Why Do Cats Drink Out of the Toilet? 6 Vet Approved Reasons

Cats are known for being fastidiously clean, so it may come as quite a surprise to find your precious feline lapping from the toilet bowl. Unsettling as this may be, it’s important to understand why they might be doing it. Let’s dive into five common reasons that might explain this peculiar feline behavior.


The 6 Reasons Cats Drink Out of the Toilet

1. They Are Attracted to Cool Water

Cats have a natural preference for cooler water, and the porcelain toilet bowl naturally helps keep the water at a lower temperature than a typical metal or plastic pet dish. It’s like a naturally chilled drinking spot that can be hard for a cat to resist.

But what can we do to counteract this toilet temptation? A simple way to break this habit is to offer your cat a similarly cool and refreshing alternative. Consider investing in a ceramic or glass bowl for your cat’s water.

These materials retain coolness similar to porcelain and are more appealing to cats compared to plastic or metal. Also, consider popping a few ice cubes into their water bowl during warmer days to keep the water cool.

Abyssinian Cat on the toilet bowl
Image Credit: Seregraff, Shutterstock

2. Toilet Water Seems Fresher to Your Cat

The regular flushing of a toilet introduces oxygen into the water, making it taste fresher. From a cat’s perspective, the toilet mimics a flowing stream—a source of fresh, clean water in the wild. There is also often very slight movement in the water’s surface, especially if you have a toilet that keeps running!

To simulate this freshness and keep your cat away from the toilet, consider investing in a cat water fountain. The continuous flow of water in a fountain mimics a stream, providing constantly refreshed and oxygenated water, enticing your cat to drink from it.

3. Your Cat Is Entertained by the Toilet’s Flush

Toilet flushing can be an exciting spectacle for cats. The swirling water and the rush of the flush can serve as a source of entertainment, and the resulting fresh water becomes a tempting drinking source.

This can cause other problems if your cat learns how to flush the toilet themselves, as many have done, racking up a huge water bill!

Keep your cat stimulated with other forms of entertainment. Interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and regular playtime can help divert their attention from the toilet. The more entertained they are, the less likely they’ll resort to the toilet for amusement.

4. They Prefer Separate Feeding and Drinking Areas

In the wild, cats would keep their food and water sources separate to avoid potential contamination. If your cat’s water dish is too close to their food, they might opt for the toilet instead.

Try to use separate areas for your cat’s food and water. Having several water stations in different parts of your home can encourage your cat to drink from these spots rather than resort to the toilet.

grey cat near water bowl
Image Credit: Vera_Chan, Shutterstock

5. The Cat’s Water Bowl Is Not Clean Enough

Cats are notorious for their cleanliness. If their water bowl isn’t clean, they may reject it and choose a seemingly cleaner source like the toilet bowl. Ensure you clean your cat’s water bowl daily to keep it appealing. Rinse it thoroughly to remove any residue or old food particles that may have fallen in.

By keeping their bowl clean and fresh, your cat will be more inclined to use it. Remember, your cat’s standards for cleanliness might be higher than your own, so a clean bowl is paramount in encouraging proper hydration habits.

6. They Have a Health Condition

Health problems such as urinary tract infections, kidney disease, or diabetes can cause your cat to drink excessively. In these cases, you may notice that they are drinking from their bowls, the sink, dripping taps, and the toilet.

If your cat is not just drinking from the toilet, but is drinking more in general, it is important to get them checked by a vet.

cat at vet with owner and veternarian
Image Credit: 4 PM production, Shutterstock


Potential Risks: Why Toilet Water Is Not Ideal for Cats

While the toilet water itself may seem clean, it can harbor various microorganisms like E. coli, that are not particularly healthy for your pet. Additionally, any cleaning agents, such as bleach or commercial toilet cleaners, can be highly toxic to cats. Therefore, it’s crucial to curb this habit to safeguard your feline friend’s health.

The most obvious solution to this unfortunate habit is to keep the toilet lid down, but as many household arguments have proven, this is not always the easiest rule to enforce. It also doesn’t address the issue of why your cat is seeking this alternative water source.

So let’s take a look at some things you should be doing to keep your kitty’s chin up, and out of that porcelain bowl.

tricolor tabby cat in the toilet peeks into the toilet bowl
Image Credit: Galina-Photo, Shutterstock

Tips to Keep Your Cat Healthy, Happy, and out of your Toilet

Keeping your feline companion healthy and happy isn’t just about providing food, water, and a warm place to sleep. Cats have unique behavioral and physical needs that should be met to ensure their well-being. Here are some valuable tips to help you keep your cat not only healthy but also purring with happiness.

Regular Vet Checkups

Regular vet checkups are crucial for keeping your cat healthy. These visits allow your vet to monitor your cat’s health over time and catch any potential health issues early, making treatment easier and more effective.

Adequate Nutrition

Feeding your cat a balanced, high-quality diet is vital to maintain their health. Consult with your vet about the best type of food for your cat’s breed, age, and health status. Also, ensure fresh water is always available.

man holding cat in vet clinic
Image Credit: VGstockstudio, Shutterstock

Regular Exercise

Just like humans, cats need regular exercise to stay healthy. Playing with your cat not only helps them stay in shape but also strengthens your bond with them and keeps them mentally stimulated.

Mental Stimulation

Cats are intelligent creatures and require mental stimulation. Interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and environmental enrichment, such as climbing trees or perches, can help keep your cat’s mind sharp. If you don’t have the floor space for a good sized cat tree, look into some options for wall and ceiling-mounted cat shelves and platforms that will keep your kitty occupied and exercised.


Regular grooming is essential, especially for long-haired cats. Brushing helps to prevent matting and hairballs, and it can be a wonderful bonding activity. Plus, it allows you to check for any skin issues or external parasites.

close up of pet hair brush with pet fur clump after grooming cat
Image Credit: RJ22, Shutterstock

Dental Care

Don’t overlook your cat’s dental health. Dental disease can lead to a host of other health problems. Use specially designed cat toothbrushes and toothpaste to keep their teeth clean and healthy. Regular vet checkups will also include dental examinations.

By following these tips, you can help ensure that your cat stays healthy and content and lives a long, happy life. Remember, each cat is unique and may require different care, so always consult with your vet for personalized advice.



Understanding why cats drink from the toilet can help you better cater to their hydration needs while discouraging this potentially harmful behavior. By making slight adjustments to their environment, providing a fresher water source, or simply adding some fun distractions, you can ensure your pet stays both hydrated and entertained—without resorting to toilet water!

Featured Image Credit: Olivia Lorot, Shutterstock

The post Why Do Cats Drink Out of the Toilet? 6 Vet Approved Reasons appeared first on Pet Keen.

Can Dogs Eat Oatmeal? Vet Approved Facts & FAQ

Many dog owners often wonder, “Can dogs eat oatmeal?” And the answer is yes! Most dogs can absolutely eat oatmeal in moderation. However, like any other human food, certain rules apply. So, let’s go on an informative journey to understand how to serve oatmeal to our four-legged buddies and things to consider before offering it to them.


Oatmeal’s Nutritional Value for Dogs

Oatmeal, packed with dietary fiber and rich in a variety of nutrients, could be a healthy occasional addition to your dog’s diet. Oatmeal can also be a wholesome alternative carbohydrate for dogs sensitive to grains.

Infused with the goodness of vitamin B, oatmeal helps in maintaining a lustrous coat, and its linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid1, supports robust skin health. Soluble fiber, another strong point of oatmeal, can help regulate blood glucose levels. It may also offer assistance for dogs struggling with irregular bowel movements.

A few words of caution here: An overabundance of fiber can result in gastrointestinal upset, which isn’t the most pleasant of experiences. It can come with symptoms like vomiting and diarrhea. Thus, the phrase “moderation is key” is worth remembering.

Oatmeal may also not be suitable for all dogs, for example those who are obese or have underlying health conditions. Dogs on prescription diets should not have any additions to their diet unless you have the go ahead from your vet.

dachshund dog eating from elevated bowl
Image Credit: marialevkina, Shutterstock

Serving Oatmeal to Dogs: A Step-By-Step Guide

Before adding oatmeal to your dog’s menu, a quick primer on the best way to serve it is in order. While you may love oatmeal cooked in milk, it’s better to serve it to your dog prepared in water. Why, you ask? The reason is that many dogs are lactose intolerant, and their bodies may struggle with efficient lactose breakdown.

As for the cooking process, make sure the oatmeal is well-cooked, not served raw, to aid in easy digestion. And remember, while we love our oatmeal chock-full of additives like sugar and butter, these very ingredients can harm dogs so only ever serve it plain.

Special caution is needed against flavored oatmeal, which often contains excess sugar or even artificial sweeteners like xylitol, an additive that’s toxic to dogs.

Another pro tip is to avoid instant oatmeal, as it’s heavily processed, leading to a significant loss in nutritional value. And of course, before serving, let the oatmeal cool down to room temperature to prevent any potential mouth burns.

top view of a bowl of cooked oatmeal
Image Credit: Arctic ice, Shutterstock

Dietary Tips and Serving Size

While sharing oatmeal with your furry friend might seem like a bonding experience, remember your dog’s dietary needs are different from yours. Too much human food, regardless of type, can upset your pup’s stomach.

Here’s a simple rule of thumb: a single tablespoon of cooked oats per every 20 pounds of your dog’s weight should do the trick. Overindulging can lead to consequences like vomiting, diarrhea, and in extreme cases, even bloat. To steer clear of this, just stick to a small serving and give it to your furry pal once or twice a week, tops.

It’s always recommended to ensure your dog is primarily consuming a well-balanced commercial diet. When introducing oatmeal (or any new human food) to your dog’s diet, take a gradual approach and watch for any negative reactions. And in case of any alarming symptoms, reach out to your vet at the earliest.

Tips to Feed Your Dog a Healthy Diet

Switching gears from oatmeal, let’s focus on some general tips that can aid you in feeding your dog a healthy, balanced diet, ensuring they live their life to the fullest.

Go for a Balanced Commercial Diet

The backbone of your dog’s diet should be a commercial, well-balanced dog food. So you want to look for products that have met the nutritional standards of the Association of American Feed Control Officials (AAFCO).

These dog foods are designed to provide complete nutrition with a perfect balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.

woman feeding dog with dry food
Image Credit: RossHelen, Shutterstock

Keep Human Food to a Minimum

While it’s okay to treat your dog to some human foods occasionally, such as oatmeal, remember that their system is different from ours. They require a specific set of nutrients that might not be adequately provided by human food alone. Additionally, certain foods we enjoy can be harmful or even toxic to dogs.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate!

Water is as essential to dogs as it is to humans. Ensure your dog always has access to clean, fresh water, especially during hot weather or after periods of exercise. Staying hydrated helps maintain healthy kidney function and regulates body temperature.

Understand Your Dog’s Specific Needs

Not all dogs have the same dietary needs. Size, breed, age, activity level, and health status can greatly influence a dog’s nutritional requirements. Small breeds often need calorie-dense food, while larger breeds may benefit from certain joint-supporting nutrients. Age also plays a role, as puppies and senior dogs have unique dietary needs. It’s always best to consult with your vet when choosing the best diet for your dog.

feeding beagle dog
Image Credit: Olena Yakobchuk, Shutterstock

Portion Control Is Crucial

Overfeeding is a common problem that leads to obesity in dogs, which can result in various health problems. Ensure you’re feeding your dog the right amount by checking the feeding guidelines on your dog food and adjusting according to your dog’s activity level and body condition.

Regular Vet Checks

Regular vet visits can help monitor your dog’s weight and overall health status. They can provide personalized advice on feeding, especially if your dog has a health condition that requires a special diet. Never hesitate to ask questions or express concerns about your dog’s diet during these visits.

By keeping these tips in mind, you’re setting the stage for a healthy, balanced diet that will support your dog’s overall well-being and longevity. After all, a healthy dog is a happy dog!

veterinarian checking up a golden retriever dog using stethoscope
Image Credit: Ground Picture, Shutterstock



So, can dogs eat oatmeal? Absolutely! But as with everything in life, balance is crucial. Serve it cooked, avoid additives and flavorings, and watch the serving size to ensure that the oatmeal is not only enjoyed by your dog but is also benefiting them.

Featured Image Credit: olhovyi_photographer, Shutterstock

The post Can Dogs Eat Oatmeal? Vet Approved Facts & FAQ appeared first on Pet Keen.