Bloodhound Basset Mixed Dog Breed: Care, Pictures, Info, and More

Although several hybrid dogs are produced with Poodles, Hounds are becoming more common in mixed-breed pairings. If floppy ears, musical baying, and a nose for trouble are your favorite characteristics in a dog, a Hound is the pup for you. When one just won’t do it, you might find the Bloodhound-Basset mix is the perfect companion. Keep reading to learn all about this unique mixed-breed dog.

Breed Overview


15–27 inches


40–110 pounds


10–13 years


Tricolor, lemon and white, mahogany and white, black and white, red, black and tan, liver and tan

Suitable for:

Experienced, patient owners, ideally with a fenced yard, who don’t mind drool and dog hair


Loyal, stubborn, easygoing, friendly, sometimes independent, usually good with kids

The Bloodhound-Basset mix combines two of the most talented noses in the canine kingdom. Bloodhounds are probably the most famous tracking dogs in the world, with signature wrinkles and droopy faces. Known for their charm and short legs, Basset Hounds are thought to be second only to the Bloodhound in scenting power.

Together, these two breeds form a mix that might be unusual in appearance but will almost certainly make a tireless and talented trailing hound. In this article, you’ll learn more about the Bloodhound-Basset mix, including what it’s like to live with one.


Bloodhound-Basset Mix Puppies

The Bloodhound-Basset mix is a newer hybrid dog and may be difficult to find. Although it’s worth checking, you’re unlikely to find a confirmed Bloodhound-Basset mix available for adoption or from a rescue group. People who fall for the adorable faces of these pups without doing their research might find the grown dogs are more of a handful than they expected and surrender them to a shelter.

A breeder is probably the best place to acquire a Bloodhound-Basset mix puppy. Some breeders specialize in purpose-bred mixes; they cross breeds whose skills complement each other to produce dogs who excel at dog sports or hunting. As you research breeders, look for one who performs all the recommended health checks on the parent dogs.

Predicting how fast or big a Bloodhound-Basset mix puppy will grow can be tough. Adult Bloodhound-Basset mixes are generally stubborn dogs with an independent streak. Early socialization and training are especially beneficial for these puppies.

Parent breeds of the Bloodhound-Basset Mix
Image Credit: Left – Lenkadan, Shutterstock | Right – Mary Swift, Shutterstock

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Temperament & Intelligence of the Bloodhound-Basset Mix

The personality of any mixed breed dog can be hard to predict accurately because they may take after either parent or display a combination of their traits. Because they’re both hounds, the Bloodhound and Basset Hound have similar temperaments.

Generally, you can expect a Bloodhound-Basset mix to be relaxed at home but absolutely driven when they have a scent to follow. They are usually friendly but not outgoing about it. They’re smart but a challenge to train.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 👪

Basset Hounds are usually excellent with kids, while the Bloodhound’s size can make them a little overwhelming for small children. Depending on how big they are, the Bloodhound-Basset mix will usually get along well with kids. Early socialization will help.

If you’re looking for a dog who will tire the children out playing for hours, this may not be the mixed breed for you. Although Bloodhound-Basset mixes can be playful in bursts, they don’t have the sustained energy to keep up with rowdy kids. Some kids may find trying to play with them frustrating.

Always supervise dogs and kids and teach the children to respect their pet’s boundaries and space. Because they will follow a scent as far as it takes them, the Bloodhound-Basset mix does best if they have a fenced yard to explore safely. They’re generally too loud to live in crowded city locations, such as apartment buildings.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets?

Bloodhound-Basset mixes usually get along with other dogs, but their size may pose an issue for smaller canine friends. The earlier your puppy can meet and get used to other dogs, the more likely they will grow up to be social and relaxed around them.

While they aren’t necessarily driven to chase cats, any dog bred to trail game may not be the best housemate for a kitty. If properly introduced and supervised, dog-savvy cats will probably get along fine with a Bloodhound-Basset mix.

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Things to Know When Owning a Bloodhound-Basset Mix:

No dog is a perfect match for every family, and the Bloodhound-Basset mix has some quirks that can make them tough to live with. Here’s what you need to know when owning a Bloodhound-Basset mix.

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

Healthy Bloodhound-Basset mixes can eat any nutritionally balanced dog food. More important for this mixed breed than the type of food will be how much they eat. They love to eat and can quickly pack on the pounds, given their typically low-energy personalities.

Carrying too much weight can be tough on the Bloodhound-Basset, especially if they inherit the Basset Hound’s short legs and long back. Calculate how much food they need carefully, and be sure to subtract any treats you use for training, which will probably be a lot!

Exercise 🐕

The Bloodhound-Basset mix needs daily exercise, but you probably won’t need to spend much time tiring them out. A long walk or playing with other dogs is usually enough to satisfy them. Afterward, you’ll probably find them happy to snooze on the couch all day.

No matter how well-trained, the Bloodhound-Basset mix is not trustworthy off-leash, so keep your dog secure when you walk. If you have a fenced yard, be aware they’ll probably dig and can make an escape attempt at any time. The Bloodhound-Basset mix will likely enjoy tracking competitions, another option for exercise.

Training 🎾

Training a Bloodhound-Basset mix will most likely require a lot of patience and treats. They are generally intelligent dogs who may hide their smarts behind a stubborn and independent streak. If they can be convinced to learn, they’ll do it, but you may have to outlast them in a battle of wills first.

First-time dog owners may find training the Bloodhound-Basset more than they bargained for, so they’re usually better suited for someone with experience. Positive training methods that rely heavily on food rewards are generally the most effective.

Grooming ✂

Bloodhound-Basset mixes will have short coats and long ears no matter which parent they take after. They’ll probably shed a lot more than you’re expecting, but brushing their hair at least once a week will help keep the hair under control.

Because of their droopy ears, Bloodhound-Basset mixes are prone to ear infections. Check and clean their ears regularly. Bloodhounds can be droolers, so you may need to wipe their faces daily to keep them dry and prevent issues.

Keep their nails trimmed and provide preventative dental care by brushing or using dental chews as recommended by your veterinarian.

Health and Conditions 🏥

Bloodhound-Basset mixes can inherit any genetic condition present in their parent breeds. Dogs with short legs and long backs are also more at risk of spinal injuries, so it’s important to keep them at a healthy weight and limit jumping on and off stairs or furniture.

Minor Conditions
  • Hypothyroidism

  • Glaucoma

Serious Conditions
  • Bloat

  • Hip and elbow dysplasia

  • Luxating patella

  • Bleeding disorders

Male vs Female

Male Bloodhound-Basset mixes are typically taller and heavier than females, but the size differences are not as obvious as in some breeds. They may also be more of a challenge to train and handle, especially if they aren’t neutered. Females will go into heat about twice per year.

If you don’t plan to breed your Bloodhound-Basset mix, talk to your vet about the best time to get them spayed or neutered.


3 Little-Known Facts About the Bloodhound Bassett Mix

1. This Isn’t the First Time Someone Thought of Mixing Them.

Bloodhounds have been around longer than Basset Hounds. When Basset Hounds were being developed, breeders crossed them with Bloodhounds to make them bigger. So the purpose-bred Bloodhound-Basset mix might be new, but the two breeds have a long history together.

2. They Aren’t Shy About Expressing Their Feelings.

As a group, Hounds are among the noisiest members of the dog kingdom. Bloodhounds and Basset Hounds both bay loudly when on a trail. If they aren’t tracking, you’ll still hear what they have to say anyway. As you might guess, they aren’t the best apartment dogs!

3. It’s Thought That Their Long Ears Help Stir Up the Scent as They Sniff With Their Nose to The Ground, Perhaps Helping Explain Why The Bloodhound-Basset Is Such an Excellent Tracker.

Their long floppy ears are adorable, but they are also functional.


Final Thoughts

While they can be a loyal and relaxed family pet, the Bloodhound-Basset mix can also be loud, messy, stubborn, and challenging to train. They are best suited to experienced owners with the patience and tolerance to handle their personality quirks.

The Bloodhound-Basset mix also makes a fine working companion for those looking for a talented trailing dog to train for search-and-rescue or tracking competitions. Keep a towel handy to wipe up the drool and a pocket full of treats for bribery, and the Bloodhound-Basset mix may just charm their way onto your couch.

Featured Image Credit: GoDog Photo, Shutterstock

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