Why Is My Cat Purring So Loud? 6 Vet-Reviewed Reasons

Many pet owners think cats only purr when you pet them or when they want something, but they also purr loudly for other reasons. Most of the time, purring loudly means your feline is happy and content. Other times it might be because she’s a mom trying to lead her kittens. Many don’t realize that a cat can also purr when it’s in pain and self-medicating. In this article, we’ll discuss why cats purr and why some purr loudly.


The 7 Reasons Why Your Cat is Purring So Loud

1. Your Cat Is Happy

The most common reason for a cat purring loudly is that they’re happy and content in your home. If your cat is cuddled in your lap and you’re petting and rubbing them, they may purr loudly to show their contentment.

It’s also possible that your cat associates purring with being petted and loved by you, which means they’ll do it to get you to pet them as well. When your cat purrs, you pet them even more, which means they’re training you as much as you’re training them.

2. Your Cat Is Calming Down or Leading Her Kittens

Newborn Kittens
Image Credit: Jumpstory

If you’ve noticed your mother cat purring loudly, it could be because she’s trying to calm down or call her kittens. Kittens are born unable to hear or see, so a mother cat purrs to lead them in the direction they need to go. For example, if the kitten wanders away from the litter, the mother will purr loudly to guide them back to the fold. Mother cats also use purring to guide their kittens when it comes to feeding them.

3. Your Cat Is Self-Medicating

According to research, cats use purring as a form of self-medication and pain control. Purring does take a lot of energy, but it also brings pain relief to your feline friend. Some of the ways that a recent study showed cats may use purring for are listed below.1

  • Build muscle

  • Repair tendons

  • Heal wounds

  • Heal bones

  • Lessen swelling and pain

If you feel your cat is purring loudly for any of these reasons, it’s best to make an appointment right away with your vet for an examination.

4. Your Cat Is Calming Down

Grey British Shorthair happy cat
Image Credit: PHOTOCREO Michal Bednarek, Shutterstock

Cats get just as stressed as we do and need to calm down. Purring helps them to do that. Cats are said to use purring to relieve stress and calm down, like when they are at the vet and extremely nervous about the situation.

It’s also possible that you’ll see this kind of purring in cats you find in a rescue shelter or cats that are frightened for some reason. The best way to remedy this if it happens to your cat is by petting them and talking to them softly until the frightened purring turns into a happy purring.

5. Your Cat Wants Something

The loud purring your cat is doing could be as simple as your cat trying to tell you something. Cats purr loudly sometimes when they want to be fed or petted. The purr you hear when your cat is hungry is normally accompanied by a loud meow or an extremely unpleasant cry that sounds like a baby crying.

Experts have said that most humans can tell the difference between a hungry purr and another type of purr, even if they aren’t cat owners. So, the next time your cat purrs loudly, listen carefully to determine if the cat is hungry or purring for another reason.

6. Your Cat Is Trying to Make Others Happy

Furry tabby cat lying on its owner's lap
Image Credit: Impact Photography, Shutterstock

Cats sometimes purr loudly to make others happy. Mother cats often purr to comfort their newborn kittens. Some pet owners have even said that when they have migraines, their cats will curl up on their lap or beside them and purr loudly like they are trying to help. Of course, there is no concrete proof that this works or that it’s even what the cat is trying to do, but it’s a kind gesture anyway.

These are just a few of the most likely reasons that your cat is purring loudly. There are sure to be more that we don’t even know about yet, but suffice it to say that your cat is trying to tell you something with the loud purring, and you should listen.


Should You Worry When Your Cat Purrs Loudly?

In most cases, there’s nothing to worry about when your cat starts purring loudly. It’s usually because of one of the reasons above. However, if your cat is acting sick, injured, or stressed, make an appointment with your vet just to be on the safe side.



Cats purring loudly is usually a perfectly normal occurrence. If you’re concerned that the purring is too loud or that your cat might be injured or sick, contact your vet for an appointment. It’s better to have the vet check out your feline than to ignore the loud purring. Most of the time, however, your cat is just happy and showing you how much they care about you.

Featured Image Credit: PHOTOCREO Michal Bednarek, Shutterstock

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