Tips For Traveling With Elderly Pets

Is your favorite road trip buddy now a senior? Traveling with an older dog or cat is possible—and fun! You just need to make a few adjustments. Here are our best tips for traveling with your elderly dog or cat.

Man with Shar-Pei in Stroller - Best Tips for Traveling with Elderly Pets

Wait! Who Are You Calling Elderly?

You might not think of your pet as “elderly,” but cats claim senior status when they reach 11 to 14 years old. Small dogs are considered senior citizens when they reach 11 to 12 years of age. Medium-sized dogs become seniors at 10 years old. Larger-sized dogs are seniors at 8, and giant-breed dogs are seniors at 7 years old.

When changes in our pets happen slowly, we sometimes don’t even notice them. But the subtle adjustments you’ve made to care for your dog or cat at home will require a little more thought on a road trip.


Cat in a bed on a woman's lap in a car - traveling with elderly pets

Preparations For Traveling With Elderly Pets

The memories made while traveling with elderly pets are precious. And with a few simple steps, you can make the trip more comfortable and safe for your senior travel buddy.

Consult Your Vet

You didn’t need us to tell you this, right? Before setting out on a trip with your elderly pet, check with your vet for any suggestions to keep him safe and happy. Also confirm that there are no required adjustments to your pet’s medication.

Set Medication Reminders

Packing for even an overnight trip gets more complicated as our pets age. If your vet has prescribed medication for your pet, set an alarm on your phone while you’re traveling to remind you of their normal dosing schedule. And don’t forget their regular meds like flea or heartworm treatments.

Buster the German Shepherd Dog laying on the floor in the veterinary clinic


Plan More Frequent Breaks

You may be amazed at how easily your trip goes if you take more frequent breaks. Yes, I know you want to get to your awesome destination quickly. But stopping every two hours will help your older dog or cat enjoy the trip more. And you’ll arrive feeling less stiff, too!

If your traveling buddy is a cat, you can use disposable litter boxes in the car. Each day, set a new one on the floorboard. Just try one out at home first, so your cat finds it familiar!

Get A Ramp

Jumping in and out of a car every few hours can be rough on aging joints. So get a ramp. And make time to teach your dog to use it before setting out on your trip.

You will find many options for pet ramps online. Look for one that’s made to hold your dog’s weight and will fit in your vehicle.

READ MORE ⇒ Tips For Choosing & Using A Dog Ramp

Golden retriever coming down a ramp - traveling with elderly pets

Cushion Your Pup

In his younger days, your dog was probably fine lying on a concrete patio. But older bones need cushioning. And on cool days, hard surfaces can be chilly.

So remember to pack a simple cushion to make dozing under the table at pet friendly restaurants, wineries, or breweries more comfortable when traveling with elderly pets.

Brindle dog in a red harness laying on a purple mat next to a wooden picnic table at Shake Foundation in Santa Fe, NM


Bring Something Familiar Along

All pets – but especially those with diminished eyesight and hearing – feel more secure when they have familiar things around them. Along with all the other things you will need to pack for your pet, be sure to take their favorite bed or blanket so they’ll have a comforting place to curl up in places that are new to them.

If your dog is used to sitting next to you in the car, but will be crated for safety on a long trip, put something in the crate that smells like you. You might not think your dirty socks are much of a treat. But your pup who loves you will appreciate them. And one of the blessings of traveling with an elderly pet? They have probably outgrown the desire to destroy your belongings by chewing.

Dog in Car in Crate

Plan Less Strenuous Outdoor Time

Your older dog might still love to explore. But pay attention to any struggles he’s having. As our dog, Ty, got older he lost none of his enthusiasm for hiking. But we started to notice that if our route included hills, Ty had a tough time climbing them without stopping to rest.

Choosing activities that are less strenuous, or trails with less elevation changes, will allow you and your dog to continue to enjoy your outings together.


Old dog in a bag held by a girl looking at mountains - travel with elderly pets

Mind Extreme Temperatures

Both extreme cold and hot temperatures can affect older pets more.

We saw that high temperatures and humidity sapped Ty’s energy more quickly as he aged. So, in addition to searching out flatter hikes, we spent more time consulting the forecast when planning our activities.

READ MORE ⇒ Cold Water Tips for Travel With Pets

Consider A Dog Stroller

Ty lived to be 15 – truly an accomplishment for a Shar-pei! But the older he got, the less hiking he wanted to do. That doesn’t mean we no longer spent quality time outdoors! We also had a younger German Shepherd who still needed his exercise.

Doing things as a family was important to us, so we got Ty a dog stroller. If you have an elderly pet and another that still needs more exercise, this could be a good option for you, too!

READ MORE ⇒ Best Dog Stroller for Medium Sized Dogs

Ty and Buster from on a pet friendly trail in Coeur d'Alene, ID


Enjoy Sightseeing By Car

When figuring out how to give Ty some rest while entertaining Buster, going for a drive was another popular option for us. Ty would generally curl up in his bed and sleep. And Buster would keep a watchful eye on everything and everyone we passed.

This is a great way to see wildlife refuges, national parks, and other sensitive places where dogs are not allowed on the trails.

In the future, I expect sightseeing road trips will benefit our young boy, Myles and his older brother, Maynard, too.

Shar-pei and German shepherd in a car - traveling with elderly pets

Get Creative

Sometimes you need to think a little differently to find the right mix for your senior pet. This is a time to get creative!

Once we happened upon a campground in the Bridger-Teton National Forest near Jackson, Wyoming, and rented a lakeside campsite for an afternoon. We strung up the dogs’ zip line, hung our hammocks, unpacked the picnic goodies, and spent a few hours enjoying the view. There were some trails where we took Buster for a stroll!

A man on a hammock and two dogs relaxing by a lake - a good activity for traveling with elderly pets

Another time we found a pet friendly scenic train ride, where Buster got plenty of stimulation, and Ty was able to curl up for a nap.

READ MORE ⇒ All Aboard! Pet Friendly Scenic Train Rides

German Shepherd and Shar-pei dogs on a pet friendly scenic train ride in Jim Thorpe, PA - a great activity for traveling with elderly pets

When it comes to traveling with senior pets, you’re only limited by your imagination!


Keep Traveling With Your Elderly Pets

Dogs and cats (and ferrets, hamsters, rats, birds—heck, all pets) need enrichment every day. New smells and settings can provide that for them.

Old cat in nature - traveling with elderly pets

But most of all, they want to be with you. So take your senior pet with you on your next trip. Hopefully our tips will make it easy and fun.

Have you found other activities to do with your senior dogs? Share your tips below in the comments – we would love to hear from you!

Visit our Amazon store to learn about more products we rely on to make traveling with pets easier, safer, and more fun!

The post Tips For Traveling With Elderly Pets appeared first on

Wagz Freedom Smart Dog Collar Review 2023: Our Expert’s Opinion

Review Summary

Our Final Verdict

We give Wagz Freedom Smart Dog Collar a rating of 3.5 out of 5 stars.

Accuracy: 1/5
App: 5/5
Setup Process: 5/5
Battery Life: 4/5


What Is the Wagz Freedom Smart Dog Collar? How Does It Work?

The Wagz Freedom Smart Dog Collar is a GPS-invisible fence for your canine. You attach a small GPS device to your dog’s collar and designate where you want your dog to be allowed (or not allowed) on the mobile app. This process is all accomplished very quickly on their app. Simply put, you draw the boundary with your finger and designate “keep out” spots similarly.

Then, the device detects when the dog gets too close to the boundary. Unlike other invisible fences, there is no electricity involved. Instead, the collar can correct your pet in several ways: ultrasonic frequencies, vibrations, and audible tones. You can adjust the corrections through the app with a press of a button.

You can also give corrections or stop them manually. Therefore, you could potentially use the collar for other training purposes. (For instance, you could teach your dog to “come” to you when the collar vibrates.)

This collar also allows you to track walks and keep track of your pet’s health. For instance, it’ll let you know how much your pet has moved and how long they’ve traveled. You can even see a GPS track where your pet went during a certain time span. If your pet gets lost, you can use the GPS locator to find them.

Therefore, while this is primarily an invisible fence device, it does use the GPS signal to provide other data.

Most customers (including me) love that you don’t have to install wires or dig up the yard. The setup was straightforward and didn’t involve complicated installations or purchasing yards of wire.

wagz freedom smart dog collar

Wagz Freedom Smart Dog Collar – A Quick Look

  • Easy-to-use app

  • Easy setup

  • Great battery life

  • Health tracking

  • Poor GPS tracking

  • Expensive

Wagz Pricing

When considering the Wagz Freedom Smart Dog Collar, there are several prices you need to consider. Firstly, there is the device itself. Wagz works on practically every collar (I tried it successfully on several), so you won’t have to purchase a new collar. The device itself costs $200 at the time of this publication. This is a one-time purchase.

You will need a monthly subscription for the GPS to work, however. This subscription is $10 a month. You can get the subscription for cheaper by paying annually.

There are several other devices, too. For instance, you can purchase a bundle of training flags and an extra-large battery. These items aren’t necessary but can increase the system’s price if you purchase them.

What to Expect from Wagz

The Wagz system comes packaged neatly in a box. The GPS device isn’t charged when it arrives at your home, so you’ll need to charge it before you continue. According to the instructions, this takes about 2 hours, though I found that my battery charged up a bit faster than that.

Of course, you’ll also find the charger within the box. This charger comes in multiple pieces, which was a bit confusing initially. There are charging directions in the box but only in pictures. It took me a little bit to figure out how to connect the battery, charging port, and cord. However, once I figured it out, the process was pretty straightforward.

Next, you’ll have to set up the device. You’ll need an account on the Wagz website and the app on your phone. Once your account is set up, you’ll have to add the device. This task is accomplished by typing in a small code on the bottom of the GPS tracker. There is also a QR code, but I couldn’t get this to work. Luckily, the code was pretty short and easy to type in.

The rest of the process is done on the app. It guides you through adding your pet, assigning the device to your dog, and setting up the geofence. It also explains how the GPS indicators work, which lets you know how well the device is currently connected.

Wagz does have a setup guide on its website with plenty of pictures. Therefore, the process is easy to follow, even if it does have many steps.

wagz freedom smart dog collar contents


Wagz Freedom Smart Dog Collar Contents

I received the starter kit, which I highly recommend for anyone using Wagz. Therefore, I received quite a few extra items besides just the GPS tracker. Here’s what I got:

  • Wagz Freedom Smart Dog Collar

  • Freedom Boost Battery Kit

  • Training Flagz


This device relies completely on GPS accuracy. It’s how it determines where your pet is. Sadly, this is where I ran into the biggest problems with the device. As far as I could tell, it wasn’t accurate.

The app displays three different GPS “accuracies.” The lowest level is no signal at all. The middle level is accurate enough for location services but not for the invisible fence. No corrections are given if the device is currently only receiving this level of connectivity. At the top level, the device works as advertised.

I appreciate that the device doesn’t give corrections when it is inaccurate and can tell when it isn’t well connected. However, I found that the device hung much around the middling range. In other words, it was connected enough to tell me where my dog was but not connected enough to work as an invisible fence.

I tried a lot to get the device to connect as it was supposed to. However, it didn’t stay in the green for more than a couple of hours. (And GPS signals typically work great in my area.)

wagz freedom smart dog collar kit

Battery Life

I didn’t have any issues with the battery, however. After I charged it, it stayed charged throughout the whole testing period. Therefore, users shouldn’t have a problem leaving this device on their pets all day.

With that said, I was using the upgraded battery. Therefore, the standard battery likely won’t last as long. In any case, I would recommend charging the battery every night, especially if you’re relying on the invisible fence alone.


The best part of the Wagz experience was the app. It functions very well and is easy to use. The interface was user-friendly, and I had no problem navigating it. You can easily add new geofences with your finger using the app. These fences automatically work with the animals you set them to. In this way, I found it much easier to use than the traditional invisible fence.

This app is available on both Android and iPhones. I found that the GPS on the app worked just fine (perhaps because it relies on your phone’s connection). It could find my position so that I could add geofences in only a few seconds.

wagz app dashboard

Health Tracking

This device also tracks the health of your dog. You can see how many steps your dog has taken and several other metrics from the homepage. You can also click on each dog to see a more in-depth view of how your dog is doing.

Of course, I’m not entirely sure how well this tracker worked. It seemed to work perfectly fine, but I wasn’t following my dog and counting his steps to ensure.

Is Wagz Good Value?

Sadly, I didn’t find Wagz worth the price. You’re paying a couple of hundred dollars for the collar and then a monthly GPS tracking fee. However, the GPS didn’t work well in my experience. Plus, when it did work, I found that it could be off by as many as 15 feet. Therefore, I couldn’t trust it with my dog.

Other collars on the market may work a bit better. However, Wagz does still have some perks, like added health tracking. I wouldn’t purchase it to use it primarily for the invisible fence, though.

wagz mobile app



How Does Wagz Work?

Wagz allows you to drop pins on a particular area, creating an invisible fence for your dog. Then, the smart collar recognizes these boundaries using GPS positioning. If the tracker notices that it is outside of the boundary, it delivers corrections. If your pet stays outside of the boundary, you are alerted.

What Cell Service Does Wagz Use?

The Wagz collar utilizes a “nationwide cellular provider” for cellular service, allowing the collar to use GPS positioning. However, the company doesn’t specify which provider it uses.

dog wearing wagz freedom smart dog collar

Our Experience with Wagz

I was very excited to use the Wagz smart collar. I do not have a fence, but I do have a very active husky. Usually, all his exercise is done on a long leash. I was excited to let him run free and play without worrying about the leash clotheslining the children!

I found the setup very easy and straightforward. The company provides a startup guide, and I followed it step-by-step. This process did take some time, but none of the steps were confusing. However, I ran into issues once I was told to connect the tracker to cellular service. For most of my testing time, the signal remained at the “weak” level.

Sadly, this meant the fence wouldn’t work much of the time. I trained my dog to respect the boundary anyway, manually giving corrections when he strayed past it. However, I couldn’t trust the fence to give these corrections automatically, as the signal would fade in and out.

For this reason, I cannot trust my dog unsupervised with this collar on—even though he is well-trained on the boundary now. The signal isn’t accurate enough.



The Wagz system offers the promise of freedom for your dog. However, I found the GPS tracking signal very weak and unreliable. I wouldn’t let my dog free without supervision with this collar on, as I’d be worried about the signal dropping out at any moment.

However, the setup process was straightforward, and the app was easy to use. It would be the perfect invisible fence system if the company fixed the tracking issues.

The post Wagz Freedom Smart Dog Collar Review 2023: Our Expert’s Opinion appeared first on Pet Keen.

4 Corners Canine CBD Tincture Review 2023: Is It a Good Value?

Our Final Verdict

We give 4CornersCanine CBD oils a rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars.

As a lifelong dog owner, I watch my dogs age and start to suffer from arthritis and other forms of joint pain and stiffness. Over the years I’ve tried different things including prescription medications and supplements to help them feel better. One of the best options I’ve found so far is CBD oil. In this article I’ll be reviewing 4CornerCanine’s Oil.

4CornersCanine is based out of Durango, Colorado. As one of the first CBD-specific companies, they specialize in plant-to-bottle CBD products, meaning they grow their own hemp, make their own extract, and package their own products. This lets them ensure the consistency and quality of their products.

They offer a few varieties of pet CBD products: Unflavored extract, Peanut Butter flavored extract, and THC-free extract. I was sent the first two to review. I like the commitment of the company to quality and had few difficulties getting the product to work with my dogs. Read on to discover more!


At a Glance: What We Reviewed

Image Product Details

Our Favorite


4CornersCannabis Pet Tincture
4CornersCannabis Pet Tincture

  • Calms anxiety

  • Reduces inflammation

  • Relieves arthritis
  • Second place

    4CornersCannabis Peanut Butter Pet Tincture
    4CornersCannabis Peanut Butter Pet Tincture

  • Rich in Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids

  • Does not contain limonene

  • Easy to administer
  • 4CornersCannabis Pet Tincture Reviewed

    4CornersCannabis Animal Grade Pet Tinctures

    Who makes 4CornersCannabis Pet Tinctures and where are they produced?

    4CornersCannabis is based in Colorado, where they clone, grow, harvest, extract, prepare, and bottle their own products. This farm-to-bottle approach lets them have tight control over the contents of their hemp extract and ensure quality at every step of the process. They use ethanol extraction, which is one of the oldest and most-established forms of extracting chemicals from plants. Their extraction method is fine-tuned by in-house scientists and performed in their own labs.

    Which Types of Pets are 4CornersCannabis Pet Tinctures Best Suited For?

    The drops can be used for any kind of pets that eat food the tincture can be added to (dogs, cats, rabbits, birds, etc). Unlike most CBD oils on the market, these drops should definitely be added to food and not administered under your pet’s tongue.

    My dogs would readily consume the drops if they were added to treats or mixed with bacon grease and drizzled over dog food – they did not like them straight under the tongue. This is a bit of a bummer because putting the oil directly under an animal’s tongue ensures they’ll absorb more of the CBD. That said, you can tweak the dose of CBD dripped onto food to overcome the fact that some of it gets lost in the digestion process.


    Discussion of the Primary Ingredients (Good and bad)

    The CBD extract used in these is listed as one of the highest quality on the market, from the same process as 4CornersCannabis uses for their human products. I found no reason to disbelieve them. Their extract is no more than 0.3% THC, and if there are concerns about that being too much, they also offer products made from THC-free extracts.

    The oil used in their tinctures is golden hemp seed oil. 4CornersCannabis states this is to help make sure it’s easy on the dog’s stomach, and it is a viable choice for this type of product.

    4CornersCannabis adheres to the basic principles of healthy, quality product formulation: Use few, high-quality ingredients and clearly describe them so your customers understand where they come from and why they’re trustworthy.

    4CornersCannabis Animal Grade Pet Tinctures packaging

    Does 4CornersCannabis provide independent Certificates of Analysis?

    Yes! 4CornersCannabis has lab reports from Aurum Labs listed right on their website. Their extracts have the chemical constituency they claim per these reports and are free of microbial growth and pesticides.

    Given the gray areas in quality requirements for CBD products in different states, it’s critical to buy CBD products only from companies that offer these Certificates of Analysis. 4CornersCannabis shines in this regard.

    Is It Easy To Dose?

    I found 4CornersCannabis tincture drops to be pretty easy to use. The droppers let you measure the dose, and their website has some good guidelines on how much to use. The doses given are low compared to those in the available research (0.3-0.4mg/kg vs. 1-2mg/kg), which is a smart place to start. The advice to pursue a relationship with a holistic veterinarian to work up on the dosing is also great.

    I would have liked to see a clearer dosing chart or dosing recommendations. As a consumer I felt a little abandoned by “feel free to adjust the dose to fit your pet or pets’ needs.” Coming up with an ideal dose for CBD is not a well-known process to most people, much less dosing a specific CBD product.

    One last thing that I found hard to understand was the advice to give the CBD oil spaced out 1.5 hours from pharmaceuticals that are processed by the liver. I’m a pharmacist by trade and per the literature available, CBD stays around in the body of some mammals (humans and dogs) for days, not 1.5 hours. Many anti-seizure medications also stay in the body for more than 1.5 hours and are processed by the liver, for example, and some may interact with CBD – they will continue to interact with CBD well after 1.5 hours of giving them to your dog. If your dog is on any medications, consult with a veterinarian before using CBD.

    4cornerscannabis peanut butter pet tincture


    A Quick Look at 4CornersCannabis Tincture

    • Easy to pick a product

    • High quality, Colorado-grown, farm-to-bottle manufacturing

    • Third-party lab Certificates of Analysis Available

    • My dogs only like oil on food, would not accept under-the-tongue dosing


    Reviews of the 4CornersCannabis Tinctures We Tried

    I preferred the unflavored version of the tincture. My dogs liked neither straight, so I didn’t see a point in the flavored kind. Hemp oil is bitter – I recommend using wet dog food or drizzling a little bacon grease on your dog’s food when adding the drops. It ensures that they’ll love it (what dog doesn’t like bacon grease!).

    The packaging of the product is very attractive, easy to read, and easy to understand. The bottle labeling is the same.

    4cornerscannabis pet tinctures

    Our Experience With 4CornersCannabis

    I tried to give the tincture to the dogs directly, but as mentioned they both refused it. The food method went much better.

    I noted that this product seemed to give the same stiffness-relief as the CBD products I normally use with my Catahoula, Penny, after I dosed it to be the same number of mg per kg of bodyweight. She’s older now and has arthritis and stiffness in the mornings. CBD seems to help her move around more easily, and this product definitely has the right ingredients to make that happen.

    My Australian Shepherd, Luka, took it and I noticed the same reduction in spastic behavior I usually see after using a higher dose of CBD extract.

    Given the ease of use and the very apparent quality of the product, I found 4CornersCannabis Pet Tincture to be a winner. Their pricing is mid-to-high compared to competition, but the quality and transparency they offer help offset that cost. I feel confident in recommending them as a first-rate CBD product manufacturer!



    4CornersCannabis offers high quality, farm-to-bottle tinctures for pets that are backed by transparent, 3rd-party lab Certificates of Analysis. I have full confidence in the quality and the contents of their tincture. If you partner with a veterinarian to finalize dosing, you should find success using their tinctures to relieve your pet’s pain or anxiety.

    The post 4 Corners Canine CBD Tincture Review 2023: Is It a Good Value? appeared first on Pet Keen.