Do Dogs Have Zodiac Signs? Pet Horoscopes & Personality Traits

Zodiac signs are all the craze nowadays. It seems that everybody knows about astrology and even judges people based on their astrological sign. Are you one of them? If so, you might be really curious to know if our pets are still held to the same rules of the stars. Do dogs have horoscopes?

Since the zodiac signs are developed to cover the entire year, your dogs, cats, and other critters would most certainly be on the list. If you know your dog’s birthday, here’s a bit of information about a dog’s zodiac sign personality so you can see if your dog fits their sign.

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The 12 Signs of Zodiac for Dogs

1. Aries

  • March 21—April 19
  • Element: Fire

Oh yes, the Aries. Headstrong, fiery, and the epitome of what makes a fire sign, a fire sign. No matter what kind of animal you have born in this window, you can bet they are definitely assertive and love to run!

An Aries tends to be a little headstrong, so they might even prove challenging to train. However, they exhibit loyalty and ambition, so you have such a rewarding relationship with them. In terms of protection? They will defend their heart and home 100%.

The Aries is a bit hard to handle for some. They might require a bit of a firm hand. It’s nice to use positive reinforcement training with this star sign—and definitely never use force or negative reinforcement to get your point across—you won’t win!

shiba inu dog standing in the forest
Image Credit: Anastasiia Cherniavskaia, Shutterstock

2. Taurus

  • April 20—May 20
  • Element: Earth

The lazy, relaxed Taurus loves to eat. These are some stereotypes that you hear when talking about this earth sign. The Taurus tends to be a little bit stubborn.

So, even though your animal might be extremely sweet, lackadaisical, and go with the flow, they might also be a little resistant to change and put up a fight when it’s something they don’t want to do.

Tauruses are also creatures of habit. A pet that is a Taurus might have trouble adjusting to change. So, if you move homes or bring a new baby into the equation, they might not adjust so great at first.

But don’t worry, these lovable doggos will warm up before you know it.

3. Gemini

  • May 21—June 21
  • Element: Air

The Gemini—the twin of the zodiac world. If you have a dog that is a Gemini, their split personality will speak for itself. One minute, they might be relaxed and chilling on the couch. The next, they are bouncing off your walls and ripping down your curtains.

The Gemini is known to have two extreme sides to their personality, making them somewhat unpredictable, which can be entertaining all on its own. Geminis tend to be pretty free-spirited and happy.

Geminis are curious cats, or, well, dogs! They tend to be very social, outgoing, and exploratory! If you love adventure, you will certainly love having the glass-half-full Gemini by your side.

You can always count on them to put a smile on your face and fill your heart with love.

man playing frisbee with dog at the yard
Image Credit: Gorodenkoff, Shutterstock

4. Cancer

  • June 22—July 22
  • Element: Water

If you have a Cancer animal in your home, you might notice that they are a bit more emotionally intuitive than some others.A Cancer will probably make a fantastic emotional support animal, constantly being aware of your mood fluctuations and your stress.

These animals can be a little nervous at times. You might find that a Cancer might duck under their bed when there’s a thunderstorm or even develop issues like separation anxiety.

These animals wear their heart on their sleeve, so they will be extreme Lovebugs, willing to give affection to just about anyone. Even ones that are more selective will thrive on the connection they have with their human counterparts.

5. Leo

  • July 23—August 22
  • Element: Fire

The goofy, spicy Leo is a lion at heart. Brave, sometimes against their own good, is an understatement. Many of these animals might exhibit a larger-than-life personality, where they think that they rule the roost.

Brave, helpful, and courageous, a lion-hearted little Leo dog will be protective, proactive, and perfect for pet parents everywhere. They have a light-heartedness about them but when they mean business, you can see their whole demeanor change.

They are a fire sign for sure, being a little bit bossy, somewhat stubborn, and even a bit overbearing. However, a Leo also has a very loving quality that makes them super fantastic in their own right.

Image Credit: AnetaZabranska, Shutterstock

6. Virgo

  • August 23—September 22
  • Element: Earth

The Virgo: a methodical, analytical star sign that bleeds over on our pets as well. If you have a Virgo, you might notice that your dog is very observant, calculated, and well-mannered. These animals tend to look at life through a very practical lens.

They tend to be very obedient animals, making them very easy to train. Virgos tend to be incredibly intelligent, so you shouldn’t have much of an issue teaching them basic concepts like potty training and general commands.

Because of a Virgo’s analytical nature, it also makes some great candidates for advanced training and areas of service or task-related duties. They are very observant of their surroundings and receptive to commands.

7. Libra

  • September 23—October 23
  • Element: Air

The Libra is all about balance. Libras tend to be very poised in nature, and your pets will take on the same type of royal persona. They tend to be a little bit finicky about certain things.

So, you might have a pup that snubs its nose up at food they don’t like or one that has to be loved and always pampered. They might not like to get their feet wet in the grass and would rather be on a luxury pet bed napping.

Since Libras are about balance, they might be as bad as they are good. They might have a rotten streak where they get rambunctious and then turn around and act like little angels sent to Earth.

Peruvian Hairless and Chihuahua mix dog sunbathing
Image Credit: Rosa Jay, Shutterstock

8. Scorpio

  • October 24—November 21
  • Element: Fire

The Scorpio is one of the darkest of all star signs. They might put on a warm face, but when you have your back turned, they’re into the trash! Scorpios are the type of star signs that know what they are and aren’t to do, and then proceed to do whatever they want.

Then, they will make you feel bad for reprimanding them. They might be one of the most cunning of all star signs, so they constantly keep you on your toes. They might just outsmart you no matter what—and then put an innocent face on to lay on the guilt trip thick!

Scorpios run deep. They might lack obvious expressions, so it could be hard to tell what they are thinking. They might come across as somber, poker-faced, or even aloof. However, there is much more depth than what meets the eye.

9. Sagittarius

  • November 22—December 21
  • Element: Fire

The Sagittarius could arguably be the most adventurous of all the doggo star signs. Sagittarius dogs might be escape artists, excellent playmates, and road trip travelers. They are curious about the world around them and aim to sniff out everything that makes life great.

The Sagittarius has their little head in the clouds. You might find that your dog is a bit of an airhead that doesn’t always think things through. They aren’t the most well-timed, but they’re certainly humorous and friendly. They’re energy makes training not so serious, creating a layer of comedic relief during serious moments.

male hiker with siberian husky dog
Image Credit: Osadcha Olga, Shutterstock

10. Capricorn

  • December 22—January 19
  • Element: Earth

The Capricorn is a highly practical star sign, maybe even more so than a Virgo. These pets will be very straight to the point. A Capricorn animal might be a little disapproving when there are a lot of shenanigans happening around the household.

Slightly aloof and a little moody, they might judge you, look down on you, and wonder why you do some of the things that you do.

Also, they might be the most well-behaved pet you have. They know the rules and they follow them—because they’re by-the-book like that. Capricorns also tend to be protective, so they will make very parental-style companions to kiddos and other pets.

11. Aquarius

  • January 20—February 18
  • Element: Air

The Aquarius is definitely a critter of many colors. These animals tend to be very intellectual and creative. For this reason, it might make them extremely good at being escape artists, getting away with other bad behaviors and the works!

On the flipside, they might just be very good at navigating life. They might take to learning very well, soaking in all kinds of different concepts, tricks, and commands. This is a very good candidate for advanced training concepts, as they are patient and receptive.

The Aquarius has a bit of an unconventional approach to life. These dogs might march to the beat of their own drum. They can also be quite sensitive to criticism, so always make sure to use positive reinforcement when interacting with them.

Woman is training her dog to lie down
Image Credit: Zbynek Pospisil

12. Pisces

  • February 19—March 20
  • Element: Water

Ah, the Pisces—deeply emotional, heart-on-their-sleeve, overly sensitive, lovable. If your dog is a Pisces, they are going to be quite an easygoing but sometimes babyish dog that is ultra-receptive of the energy around the room.

The Pisces is known as being one of the most intuitive and sensitive star signs of all. However, this can create a bit of negativity as well, as it can lead to issues like nervousness, separation anxiety, and other behavioral concerns.

A Pisces might also become very dependent on their owners, looking to them for guidance. This is a very desirable trait for some and less desirable trait for others.

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Now you understand that the stars can influence our pets as much as they influence us. Now that you’ve learned a little bit more about each star sign, have you found any similarities to the descriptions with your pet?

Of course, these are stereotypical explanations for these star signs. Every animal is an individual with a whole personality of their own. It’s not a one-size-fits-all situation, although these are all very common characteristics of these signs.

Featured Image Credit: anatoliy_gleb, Shutterstock

The post Do Dogs Have Zodiac Signs? Pet Horoscopes & Personality Traits appeared first on PangoVet.

The Most Popular Cat Names That Start With W for Wonderful Kitties

When you first adopt a cat, one of the first things you must do is decide on a name. Sometimes, this is rather straightforward, especially if you already have a name picked out. However, for many, this step can be surprisingly challenging. Figuring out just one name for your new cat that you haven’t known very long is difficult as there are so many different names to choose from.

Even if you narrow the name down to only those that start with “W,” you still have hundreds of options to choose from. We’ve outlined some of the most popular cat names that start with W based on trends and online voting. Plus, we compiled some other lists as well, allowing you to peruse many options and hopefully find a name that works for you!

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The 10 Most Popular W Cat Names

1. White Claw

A white persian cat laying on a bamboo mat
Image Credit: Syafiq Jay, Shutterstock

Food names are all the rage, but what about booze-related names? White Claw is a popular gluten-free hard seltzer often found at BBQs, parties, and other gatherings. If you find yourself always reaching for a White Claw (they have non-alcoholic ones as well!), this name might suit your cat perfectly. It has seen a 93% increase in popularity among cat owners.

2. Whisky

Not a fan of hard seltzer but like the idea of a booze-related name? Whiskey could be a great choice! This name invokes an old-fashioned and sophisticated image, which is good if your cat is an old soul. Whiskey saw a 77% increase in popularity this year.

3. Wednesday

Black Smoke American Shorthair lying down
Image Credit: marumaru, Shutterstock

Television shows inspire a lot of pet names, so it is not surprising that Wednesday is trending up 55% this year. If you have a cat that is creepy, kooky, mysterious, and spooky, consider the popular cat name Wednesday.

4. Walker

Another television show that is on everyone’s lips is “Yellowstone”, so why let the world know you like the show by naming your cat after one of the characters? The name Walker has seen a 12% uptick in popularity!

5. William

Ginger cat scratching ears on the couch
Image Credit: Mariia Boiko, Shutterstock

Does your feline have an air of royalty? Many cat owners felt this way; this is why William saw a 12% increase in trending W names.

6. Waldo

Waldo has the most votes on’s survey of most loved W names, with 190 votes. Some people might know the name from the well-loved children’s book Where’s Waldo? So naming your cat after this character is a great way to fondly remember childhood literature.

7. Wendy

cat playing with fresh catnip plant
Image credit: Anna Hoychuk, Shutterstock

Wendy, inspired by Wendy Darling from Peter Pan, is second in the survey with 189 votes. While it is a slightly old-fashioned name, Wendy clearly attracts many cat owners.

8. Wanda

Calling all Marvel fans! Wanda is the third most-liked name on the survey, with 182 votes. The Marvel Universe has definitely influenced pet owners’ naming decisions. While names like Thor, Thanos, and Rogue are popular, Wanda, inspired by Wanda Maximoff, a.k.a. Scarlet Witch, from Marvel comics, might be more fitting for certain cats.

9. Whiskers

Cat with closed eyes. The cat squints
Image Credit: Pogodina Natalia, Shutterstock

While television shows and celebrities can help people choose a cat name, sometimes people want something more traditional. With 176 votes, Whiskers is a quintessential cat name that works for both males and females.

10. Wen

The name Wen got a total of 176 votes, tying it with Wanda. Wen is of Chinese origin and means “cultured” and “literate”. It is the perfect name for your cat if you are in the academic field or simply have a love for learning.

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Female Cat Names That Start With “W”

There are many female cat names that start with “W.” Here are some of our favorite options. Some are unique, while others are more traditional.

  • Waffles
  • Walnut
  • Watermelon
  • Waverly
  • Whisper
  • Wicker
  • Wilhelmina
  • Willow
  • Wilma
  • Winky
  • Winnie
  • Winona
  • Winter
  • Wisteria
  • Wren

Male Names That Start With W

These names are more masculine, so they may work better for male cats. Some of these names are also on the list above, as they are unisex. These names vary in style and character, so you’re bound to find a suitable name for your male cat among these options.

  • Waffles
  • Waldo
  • Watson
  • Wellington
  • Wendell
  • Wesley
  • Whisker
  • Wicket
  • Widget
  • Willow
  • Wilson
  • Winchester
  • Winston
  • Wolfgang
  • Woody
Cute munchkin bengal cat
Image Credit: Sviatoslav_Shevchenko, Shutterstock

Cute Cat Names that Start With W

Here are some names that are more on the “cute” side. Most of these names are pretty unique, so you probably won’t hear them elsewhere.

  • Waffleheart
  • Waggletail
  • Weepy
  • Whifflepuff
  • Whiffy
  • Whimsical
  • Whimsifur
  • Whiskerbee
  • Whiskerette
  • Whiskerino
  • Whistle
  • Wigglesnout
  • Wiggletuft
  • Wigglywhisk
  • Wigglywhisker
  • Winkletail
  • Wispurr
  • Wobblekins
  • Wobblepaws
  • Woozle

Nature-Based Cat Names That Start With W

There are a surprisingly high number of nature-based cat names that start with W. You can draw inspiration from these names, but a great way to find nature-based names is to go outside and look around.

  • Walnut
  • Waterfall
  • Waterlily
  • Weeping Willow
  • Wheatley
  • Whinny
  • Whisper
  • Wilder
  • Wilderbeast
  • Wildflower
  • Willow
  • Windy
  • Wintergreen
  • Wisteria
  • Wolfie
  • Wolfwood
  • Wombat
  • Woodland
  • Woodstock
  • Wren
Image Credit: Georgia Evans, Shutterstock

Book, TV Show, and Movie-Inspired Cat Names

There are also tons of W names you can find on TV shows and movies. If you’re a fan of any of these movies, then you may want to select one of these names:

  • Wallace (inspired by Wallace and Gromit)
  • Walter (inspired by Walter White from Breaking Bad)
  • Watson (inspired by Dr. John Watson from Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmesseries)
  • Wayne (inspired by Bruce Wayne, a.k.a. Batman)
  • Wazowski (inspired by Mike Wazowski from Monsters, Inc.)
  • Weasley (inspired by the Weasley family from Harry Potter)
  • Westley (inspired by Westley from The Princess Bride)
  • White Fang (inspired by the novel White Fangby Jack London)
  • Wilbur (inspired by Wilbur, the pig from Charlotte’s Webby E.B. White)
  • Willow (inspired by Willow Rosenberg from Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Wilson (inspired by the character in Cast Away)
  • Winky (inspired by the house-elf Winky from J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potterseries)
  • Winnie (inspired by Winnie-the-Poohfrom A.A. Milne’s stories)
  • Wookiee (inspired by Chewbacca from Star Wars)
  • Worf (inspired by Lieutenant Worf from Star Trek)

Other Great Cat Names That Start With W

Below, you’ll find some very unique cat names that start with W. These aren’t common, so you probably won’t see any other cats with these names:

  • Waffleheart
  • Waggletail
  • Weepy
  • Whiffy
  • Whimsical
  • Whimsifur
  • Whiskerbee
  • Whiskerette
  • Whiskerino
  • Whistle
  • Wigglesnout
  • Wiggletuft
  • Wigglywhisk
  • Wigglywhisker
  • Winkletail
  • Wispurr
  • Wobblekins
  • Wobblepaws
  • Womble
  • Woozle
Cute charcoal bengal kitty cat laying on the windowsill and relaxing
Image Credit: Smile19, Shutterstock

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How to Name Your Cat

Naming your feline may feel overwhelming (surprisingly, given how you’re just picking out a name). We recommend picking a name that you like and one that fits your cat’s personality. If you’ve only just met your cat, this can be challenging. You may want to spend some time observing your feline before considering a name.

You can also choose your cat’s name based on physical characteristics. For instance, if your cat has pretty distinctive markings, you could choose a name based on them. Names based on eye color are also popular. TV shows, books, and movies can also be wonderful sources of inspiration. People often name their cats after popular characters.

Preferably, you should keep your cat’s name relatively simple. You want your cat to be able to recognize it easily. A one- or two-syllable name often works best for this reason. You should also avoid names that sound like common commands or your other pet’s names.

Once you’ve decided on a few names, try each one out. It takes a week or more for a cat to learn their name, so you won’t confuse them by testing a name out for a day or so. Sometimes, names sound great on our heads, but they don’t work so well in practice.

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We hope that one of these names stood out to you as a great option for your feline—or at least inspired you to think of a name of your own. Feel free to pick a few names to try. As we’ve said, you won’t confuse your cat by giving a few names a try before you select a name that works best.

Either way, these names should provide plenty of inspiration from which you can draw.

Featured Image Credit: TarasBeletskiy, Shutterstock

The post The Most Popular Cat Names That Start With W for Wonderful Kitties appeared first on PangoVet.

The Most Popular Cat Names That Start With L for Lovely Kitties

While naming your cat is often a fun experience, sometimes it can be challenging. There are thousands of names out there that might suit your feline friend, and picking the right one isn’t always easy. One of the best ways to narrow your options and choose the purrfect name for your cat is by going the alphabetic route. Some of the most popular cat names nowadays start with the letter “L”. The names can be fitting for either male and female cats or both!

Let’s take a look at the most popular names for cats starting with “L” along with some other great choices.

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The Top Trending and Popular L Names for Cats

1. Luffy

woman holding two white kittens on a exhibition or fair cats
Image Credit: David Tadevosian, Shutterstock

This name was not inspired by television, celebrities, movies, or books. However, it has proven to be a popular one, showing an 89% increase in popularity. These names can work for either a male or female cat.

2. Lady Sansa

All hail the Queen of the North! Game of Thrones has inspired dozens of pet names, particularly from the Stark family. Lady Sansa is up by 43% in trending popularity. The name also became popular because of the recent separation between Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas.

3. Lavender

Cute smiling cat blinking eye
Image Credit: McLey, Shutterstock

Swifties definitely make themselves known! Taylor’s music has opened up a whole new world of cat names—and her being a cat lover certainly helps. Lavender saw a 27% increase in popularity as a cat name.

4. Lisa

When the Sex and the City reboot hit our screens, who knew that people would love the character Lisa so much that it inspired plenty of cat owners to select this name? There has been a 46% increase in using this name over the past year.

5. Luke

Cute exotic chinchilla Persian calico long hair cat
Image Credit: Esin Deniz, Shutterstock

While many people have named their cat Yoda, Luke is more popular, seeing a 17% increase in use over the year. How many cat dads have looked the feline in the eye and said, “Luke, I am your father.”?

6. Logan

Another television show that led to several cat names is Succession. Logan is trending with a 24% increase in popularity. Hopefully, these people have a better family dynamic than the Roy clan!

7. Lasso

cute black bombay cat with bright yellow eyes
Image Credit: Anna Krivitskaya, Shutterstock

The next TV show that gives people cat-name ideas is Ted Lasso. Naming a cat Lasso saw a 118% increase in popularity. While the character Lasso was male, this could work for a female cat as well.

8. Leslie

If you like the show Ted Lasso but don’t want to use Lasso as a name for your female cat, try Leslie. This is another trending name connected to the show, with a 32% increase in popularity.

9. Leslie Knope

cute tabby rescue cat in an animal shelter waiting to be adopted
Image Credit: nietbrucewillis, Shutterstock

While some people got inspiration from Ted Lasso as to why they named their cat Leslie, others selected characters from Parks & Recreation. The ever-optomistic and workaholic Leslie Knope charmed so many viewers that the full name saw a 93% upward trend in popularity.

10. London

Destination weddings? Nah. Destination cat names? Yes, please! England’s capital, London, is a popular destination name for either a male or female cat. With a 20% popularity increase, London is on everyone’s lips!

11. Lambeau

Front view of cute beautiful cat sleeping in her dreams on a classic British patterned quilt
Image Credit: Hadrian, Shutterstock

Shows and movies are not the only things that inspire cat names. Athletes do as well! The late professional football player and coach Lambeau is a popular choice, with a 213% trend in use this year.

12. Lamar

Some people are football fans but don’t like the name Lambeau. Instead, they chose Lamar, who is a football player for the Baltimore Ravens. You like the name Lamar but are more of a basketball fan. Lamar still works, thanks to the well-known athlete Lamar Odom. Because of the name’s versatility, its trending popularity saw a 193% increase this year.

13. Lillibet

Cute stray cat relaxing on a sidewalk in the Old Town of Kotor
Image Credit: Mazur Travel, Shutterstock

Many people look at royal families for name inspiration, which is why the name of the youngest grandchild of King Charles, Lillibet, has seen an 83% increase in popularity.

14. Luigi

With all the video game characters out there, it is no surprise that people are naming their cats after their favorite ones. Luigi, the other Italian plumber in the brother duo, is growing in popularity among cat owners, showing a 37% increase in trending names.

15. Link

Cute cat blue tie scarf bell scarf
Image Credit: Paiboon Somnuk, Shutterstock

Another video game that has led to many cat names over the past year is Link. This main character in the Legend of Zelda series is becoming a a popular cat name choice, showing a 13% increase in popularity.

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Female Cat Names Starting With L

Female cats are finicky yet regal, and the following names might be a good fit for them.

  • Lacy
  • Lady
  • Lana
  • Larissa
  • Laura
  • Laurel
  • Lauren
  • Lavina
  • Layla
  • Laylani
  • Leah
  • Leila
  • Lena
  • Leona
  • Leonora
  • Libby
  • Lilac
  • Lilah
  • Lillian
  • Lillith
  • Lily
  • Linda
  • Linnea
  • Livvie
  • Lobby
  • Lois
  • Lola
  • Lorelei
  • Lorette
  • Lorraine
  • Lottie
  • Lotus
  • Lousia
  • Lucia
  • Lucille
  • Lucinda
  • Lucy
  • Lucy Lu
  • Lulu
  • Luna
  • Lunabelle
  • Lydia
  • Lyra
Fat ginger cat lies on a white background
Image Credit: TarasBeletskiy, Shutterstock

Male Cat Names Starting with L

Male cats are playful and goofy, so help them stand out with these masculine-sounding names.

  • Lagos
  • Lambert
  • Lamont
  • Lance
  • Landon
  • Lane
  • Lavon
  • Lawrence
  • Layton
  • Lazarus
  • Lazor
  • Lenner
  • Lennie
  • Lennon
  • Leo
  • Leonardo
  • Leroy
  • Lester
  • Levi
  • Lewis
  • Lexus
  • Liam
  • Linus
  • Linx
  • Lion
  • Lionel
  • Lisandro
  • Loki
  • London
  • Lorenzo
  • Louie
  • Lucas
  • Lucca
  • Lucien
  • Lucifer
  • Ludwig
  • Lukas
  • Lumi
  • Luther
Cute munchkin bengal cat
Image Credit: Sviatoslav_Shevchenko, Shutterstock

Other Great Names That Start With L

If you prefer to go the gender-neutral route of naming your feline, here are some great names for both male and female cats.

  • Ladybug
  • Lake
  • Lambchop
  • Latte
  • Legend
  • Lego
  • Lemonade
  • Lentil
  • Leopard
  • Leslie
  • Licorice
  • Lil Mac
  • Lilo
  • Litterbox
  • Little paws
  • Littlebear
  • Lively
  • Locket
  • Logic
  • Lollipop
  • Loony
  • Lottery
  • Love
  • Lovebug
  • Lucky
  • Lullaby
  • Lunchbox
  • Luxe
  • Luxury
  • Lyric

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Tips on Naming Your Cat

Naming your cat doesn’t need to be a rushed process. The name you choose for your cat should be easy for you to pronounce and for your cat to understand. Take time to gauge your cat’s personality before naming them and pay attention to how they behave.

If your cat is vocal and enjoys meowing to get your attention, names like Lyric or Lullaby might be suitable. If your cat is active and playful, then a name like Lively is a good choice. You can also choose names based on your cat’s appearance, such as Littlebear, Lavender, or Licorice. If you prefer to go the humorous route, then names like Litterbox, Lunchbox, and Lil Mac are comical choices.

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There are so many names for cats starting with the letter “L”. It is entirely up to you to choose a name for your cat, although the process does take some time and planning. You can even mix and match certain “L” names to create the right name for your cat and base them on your cat’s personality or appearance. Cats usually aren’t too fussy about their name, so find one that resonates with you.

Featured Image Credit: Algorithm images, Shutterstock

The post The Most Popular Cat Names That Start With L for Lovely Kitties appeared first on PangoVet.