Lost Dog Survives Epic 150-Mile Journey Across Alaskan Sea Ice And Returns Home

A lost Australian Shepherd, named Nanuq, survives an incredible 150-mile journey across the frozen Bering Sea before safely returning to his home in Alaska. Mandy Iworrigan, Nanuq’s owner who lives in Gambell, Alaska, found the one-year old Australian Shepherd after people in Wales posted photos on Facebook of a dog, obviously looking lost, wandering the […]

Golden Retrievers Gather To Honor The Late Boston Marathon Dog

Golden Retrievers gathered and walked to the Boston Marathon finish line on April 16 to honor their fallen friend, Spencer the Boston Marathon Dog. The gathering was arranged by MA Golden Meetups, a group that organizes different meetups and events for Golden retrievers. One of Spencer’s owners, Rich Powers, said he was overwhelmed by the […]