5 Holistic Treatments for Cats You Should Know About

Cats tend to be independent creatures and do everything they can to hide their pain and suffering. Their instincts tell them that when they show that they are ill or injured, they are more susceptible to predators. Unfortunately, they cannot always heal their own illnesses and injuries, and they can’t always keep themselves safe from developing health problems.

That’s our job as pet owners. A veterinarian can help you ensure a happy and healthy life for your kitty, but they aren’t your only line of defense. Holistic treatments can play a beneficial role in your cat’s health as time goes on. Here are five holistic treatments for cats that you should be aware of.


The 5 Holistic Treatments for Cats

1. Therapeutic Massage

Image Credit: Ekaterina Kuzovkova, Shutterstock

This type of holistic treatment involves manipulating the body’s soft tissues to improve blood circulation and relieve stress. Therapeutic massage helps release endorphin hormones to help relieve pain due to injuries and problems such as arthritis. Just like for humans, massage can also help relieve muscle tension and stiffness and to release knots in tissue.

You can offer light massage sessions to your cat at home, but to reap the full benefits of therapeutic massage, we recommend working with a qualified and experienced veterinary massage therapist who understands the specific techniques and pressure points to focus on for optimal healing.

2. Acupuncture

Placing tiny needles in specific areas of your kitty’s body is an effective way to relieve pain and get rid of unnecessary body inflammation. These are not sewing needles, however, and this treatment should not be attempted at home. You should have a skilled professional administer veterinary acupuncture treatments to your cat in a controlled setting, where it is safe and secure.

During treatment, the service provider will place needles in areas where the body’s nerves and blood vessels meet to help stimulate blood circulation and treat problems such as kidney disease and arthritis. The number of treatments required for relief can vary depending on your cat’s condition.

3. CBD Oil

Human giving CBD Oil to cat
Image Credit: Lightcube, Shutterstock

With more than 100 active compounds, CBD oil is becoming a popular holistic treatment for anxiety in cats. It helps calm their mind and body without the psychoactive side effects that THC is known to generate. However, that’s not all it does. CBD oil is used by pet owners and veterinarians alike to treat problems such as inflammation, joint pain, and even epilepsy.

It’s important to point out that no official large studies have been done to verify the effectiveness of this treatment option. Anecdotal evidence is abundant, however. You should also know that giving your cat too much CBD oil at any given time can result in gastrointestinal distress.

CBD oil comes in liquid form and can be added to your kitty’s food or water bowl. Follow the package instructions for dosage or contact your veterinarian for guidance.

4. Flower Essences

If you are worried about your stressed-out cat, flower essences may be able to help the situation. Each flower essence does something different, so they can be used as standalone treatments or mixed and matched to create a custom treatment. Here are a few options to consider talking to your vet about:

  • Walnut — It helps cats adjust to big changes in their lives.

  • Cherry Plum — It reduces the urge to act aggressively.

  • Mimulus — It increases confidence in easily scared cats.

  • Chicory — It encourages more independence and less territorial behavior.

  • Star of Bethlehem — It helps cats recover from trauma.

You must source flower essences that are manufactured just for pets, to ensure that no ingredients are included that could harm them. Flower essences can be preserved with a variety of materials, including alcohol, so make sure you know exactly what is in a product before administering it to your cat. If you’re ever in doubt, call your vet for consultation.

5. Coconut Oil

coconut oil in wooden board
Image Credit: etorres, Shutterstock

Coconut oil can be used topically or internally as a holistic treatment for felines. When administered topically, coconut oil can improve the condition of your cat’s skin and coat, minimize itchiness, and reduce symptoms of skin allergies. When consumed internally, your cat can benefit from a boosted immune system, decreased body inflammation, and improved gut health.

You can rub a small amount of coconut oil on your cat’s skin where needed or add ½ a teaspoon or so of it to their food. Most cats enjoy licking coconut oil straight off a spoon. Some owners even use coconut oil as a natural toothpaste for their cats.



Cats are hardy animals, but they are not immune to injuries, illnesses, and diseases. While veterinarian care is essential, the inclusion of holistic treatments can help keep your kitty healthy throughout their life without exposing them to the risks of side effects.

Featured Image Credit: Erin_Hinterland, Pixabay

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