Parti Labradoodle: Origin, History, & Facts (With Pictures)

A Parti Labradoodle is just like any other Labradoodle. However, it has a parti-color coat pattern, which is a coat that’s mostly white with a few patches of another color. Usually, this other color is black, brown, cream, or apricot, though any color is technically possible.

This coloration is inherited from either parent. However, because this coloration isn’t recognized in any parent breed, finding dogs with the gene is rare. Therefore, these dogs tend to be much rarer than solid-colored Labradoodles.

Breed Overview


10 to 12 inches


45–75 pounds


10–15 years


Parti colored; white with any other coloration

Suitable for:

Individuals and families


Friendly, intelligent, loyal, eager to please

Because this is a mixed breed, they do vary considerably. However, they are one of the few mixed breeds that are highly popular. You’ll find Labradoodles sold across the world today—often for much more money than many purebred dogs. Parti-colored Labradoodles have risen to prominence with them.

This breed is mostly known for their low-shedding and hypoallergenic qualities (though these are debatable). However, there are many other interesting points you should know about this breed.

Parti Labradoodle Breed Characteristics


The Earliest Records of the Parti Labradoodle in History

There are no specific historical records for the parti Labradoodle. We don’t know exactly when they were first documented or mentioned. They likely originated in the 20th century with the rising popularity of other Labradoodles.

The intent behind the Labradoodle breed was to create a dog with the low-shedding and hypoallergenic qualities of the Poodle, combined with the friendly and sociable nature of the Labrador Retriever.

Originally, Labradoodles were bred as guide dogs for those with dog allergies. However, they quickly became popular companion animals.

The particolored Labradoodle likely emerged as part of the wider Labradoodle movement. However, we don’t know exactly when or where that happened.

Black and white parti Labradoodle
Image Credit: Flyby Photography, Shutterstock

How the Parti Labradoodle Gained Popularity

We can never know exactly why certain dogs become popular and others do not. However, there are quite a few positive traits that these dogs have that might have propelled them into their current popular position.

Unique Coat Pattern

The only reason anyone chooses a particolored Labradoodle over any other Labradoodle is because of their coat coloration. This dog does stand out against other Labradoodles, which commonly come in solid colors.

People often prefer dogs with more unique coats, and that’s one of the most important reasons this dog has become increasingly popular.

parti labradoodle dog sitting
Image Credit: TheWonderWays, Shutterstock

Low-Shedding and Hypoallergenic

These dogs are often sold as “hypoallergenic,” though no dog breed is really hypoallergenic. These dogs don’t commonly shed. However, as a mixed breed, they may inherit any trait from either parent breed. In other words, they may shed just as much as a Labrador.

Therefore, while being hypoallergenic and low-shedding may not be true for all of these dogs, these dogs are marketed that way, which may increase their popularity.

Family-Friendly Temperament

These dogs are extremely friendly and outgoing. They’re great for children of all ages and get along well in most families. Therefore, they’re often chosen by people looking for an all-around family dog. They’re suitable for things beyond being a family dog, too. For instance, they’re extremely good at therapy and guide work.

black and white parti labradoodle dog running in the meadows
Image Credit: Flyby Photography, Shutterstock

Intelligence and Trainability

This canine inherits the intelligence and trainability of both their parents. Therefore, they’re quick to learn and eager to please. They’re one of the easiest dog breeds to train, making them one of the best breeds for beginners.

They form strong bonds with their owners, which makes training them increasingly easy.

Why Isn’t the Parti Labradoodle Recognized by Kennel Clubs?

Simply put, kennel clubs like the AKC do not recognize mixed-breed dogs. To be purebred, dog breeds have to be self-contained. That means that they’re unique and don’t have the blood of other dog breeds mixing together.

The parti Labradoodle doesn’t meet this requirement. They’re created by mixing Labradors and Poodles together, which makes them a mixed breed.

Furthermore, these dogs have not recognized breed standards. They have a huge variability of traits, which isn’t allowed for pure breeds. They can vary in temperament, appearance, and health. There isn’t one trait that’s shared amongst all Labradoodles.

Furthermore, to establish a recognized breed, kennel clubs typically require a breed to have a stable population and a documented breeding history. This includes maintaining careful records of pedigrees, lineage, and breeding practices over multiple generations.

Labradoodles have a relatively recent history and may not have a consistent breeding lineage that meets the requirements of kennel clubs.

parti labradoodle on jetty
Image Credit: TheWonderWays, Shutterstock


Top 3 Unique Facts About the Parti Labradoodle

1. These dogs are extremely rare.

These dogs aren’t very common. Labradoodles are becoming more and more common. However, they are still considered a rare breed (which makes them expensive). This coloration is even rarer, so you often have to find a specialty breeder for a particolored puppy, which is often expensive.

2. Parti Labradoodles vary a lot.

Because this dog is a mixed breed, they vary a lot. You never know what traits puppies are going to inherit from either parent. These dogs may have curly, wavy, or straight hair. They may shed or not shed. They may require regular professional grooming or not. Therefore, they aren’t suitable for someone that’s looking for a specific type of dog.

closeup of parti labradoodle dog
Image Credit: Flyby Photography, Shutterstock

3. Even this coat color can vary considerably.

The “particolored” distinguisher only means that the dog is at least 50% white with patches of another color. However, dogs can be almost completely white or barely 50% white. They may have any other color on their coat, as well.

Therefore, particolored Labradoodles are an extremely varied bunch.


Does a Parti-Colored Labradoodle Make a Good Pet?

These dogs make very good pets, which is one reason they’re becoming more and more popular. These dogs are known for being friendly and sociable. They get along with just about everyone, including children and other pets. They even get along with young children when properly introduced and socialized.

They don’t shed very much (usually), which makes them suitable for families that may benefit from less dog hair around the house. They are also very easy to train and intelligent, making them great for new dog owners (though they do require quite a bit of work).

If you’re looking for a companion dog, this breed is a great option.



Parti-colored Labradoodles are a rare mixed breed. You often need to adopt them from a specialty breeder, as they hardly ever show up at rescues or even your average Labradoodle breeder.

However, these canines do make great companion animals. They’re bred almost exclusively for companionship, though they were originally bred as guide dogs. They’re very friendly and pretty easy to train.

Before you adopt one of these dogs, ensure you have the time and money to care for them properly.

Featured Image Credit: Flyby Photography, Shutterstock

The post Parti Labradoodle: Origin, History, & Facts (With Pictures) appeared first on Pet Keen.

My Cat Stopped Grooming: 3 Vet-Reviewed Reasons & Solutions

Cats are self-grooming animals, and when they stop cleaning themselves, it can be a sign that something is amiss. They require assistance from their owners to maintain healthy coats, especially if long-haired, but the felines do most of the work. Although cats are experts at hiding illnesses and injuries, they cannot disguise a ragged coat from their owners. Below, we’ll discuss what to do when your cat has an unhealthy coat and the reasons behind it.


The 3 Reasons Why Your Cat Has Stopped Grooming

If your cat has been more unkempt than usual, a few things could be causing such a drastic behavior change: age, weight, and health.

1, Age

old gray tabby cat lying on bed
Image Credit: Alex Zotov, Shutterstock

As your cat ages, you will likely see him resting more and experiencing physical challenges. You may even notice that his coat has lost some of its shine. That can be in part due to a lack of grooming. Your senior cat may be grooming himself less often due to his physical challenges.

If your cat has trouble moving, twisting, or positioning himself for grooming, he cannot remove dirt, debris, and loose hair. This can result in tangles or painful mats, so getting ahead of your senior cat’s reduced grooming habits is important.

How to Help

The best way that you can help your senior cat with grooming is to do what he cannot. For example, if your cat’s mobility issues prevent him from grooming his back, you must pay special attention to that area when grooming him. Brush his fur and clip his nails regularly, being especially gentle. As your cat gets older, his body will be more fragile and thus susceptible to more injuries.

Another way you can help is to pinpoint the causes of his mobility issues. His difficulty moving may be simply a natural side-effect of aging, but there is also a chance of arthritis or other issues.1 By consulting your vet, you can narrow down the possibilities of your cat’s movement difficulties.

2, Obesity

fat British cat is lying on the floor and peeping with one eye
Image Credit: OlegDoroshin, Shutterstock

Weight can be a significant factor in determining how well your cat grooms himself. If your cat is overweight, he may be unable to reach certain parts of his body. He may also be more likely to develop arthritis, which would further contribute to his lack of grooming.

If you want to know whether your cat is obese, consult your vet. If your cat weighs 10–20% more than he should, he is considered overweight. If his weight exceeds 20% of what it should be, he is obese. Feline obesity is so common that it occurs in 63% of all cats in developed countries.2

Obesity brings significant health risks to your cat, including endocrine disorders, metabolic dysfunction, and cardiovascular issues. Beyond the grooming aspect, obesity presents serious problems.

How to Help

To help your cat overcome his obesity, talk to your vet. Before your vet appointment, take inventory of the food your cat eats, how much activity he gets, and any other information that you think is relevant. With this information, your vet can help you create an effective diet plan for your cat.

Your vet may present different solutions depending on your cat’s needs, such as calorie-reduced foods or veterinarian formulas. You may also want to reduce your cat’s bowl size or switch him over to timed feeding if you have not already done so.

Altering your cat’s activity levels will also help. Incorporating puzzle feeders, interactive toys, and other stimulating items into your cat’s life may help him become more active.

3. Illness or Pain

sick cat
Image Credit: one photo, Shutterstock

Sickness and pain may cause your cat to quit grooming himself. Cats are excellent at masking their pain, and poor grooming habits are one of the signs that something is amiss.

If your cat is unwell, you may notice other signs, such as increased sleeping, decreased eating, and changes in litter box behavior. Your cat’s illness may cause different signs to appear, so pay close attention to how your cat behaves and note anything out of the ordinary.

How to Help

You must take your cat to the vet if you suspect that he is sick or in pain. If you have notes of questionable behaviors you’ve seen your cat display, you can present them to your vet to help further the diagnosis. Once your vet diagnoses your cat, you will receive a treatment plan specific to your cat’s condition.



It’s worrisome to see our cats behaving strangely, especially when that strange behavior leads to tangles and mats in their fur. If you can pinpoint the cause of your cat’s poor grooming, you will be better equipped to help them overcome it. Consult your vet as soon as you notice your cat has stopped grooming, and keep track of any abnormal behaviors. With your vet’s guidance, you can help your cat continue living a comfortable and happy life.

Featured Image Credit: YuryKara, Shutterstock

The post My Cat Stopped Grooming: 3 Vet-Reviewed Reasons & Solutions appeared first on Pet Keen.