Why Does My Dog Smell Like Maple Syrup? 6 Reasons & What to Do

Our pets can have a multitude of odors depending on what they get into and what kind of food they eat, but one of the strangest odors that some people notice coming from their dogs is that of maple syrup. If you notice this odd scent on your dog, keep reading as we list several possible causes.


The 6 Reasons Your Dog Smells Like Maple Syrup

1. Diet

Certain foods or treats that contain maple syrup, molasses, or other sweet ingredients can impart a sweet smell to your dog’s breath, body, or urine. If your dog got into your pancakes or other goodies when you weren’t looking, there’s a good chance that you will smell it on their breath. They might also get some on their fur and face, increasing the fragrance. These treats can even sometimes change the odor of their urine.

cocker spaniel gets treat dog owner
Image Credit: Natalia Bostan, Shutterstock

2. Wild Plants

A few wild plants can cause your pet to smell like maple syrup if your pet chews on them, as they change the fragrance of their breath, urine, or both. One such plant is the cudweed, which has a hairy appearance, whitish leaves, and small white flowers. You will find these plants growing wild in California, and your dog can easily eat them or rub the flowers and leaves on their coat as they play. Fenugreek seeds also smell like pancakes but are not that common in America.

3. Yeast Infection

Dogs with yeast infections, particularly in their ears or skin folds, may emit a sweet or musty odor resembling maple syrup. Yeast overgrowth can occur due to various factors, including allergies, immune system issues, or moist environments. Fortunately, these infections usually clear up quickly after a trip to the vet to acquire medication.

vet examining the ear of dachshund dog
Image Credit: Tyler Olson, Shutterstock

4. Bacterial Infection

Some bacterial infections, including certain skin infections, can produce an odor resembling that of maple syrup. These infections can arise from wounds, hot spots, or other sources of bacterial growth on the skin. These are more serious than yeast infections but can still be cleared up with medication.

5. Urinary Tract Infection

Although urinary tract infections (UTIs) typically result in a strong or foul odor in the urine, certain bacterial infections in the urinary tract might create a sweet or maple syrup-like smell instead. Other signs of a UTI may include increased frequency of urination, accidents in the house, or visible discomfort during urination.

Dog Pee Rug
Image Credit: New Africa, Shutterstock

6. Canine Diabetes

If none of the other reasons on this list are likely, the sweet smell from your dog might result from canine diabetes. This condition occurs when the body doesn’t create enough insulin (type 1 diabetes) or doesn’t use it properly (type 2 diabetes). Type 1 is more common in general, with type 2 occurring more often in older dogs. A third type of diabetes can occur when a female dog goes into heat. Any form of diabetes leads to too much sugar in the bloodstream, which can cause the dog’s breath and urine to smell sweet, often reminiscent of maple syrup. Other signs include frequent yeast and urinary tract infections, cloudy eyes, and excessive drinking, urination, and appetite.


Frequently Asked Questions

Should I Be Concerned If My Dog Smells Like Maple Syrup?

If the smell is persistent or accompanied by other concerning signs, it’s advisable to consult with a veterinarian. They can perform a thorough examination, run necessary tests, and provide an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

Can the Maple Syrup-Like Smell Be Temporary or Harmless?

The smell may be temporary and harmless, especially if linked to diet or exposure to scented products. However, it’s always best to have your dog evaluated by a veterinarian to rule out any underlying health issues.

How Common Is Diabetes in Dogs?

Canine diabetes is relatively common, with estimates suggesting that around one in 100 to one in 500 dogs may develop the condition.

Doctor examining Basset Hound dog at veterinary clinic
Image Credit: sirtravelalot, Shutterstock

What Are the Risk Factors for Canine Diabetes?

Various factors can increase a dog’s risk of developing diabetes, including breed, age, obesity, sex, and genetic predisposition.

Can Diabetes Be Cured in Dogs?

Currently, there is no cure for diabetes in dogs. That said, dogs with diabetes can live fulfilling and relatively normal lives, but it does require commitment from the owner to administer insulin, monitor blood glucose levels, and make necessary lifestyle adjustments.

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Your dog can get into food or plants that can cause them to smell like maple syrup. Certain yeast or bacterial infections might also smell sweet. If it’s one of these reasons, it will likely clear up in a few days or after you give them medication. However, if the smell is persistent, it could be a sign of diabetes, a serious metabolic disease for which there is no cure, though dogs can still live happy lives with proper care from their owners.

Featured Image Credit: Ksenia Raykova, Shutterstock

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