‘A Good Girl And True Hero’: Dog Rescues Owner By Asking A Deputy For Help

A dog leads a deputy to a wooded area in Stevens County, Washington to ask him to rescue his hurt 84-year-old owner on Wednesday, September 25.

“Deputy Wright was patrolling a rural wooded area of Stevens County when he came upon a dog sitting in the roadway,” the Stevens County Sheriff’s Office shares on their Facebook page on Tuesday, October 01.

“No residences were visible nearby. Wright tried to get the dog into his vehicle so he could attempt to find the owner, but the dog would not get in his vehicle,” the Sheriff’s Office added.

They also shared that the deputy proceeded to check the surrounding residences in the area within a mile to find the dog’s owner, but didn’t find him to no avail.

The Stevens County Sheriff’s Office explains that when Deputy Wright went back to the dog’s location, the dog was laying on the centerline.

The deputy tried to get the dog off the roadway, but instead took off up on a “slightly travelled, unmarked roadway.”

Deputy Wright then followed the dog, who led him to a small summer cabin. He then began checking around the area and discovered an elderly male laying on the ground, calling for help just a short distance outside the cabin.

The Stevens County Sheriff’s Office reveals, “The 84-year-old-male, who also had other medical conditions needing regular medications, had fallen and injured his leg.”

“He had laid there for hours and may have had serious consequences if he had not been found,” they added.

The Sheriff’s Office then found out that the dog that led the deputy to the area is the 84-year-old male’s dog, named Gita, a 13-year-old rescue dog.

Time and time again, our furry friends remind us that they will go to great lengths to show us their unconditional love and loyalty for us.

And the Stevens County Sheriff’s Office witnessed it that day Gita saved his owner. They wrote, “We credit Gita for saving his life that day. The loyalty and heroism of our furry friends never cease to amaze us.”

The Stevens County Sheriff’s Office also added, “Thank you, Deputy Wright, for going to the extra effort and thank you Gita for being a good girl and true hero!”

Online users are applauding both Gita and Deputy Wright for a job well done.

A user related to the rescued man thanked Deputy Wright and wrote, “The man you saved is my 91yo mom’s cousin. We are very grateful you followed your instincts, experience, and Gita!”

“Great work to the pup and my hat off to the deputy who trusted his gut. Could have been a very different outcome,” another user wrote.

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