How Fast is a Normal Heart Rate for Cats? (Vet Answer)

Part of being a well-informed and well-educated pet owner is knowing what’s normal for your cat, including its normal heart rate. When you know what’s normal, you’re in a position to recognize anything that’s out of the ordinary.

Your cat’s heart rate provides an important clue to it’s overall health. An abnormal heart rate can sometimes be a warning sign that something’s not right, and that your cat needs to be seen by a veterinarian. The normal cat heart rate is between 180 and 220 bpm.


What is a Heart Rate?

A heart rate is the number of times the heart beats in one minute. Veterinarians use this value, along with other vital signs, such as respiratory rate, temperature, and mucus membrane color, to understand how your cat’s body is functioning and to detect and monitor health issues.

cat jumping outdoor
Image Credit: Nils Jacobi, Shutterstock

What is a Cat’s Normal Heart Rate?

A healthy adult cat’s heart rate is normally between 180 to 220 beats per minute, while a newborn kitten’s heart rate is between 220 to 260 beats per minute.

If your cat is relaxed, its heart rate will be on the lower end of the scale, while stress, anxiety, and exercise will cause your cat’s heart rate to increase.

How to Check Your Cat’s Heart Rate

If you’re interested in knowing what your own cat’s heart rate is, there’s an easy way to measure it. You’ll need a watch with a second hand, a stopwatch, or your smartphone to monitor the time.

Choose a time when your cat is calm and relaxed, as this will give you an indication of your cat’s resting heart rate. Begin by placing your hand on the inside of your cat’s upper thigh. You should feel a blood vessel, known as the femoral artery, pulsing in this area. Alternatively, place your hand over your cat’s left ribcage, just behind its elbow. You should feel its heart beating below your fingertips. The heart rate will be the same in both places, so use whichever spot is easiest for both you and your cat.

Now, count the number of times you feel your cat’s femoral artery pulse, or its heart beat, through the chest during a 15-second period and multiply this number by four. This will give you your cat’s heart rate in beats per minute (bpm). It may be worthwhile to repeat the count several times to ensure that you get the same value.


What Can Influence A Cat’s Heart Rate?

If a cat’s heart rate is excessively fast, it is referred to as tachycardia, while a slow heart rate is referred to as bradycardia.

persian cat checked by vet.
Image Credit: didesign021, Shutterstock


It’s normal for a cat to develop tachycardia as a physiological response to exercise, stress, fear, or pain. However, when tachycardia occurs at rest, it can indicate an underlying issue. Some of the most common causes of tachycardia in cats include the following:

Hyperthyroidism. A common disorder in older cats,  hyperthyroidism is caused by the overproduction of the thyroid hormone from the thyroid glands, situated in the neck. Many body processes are regulated by thyroid hormones, which also help to help control the body’s metabolic rate. One of the classic signs of hyperthyroidism is an increased heart rate.

Anemia. Defined as a low number of circulating red blood cells in the body, which deliver oxygen to the body’s tissues, anemia can lead to tachycardia. This is because the heart is forced to beat faster to compensate for the lowered oxygen delivery to the body’s tissues by the red blood cells.

Common causes of anemia in cats include:
  • Loss of red blood cells from a wound or trauma, parasitic infestations (e.g., ticks, fleas, intestinal worms), bleeding wounds, and rat bait poisoning.

  • Destruction of red blood cells due to an immune medicated disease, tick borne diseases (e.g., Babesia, Mycoplasma hemofelis), onion toxicity, and acetaminophen toxicity.

  • Failure to produce new red blood cells due to chronic kidney disease, feline leukemia virus, certain cancers, or problems with the bone marrow.

Heart disease. Also known as cardiomyopathy, heart disease makes it harder for the heart to pump sufficient blood to the rest of the body. As a result, the heart may beat faster to compensate. The most common form of heart disease in cats is hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM).

Electrolyte imbalances. Electrolytes are minerals that are vital to many of the body’s key functions, including the electrical activity of the heart. An electrolyte imbalance occurs when the levels of one or more electrolytes are too high or too low. In certain situations, this can lead to tachycardia.

Human medications. If accidentally ingested, certain human medications—such as weight loss drugs and ADHD medication—can cause a cat to develop tachycardia. Cats seem to enjoy the taste of some of these medications and are, therefore, at risk of getting poisoned.

vet checking up the cat
Image Credit: YULIYA Shustik, Shutterstock


Some of the most common causes of bradycardia in cats include the following:
  • Shock. A life-threatening condition brought on by the sudden drop of blood flow in the body, cats may develop shock due to trauma, blood loss, heat stroke, or an allergic reaction. Bradycardia is one of the signs of shock in cats.

  • Electrolyte imbalances. Not only can electrolyte imbalances cause tachycardia, they may result in bradycardia as well.

  • Medications. Certain medications, such as general anesthetics and sedatives, can cause a cat to develop bradycardia.

  • Hypothermia (low body temperature). When a cat’s body temperature drops below 99° F, it is considered hypothermic. A cat will develop hypothermia when exposed to cold air for an extended period of time, especially if it’s fur is wet. Submersion in cold water may also lead to hypothermia. As the cat’s body temperature drops, the heart rate will slow down and may eventually stop if the hypothermia is not treated.



A healthy adult cat’s heart rate is normally between 180 to 220 beats per minute. Your cat’s heart rate, along with the other vital signs, such as respiratory rate, temperature, and mucus membrane color, provide an important clue to its overall health. An abnormal heart rate, whether it’s too fast or too slow, can sometimes be a warning sign that something’s not right and that your cat needs to be seen by a veterinarian.

Featured Image Credit: pasja1000, Pixabay

The post How Fast is a Normal Heart Rate for Cats? (Vet Answer) appeared first on Pet Keen.

Can Dogs Eat Flour? Is It Safe for Them to Try?

Flour is one of the most common ingredients in kitchens and pantries, especially for those who love baking. If you love to bake and tend to make a mess when you do, you might wonder if it’s safe for your dog to clean up the flour you leave behind. Dogs can safely eat flour as long as it’s not made from any toxic source.

In this article, we’ll talk more about dogs eating flour, including some concerns, such as allergies, to be aware of. We’ll also let you know the bigger danger than flour that dog-loving bakers should watch out for in the kitchen.


Flour and Dogs: The Basics

Flours of all types, including gluten-free types such as rice or almond flour, are okay for your dog to eat in limited quantities. Many homemade dog treat recipes include flour on the ingredient list. Be sure to check each of the ingredients in the flour you are using to ensure their safety for dogs.

However, your dog shouldn’t eat large amounts of flour for a few reasons. First, your dog really shouldn’t be eating much of anything that isn’t their regular, nutritionally-balanced diet. Some types of flour are healthier than others, but if your dog fills up on human foods, it may not be hungry for dinner.

When a dog eats an excessive amount of any food, including flour, it could upset its stomach or worse. Overeating can cause the dog’s stomach to expand painfully with gas, which is a condition called bloat. Bloat is most common in large dogs and is a true medical emergency.

Some dogs have sensitive digestion, and eating unfamiliar food, such as flour, could lead to an upset stomach or diarrhea.

a border collie dog looking sick covered with blanket on couch
Image Credit: Lindsay Helms, Shutterstock

What About Allergies?

Flour is made from grains, most commonly wheat. As you’re likely aware, many pet owners feed grain-free dog food partly because they believe their dogs are allergic to grains. In reality, most canines experience allergies to protein sources rather than carbohydrates like grain.

However, a study from 2016 did find that wheat was one of the four most common food allergy triggers in dogs. The other three were beef, chicken, and dairy products. Given this finding, your dog could be allergic to wheat flour. This should be discussed with your veterinarian.

Some common signs of food allergies include vomiting and diarrhea, which also may occur if flour doesn’t agree with your dog’s digestive system. It can be hard to tell the difference between a food intolerance versus an upset stomach, so don’t assume your dog has a wheat allergy without discussing it with a vet.

The best way to accurately diagnose food allergies is through a diet elimination trial, which can take weeks or months. If you suspect your dog has a wheat allergy, talk to your veterinarian about what to do next.

sad and sick labrador retriever dog
Image Credit: My July, Shutterstock

Yeast Poisoning: The Real Baking Danger

While eating plain flour usually won’t cause a problem for your dog, flour that’s been worked into a dough with yeast is another story. Unbaked dough with yeast, such as that used for making bread, rolls, or pizza, is dangerous to your dog if ingested.

Warmth causes the dough to rise, and a dog’s stomach is just the right environment. When a dog eats unbaked dough, it may expand in its stomach, potentially causing bloat.

As we mentioned, bloat is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate care.

Even if your dog doesn’t bloat from eating bread dough, it’s still at risk. The yeast in the bread dough ferments as it sits in your dog’s stomach, releasing alcohol. When this happens, your dog could suffer alcohol poisoning.

In dogs, alcohol poisoning can cause seizures, low blood pressure, and respiratory failure. If you love to bake, don’t leave your dough rising anywhere your dog can get to it. Should your dog eat unbaked dough, take your pet to your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Sick dachshund dog sleeping under the blanket
Image Credit: Javier Brosch, Shutterstock



While your dog shouldn’t make a habit of snacking on flour, it’s generally okay and safe for them to eat. However, any unfamiliar food can upset your dog’s stomach, and some pups may be allergic to wheat. In addition, eating raw dough with yeast can cause life-threatening complications for your dog. Remember that the bulk of your dog’s daily calories should come from a nutritionally-balanced and complete, commercial diet. If you want to provide human foods as snacks, flour probably won’t be your dog’s first choice anyway!

Featured Image Credit: kaboompics, Pixabay

The post Can Dogs Eat Flour? Is It Safe for Them to Try? appeared first on Pet Keen.

21 Plants That Are Safe for Dogs (With Pictures)

We love our pets and plants, but sadly some of our favorite plants may be toxic for our companions. If you want to add greenery to your home and color to your garden while keeping your dog safe, you will be happy to know that there are plenty of options!

Whether you prefer bright flowers or greenery draping from a basket, there is something for you. We have put together a list of 21 outdoor and indoor plants you can grow today without posing a risk to your furry companion.

divider-dog paw

The 21 Common Plants That Are Safe for Dogs

Outdoor Plants

1. Succulents

succulent plant
Image Credit: leoleobobeo,Pixabay
USDA: 3–9
Sun: 6 hours per day
Placement: Sunny area, well-draining soil

Succulents are one of the easiest plants to care for, and the variety of shapes, colors, and textures available brighten any garden. You can add a rock garden filled with a variety of pet-friendly succulents, or you can showcase them individually in containers. They are sun lovers, so a sunny spot such as the patio or sunny area of the garden is ideal, with light watering approximately every 1–2 weeks.

2. Marigolds

Image Credit: erwin nowak, Pixabay
USDA: 2–11
Sun: Full sun
Placement: Full sun, shade tolerant, 6–12 inches apart

Not only do these flowers add a pop of color to your garden, but they also serve as pest repellants that keep unwanted pests away from your vegetables and attract pollinators such as bees. They come in several varieties, offering shades of bright yellow and orange. You can enjoy an abundance of these flowers in your garden, and if your dog enjoys them too, there is no need to worry since Marigolds are perfectly safe.

3. Fuchsias

USDA: 10–11
Sun: Full sun to partial shade
Placement: Moist well-draining soil, shade in the hottest part of the day

Fuchsias are an elegant and dog-friendly addition to your garden, especially in containers or hanging baskets on the patio, and they are one of the most loved flowers among gardeners. Many varieties are available, ranging from white, pink, purple, and deep red. Fuchsias are safe for dogs; in fact, they even have a sweet taste, so there is a chance that your dog is more dangerous to the flower!

4. Magnolias

magnolia plant

USDA: 7–10
Sun: Full sun, light shade
Placement: Moist, well-draining, slightly acidic soil

Magnolias are another gardener’s favorite that provide incomparable beauty to the garden with their waxy green foliage and elegant, creamy white blooms. With approximately 125 species available, all varieties are safe for dogs. Some grow as trees, while some grow as shrubs, and some varieties are evergreen, providing interest all year round. You can add this dog-friendly plant to any sunny area in your garden as a statement piece or as part of a shrubby border.

5. Sunflowers

Image Credit: ulleo, Pixabay
USDA: 4–9
Sun: Full sun
Placement: Well-draining soil with enough room for tap roots

Sunflowers will add a cheerful pop of color to a summer garden and are perfect as border plants or adding color among bushy green foliage. Sunflowers are loved by all, and you can enjoy these happy flowers in your garden while knowing they are safe for your dog. They also make stunning cut flowers for your living room, bringing an element of summer indoors. In the fall, their seeds will attract birds and bring more life to your garden.

6. Snapdragon

USDA: 7–11
Sun: Full sun
Placement: Rich, well-draining soil

Their name might sound like something you don’t want to expose your dog to, but these stunning flowers are harmless. They are usually grown as annuals, providing short-lived beauty to your landscape, either as border flowers or as a statement in containers to beautify your patio. When planted from seed, they are usually slow growing, so it’s best to purchase seedlings from a nursery so you can enjoy their beauty soon after planting.

7. Nasturtium

nasturtium plant

USDA: 9–11
Sun: Full sun
Placement: Well-drained poor soil, space to spread

Nasturtiums are a great addition to the garden for many reasons. They can tolerate poor soils and don’t require fertilizer to grow. Their flowers are edible and are a bright addition to the landscape. They also help to repel pests, which can protect your vegetable bed. Once established, you can separate the plant and easily add it to a new area of the garden or add it to hanging baskets.

8. Fennel

fennel plant

USDA: 4–9
Sun: Full sun
Placement: Open, sunny area with well-draining soil

Fennel is a delicate-looking herb that is great for use in the kitchen if you enjoy the taste of licorice. While fennel is safe for dogs, it is highly beneficial for humans. It contains vitamins that are helpful for tissue repair, collagen production, and maintaining healthy skin. You can grow this bulb in containers and add it to your salads to enjoy the taste and health benefits.

9. Rosemary

rosemary plant

USDA: 7–10
Sun: Full sun
Placement: Light, well-drained soil

Rosemary is an aromatic herb that is great for culinary use. It is easy to grow and is safe for dogs, and you can grow it in abundance. Rosemary plants produce small purple flowers, which contrast beautifully against the dark green foliage, and the creeping variety is excellent for filling up spaces. Rosemary can grow indoors and outdoors as long as it receives enough light. Use this herb to season various dishes such as roasts, casseroles, and stews. Adding a small amount to your dog’s food can help support its digestive tract.

10. Creeping Thyme

creeping thyme plant

USDA: 4–9
Sun: Full sun
Placement: Raised beds, rockeries, sunny spot with well-draining soil

Creeping Thyme is another beneficial herb you can grow in your garden that is safe for dogs and can be used to flavor various dishes. It makes a great groundcover and can be planted between pavers to create a living patio. It is easy to grow and doesn’t require much attention; it can withstand frequent foot traffic, which is another reason it is an excellent choice of plant to grow with dogs around.

11. Purple Basil

purple basil plant

USDA: 9-11
Sun: Bright, direct sunlight
Placement: Moist, well-draining soil, can tolerate partial shade

Purple Basil will add some gorgeous color to your garden beds and is an easy herb to grow with a sweet and spicy flavor. Purple Basil is similar to green basil except for its more eye-catching foliage and intense aroma. This herb can be grown indoors and outdoors, either in the ground or in pots, and it is perfectly safe for dogs.

Indoor Plants

12. Spider Plant

spider plant
Image Credit: t50, Shutterstock
Size: 12”–15”
Light: Bright, indirect light
Placement: Sunny spot with humidity. Small pot or hanging basket

Contrary to its name, the spider plant is the perfect dog-friendly indoor plant. It is easy to grow and resilient and makes a great air purifier. The long, arched leaves make it an excellent plant for a hanging basket as long as it receives enough light. In the summer, spider plants produce long stems with small white flowers.

13. Zebra Cactus

Size: 5”–8”
Light: 6–8 hours of sun
Placement: South or east-facing window sill

The Zebra Cactus is a popular succulent that will make a striking statement in your living room. Even though they are safe for dogs, their pointy shape will be unwelcoming for a curious dog. With that being said, it’s best to keep them in an area your dog can’t reach so that it doesn’t get a jab in the nose or eyes. They are low maintenance, can go weeks without water, and can adapt to various light conditions.

14. Prayer Plant

prayer plant
Image Credit: Maritxu, Shutterstock
Size: 10”–12”
Light: Bright, indirect light
Placement: Close to window, but they can tolerate low light

The prayer plant is a unique and decorative plant that gets its name from the flat leaves that fold up at night and resemble praying hands. The leaves are dark green with yellow patches down the center and arching red veins stemming from them. It is tolerant of low light, so it is ideal for apartment living and safe for your furry roommate. Place this plant near a window where it can receive indirect sunlight and keep its soil moist.

15. Areca Palm

areca palm plant
Image Credit: URAIWONS, Shutterstock
Size: 6”–10”
Light: Bright, indirect light
Placement: South or west-facing window

If you are looking for more of a statement piece to beautify an empty space in your home, a palm is a perfect choice. While some palms, like the sago palm, can be toxic to dogs, the Areca Palm is perfectly safe and will give your space a calming, tropical feel. Because of the plant’s long arching fronds, a curious pup may be tempted to chew on them, so consider placing it somewhere your pup can’t reach it. Your palm will need to be placed next to a window to receive enough light, but it will also benefit your plant to bring it outdoors in warm weather.

16. Parlor Palm

parlor palm plant
Image Credit: iluphoto, Shutterstock
Size: 10”–12”
Light: Medium to bright indirect light
Placement: Avoid direct sunlight

The Parlor Palm is another popular indoor plant that is easy to care for and non-toxic to dogs. It can adapt to low light and handle low temperatures, so it is an ideal plant for beginner gardeners. Place a Parlor Palm in a large pot near a window where it can beautify your space and add a tropical ambiance. You can add this beautiful plant to your indoor patio or bathroom for a pop of greenery.

17. Money Tree

Money tree in a white vase
Image credit: NeginMinaee, Shutterstock
Size: 8–10 feet
Light: Bright, indirect light
Placement: Workspaces, bright kitchens, said to be bad luck in your bathroom

Money Trees are easy to grow and will brighten your home with their green foliage and braided stem. While they are safe for homes with pets, they are also considered to bring luck and prosperity, so that’s reason enough to add one of these plants to your space. In their native environment, they can reach up to 60 feet tall, but when grown indoors, they reach approximately 8 to 10 feet tall and can even be trained as bonsai.

18. Moth Orchid

moth orchid plant

Size: Up to 19 inches
Light: Light areas
Placement: Keep away from direct sunlight and wind or draughts

Any home is incomplete with the pop of elegance that an Orchid provides; fortunately, the Moth Orchid is dog friendly and easy to care for. They are gorgeous all year round and provide color to your living room. They are one of the easiest orchids to grow, so there is no need to feel intimidated, especially if you are new to Orchids.

Place your Moth Orchid where it can receive indirect sunlight and add some water when the bark or moss it is growing in is dry to the touch. While the Moth Orchid is safe for dogs, it may be wise to place it somewhere where an excited pup can’t easily knock it over.

19. Baby Tears

baby tears plant
Image Credit: Bilalstock, Shutterstock
Size: 4” tall
Light: Medium light
Placement: Hanging baskets, east or west-facing window

The tendrils of the Baby Tears plant display a beautiful cascade of greenery when planted in a hanging basket. While this plant is non-toxic and safe for dogs, if you have a cat, it may be too much of a temptation for it to jump up at it and play with it, and your kitty will most likely cause more harm than the plant. They are easy plants to care for but require a bit of attention to grow their best.

20. Polka Dot Plant

polka dot plant

Size: Up to 12 inches
Light: Medium to bright light
Placement: East or south-facing window

Add a splash of pink to your house plants with the dog-safe Polka Dot plant. High humidity, warm temperatures, and regular watering are key to growing these plants. They have a moderate growth rate, and when grown indoors in pots, they will remain small even once they reach maturity. This plant is perfect to spruce up your kitchen or bathroom since it will thrive in humid conditions.

21. Venus Flytrap

venus flytrap plants

Size: 5”– 6”
Light: Bright, indirect sunlight
Placement: South facing window

A Venus Flytrap is a fascinating plant that can quickly become your favorite. It is a carnivorous plant that feeds on flies that land inside their alien-like mouths, which greatly benefits you and your dog if flies are abundant in your area. Although this plant may seem intimidating, it is dog-friendly and low-maintenance. Place it somewhere where it will receive at least 4 hours of direct sunlight and ideally somewhere where it can catch flies passing by.



Whether it’s a big garden or indoor greenery you are looking for, there are plenty of dog-friendly plants for you to add to your landscape or home. Now you can enjoy your love of plants with peace of mind, knowing that your dog isn’t going to eat something it shouldn’t. While these plants are non-toxic, it’s essential to consider the placement to prevent your curious pup from chewing it up, knocking it over, or getting poked or scratched in the face. Happy planting!

The post 21 Plants That Are Safe for Dogs (With Pictures) appeared first on Pet Keen.