Panda Moor Goldfish: Pictures, Facts, Lifespan & Care Guide

If you’re a goldfish fanatic, then you probably already know about the Black Moor goldfish, due to its popularity and availability in most shops that sell fish. Are you familiar with its cousin, the Panda Moor, though? It’s a relatively new breed of goldfish, so it’s no surprise that many people have never heard of this cute goldfish variety. Here’s everything you need to know about the Panda Moor.


Quick Facts about Panda Moor Goldfish

Species Name: Carassius auratus
Family: Cyprinidae
Care Level: Easy
Temperature: 65–74°F
Temperament: Peaceful, social
Color Form: Black and white
Lifespan: 10–15 years
Size: 4–8 inches
Diet: Omnivore
Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons, 20 is recommended
Tank Set-Up: Cool, freshwater tank; community tank
Compatibility: Other fancy goldfish, White Cloud Mountain minnows

Panda Moor Goldfish Overview

The Black Moor goldfish was developed in China in the 1700s, but the Panda Moor is a pretty new iteration of the Black Moor. This fish is named for its black and white coloration, but it is otherwise the same shape, size, and general appearance as the Black Moor goldfish.

They are social, peaceful goldfish that may have trouble competing with faster tank mates for food. Since they are cool water fish, there are some limitations on the tank mates they can have, but they are suitable additions to community tanks.

The Panda Moor may be a newer goldfish variety, but it has rapidly grown in popularity. This cute fish can sell for up to $5,000 for a show-quality fish! They are loved for their beautiful telescope eyes and their panda bear colors, plus the social and fun temperament of most goldfish.

Panda Moor Goldfish
Image Credit: hxdbzxy, Shutterstock

How Much Do Panda Moor Goldfish Cost?

Although show-quality Panda Moors can sell for up to $5,000, you shouldn’t expect to have to spend that much when you go purchase one for your home aquarium. You can expect to spend anywhere from $15–80 for a pet-quality Panda Moor, though. The cost will be very dependent on where the fish comes from and the quality of its breeding. Panda Moors in pet shops are likely to be less expensive, but they also may have a higher risk of carrying parasites and diseases than fish that come from a professional breeder.

Typical Behavior & Temperament

Like most goldfish varieties, the Panda Moor is a friendly, social fish. They’re known to have the ability to recognize patterns and faces, as well as be trained to perform simple tricks for food. They have the ability to recognize the person who feeds them, and it’s not uncommon to spot a goldfish begging for food at the glass when they see that person.

Panda Moor Goldfish
Image Credit: bluehand, Shutterstock

Appearance & Varieties

There is only one variety of the Panda Moor goldfish, which is black and white. The black and white coloration can vary in patterns on different fish. Their coloration and patterning may also change with age, although they usually retain their black and white coloration throughout their life.

The Panda Moor has a rounded, egg-shaped body, as well as a double tail like the Black Moor. It has protruding, telescope eyes, which are prone to injury. Males tend to be slimmer and less rounded in appearance than females.

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How to Take Care of Panda Moor Goldfish

Habitat, Tank Conditions & Setup

There is obviously a lot more to keeping fish than just tossing them in a bowl with some water. Here is everything you need to keep your Panda Moor happy:

Tank Size

There is a lot of disagreement among people in the fish community about the appropriate tank size for all types of goldfish. Some people feel they need at least 30 gallons, while others are comfortable keeping them in tanks down to 10 gallons. The main issue at hand with tank size is that goldfish create a very heavy bioload in their tank, so without powerful filtration and routine water changes, water quality can quickly become very poor, leading to illness, stress, and death.

If you are not able to commit to very routine tank maintenance for your Panda Moor, then you need to stick to a bigger tank. You should also consider adding a filter that is rated for a tank size larger than your tank.

Image Credit: Joan Carles Juarez, Shutterstock

Water Quality & Conditions

Like all fish, the Panda Moor requires high water quality, although this is a relatively hardy fish that can tolerate poor water quality better than many other types of fish. That doesn’t mean that your fish should be subjected to poor water quality, though. The water should be free of nitrite and ammonia, with nitrate levels below 20–40 ppm. They prefer a relatively neutral pH level, so aim for a pH level between 6.5–8.0, with 7.0–7.5 being ideal.


The substrate you select can be very important for a Panda Moor because sharp edges, like with gravel, can damage their eyes. Stick to soft substrates that won’t damage the eyes, like aquarium soil, fine sand, or smooth river rocks. Many people choose to not have a substrate with their goldfish at all.

person adding substrate and sand in the tank
Image Credit: Krysja, Shutterstock


The plants you have will depend on the substrate and décor you have in the tank. In a bare-bottom tank, some people use pots and plant weights to keep live plants without substrate. There are many fish that can be suitable for a Panda Moor tank, including Anubis, Ludwigia, java fern, java moss, and Amazon swords.


The Panda Moor needs a regular day/night lighting cycle. Your tank light should be powerful enough to maintain the live plants you select for your tank, though. Natural lighting from windows can be enough lighting for your goldfish in a well-lit room, but a tank light is the ideal way to ensure proper light is provided every day, regardless of external factors.

Aquarium light
Image Credit: TIPAKORN MAKORNSEN, Shutterstock


Goldfish create a heavy bioload in their tank, so strong filtration is necessary, especially in a smaller tank. Your Panda Moor’s filter should be at least rated for the size of the tank they live in, and many people choose to size up to a larger filter to help offset the bioload. Hang-on-back and canister filters are the best options for any type of goldfish, but sponge filters and internal filters can function as secondary filtration to maintain high water quality.

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Are Panda Moor Goldfish Good Tank Mates?

Panda Moors are very peaceful fish that make excellent tank mates. The biggest issue with the Panda Moor in a community tank is that they are slow and not particularly agile. This means that some tank mates that are suitable for slim-bodied goldfish, like Dojo loaches, are likely going to outcompete your Panda Moor for food. Even slim-bodied and fast-moving fancy goldfish can outcompete a Panda Moor for food. Stick to other egg-bodied fancy goldfish, or a small shoal of White Cloud Mountain minnows, although you will still need to ensure your goldfish gets enough to eat.

As with all new fish, your Panda Moor should be quarantined before being added to the main tank, especially if there are already other fish in the tank. This will allow you to monitor for signs of parasites and illnesses, as well as treat prophylactically to prevent the spread of illnesses.

Panda Moor Goldfish
Image Credit: bluehand, Shutterstock

What to Feed Your Panda Moor Goldfish

Panda Moor goldfish are omnivores that love to scavenge for food. They need to be fed at least once per day. If your goldfish eats all the food offered, they can be fed twice per day. Overfeeding will decrease water quality, though. They should be fed a high-quality pellet as the base of their diet, and they can be provided with many types of treats. Bloodworms, brine shrimp, and black soldier fly larvae make good treats for goldfish.

They can also be given fresh fruits and vegetables, like zucchini, cucumber, apple, and banana. Leafy greens, like spinach and romaine lettuce, and herbs, like cilantro and parsley, tend to be big hits with goldfish. These greens are also a good treat option because they allow your goldfish to “scavenge” for their food throughout the day. Make sure to remove uneaten fresh foods within 12 hours.

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Keeping Your Panda Moor Goldfish Healthy

The top issue leading to illnesses and problems for Panda Moors, and all aquarium fish, is poor water quality. Maintaining excellent water quality through water treatments, water changes, and filtration are the best ways to keep your Panda Moor healthy. Also, provide your fish with a high-quality, varied diet.

Keep their environment free of dangers and stressors and separate out any fish that seem to be bullying. Try to visualize your fish thoroughly at least a few times per week to check for any visible injuries, growths, or markings.


When goldfish breed, the male will chase the female, bumping her near her vent in an attempt to get her to release eggs. Breeding is usually stimulated by a change from cool to warmer water temperatures, like that occurs in the spring, so maintaining a steady, cool water temperature may prevent breeding.

Once the female releases her eggs, the male will fertilize them. The eggs cannot be kept in the tank with the parents. The parents will eat the eggs, and any eggs that survive and hatch will likely result in the fry getting eaten. A spawning mop, which can be things like fabric and plants, can be used to capture the eggs so they can easily be moved to a separate tank.


Are Panda Moor Goldfish Suitable For Your Aquarium?

The Panda Moor is a lovely goldfish variety that is social and peaceful, making it suitable for community tanks. Its need for cool water and its slow movements do mean that tank mates should be selected with care. With proper care, including excellent water quality, a Panda Moor can live to be 15 years old or more, so these goldfish are not a short-term commitment.

These fish are very beautiful, and each fish has a unique black and white pattern. Their telescope eyes and flowy fins are highly sought after, and these fish can be somewhat pricey, even just to be kept as pets. You may be able to find a low-quality Panda Moor in a pet store, but a breeder and online retailer will likely be the easiest place to find one of these fish.

Featured Image Credit: hxdbzxy, Shutterstock

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