Can Hamsters Eat Oats? Vet Approved Health & Nutrition Facts

Oats have solidified their place as health food over the last few decades, thanks to their nutrient profile and health benefits. Are they safe for your hamster, though? Can you expect your hamster to experience health benefits from eating oats in the same way that you might?

Yes! Oats are a safe and healthy food for hamsters, but there are some things to consider before adding oats to your hamster’s diet.


What Kind of Oats Can Hamsters Eat?

Rolled and quick oats are an excellent food for hamsters, and they can be offered raw, or prepared as oatmeal. Avoid offering whole oats to your hamster, though. Whole oats are contained within a hard shell, so they can have sharp edges that can injure your hamster.

You also should only feed plain oats. Flavored oatmeal and even some “plain” oatmeals can contain sugar, salt, and flavorings added, all of which should be avoided for hamsters.

Image Credit: sue_v67, Pixabay

How Many Oats Can My Hamster Eat?

How many oats you feed to your hamster will depend on their size, as well as the rest of their diet. For large hamsters, like Syrians, a teaspoon of oats, cooked or raw, every 2 or 3 days is good. For smaller hamsters, like Roborovskis, oats should be fed in a portion the size of a fingernail or smaller, every 2 or 3 days.

How Can I Prepare Oats for My Hamster?

Many hamsters seem to prefer dry oats because they are easier to eat, but if you want to make oatmeal for your hamster, simply add hot water to the oats or add water and microwave the oats. For rolled oats, you may need to follow the package instructions to ensure enough liquid is absorbed by the oats.

Make sure the oats are fully cooled before offering them to your hamster. It’s a good idea to stir the oats as they cool so they cool evenly. Otherwise, you may end up with pockets of heat in the oats that can injure your hamster.

You can add pieces of hamster-safe nuts and fruits to the oats to make a tasty meal for your hamster, but avoid adding sugar and other sweeteners, as well as salt. You also need to avoid citrus and other foods that are unsafe for hamsters.

top view of a bowl of cooked oatmeal
Image Credit: Arctic ice, Shutterstock

Are Oats Good for Hamsters?

In the wild, hamsters consume cereals as part of their diet, so oats can be a good addition to a balanced and varied diet for your hamster. Oats are an excellent source of fiber, which supports digestive health, and they’re a good source of protein. They’re also a good source of other nutrients, including vitamin C, iron, calcium, and potassium.

If fed in excess, oats can lead to digestive upset, diarrhea, and constipation. Over time, overfeeding oats can contribute to obesity and multiple health conditions. They are not a suitable food to serve as the primary food source for your hamster.


In Conclusion

Oats are a safe and tasty food for hamsters, and they provide a variety of nutrients that can support the health of your hamster. They can be fed raw or prepared as oatmeal, although flavored and whole oats should be avoided. Most hamsters prefer to eat oats raw, so while you can try offering oatmeal, raw oats may be easier and more appealing for your hamster to eat.

Featured Image Credit: Vladislav Noseek, Shutterstock

The post Can Hamsters Eat Oats? Vet Approved Health & Nutrition Facts appeared first on Pet Keen.

Can Hamsters Get High? How Drugs Affect Rodents

Hamsters are very sensitive to drugs and chemicals, and the side effects can be rather severe. Depending on the level of exposure, the pet can become disoriented, experience seizures, or even get long-term damage to the nervous system. In the worst-case scenario, the rodent may even die!

So, why does this happen? How do you protect the hamster from drugs? Let’s find out!


Do Hamsters Really Get High?

The short answer is yes, they do. Much like humans, hamsters have so-called “cannabinoid receptors”. That’s how they get high from marijuana. Even if they’re just dwelling in the same room with you, the second-hand smoke will still have an effect. And since these rodents are rather tiny (2–14 inches, 4–5 ounces), it doesn’t take much to get them “faded”.

When under the influence, hamsters may seem like they’re “dozing off” and having a blast, but they’re actually going through stress. The longer the exposure to dangerous vapors, the harder it will be for these pets to recover. So, there’s nothing cool or fun about getting a hamster high!

European Common Hamster (Cricetus Cricetus) on the Vienna Central Cemetery
Image Credit: Lisa Stelzel, Shutterstock

How Does Vaping and Smoking Affect Hamsters?

Lack of coordination, lethargy, and stress are the most common side effects of nicotine and cannabis exposure. If you stop smoking, open the windows, or let the hamster escape, most likely, there won’t be any lasting consequences. In contrast, dangerously high doses may result in seizures and damage the poor thing’s immune and nervous systems.

Consumption of cannabis and other psychoactive drugs may even kill a hamster! These creatures are simply not built to withstand any of that. In the wilderness, they never go anywhere near cannabis plants or other harmful herbs. That’s why the safety of the pet should always be the top priority.

Here’s a closer look at the dangers of getting a hamster high:
  • Lethargy, drowsiness, lack of activity

  • Loss of coordination, difficulty walking or standing

  • The pet will become restless, anxious, and stressed

  • Partial or complete loss of appetite

  • Problems with the respiratory system, rapid breathing

  • Seizures and dilated pupils

  • Psychological damage to the nervous system

  • Confusion, disorientation, trouble navigating

  • Death (when exposed to abnormal doses of harmful drugs)

  • Drugs negatively affect the rodent’s hearing and sense of smell

  • The cognitive abilities may also be altered

  • Hamsters have no means of processing or neutralizing drugs

Sometimes, high-as-a-kite hamsters exhibit a change in behavioral patterns. For example, instead of becoming dizzy and lethargic, they get more active. You might also notice the pet being more aggressive, especially if there are other domestic animals in the house. Some squeaking may be a part of the deal as well.

Is Cannabis the Only Hazard? What About Other Plants?

Smoke and vapors spread rapidly and can fill a large room in less than a minute. And, since cigarettes and vaping are very common in the States, this is how most hamsters (or other rodents) get high. On top of that, hamsters are curious creatures and like to explore every nook and cranny. So, if you’ve got dried cannabis lying on a nightstand, best believe the pet is going to chew on it.

Or it can be any other herb or chemical/psychoactive product like coca, opium, narcotic lichen, or yage. Even a garden or house plant can be a hazard for hamsters. And let’s not forget about cocaine, alcohol, caffeine, and chocolate. These products are not safe for hamsters to ingest, even in tiny portions. For example, the side effects of eating chocolate are very similar to that of getting high.

Dry and trimmed cannabis buds stored in a glass jars
Image Credit: Soru Epotok, Shutterstock

Antibiotic Toxicity: Another Big Issue for Hamsters

Like most domesticated rodents, hamsters are very sensitive to a wide range of antibiotics, especially penicillin. As mentioned, their bodies are not equipped to handle certain chemical compounds. When ingested, the medicine affects the “good” bacteria in the pet’s GI tract and gives the “bad” bacteria the upper hand, leading to a toxic overdose. Even if you apply the product to the skin, the hamster may still die.

The most dangerous antibiotics for hamsters include:
  • Penicillin

  • Bacitracin

  • Erythromycin

  • Lincomycin

  • Tylosin

  • Streptomycin

  • Procaine additives

This doesn’t mean ALL antibiotics are hazardous, though. Consult with a vet to learn about the safe drugs/meds for the rodent.


How Do You Keep a Hamster From Getting High? A Quick Guide

So, how does the average pet owner make sure their hamsters are safe and sound? Well, you can always stop smoking: that will be beneficial for both parties. However, marijuana isn’t the only thing that could harm this tiny rodent. Instead, try to follow these simple yet important rules:

  • Keep any products and substances that might harm the hamster in a secure place. We’re talking about cigarettes, tobacco, marijuana (and other types of weed), and spirits, including drinks with low alcohol content. Ideally, the cabinet should be locked on a key, as it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

  • Make a rule of never lighting a cigarette or smoking vape when the fluffy bud is around. There are quite a few different vape products on the market, and most of them are bad news for hamsters. No matter how large the room is, the smoke will find its way into the pet’s lungs.

  • Don’t leave cigarette or weed butts or full ashtrays in spots that the hamster frequently visits. To get rid of the toxins in the room, clean and steam the floor regularly. Washing your hands should be a part of the routine as well, especially if you’re planning on holding the rodent in your hands and petting it.

  • Take your smoking elsewhere. This is an obvious yet effective solution to the problem. As long as you enjoy your cigarette/blunt/vape outdoors, in a room that the hamster doesn’t visit, or in a vehicle, no animal will be harmed. The basement, attic, garage, and porch are all great spots for that.

  • Scented products may also turn a hamster’s life into a nightmare. It can be your favorite perfume, cologne, shampoo, deodorant, air freshener, detergent, soap, or even body lotion. It all comes down to the essential oils used in those products. Consult with a veterinarian: they might help you find harmless alternatives.

  • Avoid giving the pet any human supplements, meds, or drugs. The thing is—these products are rarely (if ever) tested on hamsters. Secondly, our bodies and immune systems work differently, and medication that helps you or a family member could be hazardous for the rodent. Again, talk to an animal doctor to be sure.

The Hamster Accidentally Got High: What Should You Do?

If you just realized that the pet inhaled some of that “killer smoke”, don’t panic. Instead, act swiftly and remove the drugs from the area. Or take the hamster to a different room instead. Now, take a close look at the patient and watch out for any side effects and symptoms. Most likely, the hamster will be a bit sleepy and lethargic. You may also notice an irregular heartbeat.

To make sure the pet is okay, take it to a veterinary clinic. We recommend doing this even if the hamster seems to be getting better. And, once the vets allow you to take your pet back home, shower it with as much comfort as you can. That includes extra cushy bedding, premium-quality food, fresh water, and no more drugs or smoking.



Hamsters are inquisitive, adorable balls of fur, praised for their miniature size, playful temperament, and modest maintenance needs. Feed the little guy proper food and protect it from outside threats, and you’ll get yourself a loyal, affectionate, and (mostly) independent pet. That said, you need to be very careful not to expose this bud to certain drugs, types of weed, and antibiotics.

If you smoke marijuana or any other psychoactive drug in the presence of a hamster, that won’t end well. As we learned today, the consequences can be catastrophic, including anxiety, loss of appetite, permanent damage, and even a fatal outcome. So, follow the safety tips from our guide and keep the hamster comfy!

Featured Image Credit: Makoto_Honda, Shutterstock

The post Can Hamsters Get High? How Drugs Affect Rodents appeared first on Pet Keen.

Can Hamsters Jump? Here’s How High

If you’re a hamster owner, you may be wondering if hamsters can jump. After all, they have short little legs that don’t look like they can do much of anything but run on a hamster wheel. But the truth is that hamsters can indeed jump. This often surprises many pet owners as we typically associate jumping with larger animals like dogs or cats.

However, just like these animals, hamsters also possess the ability to leap, though their jumps are not as high or long. The degree to which a hamster can jump depends largely on its breed. Let’s learn more about hamsters and jumping in this article.


Why Do Hamsters Jump?

Hamsters jump for a variety of reasons. Similar to other animals, they might leap to reach a higher platform, perhaps to get to their food or a favorite toy. They could also jump to escape from a perceived threat. If your hamster feels threatened or scared, it might try to jump out of its cage or off your hands to find a safer spot.

Another reason why hamsters jump is simply because they’re feeling playful. Hamsters are active creatures and enjoy moving around, exploring their surroundings, and playing with their toys. Jumping can be a part of this playful behavior.

In addition, climbing and jumping can be considered normal behavior for hamsters because it comes from their instinct. In the wild, hamsters live in burrows and often need to climb or jump to navigate their environment. Even though pet hamsters live in a much different environment, they still retain these instincts.

golden hamster keeping food in elongated spacious cheek
Image Credit: Victor FlowerFly, Shutterstock

How High Can Dwarf Hamsters Jump?

When it comes to dwarf hamsters, there is limited information regarding their jumping abilities in comparison to Syrian hamsters. For example, Syrian hamsters, which are one of the larger hamster breeds, can make a standing jump of around 15 inches, sometimes slightly higher. However, the actual height from which they can jump may be reduced when you take into account the bedding and toys that fill their cage.

Nevertheless, due to their smaller size, it is generally believed that dwarf hamsters have a lower jumping capacity. Despite this, dwarf hamsters remain agile creatures. They excel in climbing and can utilize their agility effectively to navigate their cage or play area.

It is also important to note that although dwarf hamsters may not jump as high, they are often more active than their larger counterparts. As a result, they may engage in jumping more frequently. Therefore, it is equally crucial to ensure that their environment is safe and suitable for their energetic nature.


Comparing Hamster Jump Heights with Other Animals

To fully appreciate the jumping ability of hamsters, it can be helpful to compare them with the jumping heights of several other animals and humans. For instance, an average adult human can typically jump 16–20 inches from a standing position. Cats, on the other hand, are known for their impressive leaping abilities, and can jump up to 5–6 feet high.

Dogs vary greatly in size and breed, but on average, they can jump around 3–4 feet high. Rabbits, another small pet, can jump up to 2 feet high, while kangaroo rats, despite their small size, can leap an astonishing 9 feet high!

As you can see from these comparisons, hamsters might not be the highest jumpers in the animal kingdom, but they still hold their own. Especially when you consider their small size, their jumping abilities are quite impressive.

Animal Jumping Height
Hamster 8 – 15 inches
Human 16 – 20 inches
Rabbit Up to 4 feet
Dog (average) 3 – 4 feet
Cat 5 – 6 feet
Kangaroo Rat Up to 9 feet

Tips to Ensure Safe Jumps for Your Hamster

Syrian hamster peeking
Image Credit: Mary Swift, Shutterstock

If your hamster enjoys jumping and has the space to jump, here are some tips for helping your hamster jump safely.

  • Solid Cage Bars: Make sure that the bars on your hamster’s cage are solid with no gaps or areas that can be chewed through. This helps prevent your hamster from escaping and getting stuck.

  • Cover Wire Cages: If your hamster lives in a wire cage, cover the bottom to protect their feet and prevent injuries from jumping.

  • Safe Handling: When you need to pick up your hamster, place your hand flat on the cage floor, move it slowly towards your hamster, then turn your palm upward and let them climb onto it. This ensures you do not scare or stress your hamster.

  • Distract with Treats: If your hamster is in your hands, give them a treat or piece of food to distract them. This can help prevent sudden jumps.

  • Stress-free Housing: Provide a good-sized cage and other necessities for a stress-free environment. A comfortable and stimulating environment can reduce the likelihood of excessive jumping.

  • Secure Handling: Once your hamster is safely in your hands, keep them cupped at the sides to prevent them from jumping or falling out.

  • Firm Grip: Keep your hand firmly around your hamster’s torso to prevent them from jumping out of your hand. You can use both hands to cradle your hamster.

  • Considerate Handling: Always handle your hamsters in a safe, considerate, and confident manner. A happy, healthy hamster will show you how they’re feeling by their body language.

  • Exercise and Toys: Ensure that your hamster gets plenty of exercise on their wheel and provide enough toys and safe things to chew, like a mineral stone. These activities can help satisfy your hamster’s urge to jump.

  • Monitor Climbing Behavior: If your hamster is frequently climbing and falling in its cage, it may be a sign that it’s either bored or trying to escape. Rearrange the toys and accessories in the cage to provide new stimulation and ensure there are no high fall risks.

By following these tips, you can ensure your hamster’s jumps are safe and prevent potential injuries.

FAQs About Hamsters and Jumping

campbell hamster
Image Credit: Vinicius R. Souza, Shutterstock

Q: How often do hamsters jump?

A: The frequency of jumping can vary from one hamster to another and depends on factors like their environment, their breed, and their individual personality.

Q: Are there risks associated with hamsters jumping?

A: Yes, there can be risks if the hamster’s environment is not safe. For instance, if their cage is too high off the ground, they could get injured from a fall.

Q: How can I ensure my hamster’s safety when it jumps?

A: You can ensure your hamster’s safety by not placing their cage too high off the ground and by providing plenty of toys and platforms within the cage for them to climb and jump safely.

Q: Can I train my hamster to jump?

A: While hamsters are not typically trained to perform tricks like jumping, they will naturally jump as part of their behavior. It’s important to provide a safe environment for this activity.

Q: What should I do if my hamster jumps out of its cage?

A: If your hamster jumps out of its cage, stay calm and gently pick them up, taking care not to scare them. Check for any signs of injury and place them back in their cage if there are none. If there are signs of an injury, contact a veterinarian.



In conclusion, while hamsters are not renowned for their jumping abilities like some other animals, they are indeed capable jumpers. Their ability to jump is an essential part of their behavior and helps them navigate their environment effectively. By understanding this behavior and ensuring a safe environment, you can help your pet hamster stay healthy, happy, and active.

Featured Image Credit: Akkalak Aiempradit, Shutterstock

The post Can Hamsters Jump? Here’s How High appeared first on Pet Keen.