How to Train a Dachshund: 15 Expert Tips

Dachshunds are small and adorable with the attitude of a large breed. They may seem playful and friendly at first glance, but as you begin to know them, you will find that they can be quite challenging to train due to their stubborn and independent nature. So, if you’re planning to adopt a Dachshund, be ready to invest a lot of time and effort in their training.

Don’t be afraid, though! Training a Dachshund won’t be too difficult if you know how to do it easily. The key is patience. Since these dogs are quite willful, you can’t motivate them for training without being gentle.

If you’re new to dog parenting, this guide will discuss some helpful tips to help you easily train your little beast. So, let’s dive in!


How to Train a Dachshund Puppy

Before you start your Doxie’s training, break it down into smaller sessions to gradually make your pup accustomed to this new thing. This method will ensure your puppy enjoys their training without getting too tired.

Here are some tips for training your young Doxie:

1. Allow the Puppy to Get Familiar With Your Home

Dogs need some time to become habitual in their new surroundings. So, you should leave them alone for some days or weeks to let them discover the house and understand they’re completely safe here.

However, make sure to puppy-proof your entire home beforehand. It includes decluttering the rooms, removing small items your pup may swallow, hiding kids’ toys and electrical cords, etc. Simply eliminate anything that could risk your pup’s safety.

Remember, you can’t train a dog who isn’t comfortable in their environment. If you force your pup for training right after bringing them home, they may feel threatened and show destructive behavior.

Shaded English Cream Miniature Dachshund Puppy Sitting
Image Credit: Carolyn Dietrich, Shutterstock

2. Train Your Pup Early

When your puppy is familiarized with their new home, you can begin their training as soon as possible. The ideal age to train a Dachshund puppy is 8 to 12 weeks. That’s when the pup has weaned from its mother and is ready to enter the real world.

An 8-week-old puppy is also curious enough to experience new things, making them ideal for training. At first, you must confine the dog in a small room and then introduce them to other parts of the home. This way, they won’t be overwhelmed with this new adventure.

3. Make them Sociable Through Puppy Kindergarten

Learning socialization is important for Dachshunds, especially in their puppyhood. You can enroll your Doxie in a puppy kindergarten to help them learn how to coexist with other dogs and people.

These classes will also teach basic obedience skills to your pup in an enjoyable manner. They will learn how to respond when someone commands them “sit,” “stand,” or “stay.” To get maximum results, you must choose the best trainer for your puppy.

Once your Doxie knows how to get along with other dogs, you can take them to your nearby dog-friendly park to help them socialize. This will help them become comfortable in this new life experience.

Black furry dachshund puppy climbing up on a stair
Image Credit: at.rma, Shutterstock

4. Discourage Chewing

Puppies chew anything they get their hands on. The same is true with Dachshunds, as these dogs love to chew household items like shoes, books, and furniture. This destructive behavior is instilled in them naturally, so don’t discourage them harshly.

Instead, be gentle, firmly tell them ” No, ” and take the item from their hands. Make sure to do so when they’re chewing. If you do it once they are done, they won’t understand what you are correcting them for.

Provide your pup with chewing toys to help them satisfy their urge. Appreciate them when they chew on the toys, so they’d know that they are doing the right thing.

Scolding your dog physically or verbally will make them scared of you, which may make your training sessions no less than a headache.

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How to Crate Train a Dachshund

Crate training is essential for Dachshund puppies to let them spend time in their designated space. This way, they won’t chew household items and relax in their crate when the outside environment becomes too much for them.

5. Select the Right Crate

To make your dog comfortable, you must get a crate according to their size. It must have enough space for the Doxie to move around easily, but it shouldn’t be too big to give them room to poop or pee inside.

You will find many crate options in the market for your Dachshunds, making it hard to choose one. If your dog is curious, you should get a wire crate, as it will allow them to see what’s happening in their surroundings.

The ideal crate size for Doxies is 24 x 30 inches or 24 x 36 inches, depending on the size of your dog and the space in your home.

miniature dachshund puppy sitting in a crate
Image Credit: Jaclyn Vernace, Shutterstock

6. Put the Crate in an Activity Room

Dachshunds like to be around humans, particularly their owners. Crate training can make them lonely, encouraging them to resist living in their new home.

To prevent this, you must place their crate in a room with plenty of human activity. It could be the living or family room. Doing so will help your Doxie keep an eye on the activities of other members without feeling like a stranger in the home.

7. Make Your Dachshund Comfortable

Your dog’s crate must provide comfort to them, or it won’t be useful. You can ensure that by placing a soft bed or blanket inside the crate to make them feel at home. They will also need food and a water bowl to stay full and hydrated.

You can also put safe toys in their crate that they can play with. Since dogs love to chew, you should also include soft toys to satisfy their urge.

Remember, your Doxie needs to feel safe and comfortable inside their new home, not perceive it as punishment.

dachshund nesting
Image Credit: Masarik, Shutterstock

8. Train Your Dog to Live in the Crate

Your Doxie will need your help to stay in the crate for extended periods. At first, they may show little resistance to entering their new home. So, begin with shorter periods and then extend the duration gradually.

The best way to tell your dog to go inside the crate is through a one-word command. For instance, you can say “crate time.” You can also entice your pup through their favorite treats so that they can establish a positive association with their new home.

When you leave them alone, your Doxie may whine or cry in the beginning. Don’t pick them up for consolation. Instead, act like you didn’t hear them and let them understand that crying won’t help them in this case.

Once your dog seems comfortable, you can give them meals in the crate. But ensure to take them out for the toilet to empty their bladder.

Keeping your pet in the crate the entire day is not a good idea. It will force them to hold their pee for long and make them lonely. If you don’t stay home much, you can hire a pet sitter to give your pup company.


How to Potty Train a Dachshund

House or potty training teaches a Dachshund how and when to use the bathroom. It becomes easier if you have already crate-trained your puppy. Generally, dogs take several weeks to complete their house training, so be patient.

9. Establish Your Dog’s Feeding and Bathroom Routine

Whether you have an adult or a puppy, you can potty train your Dachshund at any age. But yes, it is easier to do in their puppyhood. Start by setting their feeding and bathroom schedule.

If your dog eats three to four times a day, you should take them outside to take the leak once they are done eating. This way, they will learn to eliminate outside the house and not inside. Your pup may also need to go to the toilet after playing, before bedtime, or when they have spent a long time in the crate.

Remember, puppies between 9 to 12 months can hold their bladder for only an hour every month of their age. For example, a 9-month-old Doxie may need to pee after every 9 hours. However, that’s just an estimate, and your pup may require peeing earlier or later than that.

dachshund sniffing on sand
Image Credit: Laila_, Pixabay

10. Give Your Dachshund With Treats When They Pee Outside

Positive reinforcement goes a long way in training a Dachshund. The best way to make your adorable pup accustomed to outside peeing is by asking them to choose their elimination spot. Once they’re done, reward them with a treat and lots of praise.

Appreciate your pet whenever they go to the bathroom outside to let them understand that it’s a good thing.

Never rush your Doxie to eliminate outside, as it will make them anxious. They may start to avoid peeing outside by holding their bladder for extended periods. That’s quite unhealthy for the dog, leading to a mess inside the home.

11. Don’t Scold Your Pet for Accidental Messes

Your Dachshund will take time to learn to eliminate outside, so don’t expect them to be pro in a few days. They may urinate or defecate inside the home in the beginning. Instead of punishing or scolding them out of frustration, be patient and clean up after them without making a fuss.

Use a strong pet urine cleaner to clean the soiled area. If it keeps smelling like urine, your dog may urinate there again.

To discourage this behavior, tell your pup a firm “no” when they are urinating or defecating inside the home. Then, pick them up and take them outside. Scolding your dog for such innocent accidents will only make them fearful of you.

dachshund puppy is digging hole on beach sand
Image Credit: Denis Babenko, Shutterstock


How to Train a Dachshund for On-Leash Walks

Last but not least, your Daschcund must learn how to walk on a leash since these dogs have a strong sense of prey. This instinct becomes even more active when they grow older. Leash training will also enable you to manage your dog in public places.

Below are some tips to help you train your Dachshund for on-leash walks:

12. Get the Right Harness and Leash

With so many harness and leash options in the market, it can be hard to buy a suitable one for your dog’s size. Simply rush to your nearest pet store, and the staff there will help you find a well-fitting harness and leash for your Doxie.

Ensure the leash and the harness are not too tight around your pup’s neck and fit them comfortably.

13. Allow Your Dog to Get Calm Before Going Out

Before putting the harness and the leash around your puppy’s neck, allow them to sniff the tools to know they aren’t in danger.

However, there is another thing to consider before going out for the on-leash walk. Never put the harness on your dog when they are too excited for the walk. Why is that so? It could teach them they can do this anytime they want your attention.

So, whenever you see your pup getting too overwhelmed, leave the leash and the harness and go away. Return when the dog seems calm and put them on a leash and harness.

It’s recommended to hold the excess leash in your right hand and the actual in your left one.

Dachshund going on a walk
Image Credit:
Sabrinakoeln, Pixabay

14. Discourage Leash Pulling

Sometimes, Dachshunds get too excited for outside walks that they start pulling on the leash. You should discourage this behavior, as it shows that the pup is trying to be the boss. To cope with this, you must keep standing still or walk in a different direction.

If you choose to walk away, don’t take the dog with you. They will eventually sense that you didn’t like their leash-pulling behavior, making them catch up to you. Once the Doxie is back, walk before them to show you are still the leader.

As your Doxie starts to become calmer, you should give them their favorite treats during the walk to encourage good behavior.

15. Teach Heeling to Your Dachshund

Heeling is when your dog walks beside you without pulling the leash. To help your Doxie learn it, you must make them walk on your left side on the leash and harness. Keep the leash in your left hand and your pet’s favorite toy in the other hand.

Now, cross your right hand around your body so the dog can see the toy. Immediately say “heel” and walk forward while positioning the toy before the Doxie.

You can also use your pet’s favorite treats instead of the toy. As your dog learns how to heel, reward them with kibbles and verbal appreciation to encourage this behavior.



Training a Dachshund puppy helps the dog become a well-behaved adult. You can train your Doxie at any point in their life, but the best time is when they are in puppyhood. At this time, these dogs are quite energetic and open to new challenges. Besides, puppies are also easier to manage than adult dogs.

You should practice potty and crate training with your Dachshund to help them adjust to living in a home. They must also know how to listen to your commands and walk on a leash.

Just be patient with your pup and take time for their daily training. Your intelligent Dachshund will learn everything in only a few weeks!


Featured Image Credit: congerdesign, Pixabay

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