How To Convince Your Parents To Get You A Dog

You love dogs but can’t convince your parents to get you one. Is this familiar? Well, you can’t really blame your parents. Having a dog is a fun experience, but there are a lot of responsibilities. Dogs demand a significant amount of effort, time, and occasionally even money. This is typically the reason parents decide […]

10 Best Pet Insurance Plans in Nevada – 2023 Reviews & Top Picks

gray tabby cat and black pug dog on a bench

Nevada is an amazing place to live, but along with that amazingness comes high temperatures and several venomous creatures enjoying life in the desert landscape. That makes life in Nevada a bit dangerous for your pet, so if your pet gets injured or ill in this desert state, you could be looking at substantial vet bills. However, purchasing pet insurance can help you offset the cost of those bills.

Luckily, there are plenty of pet insurance providers in Nevada; it just comes down to choosing the right one for your pet. But how can you find the best one?

We’re here to help by sharing the 10 best pet insurance plans in Nevada, their pros and cons, and more! Keep reading to learn what you need to know about pet insurance in the Silver State!


A Quick Look Our Favorites in 2023

Image Product Details

Best Overall



  • Excellent coverage

  • Flexible customization

  • Low monthly premiums

  • Best Value

    Second place


  • Quick sign-up

  • Incredibly cheap
  • Third place


  • 24/7 telehealth line

  • Tons of customization options

  • Wellness add-ons cover items not typically covered

  • Fetch

  • Quick claim payments

  • Amazing customer service

  • Covers many non-routine items

  • Trupanion

  • Can pay vet directly

  • High reimbursement rate

  • Lifetime per condition deductible
  • The 10 Best Pet Insurance Plans in Nevada

    1. Lemonade Pet Insurance – Best Overall

    Lemonade logo

    If you’re seeking the best pet insurance plan Nevada has to offer, then you’ll want to look at Lemonade. This company has a fantastic basic plan that covers tons of things—accidents, illness, congenital conditions, medications, surgery, cancer, and diagnostic services—while still having some of the lowest monthly premiums around. Lemonade also gives you the option of two other plans besides this one that offers you coverage for more, including routine items, as well as five add-ons that cover a host of health services from physical therapy to dental health. And with three deductible and reimbursement rate choices, along with five options for annual limits, you can customize your plan to meet your budget needs.

    However, be aware that the more add-ons you go with, the higher your monthly premium will be. Lemonade also has certain age and breed exclusions for coverage, such as an age cap of 14 years and a 6-month waiting period before any cruciate injuries can be covered.

    • Low monthly premiums

    • Excellent coverage

    • Flexible customization

    • Costs can add up if you add too much to the base plan

    • Certain age and breed exclusions

    2. Bivvy Pet Insurance – Best Value

    Bivvy Pet Insurance

    By far and away, Bivvy provides the best value for pet insurance, as they have a single basic plan for a single rate across the board ($13). So, whether you have a cat or a dog, your monthly premium will be that rate regardless of age and breed. The downside to this low monthly premium is that Bivvy doesn’t provide as much coverage as other insurance companies.

    This plan does cover accidents and illnesses, chronic conditions, and a handful of other basic items, but that’s it. On the plus side, Bivvy gives you the option of a wellness plan add-on for just a few more dollars that provides coverage for routine care. However, Bivvy doesn’t offer much customization for their insurance—everyone gets a low annual limit, deductible per claim, and 50% reimbursement rate.

    Besides being extremely affordable, the sign-up process for Bivvy is fast—it only takes 5 minutes to get your cat or dog insurance!

    • Incredibly cheap

    • Quick sign-up

    • Doesn’t cover as much as other plans

    • No customization

    3. Spot Pet Insurance

    spot logo 22

    If it’s incredibly customizable plans that offer the robust coverage you’re looking for, Spot Pet Insurance could be a great fit. Spot’s accident and illness plan and accident-only plan cover much in the way of emergency care while giving you the choice of a vast range of annual limits and deductibles, so you can customize your plan as needed. They also offer some wellness add-ons for items such as spay/neuter (an uncommon item to be covered!) and dental cleaning.

    You’ll need to pay attention to how you’re customizing your plan, though, as certain deductible and annual limit options can cause monthly premiums to be relatively high. But with so much customization, it should be easy to find an affordable price. Spot also offers a telehealth option that’s available 24/7 and has no age cap limit for signing up your pet.

    • Tons of customization options

    • Wellness add-ons cover items not typically covered

    • 24/7 telehealth line

    • Certain customizations can make premiums costly

    4. Fetch by Dodo

    Fetch Pet Insurance

    Fetch by Dodo used to be known as PetPlan, so it’s been around for a while, which means this company knows what they’re doing! Fetch provides comprehensive plans that cover everything from illness, accident, dental, alternative therapies, and more, with flexible options for reimbursement rates, annual limits, and deductibles. And though Fetch doesn’t cover routine items or offer add-ons that cover these, their basic plan covers several things other companies don’t, so it could be a good trade-off depending on your needs.

    Pet parents have also praised Fetch for its customer service, as it is quick and efficient. Plus, claims can be submitted either via their app or online, with fast turnaround times and the option of having your claim payment directly deposited.

    • Covers many non-routine items

    • Amazing customer service

    • Quick claim payments

    • No routine care coverage

    5. Trupanion Pet Insurance

    Trupanion Pet Insurance Logo

    Though Trupanion only has a single plan, they give you several deductible options to choose from to help customize this plan. However, that’s about it in the way of customization. The good news, though, is that Trupanion has a 90% reimbursement rate, lifetime per-condition coverage (so no more paying for a health issue after you’ve met the deductible for it), and no coverage cap. The bad news is the high reimbursement rate does mean monthly premiums with Trupanion are a bit higher than other companies, but you can offset that a bit with your choice of deductible. Though this plan is fairly comprehensive, it doesn’t cover routine care, but there are a couple of add-ons for that sort of thing.

    One of the great things about Trupanion is that instead of having you pay your vet, submit a claim, then get reimbursed, the company can pay your vet directly (if your vet has the required software). Trupanion also provides customer service 24/7, which is great for those after-hours emergencies.

    • Can pay vet directly

    • Lifetime per condition deductible

    • High reimbursement rate

    • Premiums are a bit higher than other places

    • Doesn’t have tons of flexibility

    6. Embrace Pet Insurance

    Embrace Pet Insurance

    Embrace Pet Insurance is a winner for most cats and dogs, but especially for those that are less accident-prone and better at staying healthy. That’s because for each year you don’t submit any claims, your deductible goes down by $50! But even if you have a pet that is prone to injury from running around or has a chronic condition, you can still find an excellent plan with Embrace.

    Embrace’s plans cover most of the usual stuff, such as chronic illnesses, accidents, preventable illnesses, orthopedic conditions, and genetic conditions, and give you tons of ways to customize. You can choose from five deductible options, plus a range of reimbursement rates and annual limits. Embrace also offers several discounts for already having your pet fixed, being a military member, or enrolling more than one pet!

    And though pet insurance companies don’t cover pre-existing conditions, Embrace does have an option that covers some pre-existing conditions (provided they are curable and your pet has been free of symptoms for at least a year). So, that’s pretty great! And to give you some coverage for routine care, Embrace has a Wellness Rewards program.

    However, all companies have negatives, and one of Embrace’s is the several complaints from pet parents about how slow claims are paid out.

    • Great customization options

    • Several discounts offered

    • Some pre-existing conditions covered

    • Deductibles can be reduced with no claims filed

    • Complaints about how slowly claims are reimbursed

    7. Pumpkin Pet Insurance

    Pumpkin Pet Insurance Logo

    Pumpkin Pet Insurance’s monthly premiums are a bit higher than many others on this list, but they also give you comprehensive coverage that has fewer restrictions than other companies. Just a handful of the many things Pumpkin provides coverage for include illnesses, accidents, diagnostics, prescription diets, microchipping, dental health, and holistic treatments.

    Part of the reason Pumpkin’s premiums are higher than most is due to the fact all of their plans give you a 90% reimbursement rate. Other than the single reimbursement rate, you can pick from three deductibles and three annual limits, so there is a bit of customization available to you.

    If you need help on a weekend, though, you’re out of luck, as Pumpkin doesn’t offer customer support or help with claims on weekends.

    • 90% reimbursement rate

    • Fewer restrictions than other companies

    • Great coverage

    • No customer support on weekends

    • More expensive than other companies

    • Less customization available

    8. Figo Pet Insurance

    Figo Pet Insurance Logo

    There have been a couple of pet insurance companies thus far that offer a 90% reimbursement rate; well, Figo takes it a step further and gives you a 100% reimbursement rate! That means monthly premiums are pricier than most other companies on this list, though. Along with the reimbursement rate, you’ll find their illness and accident plan has no caps for claim payment. This plan also gives you great coverage, with the option to choose “Power Ups” (or add-ons) to get coverage for exam fees, routine care, and more.

    Another bonus of Figo is its customer service, which can be reached by phone, email, or text, so you can get questions answered quickly and easily. Figo also has a 3-day turnaround for processing claims.

    • 100% reimbursement rate

    • No claim payment caps

    • Easily reached customer service

    • High monthly premiums

    9. Healthy Paws Pet Insurance

    HealthyPaws Pet Insurance Logo

    Healthy Paws only has a single plan for illness and accident, but that plan offers you no incident caps, unlimited lifetime payouts, no annual limits, and fast processing of claims. And this plan comes with affordable premiums (though premiums for pets under 6 will be a bit cheaper and more flexible). However, the reimbursement rate decreases as your pet ages and certain benefits become fixed.

    Healthy Paws also comes with an age limit cap, though that cap is set at 14 years old, so you have lots of time to enroll your pet.

    • Affordable

    • Unlimited lifetime payouts

    • No incident caps

    • Fast claims processing

    • Less coverage as your pet ages

    • Age limit cap

    10. Nationwide Pet Insurance

    Nationwide Pet Insurance

    So far, all of the pet insurance companies on this list only offer coverage for cats and dogs, so what do you do if you have a bird or a more exotic pet? You go with Nationwide. This is the only company that covers pets other than cats and dogs (though they cover those too). But even though they cover pets outside cats and dogs, Nationwide is fairly limited when it comes to plan customization (only one of their plans has reimbursement rate options). They also don’t provide add-ons for routine care. And cats and dogs get an age limit cap of 10 years.

    So, if you have a bird or exotic pet, this is the company you need, but if you have a cat or dog, you’ll do better with a different pet insurance company.

    • Covers birds and exotic pets

    • Not a lot of flexibility

    • No routine care coverage

    • Cats and dogs must be enrolled by age 10


    Buyer’s Guide: How to Choose the Best Pet Insurance Plan in Nevada

    What to Look for in Pet Insurance in Nevada

    When it comes to what one needs to look for in pet insurance in the state of Nevada, there are a handful of things to consider. First and foremost is whether a policy covers what you need it to. Next is whether a policy is affordable enough to fit your budget. Then, you should look at the reputation of the pet insurance company, when and how claims are paid, how customizable plans are, and how good their customer service is.

    Policy Coverage

    The type of policy coverage you require will depend upon the type of pet you have, their age, and their health. And since pet insurance plans can vastly vary in what they cover, you’ll need to take a close look at any policy before purchasing. Most insurance companies will have a basic illness and accident plan and a plan for accidents only, both of which tend to cover similar items, no matter the company. But some insurance companies will offer coverage for non-routine items through those plans, while other companies will offer that type of coverage in the form of add-ons. So, consider carefully what your pet currently needs and might need in the future and choose accordingly.

    pet insurance policy
    Image Credit:, Shutterstock

    Customer Service & Reputation

    No matter how good of coverage a policy offers, it won’t be enough if you end up having questions and can’t reach anyone at the insurance company. That’s why you need to look at a company’s customer service to see if it’s easy to get in touch with, how well they respond to inquiries, and how quickly they reply.

    You’ll also want to know how good (or bad) a reputation a company has. No matter how excellent a policy seems, it won’t be beneficial if it turns out the insurance company has a habit of denying claims. So, take a look at reviews from other pet parents who have used the insurance company to see what they’re saying. The Better Business Bureau and TrustPilot are great for finding reviews!

    Claim Repayment

    Or maybe an insurance company doesn’t deny claims often but is incredibly slow at processing claims and paying out reimbursements. One of the main ideas behind getting pet insurance is to be able to be reimbursed for vet costs, so if a company takes weeks or months to reimburse claims, it may not be worth it. This is another area where reviews from others come in handy!

    Other than seeing how quickly claims are paid, you’ll need to find out how to submit claims (online, via mail, via app) and how claims are paid out (by direct deposit, mailed check, or straight to the vet).

    Pet Insurance Form on the laptop screen
    Image Credit:, Shutterstock

    Price of Policy

    How much monthly premiums are is an aspect that’s right up there with policy coverage. Monthly premiums can vary not only between different insurance companies but within the same company (depending on how you tweak the plan’s customizations), so you’ll have some leeway here. But you might find that one company offers the same coverage as another for twice the price, so it’s good to shop around.

    Luckily, there are enough pet insurance companies out there that you shouldn’t have an issue finding something to fit your budget. One thing to remember, though, is that monthly premiums for dogs will always be higher than those for cats!

    Plan Customization

    How customizable a plan is will determine how high or low your monthly premium is and the type of coverage you’re getting. Pet insurance plans that offer you more customization in the way of deductibles, annual limits, and reimbursement rate options will be more helpful. Most companies will offer a fair amount of flexibility, but there are a few that offer little to none, so pay attention!

    Pet insurance form close up
    Image Credit: Ekaterina Minaeva, Shutterstock



    Can I Use My Pet Insurance Outside the U.S.?

    You can! Unfortunately, though, you’re limited to Canada for the most part. There are one or two companies out there that will allow you to use your pet insurance in other countries or U.S. territories, but the majority only allow you the option of using your plan in Canada or the U.S.

    What If My Insurance Company Is Not Listed in Your Reviews?

    If you already have pet insurance from a company not listed here (or are considering insurance from a company not listed here), you can find out more about them by visiting either the Better Business Bureau or your state’s Department of Insurance.

    Can I Keep Using My Vet After I Buy Pet Insurance?

    Absolutely! Unlike our insurance which sometimes requires us to see a certain doctor, pet insurance allows you to see any vet. So, you can keep using your same vet after buying pet insurance. Some companies might have rules about switching vets, though, so check into that if you’re considering a new vet.

    couple with a dog getting a pet insurance
    Image Credit: Drazen Zigic, Shutterstock


    What the Users Say

    All the pet insurance companies listed here have a four-star or higher rating on TrustPilot, so they’re all fairly popular with pet parents. Of course, there are some complaints, such as about Embrace’s slowness in reimbursing claims. But for the most part, these pet insurance companies are well-liked.

    Companies are liked for different reasons, though. Many people love the affordability of Lemonade, while others love the fantastic customer service that comes with Fetch. Still, others appreciate Bivvy’s one rate for all pets, while others love the fact that Nationwide covers birds and exotic pets. Each company has different strengths and weaknesses.

    Which Nevada Pet Insurance Provider Is Best for You?

    The Nevada pet insurance provider that’s best for you will be the one that provides your pet with the coverage it needs while giving you a price you can afford. Every pet is different, so find a plan that covers illnesses your pet is prone to (and accidents if they’re particularly clumsy). Then look at how you can customize your plan to add coverage for routine care or better fit your budget. Finally, remember to look at what other people are saying about a pet insurance company before purchasing to ensure the company has a good reputation.

    a woman explaining an insurance document to a couple
    Image Credit: Mikhail Nilov, Pexels



    We all want to be sure we can get our pets the vet care they need when they need it, and pet insurance goes a long way in making that a possibility. However, there are so many insurance companies it can be difficult to choose the best one. But you can find the right one for your pet by looking at policy coverage, affordability, company reputation, and how quickly claims are paid.

    If you want insurance quickly, though, and want the best insurance in Nevada, we recommend Lemonade for its affordability and flexibility. Or, if you’re just looking for something simple and cheap, check out Bivvy, as they offer the best price and quick sign-up.

    Featured Image Credit: Priscilla Du Preez, Unsplash

    The post 10 Best Pet Insurance Plans in Nevada – 2023 Reviews & Top Picks appeared first on Pet Keen.

    21 Plants That Are Safe for Dogs (With Pictures)

    We love our pets and plants, but sadly some of our favorite plants may be toxic for our companions. If you want to add greenery to your home and color to your garden while keeping your dog safe, you will be happy to know that there are plenty of options!

    Whether you prefer bright flowers or greenery draping from a basket, there is something for you. We have put together a list of 21 outdoor and indoor plants you can grow today without posing a risk to your furry companion.

    divider-dog paw

    The 21 Common Plants That Are Safe for Dogs

    Outdoor Plants

    1. Succulents

    succulent plant
    Image Credit: leoleobobeo,Pixabay
    USDA: 3–9
    Sun: 6 hours per day
    Placement: Sunny area, well-draining soil

    Succulents are one of the easiest plants to care for, and the variety of shapes, colors, and textures available brighten any garden. You can add a rock garden filled with a variety of pet-friendly succulents, or you can showcase them individually in containers. They are sun lovers, so a sunny spot such as the patio or sunny area of the garden is ideal, with light watering approximately every 1–2 weeks.

    2. Marigolds

    Image Credit: erwin nowak, Pixabay
    USDA: 2–11
    Sun: Full sun
    Placement: Full sun, shade tolerant, 6–12 inches apart

    Not only do these flowers add a pop of color to your garden, but they also serve as pest repellants that keep unwanted pests away from your vegetables and attract pollinators such as bees. They come in several varieties, offering shades of bright yellow and orange. You can enjoy an abundance of these flowers in your garden, and if your dog enjoys them too, there is no need to worry since Marigolds are perfectly safe.

    3. Fuchsias

    USDA: 10–11
    Sun: Full sun to partial shade
    Placement: Moist well-draining soil, shade in the hottest part of the day

    Fuchsias are an elegant and dog-friendly addition to your garden, especially in containers or hanging baskets on the patio, and they are one of the most loved flowers among gardeners. Many varieties are available, ranging from white, pink, purple, and deep red. Fuchsias are safe for dogs; in fact, they even have a sweet taste, so there is a chance that your dog is more dangerous to the flower!

    4. Magnolias

    magnolia plant

    USDA: 7–10
    Sun: Full sun, light shade
    Placement: Moist, well-draining, slightly acidic soil

    Magnolias are another gardener’s favorite that provide incomparable beauty to the garden with their waxy green foliage and elegant, creamy white blooms. With approximately 125 species available, all varieties are safe for dogs. Some grow as trees, while some grow as shrubs, and some varieties are evergreen, providing interest all year round. You can add this dog-friendly plant to any sunny area in your garden as a statement piece or as part of a shrubby border.

    5. Sunflowers

    Image Credit: ulleo, Pixabay
    USDA: 4–9
    Sun: Full sun
    Placement: Well-draining soil with enough room for tap roots

    Sunflowers will add a cheerful pop of color to a summer garden and are perfect as border plants or adding color among bushy green foliage. Sunflowers are loved by all, and you can enjoy these happy flowers in your garden while knowing they are safe for your dog. They also make stunning cut flowers for your living room, bringing an element of summer indoors. In the fall, their seeds will attract birds and bring more life to your garden.

    6. Snapdragon

    USDA: 7–11
    Sun: Full sun
    Placement: Rich, well-draining soil

    Their name might sound like something you don’t want to expose your dog to, but these stunning flowers are harmless. They are usually grown as annuals, providing short-lived beauty to your landscape, either as border flowers or as a statement in containers to beautify your patio. When planted from seed, they are usually slow growing, so it’s best to purchase seedlings from a nursery so you can enjoy their beauty soon after planting.

    7. Nasturtium

    nasturtium plant

    USDA: 9–11
    Sun: Full sun
    Placement: Well-drained poor soil, space to spread

    Nasturtiums are a great addition to the garden for many reasons. They can tolerate poor soils and don’t require fertilizer to grow. Their flowers are edible and are a bright addition to the landscape. They also help to repel pests, which can protect your vegetable bed. Once established, you can separate the plant and easily add it to a new area of the garden or add it to hanging baskets.

    8. Fennel

    fennel plant

    USDA: 4–9
    Sun: Full sun
    Placement: Open, sunny area with well-draining soil

    Fennel is a delicate-looking herb that is great for use in the kitchen if you enjoy the taste of licorice. While fennel is safe for dogs, it is highly beneficial for humans. It contains vitamins that are helpful for tissue repair, collagen production, and maintaining healthy skin. You can grow this bulb in containers and add it to your salads to enjoy the taste and health benefits.

    9. Rosemary

    rosemary plant

    USDA: 7–10
    Sun: Full sun
    Placement: Light, well-drained soil

    Rosemary is an aromatic herb that is great for culinary use. It is easy to grow and is safe for dogs, and you can grow it in abundance. Rosemary plants produce small purple flowers, which contrast beautifully against the dark green foliage, and the creeping variety is excellent for filling up spaces. Rosemary can grow indoors and outdoors as long as it receives enough light. Use this herb to season various dishes such as roasts, casseroles, and stews. Adding a small amount to your dog’s food can help support its digestive tract.

    10. Creeping Thyme

    creeping thyme plant

    USDA: 4–9
    Sun: Full sun
    Placement: Raised beds, rockeries, sunny spot with well-draining soil

    Creeping Thyme is another beneficial herb you can grow in your garden that is safe for dogs and can be used to flavor various dishes. It makes a great groundcover and can be planted between pavers to create a living patio. It is easy to grow and doesn’t require much attention; it can withstand frequent foot traffic, which is another reason it is an excellent choice of plant to grow with dogs around.

    11. Purple Basil

    purple basil plant

    USDA: 9-11
    Sun: Bright, direct sunlight
    Placement: Moist, well-draining soil, can tolerate partial shade

    Purple Basil will add some gorgeous color to your garden beds and is an easy herb to grow with a sweet and spicy flavor. Purple Basil is similar to green basil except for its more eye-catching foliage and intense aroma. This herb can be grown indoors and outdoors, either in the ground or in pots, and it is perfectly safe for dogs.

    Indoor Plants

    12. Spider Plant

    spider plant
    Image Credit: t50, Shutterstock
    Size: 12”–15”
    Light: Bright, indirect light
    Placement: Sunny spot with humidity. Small pot or hanging basket

    Contrary to its name, the spider plant is the perfect dog-friendly indoor plant. It is easy to grow and resilient and makes a great air purifier. The long, arched leaves make it an excellent plant for a hanging basket as long as it receives enough light. In the summer, spider plants produce long stems with small white flowers.

    13. Zebra Cactus

    Size: 5”–8”
    Light: 6–8 hours of sun
    Placement: South or east-facing window sill

    The Zebra Cactus is a popular succulent that will make a striking statement in your living room. Even though they are safe for dogs, their pointy shape will be unwelcoming for a curious dog. With that being said, it’s best to keep them in an area your dog can’t reach so that it doesn’t get a jab in the nose or eyes. They are low maintenance, can go weeks without water, and can adapt to various light conditions.

    14. Prayer Plant

    prayer plant
    Image Credit: Maritxu, Shutterstock
    Size: 10”–12”
    Light: Bright, indirect light
    Placement: Close to window, but they can tolerate low light

    The prayer plant is a unique and decorative plant that gets its name from the flat leaves that fold up at night and resemble praying hands. The leaves are dark green with yellow patches down the center and arching red veins stemming from them. It is tolerant of low light, so it is ideal for apartment living and safe for your furry roommate. Place this plant near a window where it can receive indirect sunlight and keep its soil moist.

    15. Areca Palm

    areca palm plant
    Image Credit: URAIWONS, Shutterstock
    Size: 6”–10”
    Light: Bright, indirect light
    Placement: South or west-facing window

    If you are looking for more of a statement piece to beautify an empty space in your home, a palm is a perfect choice. While some palms, like the sago palm, can be toxic to dogs, the Areca Palm is perfectly safe and will give your space a calming, tropical feel. Because of the plant’s long arching fronds, a curious pup may be tempted to chew on them, so consider placing it somewhere your pup can’t reach it. Your palm will need to be placed next to a window to receive enough light, but it will also benefit your plant to bring it outdoors in warm weather.

    16. Parlor Palm

    parlor palm plant
    Image Credit: iluphoto, Shutterstock
    Size: 10”–12”
    Light: Medium to bright indirect light
    Placement: Avoid direct sunlight

    The Parlor Palm is another popular indoor plant that is easy to care for and non-toxic to dogs. It can adapt to low light and handle low temperatures, so it is an ideal plant for beginner gardeners. Place a Parlor Palm in a large pot near a window where it can beautify your space and add a tropical ambiance. You can add this beautiful plant to your indoor patio or bathroom for a pop of greenery.

    17. Money Tree

    Money tree in a white vase
    Image credit: NeginMinaee, Shutterstock
    Size: 8–10 feet
    Light: Bright, indirect light
    Placement: Workspaces, bright kitchens, said to be bad luck in your bathroom

    Money Trees are easy to grow and will brighten your home with their green foliage and braided stem. While they are safe for homes with pets, they are also considered to bring luck and prosperity, so that’s reason enough to add one of these plants to your space. In their native environment, they can reach up to 60 feet tall, but when grown indoors, they reach approximately 8 to 10 feet tall and can even be trained as bonsai.

    18. Moth Orchid

    moth orchid plant

    Size: Up to 19 inches
    Light: Light areas
    Placement: Keep away from direct sunlight and wind or draughts

    Any home is incomplete with the pop of elegance that an Orchid provides; fortunately, the Moth Orchid is dog friendly and easy to care for. They are gorgeous all year round and provide color to your living room. They are one of the easiest orchids to grow, so there is no need to feel intimidated, especially if you are new to Orchids.

    Place your Moth Orchid where it can receive indirect sunlight and add some water when the bark or moss it is growing in is dry to the touch. While the Moth Orchid is safe for dogs, it may be wise to place it somewhere where an excited pup can’t easily knock it over.

    19. Baby Tears

    baby tears plant
    Image Credit: Bilalstock, Shutterstock
    Size: 4” tall
    Light: Medium light
    Placement: Hanging baskets, east or west-facing window

    The tendrils of the Baby Tears plant display a beautiful cascade of greenery when planted in a hanging basket. While this plant is non-toxic and safe for dogs, if you have a cat, it may be too much of a temptation for it to jump up at it and play with it, and your kitty will most likely cause more harm than the plant. They are easy plants to care for but require a bit of attention to grow their best.

    20. Polka Dot Plant

    polka dot plant

    Size: Up to 12 inches
    Light: Medium to bright light
    Placement: East or south-facing window

    Add a splash of pink to your house plants with the dog-safe Polka Dot plant. High humidity, warm temperatures, and regular watering are key to growing these plants. They have a moderate growth rate, and when grown indoors in pots, they will remain small even once they reach maturity. This plant is perfect to spruce up your kitchen or bathroom since it will thrive in humid conditions.

    21. Venus Flytrap

    venus flytrap plants

    Size: 5”– 6”
    Light: Bright, indirect sunlight
    Placement: South facing window

    A Venus Flytrap is a fascinating plant that can quickly become your favorite. It is a carnivorous plant that feeds on flies that land inside their alien-like mouths, which greatly benefits you and your dog if flies are abundant in your area. Although this plant may seem intimidating, it is dog-friendly and low-maintenance. Place it somewhere where it will receive at least 4 hours of direct sunlight and ideally somewhere where it can catch flies passing by.



    Whether it’s a big garden or indoor greenery you are looking for, there are plenty of dog-friendly plants for you to add to your landscape or home. Now you can enjoy your love of plants with peace of mind, knowing that your dog isn’t going to eat something it shouldn’t. While these plants are non-toxic, it’s essential to consider the placement to prevent your curious pup from chewing it up, knocking it over, or getting poked or scratched in the face. Happy planting!

    The post 21 Plants That Are Safe for Dogs (With Pictures) appeared first on Pet Keen.