Roundworm in Cats: Vet Approved Signs, Causes & Treatment

There are many animal species that can get roundworms, which are parasites that live inside the intestines. Cats fall into this category.

In fact, roundworms are one of the most common intestinal parasites in felines.1 Luckily, they aren’t often deadly or very serious, though they can be in at-risk cats and kittens. Most cats become infested with roundworms at some point in their lives.

Below, we’ll look at all the signs of roundworm infestation, as well as the causes and potential treatments.


What are Roundworms in Cats?

Roundworms are one of the most prevalent types of parasites that cats can get. They don’t always cause any signs of illness or harm to the cat. However, if the feline is already sickly, very young, or very old, they can cause illness and even death. Complications are common in kittens with heavy roundworm infestations. 

Therefore, it’s important to follow any deworming schedule your vet suggests and watch for signs of infestation. Unlike other parasites, roundworms do not attach to the wall of the intestine.

sick cat
Image Credit: one photo, Shutterstock

What Are the Signs of Roundworms in Cats?

Roundworms are not very harmful to adult cats. Therefore, it’s common for cats to be infested without any signs at all. In this case, you may not know your cat has roundworms until they’re diagnosed by the vet (or develop signs later on).

Large numbers of roundworms can cause problems for kittens and older cats. Often, these demographics are the ones that show the signs. Kittens may have a large stomach, decreased appetite, dull coat, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and poor growth.

You may not always notice signs in kittens, either, especially if they are healthy overall and only have a few roundworms. Likewise, you may notice roundworms in your cat’s stool or vomit, even if their infestation isn’t terribly serious.

What Are the Causes of Roundworms in Cats?

Most kittens become infested with roundworms through their mother’s milk. The roundworm larvae are present in the mother’s milk-producing glands and then passed to the kitten. Most kittens become infested in this way, especially if the mother wasn’t dewormed before becoming pregnant.

However, there are other ways cats can become infested, too. Roundworms start out living in a cat’s intestines, where they lay eggs. These eggs pass through the cat’s intestines and into their feces, which are then deposited into the environment.

From there, the eggs may end up inside another cat in several different ways. An uninfected cay may lick or bite contaminated plants, for instance. If the cat picks up the eggs on their coat, they may consume them while grooming. Mice and other rodents may also consume the eggs. When the cat hunts and ingests the infested mouse, they will become infested too. Once the roundworm eggs are in the cat’s digestive tract, the cycle starts all over again.

newborn kitten drinking milk from mother cat's nipple
Image Credit: Rembolle, Shutterstock

How Do I Care for a Cat with Roundworms?

Caring for a cat with intestinal roundworms is often pretty straightforward. While this condition does need treatment by a vet, the treatments are often fast and effective. In most cases, the vet will prescribe dewormers. Then, the dead roundworms will pass through the cat’s stool. Effective treatment will also include some home management with specific attention to organic waste management. Keep in mind that intestinal roundworms of cats can infest humans, so please make sure you follow the vet recommendations of keeping the litter box clean and increasing general hygiene standards such as regularly washing your hands.

Usually, the vet will recommend two or three treatments, as the larvae won’t be affected by the treatment. You must wait for the larvae to grow into adults, treat them again, and hope you do so before the larvae start laying eggs.

Kittens are routinely dewormed during their vaccination visits. It’s a fairly common practice that helps prevent kittens from developing more severe illnesses. Nursing females are often treated at the same time as their kittens to prevent them from continuously giving roundworms back to their babies.

However, something very important to consider is that you should never take it upon yourself to medicate your cat. A veterinarian must consider the possibility of a cat also being infested with heartworm or lungworms before starting an intestinal deworming schedule against roundworms. Some cases require additional treatments to prevent issues. While your cat is undergoing a vet-prescribed treatment, there is little you must do to support them. Often, the cat may feel sick for a day or so while the medicine works. However, many bounce back and never experience any adverse effects from the medication. Just make sure to follow your veterinarian’s prescription and ask any questions you might need clarification on. Also, let your veterinarian know if you notice any negative effects on your cat.


FAQs About Roundworms in Cats

How serious are roundworms in cats?

Roundworms in cats aren’t often very serious. In fact, cats may not even show signs of infestation in most cases. Usually, only young kittens get serious infections, which is why they are regularly dewormed.

Can I catch roundworms from my cat?

People can become infested with roundworms. If you clean your infested cat’s litterbox, you may inadvertently transmit the worms to yourself. Children who stick everything in their mouths are particularly at risk.

Do I need treatment if my cat has roundworms?

You may want to seek out a doctor’s advice on treating you and your family if your cat (or another pet) has roundworm. It is possible to catch roundworms from your cat. Luckily, they don’t usually cause much of a problem for most people.

How do I clean my house after a roundworm diagnosis?

You should vacuum the floor and clean other surfaces with an all-purpose cleaner. Roundworms aren’t particularly resistant to regular cleaning. Therefore, most households don’t need to do anything particularly special. Litterboxes and bedding may require special attention including regular cleaning and disinfection.

Can roundworms live in cat litter?

Roundworm eggs can live in cat litter. Therefore, cats will pass roundworms back and forth to each other through their litterbox. Often, when you deworm one animal in the household, you should deworm all the animals in the household, including the dogs.



Roundworms often aren’t serious in cats. Most won’t show signs of the infestation, as the roundworms don’t cause any negative side effects (most of the time). However, they can cause problems for some at-risk felines, like kittens and seniors. Cats with underlying health conditions may also be more likely to develop a serious infestation.

With that said, most vets do recommend deworming cats with roundworms. While they may not cause serious illnesses usually, there is always a risk of complications when a cat is infested.

Featured Image Credit: Todorean-Gabriel, Shutterstock

The post Roundworm in Cats: Vet Approved Signs, Causes & Treatment appeared first on Pet Keen.

Horse Genders Explained: A Simple Terminology Guide

If you are trying to get into the world of horses, you are likely going to come across a plethora of terms that might seem confusing and interchangeable. You could come across phrases like yearling filly, aged stallion, or friendly broodmare. To the uninitiated, these phrases are going to be unhelpful. Horses come with a host of gendered descriptors. Once you learn these terms, identifying a horse at a glance will be easy.

Male and female horses each have their own language that describes their age and breeding status. It might seem overwhelming at first, but learning these terms is helpful and easy to do. Here is everything you need to know about horse gender terminology in one simple guide.


Male Terms


colt horse
Image Credit: lucianomarelli, Pixabay
Male: less than 4 years old

Colts are male horses that are younger than 4 years old. Colts have not been neutered and typically have not been bred. Most breeders won’t transition a colt into a stud until they are at least 3 years old, but often older.


breton stallion
Image Credit: picardzucht, Pixabay
Intact male: 4 years and older

A stallion is an adult horse that has not been neutered. Horses are considered stallions if they are 4 years old or older. Not all stallions are used for breeding, and whether a horse has been bred or not does not have any bearing on whether it is considered a stallion. Most people will only keep stallions if they are being used for breeding, but that is not always the case.


Stud of bay Westphalian horse in meadow at summer
Image Credit: Alexia Khruscheva, Shutterstock
Intact male: used for breeding

A stud is a stallion that is actively being used for breeding. Most studs do not start being bred regularly until they are at least 3 years old. Stud is a term for a captive horse. Wild horses are not generally considered studs.


gray gelding horse_Pixabay
Image Credit: Pixabay
Intact male: any age after castration

A gelding is a male horse that has been castrated. Many captive horses are geldings since stallions can be hard to deal with. Many horse owners choose to castrate their male horses if they are not active breeders in order to improve their temperament and make them easier to ride, train, and handle.


mother and baby horse on the grass
Image Credit: Erdenebayar, Pixabay
Intact male: father to at least one foal

A sire is a male horse that has fathered a foal. The term sire is typically used when describing a horse’s parentage or lineage. A horse is only considered a sire if they have fathered at least one foal. Sire is basically the horse terminology for father.

horse shoe divider new do not use

Female Terms


filly horse running
Image Credit: Pixabay
Female: 4 years and younger

A filly is a female horse that is 4 years old or younger. Some people consider horses to be fillies until they are five. There can be some overlap where people consider females to be fillies through 5 years old. In either case, filly is used to describe a young female horse. Typically, fillies have not yet been bred or given birth to any foals.


chestnut brown mare running on a cloudy foggy meadow
Image Credit: el-ka, Shutterstock
Female: 5 years and older

The word mare is used to describe any adult female horse. Any female horse that has reached 4 years of age or older is considered a mare.


Pregnant mare
Image Credit: Marie Charouzova, Shutterstock
Female: used for breeding

A broodmare is a mare that is being raised or kept for breeding. Broodmares can carry multiple foals to term through their life. Broodmares are specifically raised and kept for breeding purposes. Having one foal on purpose or by accident does not necessarily make a mare a broodmare.


cretan Horse here with a baby, Messara_Shutterstock_Peter Maerky
Image Credit: Peter Maerky, Shutterstock
Female: mother

A dam is a mare that has had at least one foal. The term dam is used to track a foal’s parentage or lineage. It is the horse equivalent terminology of the word mother. If you see the word dam in relation to a horse, it describes the horse’s mother.

new horse shoe divider

Gender Neutral Terms


a mare and her foals
Image Credit: 127071, Pixabay
Any horse under 1 year old

A foal is any horse under the age of one. Foal is a gender-neutral term, like the word baby. Foals can be males or females.


Image Credit: vprotastchik, Shutterstock
Any horse under 15 year old

Aged is a term applied to horses that are 15 years old or older. The term aged is often applied to another descriptor. For example, you might see an advertisement for an aged male or an aged gelding. That means that they are older than fifteen. Sometimes the term aged is used for horses whose exact age is not known.


brown mold yearling horse
Image Credit: Pixabay
Any horse 1 year old that has not reached age 2

A yearling is a horse that has reached 1 year of age but is not yet 2 years old. The term yearling is often used for people trying to sell horses. Yearlings are very desirable horses, as it is the ideal time to buy. You may see the word yearling used on its own or in conjunction with another descriptor, such as colt. You can find yearling colts, yearling fillies, and occasionally yearling geldings.


Gender Chart

Young Standard Parent Breeding Non-Reproductive
MALE Colt Stallion Sire Stud Gelding
FEMALE Filly Mare Dam Broodmare N/A

new horse shoe divider


This guide covers all of the most common descriptors for horses. This is a non-exhaustive list. The horse world is old and complicated and filled with tradition. There are potentially dozens of other words and terms, including slang, that you may come across when dealing with horse trainers, owners, and breeders. However, these terms cover all of the basics and will get you started with most everything you need to know.

Featured Image Credit: jean-pierre duretz, Pixabay

The post Horse Genders Explained: A Simple Terminology Guide appeared first on Pet Keen.

Dug Up at Dogster: May 2023 Dog Events and Dog Holidays

The post Dug Up at Dogster: May 2023 Dog Events and Dog Holidays by Lauren Katims, Executive Editor Dogster appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on

Three May dog holidays stick out for me: National Dog Mom’s Day (for obvious reasons),  International Chihuahua Appreciation Day (see my Chiweenie, Lucy, in the photo!) and National Rescue Dog Day. Even though both my girls, Emmy and Lucy, now comfortably lounge around my house on their oversized beds, they once had no homes. During the height of the Covid pandemic, Emmy was abandoned at a school about an hour from my house. One of the teachers (my friend’s aunt) noticed a white, scruffy, furry dog around campus at all hours. She kindly took the dog to the vet, confirmed with the small community there was no responsible dog parent, and through social media efforts, Emmy made her way to our family. She loves to “talk,” to us (she picture) and is a happy and playful 3-year-old pup. Rescuing is not an option for everyone, but if you do ever have the chance to care for a homeless dog, it’s an incredibly rewarding experience.

May is also Westminster Kennel Club Dog show month and we’ve listed all the events, dates and links, so you won’t miss any of the furtastic action. Competing in dog shows isn’t as intimidating as it seems; it’s a fun way to bond with your dog. Nearly any dog breed (purebred or mixed breed) can enter and there’s a variety of events for all sizes and personality types. Read more about options for your dog and how to enter local dog competitions. 

Planning to attend any dog events near you? Send us pictures of your pup to be featured on our social media pages.

Or email us at

dog talking
Emmy loves to talk to our family. We hear you, girl! © Lauren Katims

May 2023 monthly dog holidays

Chip Your Pet month

National Pet month

Responsible Animal Guardian month

May 2023 dog holidays

May 3: National Specially-Abled Pets Day 

May 7: Mayday for Mutts 

May 7-13: National Pet week ; Be Kind to Animals week

May 8:National Animal Disaster Preparedness Day 

May 13: National Dog Mom’s Day

May 14: International Chihuahua Appreciation Day 

May 20: National Rescue Dog Day 

May 2023 dog events

Throughout May, 2023: The American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists (ACVO) National Service Animal Eye Exam Event. The 14th annual event takes place in 200 cities in the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico and Hong Kong to provide free eye exams during the month of May for service and working animals.

May 2 – 3, 2023: Amazon Pet Day. For 48 hours, snag deals on thousands of pet products and supplies on In addition to deals, Amazon Pets is donating more than $100,000 to a number of local nonprofits that support animal welfare. For more information, read this Amazon Pet Day 2023 FAQ.

May 5 – 7, 2023: Paws Chicago Spring Adopt-A-Thon. The 11th annual adopt-a-thon features a variety of pets, including several litters of kittens, dogs rescued from storms and gentle older pets as well. Adoptions are by appointment; walk-ins are welcome but subject to appointment availability. Held at the PAWS Chicago Lincoln Park Adoption Center. View the adoptable pets and schedule an adoption appointment at:

May 6, 2023: Coffee for Canines. Support Watson’s Wish Foundation, a nonprofit that helps fund surgeries for dogs, while socializing and sipping coffee. This event will take place at the Third Wind Coffee Taproom at the Sunbury Station, 100 North 3rd Street in Sunbury, PA. The fun includes, special drinks, a fundraising basket raffle and a photographer taking pictures of the dogs and their humans.

May 6, 2023: Helen Woodward Animal Center’s 9th annual Puppy Prom.  This prom-themed reunion has brought together former orphan pets and their families from “graduating classes” as far back as 2004.   Once again, the event returns to welcome pups decked out in delightful doggy dresses, tuxes, boutonnieres and painted paw-nails.  The prom-themed party is free to all Helen Woodward Animal Center alumni and other rescue-supporting guests. Junior and senior pooches can participate in such time-honored activities as the crowning of a Best Dressed “Prom King and Queen” ($15 per entry – ENTER HERE! ) Hosted by  Original 40 Brewing Company – 3117 University Ave, San Diego, CA.

May 6, 2023: 8th Annual Masters Obedience Championship at Westminster. Test dogs’ ability to comply with the asks of the handler. Purebred and mixed-breed dogs compete. Held at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Queens, NY. Visit for more info.

May 6, 2023: Masters Agility Championship at Westminster. Presented by Purina Pro Plan. Timed competition testing for dogs’ ability to compete obstacle course following cues of human handler. Purebred and mixed breed dogs compete. Held at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Queens, NY. Visit for more info.

May 8-9, 2023: 147th Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. Presented by Pro Plan. Hound, Toy, Non-sporting, Herding Breeds and Variety Groups compete on Monday, May 8th; Sporting, Working, Terrier Breeds and variety group compete Tuesday the 9th. Junior Showmanship Finals and Best in Show on Tuesday the 9th. Held at the USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Queens, NY. Visit for more info.

May 26, 2023: Frankenmuth Dog Bowl. Olympic-stye festival for dogs with activities like doc diving, disc competitions, wiener races, pet parades and more. Held at the Frankenmuth River Place Shops in Frankenmuth, MI. For more info, click here.

Want to see what dog holidays are coming up in 2023? Check out Dogster’s dog holiday list.


The post Dug Up at Dogster: May 2023 Dog Events and Dog Holidays by Lauren Katims, Executive Editor Dogster appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on