Is Watching Animal Videos Good for You? (What Science Says)

It seems today you can’t throw a stone online without hitting a cute, cuddly, or ridiculous animal video. Animal videos are being posted to the internet at an enormously fast rate and being viewed just as quickly. From poodles dancing to cats pouncing, you could spend days watching animal videos and not even scratch the surface of the vast ocean of them on YouTube and other channels.

You’ll be glad to know the research on watching animal videos points to them being very good for your overall health, including reducing your heart rate and blood pressure, as well as your anxiety levels.

So, watching animal videos may positively affect humans, but there are still many other questions surrounding the activity. Before you watch another dog do something goofy or a mongoose do something marvelous, read on.

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What Does the Research say about People Watching Animal Videos?

Although animal videos have only been around for a few decades, it’s long been known that humans have an affinity with animals and that being around them has a calming, soothing effect on most people. Petting, stroking, caring for, or engaging with an animal has long been used as therapy, especially for those recovering from a traumatic event.

The same can be said for animal videos. Even without the ability to interact with them, watching animals makes us laugh and sometimes cry and can have a calming effect. That effect was proven by a study undertaken at Leeds University in England. Researchers found that study participants had lower blood pressure and heart rates after watching 30 minutes of animal videos. In fact, on average, participants were tested to have a 6.5% drop in heart rate, which is statistically significant.

One of the fascinating changes seen during the study was the drop in the participant’s anxiety levels. Researchers reported that for some participants, a startling 50% drop in anxiety levels was reported, which is a decrease similar to those seen with anxiety medications. That’s a profound change when you consider that watching animal videos is also 100% safe and has no side effects. More research is needed, but from what researchers and scientists have found, watching animal videos is good for your health.

man watching cat videos on laptop
Image Credit: McLittle Stock, Shutterstock

Why does Watching Animals Videos Make Us Feel Better?

There’s a physiological reason most people feel better after watching animal videos, and most of it has to do with the hormone oxytocin. Like all hormones in the human body, oxytocin affects many body systems and functions. It affects your heart rate, blood pressure, and the production of other hormones that cause stress.

Oxytocin calms you down, makes you feel better, and helps your body recover from illnesses. Watching animal videos prompts your body to release oxytocin, which is why you feel better when you do.

Can Watching Animal Videos Have Other Beneficial Effects?

From what’s been discovered in several studies, it appears that watching animals on video, even when they’re just sleeping, does cause other positive effects on the human body. Below we’ll take a closer look at the most intriguing of these effects.

woman watching a beagle dog video on her phone
Image Credit: Artem Beliaikin, Unsplash

Watching Animal Videos Boosts Productivity

Japanese researcher Hiroshi Nittono found that watching animal videos helped boost participants’ performance and focus. Part of his study involved having people play the child’s board game Operation before and after watching animal videos. After watching, most were able to play the game better.

Watching Animal Videos Might Help Your Relationship

One small study showed that couples who watched animal videos together reported higher levels of marital satisfaction. Over several weeks of viewing them together, with some teams watching regular videos and others watching videos with cute animals, the latter group reported a higher level of satisfaction in their relationship.

couple watching tv
Image Credit: yousafbhutta, Pixabay

Watching Animal Videos Can Make You Psychologically Stronger

An interesting phenomenon happens when people watch animal videos; they create an upward spiral of positivity. The positivity from watching animal videos leads to a positive self-outlook, which leads to less stress and a better awareness of your situation.

Watching Animal Videos Can Put You in a Positive Mood

You don’t need to be a scientist to see the effect watching cute and cuddly animals has on people; it’s effortless to spot. A study in 2015 showed that watching animal videos was a stronger mood inducer than music, which was long thought to be one of the best methods to help a person relax and feel good.

woman in red sweater watching laptop beside white cat
Image Credit: Karolina Grabowska, Pexels

Watching Animal Videos Lowers Your Stress Levels

This study from 2021 found that watching videos of dogs playing and resting reduced anxiety in participants and lowered their stress levels considerably. Interestingly, participants who watched a waterfall and a slow-moving stream, both considered calming images, weren’t as calm afterward as those who watched the dog videos, even when the dogs were at rest.

Can Watching Animal Videos Be Harmful?

While there’s been a good bit of research on whether watching animal videos is beneficial, few have tackled whether watching too many can hurt you. As with almost anything, watching animal videos in moderation is always recommended.

For example, if a person watches animal videos for 10 hours a day, most would call that an unhealthy activity or possibly even an addiction. However, very little scientific data is available to prove that the videos could be detrimental.

woman eating popcorn while watching movie with dog
Image Credit: yousafbhutta, Pixabay

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Final Thoughts

There’s overwhelming evidence showing that watching animal videos is good for you. Watching puppies play and cats crash into things lowers your blood pressure and stress levels, makes you feel better about your life, and might even make you a better partner.

As for the science surrounding the subject, many small studies link watching animals frolic, play, and even sleep to positive psychological changes, including less stress and anxiety. It’s a good thing watching animal videos is good for us because more videos of animals being adorable are being made every day.

Featured Image Credit: Javier Brosch, Shutterstock

The post Is Watching Animal Videos Good for You? (What Science Says) appeared first on Pet Keen.

Can Dogs Eat Flour? Is It Safe for Them to Try?

Flour is one of the most common ingredients in kitchens and pantries, especially for those who love baking. If you love to bake and tend to make a mess when you do, you might wonder if it’s safe for your dog to clean up the flour you leave behind. Dogs can safely eat flour as long as it’s not made from any toxic source.

In this article, we’ll talk more about dogs eating flour, including some concerns, such as allergies, to be aware of. We’ll also let you know the bigger danger than flour that dog-loving bakers should watch out for in the kitchen.


Flour and Dogs: The Basics

Flours of all types, including gluten-free types such as rice or almond flour, are okay for your dog to eat in limited quantities. Many homemade dog treat recipes include flour on the ingredient list. Be sure to check each of the ingredients in the flour you are using to ensure their safety for dogs.

However, your dog shouldn’t eat large amounts of flour for a few reasons. First, your dog really shouldn’t be eating much of anything that isn’t their regular, nutritionally-balanced diet. Some types of flour are healthier than others, but if your dog fills up on human foods, it may not be hungry for dinner.

When a dog eats an excessive amount of any food, including flour, it could upset its stomach or worse. Overeating can cause the dog’s stomach to expand painfully with gas, which is a condition called bloat. Bloat is most common in large dogs and is a true medical emergency.

Some dogs have sensitive digestion, and eating unfamiliar food, such as flour, could lead to an upset stomach or diarrhea.

a border collie dog looking sick covered with blanket on couch
Image Credit: Lindsay Helms, Shutterstock

What About Allergies?

Flour is made from grains, most commonly wheat. As you’re likely aware, many pet owners feed grain-free dog food partly because they believe their dogs are allergic to grains. In reality, most canines experience allergies to protein sources rather than carbohydrates like grain.

However, a study from 2016 did find that wheat was one of the four most common food allergy triggers in dogs. The other three were beef, chicken, and dairy products. Given this finding, your dog could be allergic to wheat flour. This should be discussed with your veterinarian.

Some common signs of food allergies include vomiting and diarrhea, which also may occur if flour doesn’t agree with your dog’s digestive system. It can be hard to tell the difference between a food intolerance versus an upset stomach, so don’t assume your dog has a wheat allergy without discussing it with a vet.

The best way to accurately diagnose food allergies is through a diet elimination trial, which can take weeks or months. If you suspect your dog has a wheat allergy, talk to your veterinarian about what to do next.

sad and sick labrador retriever dog
Image Credit: My July, Shutterstock

Yeast Poisoning: The Real Baking Danger

While eating plain flour usually won’t cause a problem for your dog, flour that’s been worked into a dough with yeast is another story. Unbaked dough with yeast, such as that used for making bread, rolls, or pizza, is dangerous to your dog if ingested.

Warmth causes the dough to rise, and a dog’s stomach is just the right environment. When a dog eats unbaked dough, it may expand in its stomach, potentially causing bloat.

As we mentioned, bloat is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate care.

Even if your dog doesn’t bloat from eating bread dough, it’s still at risk. The yeast in the bread dough ferments as it sits in your dog’s stomach, releasing alcohol. When this happens, your dog could suffer alcohol poisoning.

In dogs, alcohol poisoning can cause seizures, low blood pressure, and respiratory failure. If you love to bake, don’t leave your dough rising anywhere your dog can get to it. Should your dog eat unbaked dough, take your pet to your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Sick dachshund dog sleeping under the blanket
Image Credit: Javier Brosch, Shutterstock



While your dog shouldn’t make a habit of snacking on flour, it’s generally okay and safe for them to eat. However, any unfamiliar food can upset your dog’s stomach, and some pups may be allergic to wheat. In addition, eating raw dough with yeast can cause life-threatening complications for your dog. Remember that the bulk of your dog’s daily calories should come from a nutritionally-balanced and complete, commercial diet. If you want to provide human foods as snacks, flour probably won’t be your dog’s first choice anyway!

Featured Image Credit: kaboompics, Pixabay

The post Can Dogs Eat Flour? Is It Safe for Them to Try? appeared first on Pet Keen.

10 Common Diseases in Leopard Geckos (& Care Tips)

Have you fallen in love with leopard geckos? Lots of people are, and who can blame them? However, just because these animals are cute doesn’t mean that you should bring one home without knowing how to take care of them, along with the potential diseases that these pets face.

The truth is, leopard geckos can catch certain diseases unique to their bodies if you don’t know what to look for. Caring for a sick gecko is never fun or easy, so why not take the time and learn about common diseases and how to avoid them? Here are 10 common diseases in leopard geckos:

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The 10 Most Common Diseases in Leopard Geckos

1. Gout

Image Credit: Reinhold Leitner, Shutterstock

Gout results from your Gecko’s inability to process uric acid effectively. Reptiles eliminate nitrogen from their system through uric acid. But if they can’t flush the uric acid from their body, it builds up in their bodies and surrounds other areas, like the joints and vital organs.

Diets too high in protein, or the wrong kind of protein, can cause gout. Other factors like dehydration, starvation, and predisposing kidney issues can also lead to gout.

  • Raised, white masses on joints

  • Difficulty walking

  • Mucous membranes in the mouth appear raised and white

2. Dysecdysis

All reptiles shed their skin, but sometimes they can’t shed their skin correctly. When this occurs, you typically notice accumulating skin layers around the eyes and limbs. This is called Dysecdysis. 

There are a few reasons your gecko isn’t shedding its skin properly. It could be from a lack of humidity in the enclosure or an underlying health issue.

  • Pale, dull skin

  • Skin buildup

  • Inappetence

  • Closed eyes (or squinting)

  • Loss of toes or tail

3. Prolapsed Hemipenes

Enigma leopard gecko
Image Credit: Destinys Agent, Shutterstock

A prolapsed hemipenes isn’t a disease, it’s actually a condition. This is when the male reproductive organ slips out and remains exposed. Leopard geckos don’t use their reproductive organs for urinating like male humans, so they shouldn’t be exposed regularly.

There are several reasons why a male leopard gecko’s hemipenis would prolapse. Lack of humidity, other geckos in light of sight, sexing, and excess skin removal are all potential factors.

  • One or two pink bulges under the cloaca

4. Dystocia

Dystocia, or egg binding, is when a female leopard gecko can’t pass an egg. This can be from illness, poor diet, enlarged or oddly-shaped eggs, pelvic injuries, unsuitable nesting environments, and more.

  • Restlessness

  • Digging

  • Swollen cloaca

  • Tissue protruding from the cloaca

  • Lethargy

5. Ophthalmic Disease

Blizzard leopard gecko
Image Credit: bulinko, Shutterstock

Ophthalmic disease, or eye issues, is a common problem with leopard geckos. The biggest reason is vitamin A deficiency. A lack of a heat source can also lead to eye issues, mainly because cold geckos don’t feed as much and can become malnourished.

Interestingly, a study published in 2018 found that head dysecdysis almost always paired with eye trouble in geckos.

  • Eye closed shut or squinting

  • Swelling

  • Ocular discharge

  • Twitching

  • Blindness

6. Hepatic Lipidosis

Hepatic Lipidosis is also called fatty liver disease. This is when there is an abundance of fat in the liver, causing other diseases and adverse effects on the organ. The most common reason for fatty liver disease in reptiles is overfeeding.

  • Weight loss

  • Inappetence

  • Diarrhea

  • Discoloration in feces

  • Lethargy

7. Cryptosporidiosis

baby leopard gecko
Image Credit: agus fitriyanto suratno, Shutterstock

Cryptosporidiosis is a fancy word for a parasitic infection. Unfortunately, leopard geckos are the most commonly diagnosed lizard with this infection, and it’s not easy to treat. If you have other leopard geckos, you must quarantine your infected geckos to stop the spread.

The culprit is the parasite Cryptosporidium saurophilum. It likes to invade the stomach and intestines, so you’ll often see a lack of appetite and an extended belly.

  • Vomiting

  • Rapid weight loss (“stick tail”)

  • Extended belly

  • Diarrhea

  • Lack of growth

  • Hiding

  • Spending time in cool parts of the enclosure

8. Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD)

MBD stems from vitamin D3 and calcium deficiency, two vital nutrients for bone and egg creation. Metabolic Bone Disease is life-threatening if not caught early, but it can be easily avoided with proper nutrition and lighting.

  • Fractures

  • Twisted or bent bones

  • Inappetence

  • Weight loss

  • Neurologic problems

  • Tremors or twitching

  • Lack of egg production

  • Weakness

9. Gastroenteritis

Leopard gecko open mouth
Image Credit: Milan Zygmunt, Shutterstock

Gastroenteritis relates to an infection in the gut, specifically the intestines. This can be from numerous factors, like parasites and sand impaction. This can quickly become a life-threatening problem, so it’s wise to take your leopard gecko to an exotic vet if you notice the Signs.

  • Diarrhea

  • Bloody stool

  • Rapid weight loss (“stick tail”)

  • Undigested cricket

10. Pneumonia

Pneumonia is a respiratory tract infection caused by bacteria in the lungs. Respiratory infections are common but are equally serious. Usually, a cold enclosure with high humidity is the main reason leopard geckos catch pneumonia. Other causes can be poor ventilation, unsanitary conditions, poor diet, and other underlying illnesses, like vitamin A deficiency.

  • Mucus bubbles around the nose

  • Open-mouth breathing

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Keeping Your Gecko Happy and Healthy

So, how does a gecko owner avoid the nightmare of dealing with a sick reptile?

Here’s the good news: most of the diseases we just mentioned can easily be avoided with a quality diet and environment. Let’s explore this further.

Diet Dominates Disease

leopard gecko close up

With any creature, diet is of the utmost importance for health and vitality. Geckos can be tricky because they only eat live insects and refuse dead insects or any plant matter.

For that reason, it’s crucial to source your gecko’s food from a reputable pet store. When purchasing insects, ensure you buy well-fed ones. A well-fed insect will pass on vital nutrients and minerals to your gecko.

Variety is also key. Offer your gecko an array of insects, like crickets, worms, silkworms, waxworms, and roaches. Go a step further and dust the crickets with calcium powder twice weekly to ensure strong, healthy bones and proper egg laying.

With any creature, there are some dos and don’ts with what you can offer as food. Under no circumstances can leopard geckos eat bugs that glow. The chemical that makes the insect glow is toxic to leopard geckos. You also want to avoid wild bugs since pesticides can poison them.

Age Matters with Leopard Geckos

leopard gecko in a tank
Image Credit: Leroy Dickson, Pixabay

Feeding your gecko the right amount of food will help it receive nutrients and avoid disease. You don’t want to overfeed or underfeed your leopard gecko, so understanding your gecko’s age can help.

Adult geckos can feed once every other day for about 15 to 20 minutes. During this time, they can eat however much they want to their heart’s content. Offer insects no larger than the space between the gecko’s eyes. Otherwise, the insect won’t digest properly.

In contrast, young leopard geckos require daily feeding. Hatchlings can eat a bug about ⅜ inches long, and juvenile geckos can eat bugs about ¼ inch long.

House Requirements

A proper habitat includes light, humidity, warmth, and good ventilation.


leopard gecko on person's hand
Image Credit: akorolkova, Shutterstock

Geckos are nocturnal, so avoid using bright lights at all costs. Instead, opt for black heat lamps and red lamps.

The lighting should mimic the natural light cycle your gecko would experience in the wild. Geckos need about 14 hours of light during the summer and 10 hours of “nighttime.” During the winter, change the lighting to 12 hours for the morning and 12 hours for the night.

Humidity & Warmth

Humidity is vital for a gecko’s well-being. Too much or too little humidity can cause skin issues and respiratory infections, so you want to ensure you have it just right. Likewise, a cold gecko will refuse food and could eventually become nutrient deficient.

Ideally, a humidity level between 30% to 40% is best, with a toasty enclosure between 77 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Nighttime temperatures shouldn’t drop below 65 degrees Fahrenheit. The entire chamber doesn’t need to be kept at a consistent temperature. A little variety is good as long as it’s within the ideal temperature range. Experienced gecko owners will have a warm and cool side of the enclosure.

Geckos also need moist boxes to help with shedding. To create a damp environment, you can use a moist substrate like peat moss, damp soil, or sphagnum moss.


To achieve proper ventilation, add a mesh covering the entire lid or do something more active and install an electronic ventilator. Either method is acceptable as long as the gecko has good air quality.


Leopard gecko in an aquarium
Image Credit: Jessi Swick, Flickr

The substrate is the bedding at the bottom of the tank, and it’s more important than you’d think. Leopard geckos spend most of their time on the ground, meaning they will walk, run, and eat on the substrate provided to them. Females will even lay their eggs on the substrate.

The wrong substrate can affect your gecko’s life because your gecko might ingest it, or your female could refuse to lay eggs on it.

This is box title
  • Stones

  • River pebbles

  • Excavator clay

  • Paper towels

  • Newspaper

  • Ceramic tiles

  • Reptile carpet

Sand, wood chips, quarts, walnut shells, and bark are all substrates to avoid since these are outside the gecko’s natural environment and can cause harm.

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Leopard geckos are indeed prone to certain diseases. Still, a solid diet and enclosure setup can avoid most of these ailments. Take the time and money to offer your leopard gecko the best food and living space, and your gecko will thrive.

Featured Image Credit: torstensimon, pixabay

The post 10 Common Diseases in Leopard Geckos (& Care Tips) appeared first on Pet Keen.