How to Clean Your Turtle’s Tank: Simple 5 Step Guide

Turtles are intriguing little pets that are fun to watch. But they’re also messy little reptiles that seemingly love nothing more than messing up their water and creating a mess for you to clean up. Until there is such a thing as a self-cleaning tank that actually works, it is going to be your responsibility as a turtle owner to keep the tank clean and the water clear.

Daily cleaning takes a few minutes, and it can greatly reduce the need for frequent deep cleaning, but it never completely replaces this need. You will have to remove everything from the tank at some point, and then clean the whole thing out before cleaning and replacing all the equipment.

Take heart from the fact that a clean tank makes it easier to watch your turtle zooming around inside so it will bring you joy. Right until you notice it getting dirty again!


How to Clean Your Turtle’s Tank

Once a month, you should perform a full, deep clean. This can be an arduous task, but it is one of the necessary tasks that you have to undertake when you keep turtles.

Before You Start: Gather the Supplies

There are a few things that you want to get ready before you start cleaning your turtle’s tank. Here is a list of supplies you will need for the cleaning process.

  • Scrubbing brush

  • Bleach (diluted)

  • White vinegar

  • Dechlorinated water

The 5 Step Guide for Cleaning Your Turtles Tank

1. Remove Your Turtle

person carrying an Eastern Box Turtle
Image Credit: Lisa Holder, Shutterstock

Remove your turtle and place them in an empty, secure tub. Wash your hands after handling the turtle because they can carry salmonella and you could get sick if you ingest these bacteria. Removing the turtle ensures that they don’t come into contact with cleaning fluids during the cleaning process.

2. Remove Decor, Filters, Lights, and Pump

Turn off and take out the filter, pump, heater, lights, and any other electrical equipment. Put this in another tub, ready for cleaning. Filters and heaters need to be turned off before taking them out of the water and before removing water, or you risk blowing them. Once you’ve removed the electricals, take out tank decorations like basking platforms and rocks. These will need cleaning, too. Pour a little of the tank water into the tub holding the decor, heater, and filter.

The rest of the tank water can be disposed of. It can be safely flushed down the toilet, tipped down a drain, or you can use it as a liquid fertilizer in your garden. It will provide a host of nutrients, including nitrogen, that plants really thrive on. If you’re going to pour the water down a sink or other indoor drain, ensure you wash it out thoroughly afterward.

3. Clean the Substrate

person adding substrate and sand in the tank
Image Credit: Krysja, Shutterstock

Clean any substrate. The substrate is likely to be the dirtiest area of the tank because this is where uneaten food and poop will settle. Refill the tank to about a quarter of the way and then stir the substrate around and then drain the water. Do this three or four times until the water you tip away is basically running clear.

4. Clean the Tank With White Vinegar or Highly Diluted Bleach

Mix white vinegar with water and use this as a replacement for the bleach cleaning solution. Use the cleaning solution and a sponge to scrub all of the surfaces of the tank. Make sure you get into the corners because this is where a lot of gunk will reside. Clean your décor items and the filter and heater and then use the water you use to clean these items, to clean the filter media.

Use a mild bleach and dilute it significantly according to the instructions. Never use non-diluted bleach as this can be very harmful to your turtle and yourself. If you are unsure about using bleach, check with an exotic vet specialist or just stick with white vinegar.

5. Rinse Thoroughly

person cleaning an aquarium or terrarium tank
Image Credit: MARVIK, Shutterstock

Once everything is washed, you need to rinse it thoroughly and wipe down the inside and outside of the tank. Move your tank back where it belongs while it is empty and then put everything back in, starting with the décor items. Fill with water and water conditioner before reinstalling the electrical items and always test the water before putting your turtle back in.


Other Things to Do to Keep Your Turtle’s Tank Clean

Daily Cleaning

A small fishing net is all you really need for daily cleaning, and doing this will help keep the water and tank as clean as possible until your next scheduled big clean. Scoop out visible poop and make sure you get rid of any leftover food and other dirt and debris. If you find the fishing net is pushing items around rather than scooping them up, you can use a turkey baster to suck up the offending items.

Partial Water Replacement

Your turtle needs nitrate levels to be kept below 40 parts per million, and this will require partial water changes, typically around every week. Use a water testing kit to ensure you are conducting these changes often enough and that the water is at a safe and healthy level for your little aquatic animal. A partial water change means removing a quarter of the water and replacing it with fresh water.

Doing this regularly will also help you manage and maintain water levels. Water levels do drop over time as a result of evaporation and this can make it difficult for your turtle to get to its basking spot or other areas of the tank.

dragon stone arrangement on soil substrate with plant for making hardscape and fill water of aquatic plant tank
Image Credit: BLUR LIFE 1975, Shutterstock

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How Often Do You Clean a Turtle Tank?

Ideally, you should give your tank a deep, thorough clean, every month. You can supplement this monthly deep cleaning process with daily poop skimming and weekly partial water changes to really keep on top of nitrogen levels and water cleanliness.

Why Is My Turtle Tank So Dirty?

As well as bits of poop and leftover food, algae are one of the most common causes of murky water and dirty tanks. This can form and flourish if you overfeed or miss out on regular cleaning, and the problem will magnify quickly.

Is Tap Water Safe for Turtles?

You shouldn’t use tap water for your turtles as it contains chlorine and fluoride. These can really mess with your turtle’s health by negatively impacting the pH value of the water. Use a water conditioner or buy dechlorinated water to fill your turtle tank.

Do Turtles Like Their Water Dirty?

You could be forgiven for thinking that turtles love dirty water, but they aren’t making the water dirty on purpose, and turtles actually prefer their water as clean as you can get it.



Turtles are fascinating pets that are great to watch, but if they’re swimming in dirty water filled with poop, uneaten food, and other debris, it is less of a joy and more of a chore to watch them. Dirty water can also hurt your turtle’s health and you will need to clean the tank regularly to remove this dirt.

Scoop poop and uneaten food daily, do a partial water change every week or when nitrogen levels get too high, and perform a full, deep clean every month.

Featured Image Credit: Liubov Sydorenko, Shutterstock

The post How to Clean Your Turtle’s Tank: Simple 5 Step Guide appeared first on Pet Keen.

Do Turtles Drink Water? The Science Explained

Turtles are just like any other domestic pet in that they do need to drink water to survive. But how your turtle accesses that water depends on whether they are an aquatic turtle or a box turtle. Read on to learn more about your turtle’s water needs, how to handle water shortages in an emergency, and when to consult your vet.


Do Turtles Need a Drinking Bowl?

Pet aquatic turtles like the red-eared slider should live in an aquarium that is ⅔ water and ⅓ dry basking area. They do not need a separate water bowl, as they drink the water from their habitat.

Pet box turtles or tortoises that live in a dry environment do need a water container to drink from and bathe in. Choose a shallow dish that your turtle can climb in and out of but can’t tip over. You may need to add a special turtle ramp so your pet can access the water easily. Don’t overfill the container—the water level should be at your turtle’s chin when their head is extended from their shell. You’ll want to clean this water dish at least once a day, at a bare minimum.

amazon river turtle closeup on top of a tree branch and against a green background from a water pond
Image Credit: fewerton, Shutterstock

How Long Can Turtles Go Without Water?

Ideally, pet turtles should never be without access to water. However, emergencies and unforeseen circumstances do occur.

How long a pet turtle can go without water depends on their age and overall health. The conditions in the waterless environment—like temperature, direct sunlight, and humidity—also play a role. Going without water for 6 to 8 hours can be harmful and possibly fatal to a turtle.

You can prevent your turtle from being without water by planning ahead. Store extra bottled spring or distilled water in your home in case of a natural disaster, power outage, or damaged water main line. You should also have a spare water-tight container that you could keep or transport your turtle in if needed.

Can I Add Vitamins to My Turtle’s Water?

Your vet may recommend giving your turtle vitamins so they stay healthy. Pet turtles are especially at risk for vitamin A deficiency.

Unless your vet instructs you to, you should not add vitamins to your turtle’s drinking water. Doing so would dilute the concentration of vitamins to an unbeneficial amount. Most vitamins should be sprinkled on or added to your turtle’s food.

sick sea turtle in the water
Image Credit: Kevin Kipper, Shutterstock

Is Tap Water Safe for Turtles to Drink?

The short answer to this question is, maybe. Whether your tap water is safe for your pet turtle to swim in or drink depends on the water source. You’ll need to do your own research and consult with your vet. When in doubt, you can give your turtle bottled distilled water or plain spring water.

Many municipalities in the United States treat their water with chlorine and fluoride. Both substances can be harmful to turtles. However, adding turtle water conditioner to your aquarium or water dish can make it safe for your pet.

If your home’s tap water comes from a private well, it is most likely safe for your turtle to drink and swim in. You should double-check with your vet to see if adding turtle water conditioner is necessary.



All pet turtles drink water. Aquatic turtles drink the water in their tank, while box turtles drink from a water dish. Ask your vet if you need to add turtle water conditioner to your home’s tap water. Pet turtles should never be without access to water. Keep distilled or spring water on hand in case of an emergency.

Featured Image Credit: shymar27, Shutterstock

The post Do Turtles Drink Water? The Science Explained appeared first on Pet Keen.

5 Best Turtle Basking Platforms In 2023 – Reviews & Top Picks

basking pair of southern painted turtles

A turtle basking platform is more than just decor for your tank. It serves a critical purpose for your pet’s health and well-being. In the wild, turtles rest on rocks or logs to dry out and sun themselves. Your pet turtle mimics this behavior by climbing up onto their basking platform to be near their tank’s lamp.

There are dozens of basking platforms on the market, so you might wonder why our list is so short, at only five products. The answer is simple—safety. Through our research, we learned that many platforms had designs or attributes that pose a risk to turtles. In addition to our top picks for turtle basking platforms, we’ve also included things to consider when shopping.


A Quick Comparison of Our Favorites in 2023

Image Product Details

Best Overall


Penn-Plax Floating Turtle Pier Platform (Small)
Penn-Plax Floating Turtle Pier Platform (Small)

  • Whimsical “pier” appearance

  • Adjustable height

  • Ideal for smaller tanks

  • Best Value

    Second place

    Sunxenze Large Size Acrylic Turtle Basking Platform
    Sunxenze Large Size Acrylic Turtle Basking Platform

  • One-piece design is easy to clean

  • Includes a recessed food dish

  • Sturdy suction cups

  • Premium Choice

    Third place

    Penn-Plax Turtle Topper Above Tank Basking Platform
    Penn-Plax Turtle Topper Above Tank Basking Platform

  • Space saving design

  • One of the larger basking platforms on the market

  • Penn-Plax Floating Turtle Pier Platform (Large)
    Penn-Plax Floating Turtle Pier Platform (Large)

  • Attractive, novel appearance

  • Adjustable height

  • Textured ramp

  • CHERLAM Turtle Basking Platform (Yellow)
    CHERLAM Turtle Basking Platform (Yellow)

  • Strong suction cups

  • Looks like a piece of driftwood

  • Not painted
  • The 10 Best Turtle Basking Platforms

    1. Penn-Plax Floating Turtle Pier Platform (Small) – Best Overall

    Penn-Plax Floating Turtle Pier Platform

    Materials: Plastic
    Dimensions: Small 11.5 inches x 9.5 inches x 12 inches
    Country of manufacture: China

    The Penn-Plax Floating Turtle Pier Platform (Small) is our choice for best overall turtle basking platform. Its triangular, compact shape allows you to nestle this platform into the corner of a smaller tank. As an additional space-saving feature, it has a filter holder that is compatible with the Penn-Plax Reptology Internal Filter 45. And like its Large counterpart, the Small platform has an adjustable height and textured ramp. If your turtle grows, you may need a larger upgrade. But if you have a smaller adult turtle, this platform could last you awhile.

    The fun pier-like design is both a pro and a con. You might enjoy the unique appearance, but the grooves on the faux wood and rope features will need to be cleaned regularly.

    • Whimsical “pier” appearance

    • Adjustable height

    • Ideal for smaller tanks

    • Difficult to clean

    2. Sunxenze Large Size Acrylic Turtle Basking Platform – Best Value

    Sunxenze Large Size Acrylic Turtle Basking Platform

    Materials: Plastic
    Dimensions: 9.5 inches x 8 inches
    Country of manufacture: Unknown

    Don’t be fooled by the simple design of the Sunxenze Large Size Acrylic Turtle Basking Platform. Thousands of turtle owners are happy with this product, earning it our pick as the best turtle basking platform for the money. If your turtle needs some encouragement to bask, you can fill the built-in food dish with a treat. While a common complaint for turtle basking platforms is weak suction cups, these are relatively sturdy. Don’t rely on the manufacturer’s “Large” descriptor. Measure your turtle and your tank set up to make sure this platform will work for you.

    We couldn’t find any information about this company or where it manufactures its products. But if you have a small budget and don’t have the time to clean an elaborate basking platform set up, consider this simple acrylic one.

    • One-piece design is easy to clean

    • Includes a recessed food dish

    • Sturdy suction cups

    • Only available in one size

    • Couldn’t find information about the company

    3. Penn-Plax Turtle Topper Above Tank Basking Platform – Premium Choice

    Penn-Plax Turtle Topper Above Tank Basking Platform

    Materials: Plastic
    Dimensions: 17.5 x 14.25 x 6.5 inches
    Country of manufacture: China

    As its name suggests, the Penn-Plax Turtle Topper Above Tank Basking Platform attaches to the top of an aquarium. This space-saving feature is perfect if you can’t upgrade to a larger tank, or you have an aquatic turtle that enjoys swimming the full length of their aquarium. This basking platform is large enough to hold multiple turtles, as well. It comes in one size and fits “most tanks up to 55 gallons.” We strongly recommend carefully measuring the exterior dimensions of your tank and not relying on the gallon size when purchasing.

    This basking platform will take some effort to disassemble and clean, but it’s still a solid choice if you want a larger, above-tank platform.

    • Space saving design

    • One of the larger basking platforms on the market

    • One size, fits tanks that have a width of 14 inches

    • Difficult to disassemble and clean

    4. Penn-Plax Floating Turtle Pier Platform (Large)

    Penn-Plax Floating Turtle Pier Platform

    Materials: Plastic
    Dimensions: Large 16 inches x 11 inches x 16 inches
    Country of manufacture: China

    The affordable price and adjustable height of the Penn-Plax Floating Turtle Pier Platform (Large) makes it a great choice for your turtle. We like the textured ramp that makes it easy for your turtle to access the platform. The faux rope design adds to the fun appearance but can be a pain to keep clean.

    Some customers who purchased this platform found it to be too big for their 40-gallon aquarium. You need to measure the interior dimensions of your tank before you buy any basking platform—we can’t stress this enough. The most common complaint owners had with this whimsical platform was the weak suction cups.

    • Attractive, novel appearance

    • Adjustable height

    • Textured ramp

    • Flimsy suction cups

    • Difficult to clean

    5. CHERLAM Turtle Basking Platform (Yellow)

    CHERLAM Turtle Basking Platform (Yellow)

    Materials: Resin
    Dimensions: 9 x 5 x 2 inches
    Country of manufacture: China

    While this CHERLAM Turtle Basking Platform is described as “yellow,” it’s actually a tan color and looks like a piece of driftwood. Its nature-inspired design extends to its gray and brown options, which are meant to look like a rock and log, respectively. This basking platform is for you if you have a small budget and want a one-piece design that’s easy to clean.

    Unlike many other faux wood or rock basking platforms, this one isn’t painted. This is a major plus because flaking paint poses a safety hazard to turtles that may mistake paint chips for food. Suction cups are often a pain point on basking platforms, but most customers agreed that these were strong and kept the platform in place.

    • Strong suction cups

    • Looks like a piece of driftwood

    • Not painted

    • Made in China

    • Available in one size


    Buyer’s Guide: Selecting the Best Turtle Basking Platforms

    Shopping for a turtle basking platform seems like it should be a straightforward process, but there’s a lot to consider. The right platform needs to be safe, large enough for your turtle, and fit well into your tank. Below are some pointers to help you select the right turtle platform.

    Before You Buy

    You’ll want to measure the interior dimensions of your tank before you shop for a basking platform. Do not rely on “small” or “large” descriptors. These sizes are relative and assigned by the manufacturer. A good rule of thumb is that a dry basking platform should take up ⅓ of an aquarium’s space.

    If you are considering the Penn-Plax Turtle Topper Above Tank Basking Platform, you’ll need to measure the exterior dimensions of your tank.

    Basking Platform Features to Avoid

    We came across several unsafe features when reviewing turtle basking platforms. Perhaps the most dangerous feature on any underwater pet accessory is paint. Over time, paint will wear away. Unfortunately, a turtle could think a floating paint chip is food and eat it. Flaking paint also causes debris build-up and can muck up your filtration system.

    Another design flaw to watch out for is any hollow space under a basking platform, where a smaller turtle could be trapped. If a platform should become unattached from the tank, you want one that will either float or that your turtle could crawl out from.

    Turtle Basking Platform Maintenance

    All of the turtle basking platforms on our list are made of plastic or resin. These unpainted materials can withstand daily use in a wet environment.

    That being said, no platform will last forever. Routinely check your turtle’s platform for chips, cracks, and other signs of wear. All platforms should be wiped down and cleaned on a regular basis. Ask your vet what they suggest for a turtle-safe soap. You don’t want to use any harsh cleaners around your pet.


    Final Thoughts on Turtle Basking Platforms

    The adjustable height, textured ramp, and whimsical design of the Penn-Plax Floating Turtle Pier Platform (Small) made it our best overall choice for basking platforms. The Sunxenze Large Size Acrylic Turtle Basking Platform is our best value pick if you’re on a budget due to its simplicity and affordability. The unique design of the Penn-Plax Turtle Topper Above Tank Basking Platform made it our premium choice for turtle owners who want a space-saving option. We hope our reviews help you buy a basking platform that your turtle loves and fits your budget.


    Featured Image Credit: Mike Wilhelm, Shutterstock

    The post 5 Best Turtle Basking Platforms In 2023 – Reviews & Top Picks appeared first on Pet Keen.