Why Does My Dog Sleep On Me And Not My Husband? 10 Vet-Reviewed Reasons

There’s something so comforting about having your dog curl up, snuggle, or drape themselves over you. Even when it’s not all that convenient, having your dog treat you as their safe place is undeniably special. So it can be a point of contention between couples when a canine family member is showing favoritism towards one person, leaving many to ask why does my dog sleep on me and not my husband?

It might be tempting to simply assert that your dog prefers your company to your husband’s, but it’s often not quite that straightforward. In fact, we’re going to take a look at 10 possible reasons why a dog may choose one half of a couple over another, and discuss why your husband shouldn’t necessarily feel rejected, or try to upset the status quo.

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The 10 Reasons Your Dog Sleeps on You and Not Your Husband

1. You are the primary caregiver.

Even in the most equal of households, it’s normal for there to be one person who tends to do more of the feeding, walking, letting out to the toilet etc. If that person is you, then there’s a good chance that your dog will see you in more of a maternal role (whether you are male, female, or anything in between). Your dog almost certainly loves your husband just as much, but your differing roles and actions will impact how your dog sees and interacts with you.

woman bringing a bowl of food for her dog
Image Credit: ORION PRODUCTION, Shutterstock

2. You have a more calm energy.

Some people naturally exude a calming energy on those around them, while others are more on edge, nervous, or energetic. Perhaps your husband is ‘the fun one’ that plays, wrestles, and throws the ball, while you are the person who makes your dog feel settled and sleepy.

3. You smell better.

To your dog at least. Dogs experience so much of their world through their sense of smell, with scents and pheromones having a huge impact on their mood, behavior, and experience. You might have a natural scent, wear a perfume, or work with something that smells good to your dog, or creates a sense of calm and wellbeing, so it’s only natural that they would want to snuggle up to you.

4. They smell worse.

No judgment here! If your husband spends the day with chemicals, animals, or anything else that might be unpleasant to your dog’s sensitive olfactory senses, they are going to be less inclined to cuddle up and fall asleep with them. This could also include a cologne, body spray, or deodorant that might smell great to us, but repel your dog.

beagle dog sniffing the hand
Image Credit: PixieMe, Shutterstock

5. Your routines are in sync.

Dogs are creatures of habit and take comfort in having a routine. If your bedtime, tv time, or relaxing times are more consistent, your dog may prefer to schedule their naps to coincide with your timetable.

6. You give them more attention and affection.

If you are constantly stroking your dog, tickling their ears, or rubbing their belly, this sort of attention will not go unnoticed. When a dog’s basic needs of food, shelter, and safety have been provided, the next thing they will be on the lookout for is pleasure and company. If you are able to provide both, then you will be the one they gravitate towards.

7. Your position in the ‘pack’.

Although the idea of the canine dominance hierarchy is not as widely accepted as it used to be, we still recognize that there are specific roles and relationships within a pack that will impact how individuals will interact with one another. For example, a dog that has more of a leadership role is unlikely to find itself at the bottom of the sleeping pile, while a youngster is not going to be taking the top spot. If your husband is seen by your dog as a stronger leader, your dog may not feel that it is appropriate to sleep on top of them.

This doesn’t mean that sleeping on you is a sign of disrespect, just that they may see you more as a nurturer than a leader.

young man petting his small dog
Image Credit: Vitaliy Abbasov, Shutterstock

8. You are under their protection.

As mentioned above, dogs tend to fulfill different roles within their pack or family group, and one of those is of guard or protector. If your dog has taken on this sort of responsibility in your home, they may simply be affording you their top level of defense. This could be because they see you as being of higher value than your husband, or in need of a greater level of protection – we’ll leave that to you to figure out!

9. You spoil them.

Admit it: are you sneaking your dog extra treats in exchange for affection? There’s no shame in it, unless your pampered pooch is packing on the extra pounds. If you are seen as the ‘soft touch’ in the house, your dog is obviously going to want to stay close, and that includes falling asleep on you too.

10. You move around less.

Perhaps you tend to stay settled in one place, make fewer trips to the bathroom or kitchen, or fidget less, allowing your dog to stay comfortable and sleep. It doesn’t take long for dogs to work out whose lap gives them a better quality snooze!

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How Can I Get My Dog To Sleep On My Husband More?

If you’re wanting to encourage your dog to spend more time snoozing on your significant other, whether it’s because they are feeling neglected or you want a break from constantly being under your dog, there are some things you can do to make this happen. However, make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons.

Changing your dog’s routine and relationships within the home can be stressful, especially if we change the rules frequently. If your husband would like to have more snuggle time with your dog, the simplest way to approach this is to look at the 10 reasons above, and see which ones you might tweak in their favor. You won’t be able to manipulate them all, but there are some that your husband can work on.

For example, they can:

  • Become the primary caregiver – if they aren’t doing much of the day-to-day canine care, they can make a point of taking over some of these responsibilities. You might divide them into morning and evening feeding roles, or have one person in charge of meals while the other takes care of walks.
  • Become more calm and still – this might not be as easy as it sounds, but it also might benefit them in more ways than one! Get them to take some time out each day to properly relax, practice mindfulness or meditation, put down their phone, and focus on sitting still.
  • Be more attentive – when the dog is with them, make sure they are being generous with their affection, always keeping one hand stroking them.
  • Hit the shower – whether it’s something they might be exposed to at work, or an objectionable aftershave, a thorough wash with plain soap might increase their nose-appeal.
  • Take over as treat giver – we don’t want to overload your dog with snacks, so if you would like your husband to enjoy more time with your sleeping dog, allow him to be the main provider of treats for a while.
man cuddling with his dog
Image Credit: asia.marangio, Shutterstock

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Final Thoughts

If your dog sleeps on you and not your husband, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they prefer you over him (although it might!). Most of the time it is a reflection of the different roles and relationships you have in the home, the way in which you interact and relax with your dog, and the vibes you give off when your dog is ready for a nap.

You shouldn’t force your dog to do anything that will cause them stress or worry, and if you’re happy to have them sleeping on you, then enjoy the warmth and affection. But if your husband is feeling left out in the cold, or you are needing a break, you can try some of the changes above to encourage your dog to see your husband as a soft place to sleep as well.

Featured Image Credit: Elena Shvetsova, Shutterstock

The post Why Does My Dog Sleep On Me And Not My Husband? 10 Vet-Reviewed Reasons appeared first on PangoVet.

Can Dogs Eat Cool Whip? Vet Approved Nutrition Facts & Info

Your four-legged friend loves eating the same foods you do, but not all human food is safe or healthy for your pup. That’s why it’s essential to know exactly what is safe to feed your dog before doing it. If you’re a Starbucks fan, you probably know Starbucks has a doggie treat called the Puppuccino, which is a small cup of whipped cream. Giving your dog whipped cream from Starbucks might have you wondering whether you can give them some Cool Whip from your fridge.

Can dogs eat Cool Whip? Well, whipped cream and Cool Whip aren’t precisely the same thing. And while Cool Whip (the non-sugar-free version) isn’t toxic to canines, it’s definitely not the healthiest treat to give your pup. Here’s what you should know.

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What Is Cool Whip?

You might have spent your life thinking Cool Whip is whipped cream, but it’s technically a whipped topping. Created in 1966, this tasty treat was developed as an alternative to whipped cream, as actually whipping cream takes some time (and muscle). It was billed as a strength and time-saver for busy at-home cooks who didn’t have time to waste on making whipped cream. And unlike real whipped cream, Cool Whip could be saved for longer and even frozen.

Bowl of whipped cream with ice cream
Image Credit: MOUTASEM PHOTOGRAPHY, Shutterstock

The Difference Between Cool Whip and Whipped Cream

If Cool Whip is an alternative version of whipped cream, how is it different? Well, in its original incarnation, Cool Whip actually didn’t have any milk or cream! These days, it does contain just a hint of milk and light cream, but it also contains other ingredients, like high-fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors, hydrogenated vegetable oil, artificial colors, and gums.

In contrast, whipped cream is just that—heavy cream that has been whipped. Sometimes, home cooks will add a tablespoon of confectioners’ sugar or even flavors, like vanilla extract, chocolate, or coffee. But in its simplest version, whipped cream is just cream that’s been whipped until fluffy and delicious.

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Why Can’t Dogs Eat Cool Whip?

As you can see, there are several differences between Cool Whip and whipped cream, and those differences are all the added stuff Cool Whip contains. While regular Cool Whip isn’t toxic to canines, the high-fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated vegetable oil, and dairy aren’t healthy for them at all. And if you’re venturing into sugar-free Cool Whip, you could be headed into extreme stomach upset territory.

Dangers of Feeding Cool Whip to Dogs

While your pup will be fine if they manage to sneak a lick or two of Cool Whip, giving it as a treat on a regular basis may harm your dog.

The main danger of feeding Cool Whip to your dog is the high-fructose corn syrup. This ingredient is just sugar (so much sugar!), and sugar isn’t something your pup needs to consume often. Just like us, if a dog eats too much sugar regularly, you could see them begin to pack on the pounds. Weight gain could lead to health problems, including diabetes, digestive issues, and metabolic changes. So, it’s best that your dog doesn’t consume sugar often.

The next problematic ingredient in Cool Whip is hydrogenated vegetable oil. Oil equals fat, and consuming too much fat also leads to weight gain, which in turn leads to health issues. Too much fat in the diet could also lead to pancreatitis, which is a serious and painful condition. Hydrogenated vegetable oil contains a lot of trans fats, in particular, which aren’t healthy for anyone and can cause inflammation.

Finally, though Cool Whip only contains a small amount of milk and cream these days, dairy still isn’t suitable for some dogs, as many pups are lactose intolerant. A small amount probably won’t hurt them, but larger amounts could cause stomach upset.

Again, none of these ingredients are toxic, but they can certainly be harmful in the long run for your pet!

female vet examining rhodesian ridgeback dog
Image Credit: Zontica, Shutterstock

Sugar-Free Cool Whip

Sugar isn’t the best for your canine companion, but artificial sweeteners may be even worse. While some artificial sweeteners aren’t toxic to canines, the majority of them can cause gastrointestinal upset in dogs. However, xylitol is very toxic to canines even in small amounts, and should be avoided at all costs.

Luckily, the zero-sugar version of Cool Whip contains aspartame, which isn’t toxic but certainly isn’t healthy for pups and may upset their stomach immensely. If your dog has got into any sugar-free products it’s always best to double-check the ingredients list though to make sure xylitol isn’t on there and seek veterinary attention straight away if it is.

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If your favorite four-legged pal got into the Cool Whip and had a lick or two, they should be perfectly fine. However, giving this food to your dog on a regular basis isn’t advisable as it contains way too much sugar and fat for dogs. You should also avoid the sugar-free version of Cool Whip, as it contains aspartame, which can greatly upset a dog’s stomach. If you want to give your pup a treat, stick with the ones made specifically for dogs; we promise they won’t know the difference. They’ll just be thrilled to have a tasty snack!

Featured Image Credit: MaraZe, Shutterstock

The post Can Dogs Eat Cool Whip? Vet Approved Nutrition Facts & Info appeared first on PangoVet.

My Dog Is Constantly Biting and Scratching But Has No Fleas: Our Vet Explains What to Do

Whether you’ve been woken up by the constant jingle of your dog’s ID tags rattling together or your pup ignores your call for dinner because they’re too busy nibbling their hind leg, your pet’s constant itching and scratching can be annoying—for you. For your dog, it can become more of a way of life. While most owners’ first assumption is that the scratching is due to fleas, that’s not always the case. Itchy skin in canines can actually be a rather complex issue. We’re here to help you figure out what’s causing your dog’s constant biting and scratching so both of you can rest.

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Here’s What to Do

Severe itchiness is typically an issue that should be brought to your veterinarian, but you can do a bit of investigating before making your way to the clinic.

1. Check for Fleas Again

Maybe you’ve already checked your pup for creepy crawlies, or perhaps they’re on a monthly flea preventative. Either way, if the itchiness continues, it might be worth a second look. Severe flea infestations will often be quite visible, with adult fleas popping up when you brush your dog’s hair backward. However, less severe infestations can be trickier to detect.

You may be lucky enough to locate a few adults by running a flea comb through your pup’s coat. Pay particular attention to the base of the tail, as this is a favorite hangout for fleas.

If a flea comb doesn’t expose a problem, try dampening a paper towel, and then rubbing it down your dog’s back to the base of their tail a few times. Check the paper towel for brown spots that turn reddish and spread when they get wet. This could be flea dirt, which means your initial flea assumption is correct. See your vet for proper treatment.

close up of a flea
Image Credit: Vera Larina, Shutterstock

2. Get to Know Their Skin

If your extensive flea checking came up negative, look more closely at your dog’s skin. Are you seeing dandruff, redness, scabs, or thinning hair? These things can indicate allergies, infections, parasites, and other issues. If your dog’s skin is irritated in any way, it’s time to involve your veterinarian.

3. Recall Your Dog’s History

If your dog is having skin issues, try to recall when the itching started. Had they just had a bath? Did the seasons change? Did you switch foods or treats? Is anything else in their environment different, such as a new family member, a house move, or a schedule change? The answers to these questions may help you uncover the source of your dog’s scratching woes. For example, a change in diet can lead to food allergies, which can lead to intense itching, red and scabby skin, and chronic ear infections. These are also questions that a vet is going to ask, so try to think about them beforehand.

dog in a bath
Image Credit: WiP-Studio, Shutterstock

4. Try a Soothing Bath

If your skin examination comes up clear, a soothing bath may be just what your pup needs. Sometimes, dry skin or other irritants can lead to constant biting and scratching and can often be helped with a bit of pampering. Try an oatmeal shampoo followed by a conditioner to give your pet’s skin the moisture that it needs to decrease itching and increase softness.

Just remember that baths themselves can be a cause of dry skin, so avoid bathing your dog too frequently and with shampoos that are overly harsh or not meant for pets.

If you are looking for the perfect, pet-friendly shampoo and conditioner combo, we highly recommend the products by Hepper. With a soothing oatmeal shampoo, free of soaps and other harsh chemicals, and a rich coconut-based conditioner, your pet’s skin and coat will be smooth, hydrated, and irritation-free. 

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Hepper Oatmeal Shampoo for Pets Hepper Pet Conditioner & Moisturizer
pH balanced
pH balanced:

pH balanced:

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Fresh aloe vera & cucumber scent:

Fresh aloe vera & cucumber scent:

Moisturizes and nourishes skin
Moisturizes and nourishes skin:

Moisturizes and nourishes skin:

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Hydrates coat:

Hydrates coat:

Cleansing shampoo
Cleansing shampoo:

Cleansing shampoo:



At PangoVet, we’ve admired Hepper for many years, and decided to take a controlling ownership interest so that we could benefit from the outstanding designs of this cool cat company!

5. See Your Vet

This should be your first step if you notice any abnormalities, but if your dog’s skin looks normal and they’re still scratching, it’s time to take professional action. Your vet can check your dog for the common causes of itchy skin and pick up on the things that you didn’t see. Sometimes, constant biting and scratching can be the manifestation of stress and anxiety. Some dogs may develop a compulsive behavior of licking or scratching when things in their environment are particularly difficult.

It can also be a sign of boredom. Dogs need exercise and engagement to fill their days, and if they don’t get these, they may resort to biting and scratching. Also, certain health issues aren’t directly related to the skin but can affect the whole body. Hormonal imbalances due to things like Cushing’s disease or hypothyroidism may also lead to hair loss and sometimes, itchiness.

vet cheking a shih tzu dog at the clinic
Image Credit: KongNoi, Shutterstock

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Potential Causes of Constant Biting and Scratching in Dogs

Keep in mind that many of these causes need a veterinary diagnosis and treatment, so it’s always best to seek professional help first.

The causes of biting and scratching can include:
  • Parasites (fleas, ticks, mites)
  • Allergies (environmental, food)
  • Dry skin (over-bathing, chemicals, poor diet)
  • Infections
  • Boredom
  • Stress/anxiety
  • Pain
  • Health issues (Cushing’s disease, hypothyroidism)

A wide range of issues may make a dog bite or scratch to the point that it takes up most of their free time. Some of these issues are easily remedied, while others require a more in-depth approach.

How Vets Treat Constant Biting and Scratching in Canines

An exam for itchy skin can be rather complicated because your vet will have to look in to many types of causes. They will often start with questions about when the itching started and any changes that may be happening in your dog’s life. They may also ask if your pet is showing any other abnormal behaviors that could indicate that they are stressed or anxious.

They will then thoroughly examine your pup to check for any skin abnormalities, such as redness, scabs, oozing, hair loss, and parasites. This may include taking a skin scraping or other samples to get a better idea of what they’re dealing with. If allergies are suspected, allergy testing may come next.

Once a diagnosis is made, treatment can begin. This may include medications, diet changes, schedule or environmental alterations, or topical treatments. Keep in mind that some of these treatments may be lifelong, depending on the cause.

Image Credit: SeventyFour, Shutterstock

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Constant biting or scratching by your canine companion may be bothersome for you, but it can be an absolute energy drain on them. If your pup is having this issue, try following these steps to see if you can get to the root of the problem. Be sure to consult your veterinarian for further diagnosis and treatment.

Featured Image Credit: Julija Kumpinovica, Shutterstock

The post My Dog Is Constantly Biting and Scratching But Has No Fleas: Our Vet Explains What to Do appeared first on PangoVet.