is full of fun surprises! There might be a little water hanging out on the surface, or the faucet might drip occasionally. Either way, it’s all part of what might make a bathtub so interesting to a cat.

6. They Want to Be Near You

The bathroom is often one of the most frequented rooms in your home, and many cats want to be near all that activity. It’s also somewhere they can come up and nudge you while you can’t get away as quickly, which is a prime opportunity for many cats.

You might not want them nudging you while you’re taking care of your business, but often, your cat just wants your attention however they can get it.

7. They Might Like Water

Image Credit: sophiecat, Shutterstock

While most cats don’t like water, there are some exceptions to the rule. Some cats love being near water, and if they come to associate the bathtub with a place where they can get in the water, they might keep coming back hoping for more.

You should have a good idea if this is why your cat is coming to the bathtub so often simply because they keep wanting you to give them a bath.


Final Thoughts

Now that you know a little bit more about why your cat might like hanging out in the tub so much, perhaps you can narrow it down to the exact reason and set up a few more interesting areas for them.

Of course, there’s a good chance your cat is already happy with what you have for them, just keep giving them access to the bathtub and everyone should remain happy. Just ensure they’re out of the tub before you hop in and turn on the water!

Featured Image Credit: sophiecat, Shutterstock

The post Why Do Cats Like Bathtubs So Much? 7 Likely Reasons appeared first on Pet Keen.

Should I Pick Scabs Off My Cat? Vet Reviewed Potential Causes

If you see a scab on your cat, you may wonder what happened, why it’s there, and if you should pick it off or not. The short answer is, no, don’t pick off the scab! In this article, we’ll learn a little about what scabs are, the potential causes of them in a cat, as well as what we should do if we see a scab present. Read on to learn more!


What Are Scabs?

Scabs are the body’s natural band-aid, placing a plug over the wound to allow for it to heal from the inside out. As soon as there is a break in the skin, platelets and clotting factors will be brought to the site to stop the blood loss. As these cells dry, they then form the scab. Underneath this scab, additional cells are then brought in to decrease inflammation and promote healing. Ideally, as the wound heals, the scab will eventually fall off and allow the healed tissue underneath to be exposed.

Of course, scabs do not appear by themselves but are rather the secondary result of a primary cause. Any cat owner that sees a scab on their cat should prioritize investigating the primary cause. A scab could be caused by a variety of sources, some of which will be pointed out next.

a cat with scabs on its back
Image Credit: willi Lumintang, Shutterstock

Potential Causes of Scabs in Cats

A cat could get a scab (or scabs), for a number of reasons. These could range from getting a scratch from another animal to a parasite bite, or self-mutilation from scratching due to allergies. While the causes can be diverse, some possibilities are listed below.

Traumatic injuries such as:
  • Scratch, cut, or abrasion

  • Laceration

  • Bug bite or sting

  • Bite wound from another animal

  • Burn

  • Foxtail (also known as a grass awn)

Medical conditions such as:
  • Allergies (food, flea, environmental)

  • Feline acne

  • Parasites such as fleas, mites, lice, etc.

  • Skin bacterial or fungal infection

  • Skin cancer

  • Immune-mediated diseases such as pemphigus foliaceus or pemphigus vulgaris

  • Dry skin

Often, in the case of cat scabs, miliary dermatitis may be present on the skin as evidence that there is a larger issue going on with the cat’s overall health. Miliary dermatitis is when a cat has many small pimple-like bumps on the skin that have a crust or scab present. This is not a disease in and of itself but may be a sign or response to some other primary medical condition.  These primary causes could include those listed above, such as a flea allergy or skin mites.  Further investigation will need to be determined to find out the cause of miliary dermatitis and the source of these scabs.

a scab on a cat
Image Credit: Emily Goodwin, Shutterstock

Should I Pick Scabs Off My Cat?

As mentioned earlier, scabs are the body’s natural process of healing a wound. To allow for the best chance of letting the injury heal quickly and properly, the best course of action is to let the scab fall off on its own.

While humans are often very concerned that removing a scab too early will worsen scar formation, in cats the primary concern and reason for leaving the scab alone is to ensure optimal health and recovery. To decrease the risk of infection, we should make sure the scab is bothered as little as possible and prevent the wound from reopening. While this means one shouldn’t pick at the scab, it also means that we should try to prevent the cat in question from self-mutilating (licking, biting, scratching) the area to allow it the best chance at having an uncomplicated healing process.


What Should I Do If My Cat Gets Scabs?

At home

If there’s a simple minor scab or two, you may not need to rush to the veterinarian but do closely monitor it. If the scabs are increasing in number or severity, are not healing over time, are accompanied by prominent itchiness or hair loss, or have signs of infection (such as redness, swelling, and/or pain), it would be a good idea to make an appointment with your cat’s veterinarian.

a cat with scabs near its eye
Image Credit: eremeevdv, Shutterstock

At the veterinary office

In the event that a cat’s scabs are part of a larger medical concern, the veterinarian will want to see the scabs in their severity and location without having them removed. They may even need to take a sample of the scabbed area, so again, it’s best to leave the area alone prior to having them seen.

The veterinarian will need a detailed history and will conduct a complete physical exam. Depending on what they glean from these things, they may need to conduct additional tests to help locate the primary cause of the scabs. Some potential tests could include skin scrapes, fungal cultures, checking for external parasites, food allergy testing, intradermal skin testing, or getting a sample of the skin to be evaluated under the microscope. These tests may be done in various phases to rule in or out different causes. In some circumstances, a referral to a veterinary dermatologist may be indicated. The prescribed treatment will be determined by the inciting cause of the scabs.

It’s important to note that as scabs harden and heal, they can then become dry. Dryness may cause your cat discomfort, itching, or self-mutilation. To help your cat with the healing process, you can discuss with your veterinarian some options that may help your cat such as an Elizabethan collar (to keep them from licking or chewing at their skin), ointment (to medicate, help calm, and hydrate the affected areas) that is appropriate to use on cats, or other options that may help with hair/skin health such as vital nutrients or supplements (e.g. vitamin E).



A minor scab on a cat should be left to heal and not be removed or picked off. If there are numerous or recurring scabs, or there are other signs of a problem (such as having the area infected or intense itchiness), making a veterinary visit to have your cat examined would be a good next step. As there are many potential causes of scabs on a cat, this visit can help to determine the primary cause, resolve the underlying health problem, and take care of the scabs all at once.

Featured Image Credit: Darika Sutchiewcharn, Shutterstock

The post Should I Pick Scabs Off My Cat? Vet Reviewed Potential Causes appeared first on Pet Keen.

8 Pet Birds That Don’t Fly (With Pictures)

Several birds can be kept as pets, but very few can’t fly. From our research, ducks and chickens are the best birds to keep as pets if you don’t want them to fly away. While these birds are usually kept for eggs or meat, they are often kept as pets. Many of the ducks and chickens discussed below are sweet, gentle, and love to be around people.


The 8 Pet Birds That Don’t Fly

1. Pekin Ducks

two pekin ducks walking on grass
Image Credit: woeger, Pixabay
Weight: 7 to 9 pounds
Temperament: Friendly, noisy
Lifespan: 8 to 12 years

Pekin Ducks weigh 7 to 9 pounds, grow to be around 20 inches in height, and have a lifespan of between 8 and 12 years, making them an excellent option for a pet. Pekin Ducks are docile and friendly and can lay 150 to 200 large white eggs a year to put on your breakfast table.

These birds have strong wings and even hollow bones capable of flight, but their weight keeps them from getting off the ground. They are also called White Pekins, American Pekins, and Long Island Ducks. Instead of trying to fly, Pekin ducks are perfectly content to waddle around in the backyard, swim in a pond, or even splash in puddles, making them the perfect duck to add to a backyard flock. They also like to make noise, so ensure you’re prepared.

2. Indian Runner Ducks

two Indian runner ducks
Image Credit: Erwin Bosman, Shutterstock
Weight: 3.5 to 5 pounds
Temperament: Energetic
Lifespan: 8 to 12 years

Indian Runner Ducks can run very fast, but they can’t fly. That is because the duck has a unique, erect posture, much like a penguin, that keeps it from being able to take flight. Although they can’t fly, their speed can become an issue if they don’t have enough room to run.

They are very quiet but, if startled, can jump a fence in fright, so make sure your fence is high enough to keep them in. Indian Runners are available in quite a few colors, including brown and white, and are great for egg production. On average, a hen can lay between 300 and 350 eggs a year.

They are happy scampering around and playing in the water for hours and make great pets. Indian Runners grow 20 to 30 inches tall, weigh between 3.5 and 5 pounds, and live for 8 to 12 years.

3. Cayuga Ducks

cayuga ducks
Image Credit: Elsemargriet, Shutterstock
Weight: 7 to 8 pounds
Temperament: Calm
Lifespan: 8 to 12 years

Cayuga Ducks weigh between 7 and 8 pounds, and live for 8 to 12 years, if they are cared for properly. This lazy, calm bird doesn’t want to stray from the property, even if it could fly to do so. However, younger females might attempt to take flight if their environment is unsettling.

Once the birds are fully grown, they are too heavy to fly. These ducks make excellent pets and are absolutely gorgeous with their black feathers and emerald-green sheen. They’re primarily raised for meat and eggs but still make great pets. They can lay 100 to 150 eggs per year.

4. Rouen Ducks

rouen duck
Image Credit: SAVA86, Pixabay
Weight: 6 to 8 pounds
Temperament: Calm and easy to tame
Lifespan: 8 to 12 years

Rouen Ducks weigh between 6 and 8 pounds, making them too heavy to fly, and they live 8 to 12 years. They are raised for show and meat but are docile and easy to tame, meaning they also make great pets. They have gorgeous plumage and come in a few shades of brown, with gray feet and bills.

The Rouen isn’t the best duck for egg production as they only lay between 140 to 180 eggs per year, if that. It is often kept as a backyard bird and is good with kids. Plus, you don’t have to worry about the breed trying to run away or fly away, either.

5. Orpington Chickens

two Lavender Orpington Chickens
Image Credit: Racheal Carpenter, Shutterstock
Weight: 8 to 10 pounds
Temperament: Calm
Lifespan: 5 to 10 years

Orpington Chickens weigh 8 to 10 pounds at full growth and live for between 5 and 10 years. They are an incredibly docile and gentle breed that won’t be trying to escape over the fence. The Orpington is easy to care for, gets along well with children, and works great for first-time chicken owners.

From blue to brown, there are many colors to choose from when purchasing these chickens as pets. The type of Orpington Chicken you keep will determine how many eggs you get each year.

6. Silkie Chickens

white and grey silkie chicken colors
Image Credit: Olga Salt, Shutterstock
Weight: 3 to 4 pounds
Temperament: Docile
Lifespan: 7 to 9 years

Silkie chickens weigh 3 to 4 pounds, meaning they aren’t very heavy, but their tiny wings make it impossible to fly. They live 7 to 9 years on average but can live longer if cared for well. This docile, gentle, kid-friendly breed loves to be around people.

Silkies are available in white, black, partridge, buff, blue, splash, and gray colors. They lay small, cream-colored eggs but only produce an average egg yield of 100 eggs a year. They are also beginner-friendly and easy to care for.

If you’re looking for a pet chicken that can’t fly, is adorably tiny, and is family-friendly, you’ve found your pet with the Silkie chicken.

7. Plymouth Rock Chickens

Close up shot of Plymouth Rock chicken in Old City Park at Texas
Image Credit: Kit Leong, Shutterstock
Weight: 3 to 7.5 pounds
Temperament: Docile
Lifespan: 6 to 8 years

One of the oldest breeds of chicken is the Plymouth Rock Chicken. It weighs 3 to 7.5 pounds, lives for 6 to 8 years, and is friendly, docile, and gentle. It can lay 200+ large eggs a year, and you can expect plenty of eggs on the table during the summer and winter. The Plymouth Rock is a gentle, sweet bird that gets along well with humans and other animals.

They can’t fly, so you don’t have to worry about them escaping your yard, and they love to be picked up, petted, and pampered. It’s important to note that these birds need quite a bit of tender loving care from their owners, so you can’t just drop them in the backyard and forget them. They become attached and will demand attention if you’re not giving them the attention they think they need.

8. Australorp Chickens

Black australorp chickens_Shutterstock_Ton Bangkeaw
Image Credit: Ton Bangkeaw, Shutterstock
Weight: 5 to 8 pounds
Temperament: Docile
Lifespan: 6 to 10 years

Australorp Chickens are docile and can live between six and 10 years if they are cared for properly. They weigh 5 to 8 pounds when they are fully grown and make a great addition to any backyard. They produce large brown eggs, with an annual egg production of around 260, so you should have enough eggs all year. Since they are a heavier breed, they struggle to fly, so they won’t fly off to unknown parts. Australorps are available in black, blue, and white colors.

It is a family-friendly breed that loves children and has no problem with other pets. The bird has often been classified as dignified, lovable, and a delight to have around, so what could be better than that?



If you’re looking for a pet bird that doesn’t fly or is too heavy to fly, the ducks and chickens we’ve discussed could be the perfect choice for you. If you’re considering purchasing ducks or chickens for pets, remember that they take a lot of work, and many of the birds on our list need extra attention from their pet owners.

While keeping a duck or a chicken as a pet may seem odd to some, you’d be surprised how many people do it. Keeping a duck or chicken is ideal if you want a loyal pet and enjoy eating fresh eggs. Besides, they are adorable, colorful, and sweet as well.

Featured Image Credit: furbymama, Pixabay

The post 8 Pet Birds That Don’t Fly (With Pictures) appeared first on Pet Keen.