Virtual Vet Visits: Vet-Approved Preparation Tips & What to Expect

Among the many changes we have seen since Covid-19 changed life as we knew it, there has been a large increase in the number of online vet consultations available, and it’s easy to understand why. These services are convenient, generally cost less, and great for pets who aren’t too enthusiastic about car trips, giving you the chance to have an initial consultation with a vet to assess whether your pet needs to be seen in person.

With this in mind, it’s highly likely you’ll be taking part in this new online world at some point. But how do you prepare for one of these appointments? And what can you expect from a virtual consultation? In this article, we’ll help answer some of your questions.

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How Does a Virtual Vet Visit Work?

Virtual vet visits, also known as remote veterinary or telemedicine consultations, are typically consultations conducted over the telephone, or, more recently, video calls. These appointments allow owners to talk with vets about their pet’s health issues or simply for guidance and advice, plus show vets images of their pet’s condition if needed. Vets can then give pet owners advice on the next steps to take.

It’s important to mention that this cannot replace a regular visit to the vet where they can physically examine pets, perform tests, and prescribe medication. These services are only suitable for non-urgent medical concerns, follow-up appointments, or conditions where an initial remote assessment may be sufficient to start on a diagnostic and treatment pathway. It’s important to always seek emergency veterinary care from your local clinic if you suspect in any way that your pet needs urgent help.

woman using her phone with her cat on the lap
Image Credit: Prostock-studio, Shutterstock


Before your virtual vet visit, you need to make sure you’re prepared. This will save vital time during your call, and make sure you don’t forget any important information.

  • Platform: The first thing you’ll need to do is decide on a platform or company. There are many available these days, so do some research to see what is on offer, the platform’s reputation, and any other information they offer. Some veterinary practices will have an associated online consulting feature, as do some pet insurance companies.
  • Set up your space: In order to make the call as smooth as possible, make sure the space where you jump on the call is quiet and well-lit, and you won’t have any interruptions.
  • Have your pet with you or close by: this may not always be possible, but it’s much easier to have access to your pet in case the vet wants to see or hear something, particularly in cases like a lameness, skin issue, eye problem, or a cough.
  • Gather all your information: You need to make sure you have all medical records of your pet on hand, including medical history, most recent health records, and any medication they are on or have been on. If relevant, take some good quality photos of your pet’s condition (if needed)—especially if your pet will not physically be there.

What to Expect

Typically, your online vet will begin by asking a series of important questions. They need to gather as much information about your pet as they can, including any previous history of injuries or illness, and any chronic issues. During this time, you can discuss any concerns you have about your pet.

It’s vital to be completely transparent and open with the vet. This will allow the vet to make an accurate as possible diagnosis for your pet. Again, it’s a good idea to have pictures or videos on hand of the condition at hand, especially if it’s not something obvious on your pet. Of course, this is also a great opportunity to ask any questions you may have at this point.

After the Appointment

Once your appointment is over, your vet should have given you a set of clear instructions to follow pertaining to your pet. Most will even send a written report to help you make sure you’ve checked all the important boxes. It’s important to follow these instructions carefully, and book a follow-up appointment if you have any concerns or things don’t seem to be improving.

In many cases, it may be necessary to make an appointment for your pet to be seen in person, either immediately or at a later date. With pets unable to describe their symptoms, a lot of information must be obtained through feeling, listening, even smelling a problem.

woman using her phone with her dog on her lap
Image Credit: SeventyFour, Shutterstock


What Cases Are Virtual Vet Visits Best Suited For?

While virtual vet visits are limited in many ways, including prescribing medication or doing a physical checkup, there are several cases where a virtual appointment may be ideal.

These include:
  • General health-related inquiries or concerns.
  • Follow-up appointments for checking up after a previous treatment.
  • Any behavioral concerns.
  • Assessing skin or coat issues such as rashes or wounds.
  • Consultation on ideal diet and weight management.

As we mentioned earlier, any time your pet needs immediate attention for something like an illness or injury, it’s best to visit your local vet or emergency clinic.

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Virtual vet visits are a great way to get advice and guidance from an expert, all from the comfort of your own home. It’s vital to be prepared, though, as this will help the vet on the other side give you the most valuable and pertinent guidance they can.

Hopefully, our article has helped clear up any questions you may have, and you are now ready for your first virtual appointment!

Featured Image Credit: FamVeld, Shutterstock

The post Virtual Vet Visits: Vet-Approved Preparation Tips & What to Expect appeared first on PangoVet.

‘Dog’s Eyes Says It All’: Photo Of A Dog Rescued By Florida Firefighters After Hurricane Milton Goes Viral

In the face of calamity, people are finding hope and comfort in a photo of a dog gazing at the man who just rescued him from Hurricane Milton’s floods.

On October 11, the Hillsborough County Fire Rescue in Florida on Facebook shared the news that they have rescued over 100 pets so far, “ensuring that no one—human or animal—is left behind.”

The firefighters’ continued efforts and dedication is truly commendable. However, a photo uploaded with the news of the ongoing rescue operations has caught the attention of many.

The photo, which has now garnered 2,000 likes alone, shows a Bernese Mountain Dog, rescued from the floods, gazing at the Hillsborough County Fire Rescue Captain, Captain Dusty Mascaro.

While dogs do not speak the same language as we do, they always make sure that they are able to relay their messages in some other way they know we’ll absolutely understand.

“Check out this beautiful moment of pure gratitude and love!” The Fire Department wrote. “This dog’s eyes say it all as he looks at Cpt. Dusty Mascaro from our HCFR TSAR team after being brought to safety.”

People were touched at the photo and how beautiful the moment was to come out of such a disaster.

One user left a comment on the photo saying, “This is the proof of gratitude for saving the dog’s life! It should be made into a poster and framed. I think it’s a prize winning image.”

Another wrote, “This picture makes me so happy and just shows that animals are very appreciative and are so unconditional when it comes to love.”

“The look on the dog, priceless,” another user wrote.

The Fire Department also expressed their gratitude to their community, saying, “We’re incredibly grateful for the opportunity to serve and protect all members of our community, big and small.”

“Thank you to everyone who has supported these efforts! Together, we will get through this and rebuild.”

Bald Dog Found Next To A Deceased Dog In An Empty Field Recovers And Goes To A Foster Home

An animal shelter in St. Louis, Missouri shares the story of Cardi B – a bald dog they helped rescue, recover, and find a foster home after being left abandoned in an empty field in July of this year.

“Sadness surrounds us,” that’s how the Stray Rescue of St. Louis started their Facebook post for a bald dog they helped rescue in July.

The animal shelter shared that a Good Samaritan was driving when they pulled over to the side of the road after seeing “a lone crate set in the tall, green grass.”

“It is empty, but there are figures beside it,” the animal shelter wrote. “As you approach, you cover your mouth with your hand. Next to the crate is a dog that has passed away, hit by a car. And next to him is an old dog, missing all of her hair, and suffering from a broken pelvis. She can’t get up or walk.”

After the terrifying and heartbreaking scene before her, the Good Samaritan became so angry but made sure the dog gets the help she needs.

“Thankfully, the finder made it her duty to help them. She is a hero. She called all over but couldn’t get anyone to help this dog,” Stray Rescue of St. Louis continued.

Thankfully, Stray Rescue of St. Louis got a call from the Good Samaritan a few days after she found the dog. “She named the female Cardi B, and she brought her to Stray Rescue for emergency medical care.”

Initially, the Good Samaritan who rescued Cardi B, Sarah Barney, made a post about the dog’s situation but got no rescue interest.

Thankfully, her good friend, Julie Christofferson, shared the story on her Facebook, which helped them get help for the dog.

Christofferson shares, “She [the dog] wasn’t alone, sadly her sweet pup friend did not survive and she didn’t leave his side.”

She also shares the condition they found Cardi B in. She said, “her condition is absolutely horrific.”

She explains that Cardi B had ‘unbelievable’ hair loss from thousands of fleas and has burns all over her body, “which the vet says are likely from urine and feces scalds from being crammed into a tiny crate and left to sit for days on end”.

Furthermore, her teeth were also ground down to nothing and is suffering from anemia that she couldn’t even get up on her own.

“To think of what she’s been through in her few short years is devastating to fathom. Her sweet pup friend suffered from the same deplorable conditions,” Christofferson wrote.

After a week since Cardi B was rescued, Stray Rescue of St. Louis shared an update saying that the dog “has done a 180”.

The animal shelter also discovered that Cardi B is already an old lady! She’s 13 years old, but for her, life’s just about to be good!

“After just one week of love, nutrition, medical care, and a set of WHEELS, this girl is on the move,” the animal shelter shares. “She’s 13 years old and READY to live her life the way it’s meant to be lived! With tons of love and care.”

Today, Cardi B is living the life she so rightfully deserves: happy, safe, and loved.

A few months after Cardi B’s rescue, the animal shelter shared the pooch’s ‘Glow Up’ on October with a series of photos.

“After spending some time in our clinic, she went to a foster home,” they shared.

“Those puppy eyes! You can just tell how much better she feels. Her foster says she’s been getting up on her own.”

The animal shelter also shares that Cardi B loves chasing balls and enjoys swimming now – “That is what it’s all about,” they wrote.

“Cardi B, we love you, baby! Thank you, thank you to everyone who supports rescue dogs, they deserve the help,” Stray Rescue of St. Louis wrote.