Applying spot on flea preventatives is a standard monthly procedure for cat and dog parents, and it’s usually as simple as squeezing the medicine onto the back of your pet’s neck. That said, it can take a while to dry, and the drying time can vary from animal to animal.
As a rule, flea treatment medicine typically dries within a few hours, and it’s best not to touch the area of application until it has thoroughly dried. Read on to find out why.
When Can I Touch My Pet After Applying Flea Preventatives?
Depending on the type of coat your pet has, it could take from one to several hours for the flea treatment to dry. If in doubt, wait until you’re sure the area is completely dry to avoid interfering with the absorption process or getting the product on your skin. If this happens, wash your hands thoroughly and take care not to touch your mouth or eyes.
In addition, the PDSA recommends not bathing or grooming your pet or letting them swim for at least 24 hours after application, and this is also the timeframe given by the Blue Cross. On that basis, at least 24 hours is a good amount of time to wait before touching the area again if you can’t tell if it’s dry or not.
The best thing to do is refer to the direction leaflet provided by the flea treatment brand you’re using to find out when it would be appropriate to touch the area again. If you have any doubts, please contact a vet for advice.
Can My Pet Play with Other Pets While the Treatment Is Drying?
No, this is not a good idea. Avoid letting children or other pets play or cuddle with the pet undergoing treatment while the back of the neck is drying. Again, at least 24 hours is a good timeline to go by for making sure the product is fully dried and absorbed, but this may vary by product, so check the directions.
If another pet licks the treatment, it could cause toxicity—especially if a cat licks flea treatment off a dog. Similarly, you should never apply flea treatments formulated for dogs on cats. For reference, signs of flea treatment poisoning or reactions can include:
If one of your pets is showing signs of flea medicine toxicity, please see a vet immediately.
Tips for Using Flea Medicines
When used as directed, flea and tick treatments are typically safe and very effective. Adverse effects are uncommon. Nevertheless, there are some safety tips to keep in mind. Here are some tips for applying flea treatments:
Final Thoughts
To recap, flea medicine can dry within an hour or two in some cases, but it can take a lot longer. If in doubt, avoid touching or grooming the area until you are sure, and don’t bathe your pet for at least 24 hours or however long the directions stipulate.
Featured Image Credit: goodluz, Shutterstock
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