Dog’s Quick Action Helps Prevent House Fire From Spreading

A dog’s quick action helped his owner stop a fire from spreading in their Fairlington townhouse on Thursday, September 19.

Archie, the four-year-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, became his owner’s, Shravani Bobde, hero when he started incessantly licking her arm in the wee hours of the morning.

Thanks to Archie’s “signal”, Bobde woke up. She tells ARLnow that when she did, she started smelling smoke. So, she got up and began searching her house for the source of the smell.

“I started investigating, trying to figure out where this smoke is coming from. Eventually, I figured out that it was in the attic,” Bobde said.

Bobde proceeded to switch off the circuit breaker and opened her windows to let the smoke out, which prevented her smoke detector from sounding.

ARLnow reports that an electrician later revealed to Bobde that a slow-burning electrical fire had developed overnight inside Bobde’s HVAC unit.

A farsighted dog king charles spaniel
Sean.zen /

After Archie and Bobde’s quick actions, the fire was contained in the HVAC unit, which Bobde revealed is now replaced.

She attributed the prevention of a fire from spreading in the house and to adjacent townhouses to Archie’s quick actions.

She said, “I’m just reflecting that if [Archie] hadn’t woken me up and I had not turned the breaker off, the fire would have escalated. Like, it would have spread slowly.”

Furthermore, Bobde said she is thankful for Archie’s “fierce guard dog” spirit, which seem unusual for his breed. She also said that she loves Archie and that “he’s a unique creature”.

She also revealed that after the incident, Bobde, Archie, and her other dogs all went back to bed and slept through the whole thing.

“I would love for Archie to be recognized for the hero he was last night, [saving] me, his brother, Percy, and our neighbors,” Bobde said.

Utah Firefighters Perform Lifesaving CPR To Dog Rescued From Apartment Fire

Unified Fire Authority (UFA) firefighters put out an apartment fire and save a dog by performing lifesaving CPR to it on Monday, September 16.

FOX 13 News reports that the firefighters responded to a call about flames at apartment building, which seem to have been caused by a cooking fire.

Crew members were able to put out the fire but discovered an unresponsive dog inside of a kennel in the apartment.

And apparently, the dog was the only resident inside the home at the time of the fire.

The firefighters took the dog outside and started performing lifesaving CPR, which brought the dog back to life.

“Not all heroes wear capes sometimes they carry leashes,” UFA wrote in a social media post.

First responders took the dog outside and started CPR which brought him back to life. “Today, company 110 had the incredible opportunity to rescue a dog from a fire.”

“Moments like these remind us how lucky we are to protect not only our community but also our furry family members. Grateful for the chance to save lives, human and animal alike,”

Furthermore, FOX 13 Now reports that there were no other injuries in the apartment fire as the residents had left to go to the store, according to officials.

Officials also tell FOX 13 News that there is up to $100,000 in damages in the building and that the residents have been displaced due to the fire.

Little Girl Donates Her Lemonade Stand Money To Animal Shelter, Sparkling Ripple Effect

The Kent County Animal Shelter (KCAS) shares that a little girl, named Abby, donates all her lemonade stand money to the animal shelter.

On August 29, Kent County Animal Shelter shared Abby’s note with the caption, “This wonderful little girl sold lemonade to raise money for the shelter.”

In the note written by Abby herself, she said, “I had a lemonade stand and earned $80 plus some change and my parents matched it so over $160 dollars are going to the animals.”

She continued, “Maybe you can buy a toy or something for them.”

Later that day, the animal shelter shared that with Abby’s donation, they were able to buy toys and treats for the dogs and cats at the shelter.

“We are always honored when anyone chooses to donate to KCAS,” the animal shelter wrote. “It is even more remarkable when a child does something so selfless and gives their hard-earned money to others in need.”

KCAS also thanks Abby’s parents in the follow-up post saying, “We also want to thank her parents for instilling the importance of giving back to your community and offering to match their child’s donation.”

The “special donation” went viral and started a ripple effect in the community that had others making donations to the animal shelter to match Abby’s donation or donate in the little girl’s honor.

“This single gift has also started a tremendous ripple effect,” KCAS wrote. The animal shelter further reveals that after the day of Abby’s donation, they have received over $700 in donations.

And even after almost two weeks of Abby’s donation, KCAS continues to receive donations from the community.

On September 10, the animal shelter reveals, “We received quite a large Amazon shipment today with notes stating it was a forward of kindness inspired by Abby raising money for KCAS at a lemonade stand, which her parents had matched.”

They also shared that since the original post of Abby’s donation was shared, the animal shelter has received over $3000 donations.

KCAS wrote, “We can’t believe how inspired, generous and supportive people have been since hearing this story.”

A user wrote, “She is emulating “be the change you’d like to see in the world “. Beautiful.”

While another wrote, “This is so incredible to see, I hope Abby one day realizes just how much of an impact her kindness led to.”