Bloodhound Great Dane Mix: Care, Pictures, Info, & More

A Bloodhound Great Dane mix, also known as a “Bloodane” or “Great Hound,” is a hybrid dog breed that results from crossing a Bloodhound with a Great Dane. This mixed breed has traits from both parents. However, you never really know how they will end up. The traits they inherit from one parent or the other are often completely random.

Breed Overview


23–34 inches


80–175 pounds


8–12 years


Black and tan, liver and tan, red, fawn, brindle, blue, black, harlequin, mantle

Suitable for:

Families with plenty of space


Gentle, loyal, friendly

Because these dogs vary so much, they’re best for those who aren’t too set on the sort of dog they end up with. If you want a very specific dog, then you probably shouldn’t choose a mixed breed.

Bloodhounds are known for their exceptional sense of smell and wrinkled skin. Their mixed-breed puppies may end up with the same traits—or they may not! Great Danes are extremely large, so they tend to contribute a lot of size to this mixed breed.


Bloodhound Great Dane Puppies

Often, these dogs are pretty playful and affectionate when puppies. They tend to be very friendly, a trait they inherit from both of their parents. They may be a bit untrusting with strangers occasionally, though. Early socialization is highly recommended to ensure these dogs develop into well-adjusted, confident dogs. They usually don’t have very high energy levels, but they still require regular exercise and plenty of room to roam.

Finding a Bloodhound Great Dane mix can be a bit more challenging than finding purebred dogs. Given the uniqueness of the mix, it’s less common to encounter them in shelters or rescues. You’ll usually have to search for a breeder that specializes in this breed, which is pretty rare.

It’s important to choose a breeder that prioritizes the health of the puppies—not just producing as many as possible. Ensure the breeder performs the proper health testing and keeps their dogs in good living conditions.

Parent Breeds of Bloodhound Great Dane Mix
Image Credit: (L) Lenkadan, Shutterstock | (R) Earl Wilkerson, Shutterstock

Temperament & Intelligence of the Bloodhound Great Dane

The Bloodhound Great Dane can be any combination of the traits of their parent breeds. Furthermore, how they are raised and socialized also plays a huge role. Often, they are gentle and friendly, making them suitable for homes with children. They’re generally good-natured dogs.

However, they can be a bit stubborn and independent, as well. Neither breed was bred to be particularly trainable, so these dogs often aren’t. They can learn basic commands, but it will typically take them longer.

These dogs tend to be good companion animals, as while they may inherit the sniffer of the Bloodhound, their abilities probably won’t be as ingrained as with a purebred dog. Therefore, they can compete in scent work, but it would take a lot of work to compete against purebred dogs.

This mixed breed will probably be pretty intelligent. However, they aren’t the most eager learners. They require a lot of patience and positive reinforcement to understand what’s being asked of them. Even then, they may not always follow commands when asked. Early training and socialization can help bring out the best in these dogs while diminishing the more negative traits.

Are These Dogs Good for Families? 👪

These dogs can make good family companions. However, there are several considerations you need to keep in mind before adopting one.

Firstly, they are very large. While their size can vary, some may easily weigh over 100 pounds. It’s important that you have enough space to accommodate these larger dogs comfortably. They are often friendly and gentle, but that doesn’t mean you can avoid socialization and training. It’s important that these dogs are introduced to many people and places when they are younger to help them learn good manners.

Bloodhound Great Dane mixes are not typically highly energetic dogs. They tend to have moderate energy levels and might not require as much exercise as some other breeds. This is great for families looking for a calmer dog, but not so good for those who want a dog to exercise with them.

These dogs aren’t the easiest to train, which can be a problem for some individuals. Consistent, patient training can teach these dogs a few basic commands, but if you want a canine that will always listen or be very easy to train, this probably isn’t the best option for you.

Beyond those considerations, these dogs can make wonderful family companions.

Does This Breed Get Along with Other Pets?

Bloodhound Great Dane mixes can get along with other pets, including other dogs and cats, but their compatibility largely depends on socialization and training. If they are around cats from an early age, they will probably be more than accepting of the feline. However, if a dog is never around cats, they may inevitably chase them.

That said, these dogs may “track” cats and other animals around the house. Often, this just includes the dog smelling the animal’s trail. While, technically, this is hunting, it usually doesn’t result in harm to the cat or other animal.

As always, be sure to monitor your dog with any other animal and introduce them properly. A slow, steady introduction can go a long way.


Things to Know When Owning a Bloodhound Great Dane Mix:

Food & Diet Requirements 🦴

This mixed breed typically doesn’t have any special dietary requirements. However, they are big dogs, so they tend to eat a lot of food. The food and diet requirements for different dogs can vary, though. Therefore, it’s always important to feed your dog as an individual.

Choose a high-quality commercial dog food that provides balanced nutrition. Look for a food that lists meat or a meat-based protein as the first ingredient. Avoid foods with excessive fillers, artificial additives, and unnamed by-products.

Some dogs do have allergies, though this isn’t common in this mixed breed. If your dog has allergies, you’ll need to avoid the food that triggers the allergy. Dogs are typically only allergic to proteins (such as chicken). Usually, allergies develop after the dog consumes the same protein for an extended period. So, it is completely possible for your dog to “suddenly” be allergic to chicken.

It’s vital that these dogs are kept on puppy food the whole time they are growing. Choose one for large breed dogs, as this food contains special nutrients specifically for these very large dogs. Avoid overfeeding though, especially as puppies. Diet has a huge role in the development of hip dysplasia, which these dogs are prone to. It’s vital that you don’t overfeed them as puppies, as this may cause them to grow faster than their joints can handle.

Exercise 🐕

These dogs don’t tend to be especially active. However, they still require regular exercise. Because they are a mixed breed, their exercise needs can vary substantially. Often, they fall in the “moderate” category, requiring around 30 to 60 minutes of exercise each day. Break the exercise into several shorter walks to prevent overexercising.

You shouldn’t force these dogs to exercise, as this may cause joint issues (which the breed is already prone to). This fact is especially true in puppies, who tend to have a higher likelihood of joint issues because they are still growing. You’ll need to adjust your dog’s exercise routine to match their individual needs. Some dogs may need more or less depending on their age and temperament. Pay attention to your dog’s weight and behavior to figure out if they need more or less exercise.

On top of physical exercise, don’t forget to mentally stimulate your canine, too. These dogs often have a powerful sense of smell that can work wonders for scent-based games. These can help your dog’s mind get “worn out” and prevent them from getting bored.

Training 🎾

These dogs are not the easiest to train. Therefore, it’s important to take things slow and steady. You’ll need lots of patience and plenty of consistency, but these dogs can absolutely be trained with the right techniques.

We recommend starting as early as possible. As soon as your puppy comes home, begin with very short training sessions a few times a day. You don’t have to do tons of training at a time, especially since puppies have a short attention span.

Use positive reinforcement training to make your dog look forward to cues. Otherwise, these dogs may easily tune you out and ignore your commands. Treats and praise can go a long way to encouraging these dogs to listen. Always use the same consistent commands when training. Because these dogs aren’t the most trainable, it’s especially important that you’re very clear with your cues.

Leash training these dogs is particularly important, as they are very large and can pull you quite far. Start getting your dog used to the leash right away and focus on leash training while the dog is young.

Puppy classes are highly recommended. They can help your dog start training while also socializing them with other puppies and people.

Grooming ✂

These big dogs don’t require much grooming at all. Their shorter coats generally take care of themselves. However, they will shed moderately, which may be a problem for some people. We recommend brushing them at least once a week to help control their shedding. Brushing also helps the dog stay clean and can distribute the natural oils in their coat, which can increase coat health.

You shouldn’t have to bathe them very often at all. Once every 2–3 months is best, as this helps prevent drying out their skin. Use a gentle dog shampoo that is pH-balanced to avoid irritating their skin. Of course, you’ll also need to take care of their eats, nails, and teeth. Cleaning inside their ears is vital to preventing ear infections, especially if your dog has very droopy ears. Trapped dirt and moisture can contribute to infections.

Overgrown nails can be uncomfortable for both you and your dog. Trim them regularly to prevent overgrowth and discomfort. You can trim them at home or pay a professional to do it, depending on what you’re comfortable with.

Routine dental care is also important. You’ll need to brush your dog’s teeth and provide dental chews to maintain oral hygiene and prevent dental problems. Dogs may also need regular dental cleanings at the vet’s office to prevent painful, expensive problems from developing.

Health and Conditions 🏥

Mixed breeds tend to be pretty healthy, and this breed is no different. However, they can be prone to certain health problems that are important to be aware of. Some of these are preventable.

Both Bloodhounds and Great Danes are considered deep-chested breeds, which puts them at a higher risk for bloat. This is a serious condition where the stomach twists, leading to a blockage of blood flow and potentially life-threatening complications. This condition is life-threatening and requires veterinary attention.

Hip and elbow dysplasia are also common in larger breeds like this one. Dysplasia occurs when the joint doesn’t develop properly, which leads to pain and mobility problems. There are many factors that lead to this condition, including diet, exercise, and genetics.

Heart conditions can also occur in this breed, especially if they take after the Great Dane. Dilated cardiomyopathy is pretty common in Great Danes, for instance. Regular veterinary check-ups are important to catch this condition early and provide treatment.

Ear infections are also common, as we have discussed. Their ears are prone to trapping moisture if not cleaned properly, leading to ear infections.

Minor Conditions
  • Ear infection

  • Eye problems

  • Obesity

  • Skin infections

Serious Conditions
  • Bloat

  • Hip and elbow dysplasia

  • Heart conditions


Male vs. Female

Bloodhound Great Dane mixes are pretty similar between the sexes. These dogs vary so much from individual to individual that differences aren’t easy to distinguish.

Often, males are larger and heavier than females, which is common across many dog breeds. Some male dogs may be more dominant and assertive. They may also be more likely to wander in search of females if not neutered. However, these traits aren’t set in stone in the least. Females can wander and act dominant, as well.

Spaying and neutering eliminate many of the gender-specific traits these dogs may display.

3 Little-Known Facts About the Bloodhound Great Dane Mix

1. They often have very strong noses.

The Bloodhound Great Dane mix can inherit a heightened sense of smell from the Bloodhound parent, which is already famous for its exceptional tracking abilities. This mix might excel in scent-related activities, making them great candidates for scent work or search and rescue tasks.

2. They’re often very gentle.

Both the Bloodhound and the Great Dane are known for their gentle and friendly personalities. The Bloodhound Great Dane mix often inherits this gentle giant demeanor. They can be great companions for children for this reason.

3. They can vary a lot in size.

Due to the significant size difference between the parent breeds, the size of the Bloodhound Great Dane mix can vary widely. Some individuals might lean more toward the Bloodhound’s size range, while others might take after the larger Great Dane parent.


Final Thoughts

The Bloodhound Great Dane mix blends the characteristics of the Bloodhound and Great Dane together. However, you never quite know what you’re going to get with this breed. Therefore, it’s important to go into adopting a puppy with an open mind.

Usually, these dogs are affectionate and friendly. They tend to be gentle giants, which makes them a good option for families with children. Of course, socialization is still vital, as it can help prevent fear-based reactions to unusual situations and people.

Featured Image Credit: (L) Sabine Hagedorn, Shutterstock | (R) Olga Aniven, Shutterstock

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