Can Hamsters Eat Pasta? Vet Approved Facts & FAQ

Offering your hamster a piece of pasta can be a great treat because most hamsters adore the taste, and it won’t harm their health. Simply put, hamsters can eat pasta occastionally. Read more about this topic in the article below and stay safe by offering pasta to your hamster only in moderation.


What is Pasta Made from?

Pasta is one food that we can say is universally adored across the world. It comes in many shapes, sizes, colors, and flavors. While some people might enjoy making homemade pasta, the most common source is store-bought, commercially manufactured pasta. It is made from milled wheat, eggs, and water. Once the ingredients are mixed and cut into desired shapes, they are left to dry out, so the water content evaporates, making pasta easy to package with a long shelf life.

While most people might believe that pasta is only a filler food that makes us gain weight and has no real benefits, some properties make it relatively beneficial. Regular dried pasta, made from refined flour—semolina—has higher protein levels than other types of pasta. This type of pasta is digested slower than other refined carbohydrates, gradually releasing blood sugar into your body. Also, pasta is a somewhat decent source of protein, supplying 6 to 7 grams per cooked cup.

Nutritional Value of Pasta per 100 g

Energy: 168 kcal / 701 kJ
Water: 87.8 g
Protein: 6.59 g
Total Fat: 1.34 g
Carbohydrates: 31.9 g
Calcium: 7.68 g
Iron: 1.46 g
Magnesium: 23 mg
Phosporus: 80.6 mg
Potassium: 30.7 mg
Sodium: 7.68 mg
pasta made from scratch
Image Credit: Oldmermaid, Pixabay

Can Hamsters Eat Pasta?

The excellent news for hamster owners is that pasta is an entirely safe snack to offer them. Pasta has no real benefits on hamsters’ health, but it isn’t harmful or toxic. However, it should be cooked prior to offering. Hamsters need more protein, with fewer carbohydrates, and pasta has plenty of carbs, so it should only be offered in moderation and not as a regular part of their diet. Pasta also contains gluten, which might cause gastrointestinal upset for your hamster, but as long as you stay moderate and don’t offer too much, it should be fine.

How to Feed Pasta to Your Hamster

When feeding pasta to your hamster for the first time, it is crucial to prepare it properly. This includes offering pasta without adding oils or salts. Make sure the past you have is free of any additives. Offer a small piece of pasta to your hamster first to see if they like it. If they eat a piece of pasta, monitor their behavior and health for 24 hours. You can continue feeding your hamster pasta safely occasionally if there are no side effects. However, if your hamster suddenly gets diarrhea, loses appetite, or starts vomiting, stop feeding them pasta as they might be allergic or sensitive to some ingredients.

Ideal Hamster Diet

If you are a confused hamster parent often wondering what the ideal nutrition for your pet is, you are not the only one. There are many sources of information concerning the perfect hamster diet; however, it is relatively simple. A hamster’s diet should be as similar as possible to their natural diets in the wild, and so are best based around hamster pellets and fresh vegetables. Feeding your hamster pellets is best because all the necessary nutrients are mixed into one form, not letting your hamster be a picky eater.

Every pellet-based hamster diet needs to have:
  • 15% to 25% protein

  • 4% to 5% fat

  • 5% fiber

  • 35% and 40% carbohydrates

It is best to work closely with your veterinarian to create a personalized plan tailored to your hamster; however, you can expect their diets to be based around pallets, fruits, vegetables, and occasional snacks in the form of insects like mealworms. There are certain human foods that hamsters can eat safely:

freshly made pasta
Image Credit: Didier, Pixabay


Final Thoughts

Being a diligent and devoted hamster parent includes reading all about the safety of particular food for them. When it comes to pasta, fortunately, it is entirely safe for hamsters to consume, as long as done only on occasion and in small amounts. While pasta doesn’t carry any significant health benefits, nutrients, or vitamins, it can be a potential source of protein.

However, it is essential to note that pasta can only be offered as an occasional snack to your hamsters and should never replace their regular meals.

Featured Image Credit: Bella RaKo, Pixabay

The post Can Hamsters Eat Pasta? Vet Approved Facts & FAQ appeared first on Pet Keen.

Can Hamsters Jump? Here’s How High

If you’re a hamster owner, you may be wondering if hamsters can jump. After all, they have short little legs that don’t look like they can do much of anything but run on a hamster wheel. But the truth is that hamsters can indeed jump. This often surprises many pet owners as we typically associate jumping with larger animals like dogs or cats.

However, just like these animals, hamsters also possess the ability to leap, though their jumps are not as high or long. The degree to which a hamster can jump depends largely on its breed. Let’s learn more about hamsters and jumping in this article.


Why Do Hamsters Jump?

Hamsters jump for a variety of reasons. Similar to other animals, they might leap to reach a higher platform, perhaps to get to their food or a favorite toy. They could also jump to escape from a perceived threat. If your hamster feels threatened or scared, it might try to jump out of its cage or off your hands to find a safer spot.

Another reason why hamsters jump is simply because they’re feeling playful. Hamsters are active creatures and enjoy moving around, exploring their surroundings, and playing with their toys. Jumping can be a part of this playful behavior.

In addition, climbing and jumping can be considered normal behavior for hamsters because it comes from their instinct. In the wild, hamsters live in burrows and often need to climb or jump to navigate their environment. Even though pet hamsters live in a much different environment, they still retain these instincts.

golden hamster keeping food in elongated spacious cheek
Image Credit: Victor FlowerFly, Shutterstock

How High Can Dwarf Hamsters Jump?

When it comes to dwarf hamsters, there is limited information regarding their jumping abilities in comparison to Syrian hamsters. For example, Syrian hamsters, which are one of the larger hamster breeds, can make a standing jump of around 15 inches, sometimes slightly higher. However, the actual height from which they can jump may be reduced when you take into account the bedding and toys that fill their cage.

Nevertheless, due to their smaller size, it is generally believed that dwarf hamsters have a lower jumping capacity. Despite this, dwarf hamsters remain agile creatures. They excel in climbing and can utilize their agility effectively to navigate their cage or play area.

It is also important to note that although dwarf hamsters may not jump as high, they are often more active than their larger counterparts. As a result, they may engage in jumping more frequently. Therefore, it is equally crucial to ensure that their environment is safe and suitable for their energetic nature.


Comparing Hamster Jump Heights with Other Animals

To fully appreciate the jumping ability of hamsters, it can be helpful to compare them with the jumping heights of several other animals and humans. For instance, an average adult human can typically jump 16–20 inches from a standing position. Cats, on the other hand, are known for their impressive leaping abilities, and can jump up to 5–6 feet high.

Dogs vary greatly in size and breed, but on average, they can jump around 3–4 feet high. Rabbits, another small pet, can jump up to 2 feet high, while kangaroo rats, despite their small size, can leap an astonishing 9 feet high!

As you can see from these comparisons, hamsters might not be the highest jumpers in the animal kingdom, but they still hold their own. Especially when you consider their small size, their jumping abilities are quite impressive.

Animal Jumping Height
Hamster 8 – 15 inches
Human 16 – 20 inches
Rabbit Up to 4 feet
Dog (average) 3 – 4 feet
Cat 5 – 6 feet
Kangaroo Rat Up to 9 feet

Tips to Ensure Safe Jumps for Your Hamster

Syrian hamster peeking
Image Credit: Mary Swift, Shutterstock

If your hamster enjoys jumping and has the space to jump, here are some tips for helping your hamster jump safely.

  • Solid Cage Bars: Make sure that the bars on your hamster’s cage are solid with no gaps or areas that can be chewed through. This helps prevent your hamster from escaping and getting stuck.

  • Cover Wire Cages: If your hamster lives in a wire cage, cover the bottom to protect their feet and prevent injuries from jumping.

  • Safe Handling: When you need to pick up your hamster, place your hand flat on the cage floor, move it slowly towards your hamster, then turn your palm upward and let them climb onto it. This ensures you do not scare or stress your hamster.

  • Distract with Treats: If your hamster is in your hands, give them a treat or piece of food to distract them. This can help prevent sudden jumps.

  • Stress-free Housing: Provide a good-sized cage and other necessities for a stress-free environment. A comfortable and stimulating environment can reduce the likelihood of excessive jumping.

  • Secure Handling: Once your hamster is safely in your hands, keep them cupped at the sides to prevent them from jumping or falling out.

  • Firm Grip: Keep your hand firmly around your hamster’s torso to prevent them from jumping out of your hand. You can use both hands to cradle your hamster.

  • Considerate Handling: Always handle your hamsters in a safe, considerate, and confident manner. A happy, healthy hamster will show you how they’re feeling by their body language.

  • Exercise and Toys: Ensure that your hamster gets plenty of exercise on their wheel and provide enough toys and safe things to chew, like a mineral stone. These activities can help satisfy your hamster’s urge to jump.

  • Monitor Climbing Behavior: If your hamster is frequently climbing and falling in its cage, it may be a sign that it’s either bored or trying to escape. Rearrange the toys and accessories in the cage to provide new stimulation and ensure there are no high fall risks.

By following these tips, you can ensure your hamster’s jumps are safe and prevent potential injuries.

FAQs About Hamsters and Jumping

campbell hamster
Image Credit: Vinicius R. Souza, Shutterstock

Q: How often do hamsters jump?

A: The frequency of jumping can vary from one hamster to another and depends on factors like their environment, their breed, and their individual personality.

Q: Are there risks associated with hamsters jumping?

A: Yes, there can be risks if the hamster’s environment is not safe. For instance, if their cage is too high off the ground, they could get injured from a fall.

Q: How can I ensure my hamster’s safety when it jumps?

A: You can ensure your hamster’s safety by not placing their cage too high off the ground and by providing plenty of toys and platforms within the cage for them to climb and jump safely.

Q: Can I train my hamster to jump?

A: While hamsters are not typically trained to perform tricks like jumping, they will naturally jump as part of their behavior. It’s important to provide a safe environment for this activity.

Q: What should I do if my hamster jumps out of its cage?

A: If your hamster jumps out of its cage, stay calm and gently pick them up, taking care not to scare them. Check for any signs of injury and place them back in their cage if there are none. If there are signs of an injury, contact a veterinarian.



In conclusion, while hamsters are not renowned for their jumping abilities like some other animals, they are indeed capable jumpers. Their ability to jump is an essential part of their behavior and helps them navigate their environment effectively. By understanding this behavior and ensuring a safe environment, you can help your pet hamster stay healthy, happy, and active.

Featured Image Credit: Akkalak Aiempradit, Shutterstock

The post Can Hamsters Jump? Here’s How High appeared first on Pet Keen.

Do Hamsters Know When Another Hamster Dies? What Science Says

Hamsters are typically solitary animals, but they can occasionally be housed together if you have the right species and a proper introductory period. If you have more than one hamster living together, you might be curious about what will happen when one of them dies. Will your living hamster(s) mourn for their lost companions?

Hamsters can definitely miss their cage mates when they pass away, but they will not grieve in the same way sociable animals like guinea pigs would. Keep reading to learn more about housing hamsters in pairs and the grieving process they may go through when their cage mate passes away.


Do Hamsters Know When Another Hamster Dies?

Though many people don’t think of hamsters as friendly and affectionate pets, they certainly can be. If you keep hamsters together in a cage, one will definitely notice a change in their environment when another hamster passes away. It’s important to remember that most animals have no concept of death, so your pet won’t understand that its partner has died but will think that it’s gone somewhere else for the time being.

Your pet may become stressed or unhappy as it adapts to life without its cage mate. But remember, it has spent time adjusting to life with this other hamster, so it can hit them pretty hard when that other creature isn’t there anymore.

hamster bedding1_ Martin Javorek_Pixabay
Image Credit: Martin Javorek, Pixabay

Can Loneliness Kill a Hamster?

You’re probably wondering if your living hamster will succumb to loneliness after losing its cage mate. This is highly unlikely. Hamsters are pretty solitary creatures in nature, and most prefer living alone, so while your living hamster may undergo an adjustment period after the death of its cage mate, it is not likely to pass away due to loneliness.

To help ease the transitionary period, we recommend spoiling your hamster. Buy it new toys and spend extra time playing with it. Watch for signs of lethargy and make sure it’s eating enough.

small hamster on the floor
Image Credit: TETU222, Shutterstock

Should I Get My Remaining Hamster a New Cage Mate?

If your living hamster shows signs of sadness and loneliness after its cage mate passes away, you might think getting another hamster is the answer. This is not a good idea. The delicate equilibrium that existed in the environment your hamsters shared will be upset by the loss of one pet. Putting a new hamster into the cage will only cause problems.

Image Credit: Attila Bódis, Pixabay

Do Hamsters Need to Be Kept in Pairs?

No, hamsters don’t need to be housed with other hamsters. They aren’t like guinea pigs, which must be kept in pairs. In fact, certain species shouldn’t be housed together at all. For example, Syrian and Chinese hamsters aren’t naturally sociable species and do better when they’re kept alone. In addition, housing two incompatible species together can lead to territorial behaviors and fights. Hamsters can even get aggressive enough to kill one another.

That said, some types, like dwarf hamsters, can be housed together safely, provided they’re introduced to one another at a young age.divider-hamster

Final Thoughts

Bonded hamsters are a rare occurrence but not entirely unheard of. If you’re lucky enough to have two hamsters that can be housed together, you may notice some behavioral changes in your living pet when its cage mate passes away. Your remaining hamster will adjust to the changes in its environment, but it may take some time. While it might sound like a good idea to buy another hamster to keep your living pet company, this is not recommended as it can cause fights and territorial behavior.

Featured Image Credit: Werner Sigg, Shutterstock

The post Do Hamsters Know When Another Hamster Dies? What Science Says appeared first on Pet Keen.