Allergies In Dogs: Our Vet Discusses Signs, Causes & Care

Allergies in dogs are one of the hottest topics in veterinary medicine today. Part of this is because those of us veterinarians who work in small animal clinical medicine see suspected and/or confirmed allergy dogs every single day in practice. The other reason dog allergies are such a hot topic is due to the large marketing push by pet food and pet brand companies focusing on allergies. The pet product industry is huge, and many companies sought to grab a piece of the pie by employing smart, though not necessarily truthful or scientifically based, claims about allergies. In this article we’ll barely scratch the surface of what allergies are in dogs, what it can look like, and how you may be able to successfully (and unsuccessfully) treat them.

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What Are Canine Allergies?

Allergies in dogs have some common ground to allergies in humans. Allergens are any substance that will stimulate reactions from the immune system after they are inhaled, absorbed and/or ingested. These immune system reactions include the release of histamine and other substances that cause inflammation, swelling, and itching.

The differences between humans and dogs are numerous though. Dogs’ bodies react differently to allergens in addition to reacting to different substances than people. Treatment may vary greatly from humans as well. I touch on this because it’s important to keep in mind that many companies have marketed their products based on the anthropomorphism of human allergies to dog allergies. The two are not the same, and when you are seeking information and relief for your dog’s allergies, please be aware that a lot of what you read on the internet and see in the stores have absolutely no scientific background to prove effectiveness.

collie dog gagging
Image Credit: Christian Mueller, Shutterstock

What Are the Signs of Allergies in the Dog?

By far and away the most common sign of allergies in dogs is itching (pruritus). You may notice your dog “grooming” themselves by licking their feet, legs, groin, and belly. However, dogs do not groom themselves; that is a cat behavior. If you are noticing your dog licking itself, biting at their skin/fur, and/or rubbing their face and neck, it’s likely because they are itchy. I’ve often heard owners refer to their dog as “trimming their own nails”, because they bite at the toes, nails, and paws. Owners mistakenly think their dog is doing this because their nails are long, when in reality it’s from excessive paw pruritus.

Other signs of allergies may be the onset of ear infections. Some dogs will get ear infections from excessive moisture in the ears after swimming/bathing/grooming, or from their housemate licking out their ears. Other dogs will seemingly get ear infections out of nowhere, often which become chronic or persistent. Ear infections can often be a sign that your dog is actually suffering from underlying allergies, and the allergies and inflammation associated with it are the catalysts to the ear infections.

Licking, scratching, and itching can then lead to further wounds on the skin. Your dog may also start to develop skin infections (pyoderma) as well. Severely affected dogs will lose their hair, develop sores and/or wounds at the site(s) of self-trauma, in addition to having an odor to their skin. Chronically affected dogs will develop thickening of their skin, brown discoloration to the fur, and hyperpigmented and/or dark colored skin from chronic inflammation.

Unbeknownst to a lot of people, airway signs of allergies are not that common in dogs. While people will develop watery eyes, runny noses, and itchy airways, not many dogs will develop those same signs. Some dogs will get watery eyes and nose, or even allergic bronchitis (inflammation of the airways), but this is not as common as itching of the skin and ears.

Pekingese dog scratching his fur
Image Credit: Sasa Dzambic Photography, Shutterstock

What Are the Causes of Canine Allergies?

Here is where we get into the meat and potatoes of it all, and where the pet food companies have gotten it wrong. The most common causes of allergies in dogs are environmental allergies and fleas. In other words: grass, pollen, weeds, dust, insects, etc., not food. Think about how many species of plants and possible environmental irritants are out there, not only specific to your yard, but specific to the area of the country you live in. There is absolutely no way to predict what your dog will encounter and/or react to on a daily basis, especially if you take your dog hiking or travel with them frequently.

Fleas are also an extremely common source of allergies. Spare your veterinarian the rhetoric that your dog cannot get fleas because they only go outside to use the bathroom. They can get flea-infested that way and at minimum get bit. Dogs will actually react to the flea saliva, becoming severely itchy from only a few bites.

And finally, food allergies are possible, though not as common as commercials make people think. Many people think because almost everyone they know has at least one type of food allergy today, that this is what is causing the reactions in their dogs. In reality, food allergies are infrequent as a single cause of canine allergies, though can be more common in dogs also suffering from environmental and/or flea allergies. If your dog does have food allergies, it’s not typically the grains or corn causing the reaction. It’s actually more commonly the protein source. In other words, that high-quality, organic, free-range chicken dog food that you feed your dog may actually be the culprit. Beef, dairy, and chicken top the list of most common food allergies seen in dogs.

jack russell terrier dog licking hind leg
Image Credit: Veronika Gaudet, Shutterstock

Diagnosing Allergies in Your Dog

Diagnosing allergies in dogs can be an extremely frustrating process, both for pet owners and veterinarians alike. This is because allergy testing cannot definitely diagnose the condition, but rather identify the allergens that are likely affecting your dog. Let’s start with what everyone believes is the culprit, which is food. Allergy testing has not been found to be reliable for food allergies. There are of course food items that are included in the testing, but the most reliable is what is called an exclusion diet. This is a tedious process that the dog owner has to complete at home by excluding all but one type of protein or a hydrolyzed protein in their dog’s diet. The exclusion is completed for at minimum 3 months prior to any foods being re-introduced. This includes all types of treats and table scraps. Only after food is reintroduced and your dog starts to show signs of allergies again can we confirm the guilty foods.

Other types of allergy testing are skin and blood tests. The blood test can be completed at your regular veterinarian and then sent to a lab that tests for multiple different types of environmental and food allergens. Skin testing has to be completed by a Board Certified Veterinary Dermatologist and is often completed under heavy sedation and/or anesthesia. Most dermatologists prefer skin testing to blood testing, though this will be more expensive. In addition, access to a dermatologist in some areas of the country is not possible, making blood testing the only available option.

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How Do I Care for a Dog With Allergies?

It’s important to know that most allergies are going to be a lifelong battle for your dog. Many dogs will only have seasonal allergies, depending on what is blooming and/or in the environment for those few months. However, many dogs will have allergies all year long.

owner giving medicine to pet dog
Image Credit: Creative Cat Studio, Shutterstock


Anti-histamines can be tried based on your veterinarian’s dosing recommendations, but they are frequently not effective. Steroids, the mainstay of allergies for decades, are great for acute and short-term allergic reactions. However, there are many potential side effects, not all great, with high dose and chronic steroid use. These should be cautiously used long-term in a dog of any age, or in animals with underlying health issues or arthritis.


If you complete skin or blood testing on your dog, you may have the option for specific immunotherapies to be given. These are either oral or injectable mixtures of allergens based on your dogs’ test results, that are given in the hope that your dog will develop increased tolerance. This can only be completed with specific allergy test results.


There are two products widely used on the market for dogs suffering from either seasonal allergies, or for owners unable to pursue allergy testing. These are Apoquel and Cytopoint. Both are prescription only and need to be obtained at your regular veterinarian. Allergy testing does not need to be completed but there are pros and cons of each one, which should be discussed on a case-by-case basis with your dogs’ specific doctor.

Special Diets

As mentioned, while food allergies are not common, many dogs will be placed on a novel protein, hydrolyzed protein or hypoallergenic prescription diet if they are suffering from any type of allergy. Anything to reduce inflammation and an immune response in the body can be helpful.

Prescription Flea Preventative

And finally, regular prescription flea preventative year-round is recommended in any allergic dog. Flea allergies are a huge problem and easily be remedied with the administration of monthly prevention. It is much cheaper than dealing with a flea infestation problem and/or severe flea allergy dermatitis.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can My Dog’s Allergies Be Cured?

The short answer is no. Flea and food allergies can be controlled by getting your dog on flea prevention and excluding exposure to certain foods they are allergic to. But environmental allergies and complete lack of exposure to things such as pollen and dust can never happen. You may be able to increase your dog’s tolerance to such allergens, but a cure is never possible.

Image Credit: AnnaStills, Shutterstock

Why Are Allergy Medications So Expensive?

Unfortunately, the effective treatments we have for canine allergies are few and far between. To date, there are no generic versions of Apoquel or Cytopoint, and both have to be prescribed by and given by a veterinarian. As we all know with human drug companies, once an effective medication is on the market, the developing company now has a niche. It then takes years of development and testing for a new product to come on the market, causing competition and decreased prices across the board. Please be aware that your veterinarian does not control these prices and we do everything in our power to keep them affordable so we can keep your dog comfortable.

What About Vitamins and Wipes Over-the-Counter?

These products do absolutely nothing to combat the allergen, or help with any portion of the immune-response that causes the itching. While fatty acids can be helpful, these should be given in conjunction with a balanced treatment plan. Vitamins and many OTC products are simply a marketing scam and a waste of money.

papyrus and cleansing wipes from dr. brite

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Allergies in dogs is a complex process. Allergies can be difficult to diagnose and even more difficult to treat. Many people assume that if their dog has any type of allergy signs, it must be the food. In reality, environmental and flea allergies are much more common. Anti-histamines are frequently ineffective, leaving few treatment options available. Blood and skin testing are always recommended, though access to a veterinary dermatologist who provides the skin testing may be difficult in some areas. Always speak with your veterinarian about their recommendations and don’t believe all of the marketing schemes put in front of you. By the time you waste money on multiple products that are ineffective, you may have been able to get your dog comfort with a prescription that works. Allergies cannot be cured, but we at least have a few prescription options out there to provide your dog relief.

Featured Image Credit: Iryna Imago, Shutterstock

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