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The letter P is the start of many a great name, so if it’s one of your favorite letters, you’re sure to find the perfect moniker for your moggy. Whether you like popular, classic names or names that are a little less common, we’ve rounded up the best of the best cat names beginning with P, and we hope you find one that’s just the right fit for your feline friend. We’ll start with popular names before exploring the alternatives.
The 10 Most Popular Cat Names Starting With P
These wonderful names (based on Rover’s national data and an online poll by are bound to get cats everywhere purring with delight. If not, there are plenty of other options further down.
1. Prosecco
If you are a fan of the television series The House of the Dragon, you are probably familiar with a trending discussion between the two lead actors: “What’s your drink of choice? A negroni sbagliato…with prosecco in it. Oh, stunning!” The name Prosecco saw a whopping 793% increase in popularity.
2. Prince
Treating your cat like royalty is not new, and neither is naming them after royalty. But some people cannot find the perfect royal P name for their cat, so they stick with something traditional yet simple: Prince. This name saw a 12% popularity increase as a cat name.

3. Princess Peach
Online gaming has definitely become a beloved activity, whether on your own or with friends (or strangers!). One of the classic video games, Mario Kart, has inspired people who are looking for cat names. Princess Peach is trending with a 43% popularity increase.
4. Pikachu
Another popular name connected to the gaming and anime community is Pikachu, which showed a 9% popularity increase. With the number of Pokemon gamers need to catch, there will always be a trending Pokemon cat name!

5. Pamela
Did anyone have a crush on blonde-bombshell Pamela Anderson? Some people have had their crush resurrected recently because naming a cat Pamela has increased in popularity by 60%.
6. Pam
If you think that Pamela is a bit too formal, why not go for Pam? The shortened form of Pamela saw a 44% increase in popularity. Sometimes, a shorter name fits a cat better than a slightly longer one!

7. Pixie
People who are really into music get a lot of inspiration for cat names from bands or singular musicians. If you fell in love with alternative rock from the late 80s and early 90s, you are not alone. The name Pixie saw an 11% popularity increase as a cat name.
8. Parsley
While there are no percentages on the next three names, people are definitely talking about them! In an online voting poll, Parsley got 194 votes. When we think of parsley, we think about the herb commonly used as a garnish. But, like some recipes, without parsley, it would not be complete—much like your life would not be complete without your cat. Parsley could work perfectly.

9. Paprika
Tied with Parsley with 194 votes is Paprika. Food names are always popular, but some people want to go a different route and focus on spices for names. This is a great name for a cat you think is going to be a little bit spicy.
10. Park
The name Park got 190 votes in the poll. This is a great name because it is gender-neutral; Park will fit a male or female cat. The name has a connection to nature, but it is also a common Korean surname.

Other Great Cat Names Starting With P
If none of the names mentioned above tickle your fancy, don’t worry—there are plenty more where they came from. Now, we’ll introduce you to other great names starting with P in different categories.
Great Male Cat Names Starting With P

For those fond of names traditionally geared toward male cats, here is a collection for you to peruse.
- Pablo
- Paco
- Paddy
- Parker
- Pasqual
- Patches
- Patrick
- Patterson
- Paul
- Pavlo
- Pedro
- Pegasus
- Percival
- Percy
- Perez
- Pete
- Peter
- Petey
- Phil
- Philip
- Picasso
- Pierce
- Pierre
- Pinocchio
- Pip
- Piper
- PJ
- Poe
- Porter
- Pugsley
Great Female Cat Names Starting With P

Looking for a cute, classic name for your purring princess? Try one of these on for size.
- Padma
- Paige
- Paloma
- Pam
- Pamela
- Pandora
- Pansy
- Paris
- Parvati
- Patsy
- Paula
- Pearl
- Peggy
- Penelope
- Penny
- Perdy
- Petra
- Phoebe
- Pinky
- Pippa
- Pippa
- Polina
- Poppy
- Portia
- Posey
- Precious
- Princess
- Priscilla
- Priya
- Promise
Great Unisex Cat Names Starting With P

If you like a name but it’s traditionally used for the opposite gender, we’d say go for it anyway—don’t feel restricted! Nevertheless, if you’d prefer something more obviously unisex, here are some options.
- Paddington
- Palmer
- Panda
- Pasha
- Penguin
- Perry
- Peyton
- Pichu
- Pikachu
- Pilot
- Pinky
- Pirate
- Pluto
- Poetry
- Poltergeist
- Pop
- Popeye
- Popsy
- Potter
- Powder
- Presley
- Preston
- Psycho
- Purple
Nature-Inspired Cat Names Starting With P

Cats are some of nature’s greatest appreciators. After all, what cat doesn’t love lounging on the windowsill, mesmerized by the birds and the swaying of the trees in the wind? Here are some name ideas for your fluffy free spirit.
- Paisley
- Panther
- Paradise
- Passion (Passion fruit)
- Pea (Sweet pea)
- Peace
- Pebbles
- Peony
- Periwinkle
- Petal
- Petunia
- Pinecone
- Planet
- Pod
- Prairie
Food-Inspired Cat Names Starting With P

There are foods aplenty beginning with the letter P, and some make fantastic cat names. Some were already mentioned in the most popular cat names at the top, but here are some more if you weren’t keen on those.
- Paella
- Pancake
- Panna (cotta)
- Parsnip
- Pasta
- Pavlova
- Peaches
- Peanut
- Pear
- Pecan
- Penne
- Pepper
- Peppermint
- Pepsi
- Persimmon
- Pickle
- Pie
- Pilaf
- Pina (colada)
- Pineapple
- Pinot
- Pinto
- Pistachio
- Pizza
- Popsicle
- Porcini
- Potato
- Prawn
- Pretzel
- Pumpkin
We hope your cat is now the proud owner of a funky, fierce, cute, or classic name starting with P, but if you’re still undecided, that’s okay. There’s no need to rush into picking a name—it can take a while to settle on the right one.
After all, while cats can certainly learn and respond to their names, they also have the skill of ignoring us when they want to down to a fine art, so that’s another reason not to feel too pressured!
Featured Image Credit: photosbelkina, Shutterstock
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