Can Guinea Pigs Eat Turnip Greens? Vet Approved Health Facts

Guinea pigs are herbivores. More precisely, their wild diet generally consists of grass and other wild plants that they can forage. In captivity, their diet should closely replicate that of their wild diet, with owners allowing cavies to forage on grass and some weeds and plants while also being given hay. To add variety and to ensure that a guinea pig is getting all of the required vitamins and minerals in their diet, owners can feed greens as well as the occasional fruit and vegetable-based treats.

But, not all vegetables are considered safe, while some should only be fed occasionally. Turnip greens, which are the parts of the plant that grow above the ground, should only be fed to Guinea pigs from time to time. Like the turnips themselves, turnip tops are high in oxalates which can contribute to painful bladder stones.


The Guinea Pig Diet

Guinea pigs traditionally come from the Andes mountains of Peru and Argentina, but they were domesticated and reared as a food source throughout South America before spreading across the globe, both as pets and as laboratory test animals. In the wild, they are foragers. They would eat the grass and wild plants of the Andes mountains. They would never eat meat, not even scavenged meat, and would rarely eat fruit or vegetables.

Pet guinea pigs need a diet that is similar to that of their wild counterparts, although it has been adapted slightly to benefit piggies and their humans. They can still be allowed to graze on grass, but this is typically supplemented with good-quality grass hay. They can be allowed to feed on wildflowers and weeds, like dandelion greens, but are also given greens and vegetables to ensure that they receive the necessary vitamins and minerals. They are still not fed meat, however, because their digestive system is unable to process the meat and it can actually make them sick.

The vast majority of a guinea pig’s diet should consist of grass and hay, with only 10% to 15% of their diet being fresh greens and vegetables. This equates to around one teacup full of suitable vegetables a day. Experts recommend that this daily allowance be split in two and that each vegetable portion should consist of half a dozen safe greens and other safe vegetables.

Merino guinea pig eating grass
Image Credit: Natalia Kuzmina, Shutterstock

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Turnip Greens?

In the wild, piggies wouldn’t eat root vegetables. They would rarely come across this type of plant and, even if they did, they wouldn’t be able to dig up the root. However, they would be more likely to eat the plant above the root. As such, many owners question whether it is okay to feed their guinea pigs ingredients like carrot tops and turnip greens.

While carrot tops are considered generally safe and can be fed regularly, turnip greens are a different proposition. They do have several health benefits, especially since they are high in vitamin C, but because they contain oxalates, the volume of turnip greens in a guinea pig’s diet should be limited.

The Benefits of Turnip Greens

Turnip greens do have health benefits for your guinea pig. Specifically, their benefits include:

  • Vitamin C – Guinea pigs, like humans, cannot synthesize their own vitamin C, which means they have to get it from their diet. Vitamin C is important in assisting in the maintenance of skin and joints. It also helps prevent illness and assists in wound healing by boosting the immune system. Ensuring they get enough vitamin C is an important part of managing your guinea pig’s diet. You can feed hay pellets fortified with vitamin C, but you should also offer a variety of vegetables like bell peppers that are high in vitamin C. Turnip greens are also considered high in vitamin C so they make a good addition to your cavie’s food.

  • Calcium – Calcium is another important component of a guinea pig’s diet. It helps maintain strong bones, but too much calcium can cause urinary stones that are painful to pass and may even need surgery to remove them.

  • Phosphorus – Phosphorus is another mineral that is important to guinea pigs but that should not be overfed. Among its roles, phosphorus helps regulate the calcium balance and aid in tissue repair. It is generally recommended that guinea pigs have a diet with a calcium-to-phosphorus ratio of 1.33:1. Turnip greens only have a ratio of 1.1:1 but because it contains more phosphorus than is ideal, it can help counteract other foods that are higher in calcium.

  • Low in Calories and Carbs – Turnips and turnip greens are low in calories, carbs, proteins, and sugar. This means that they won’t lead to excessive weight gain when fed to your guinea pig, although this obviously depends on your piggie’s diet as a whole.

  • Fiber – Guinea pigs need a diet that is very high in fiber, and this is why they need a steady supply of grass and hay. However, they should also get fiber from other sources, such as their pellets, vegetables, and greens including turnip tops.

Turnip greens in a woven basket
Image Credit: Marina Bakush, Shutterstock

The Dangers of Turnip Greens

While turnip greens do offer several health benefits to piggies, there is such a thing as too much turnip.

Turnips contain oxalates, which are natural compounds that are commonly found in fruit as well as vegetables. Oxalates bind minerals, like calcium,  which will lead to kidney or bladder stones if high concentrations of oxalates are fed. Kidney stones are painful to pass, and if they grow too large, it may be impossible to pass the stones naturally, meaning that your guinea pig may need surgery to help remove them.

How to Feed Turnip Greens to Guinea Pigs

Turnip greens can be fed to guinea pigs, but they should be fed in moderation. You can feed a small handful once or twice a week, but not more than this. The greens do not need cooking, but they should be washed thoroughly to remove any toxins and chemicals. Start with a smaller amount, perhaps just a single length of green, and see how your guinea pig handles it. Look for diarrhea and other stomach problems and stop feeding this ingredient immediately if your pet does experience any adverse reactions.


Top 3 Tips to Help Keep Your Guinea Pig Healthy

A proper diet is a key component to keeping a healthy guinea pig. And while a diet that consists primarily of grass and hay might sound easy to manage, it doesn’t take much to throw the dietary balance off. Below are three tips to help you ensure your guinea pig’s diet is as healthy as possible.

1. Feed Guinea Pig Pellets Every Day

Guinea pig pellets are hay-based pellets that are fortified with vitamin C. They help ensure your piggie is getting enough of this essential vitamin that it can’t synthesize itself as well as other essential nutrients. Feed a spoonful of pellets each day, and ensure that the pellets are all the same, rather than a mix of textures and tastes, otherwise, your piggie may pick its favorites and leave the rest.

guinea pig eating pellets from a feeding bowl
Image Credit: Lost_in_the_Midwest, Shutterstock

2. Choose the Right Type of Hay

Hay makes up 80-85% of your guinea pig’s diet, so it needs to be good quality hay. Unless your vet has advised it, avoid alfalfa hay and feed timothy or other types of grass hay instead. You can’t feed too much hay and you shouldn’t be surprised if your cavie is constantly munching and grinding on its hay supply.

3. Monitor Oxalates

Oxalates are found in fruit and vegetables, but too much can cause urinary tract stones. This means you need to monitor everything you feed your guinea pig and feed those vegetables that are considered high in oxalates in moderation.


Can Guinea Pigs Eat Turnips?

The root of the turnip is the section that humans generally eat, and it has similar nutritional content to the turnip greens. It also has similar rules when it comes to feeding time. You can give a small amount of turnip occasionally but don’t overfeed this vegetable.

turnips on wooden table
Image Credit: julie deshaies, Shutterstock

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Collard Greens?

Collard greens are rich in vitamins A, C, and K, and are considered a good addition to a guinea pig’s diet. As with all vegetables, it is best to feed a variety and offer a selection of different vegetables over time, but collard greens are a good addition to that roster.



Guinea pigs have very specific dietary requirements. 80-85% of their diet should consist of hay and grass. They should also be given a spoonful of hay pellets each day, and the remainder of their diet can consist of leafy greens and vegetables. Feed a good variety of different vegetables and always keep track of calcium, phosphorus, and oxalate levels of the veggies you do serve.

Turnip greens are a good addition because of their high vitamin C content, but they do contain oxalate so the amount you feed should be limited to a small handful once or twice a week.

Featured Image Credit: jjcsjoao, Pixabay

The post Can Guinea Pigs Eat Turnip Greens? Vet Approved Health Facts appeared first on Pet Keen.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cat Food? Vet Approved Facts & Advice

Are you running low on guinea pig food and wondering if there’s anything in your cabinet they can eat instead? Or perhaps you have multiple pets and want to condense food purchases? If so, it’s a good idea to figure out if guinea pigs can eat the same thing as other domestic pets in the home.

If you’re wondering if guinea pigs can eat cat food, the answer is a strict no. Do not feed your guinea pig cat food. It shouldn’t hurt them if they eat a small piece by accident, but don’t intentionally feed it to them. Guinea pigs and cats require vastly different diets, as one is an obligate carnivore, and the other is a strict herbivore. Let’s learn more!


Cat Food Is Non-Toxic

We want to be specific- cat food isn’t toxic to guinea pigs but could cause digestive upset. It’s just not a diet that is complete and balanced for long-term feeding. If your guinea pig happens to grab a bite or two of cat food, chances are it won’t hurt them but do monitor them closely over the next 24 hours.

The problem with cat food arises when your guinea pig eats too much of it. This is because there are nutrients in cat food that are hard for a guinea pig to digest. Also, if a guinea pig regularly eats cat food, it will take the place of their regular diet and lead to an imbalance of nutrients and poor health.

Cat paws in a bowl of delicious dry cat food
Image Credit: Svetlana Rey, Shutterstock

Guinea Pigs Should Never Eat Cat Food

Guinea pigs are strict vegetarians that cannot properly digest animal proteins. So, they should not eat wet or dry cat food. 

Cats require a very high amount of animal content to stay healthy. Their commercial foods are very high in protein, usually ranging from 28% to 34% on the guaranteed analysis and moderately high in fat. If cats ate an herbivorous diet, it would deplete them of vital nutrients, creating a laundry list of health problems.

The same is true in reverse. Guinea pigs do not have the digestive systems necessary for breaking down animal proteins. Therefore, it will cause extra stress on the digestive system and distribute unnecessary or harmful excess proteins to the system.

Also, cat food sometimes contains a lot of unnatural dyes, preservatives, and some filler ingredients that are unhealthy for guinea pigs to consume. So, we’re saying that cat food is a “no” all the way around. Do not voluntarily give your guinea pig cat food.

What Is in Cat Food?

The first few ingredients of high-quality cat food are usually animal sources, including whole meat, meat meals, and animal fat. Then, it has a series of veggies, fruits, and grains with other supplemental additives and preservatives.

Each recipe will differ slightly. Some will have heavy preservatives, artificial additives, and dairy. Your guinea pig can only benefit from the grain, vegetable, and fruit content, but other ingredients severely overpower the kibble.

Slow feeding bowl for dogs or cats filled with treats and food
Image Credit: Stely Nikolova_Shutterstock

Will Guinea Pigs Eat Cat Food?

While guinea pigs have no internal drive to seek out animal-based proteins, they may sample some cat food out of curiosity. They may also be interested in cat food because of the other ingredients included, mainly the carbohydrate sources.


Guinea Pigs Cannot Digest Animal Protein

It is our responsibility as pet parents to provide a species-appropriate diet. The bottom line is that your guinea pig does not have the proper enzymes to digest and utilize animal proteins in their system—including dairy. Therefore, diets that are high in animal proteins, like cat food,  can lead to several different issues.

Here are a few:

Digestive Upset

Guinea pigs have very sensitive digestive system that can get thrown off track. This offset can lead to intestinal troubles and upset stomachs. A few pieces of kibble might not drastically impact your guinea pig, but regular eating will certainly wreak havoc on the gut. This is because it can upset the gut’s natural gut flora, a process called dysbiosis. It can cause a series of side effects like diarrhea, constipation, bloating, and cramping.

guinea pig and vet.
Image Credit: La India Piaroa, Shutterstock


Obesity can be a real problem in guinea pigs. It can significantly impact their overall health and decrease their lifespan. Since cat food is a high-fat meal, it can cause guinea pigs to pack on the pounds quickly if they eat it regularly.

Shortened Lifespan

Feeding your guinea pig an inappropriate diet can cause nutrient deficiencies and gut imbalances. Both of these can lead to premature death.


Proper Guinea Pig Diet

Guinea pigs in captivity require a commercial pellet that has all the nutrients they need to thrive. Guinea pig recipes on the market are specifically designed to match the health requirements of this species, and you should not substitute the diet for anything else. Other things your guinea pig needs in their diet include:


Guinea pigs also require a constant supply of hay to provide them with the right amount of fiber to keep their gut healthy. Since guinea pigs have ever-growing incisors, chewing up hay also helps to file the teeth and keep them at a reasonable length.

Rather than deriving their protein from animal sources, guinea pigs get all of the protein they need from plants. Oaten, meadow, or lucerne hay are all very high in plant protein and will nourish your piggy’s body.

guinea pig eating hays
Image Credit: Alexas_Fotos, Pixabay

Vitamin C

Like humans, guinea pigs do not make their own vitamin C and require it specifically from their diet. Many commercial foods have a source of vitamin C, but some lack this vital component. So, offering fresh food containing vitamin C will help their bodies absorb this necessary nutrient.

Some great sources of supplemental vitamin C include:
  • Citrus fruits (except lemon or lime)

  • Bell peppers

  • Strawberry

  • Kiwi

  • Parsley

Fruits and Veggies

In addition to hay, vitamin C-packed veggies, and commercial food, you should also offer your piggy raw, delicious veggies and occasional fruits.

Some guinea pig favorites include:
  • Snow peas

  • Mango

  • Papaya

  • Brussels sprouts

  • Dill

  • Coriander

  • Cabbage

  • Broccoli

  • Endive

  • Carrot tops

  • Dandelion

Always make sure to wash any veggies or fruits thoroughly to remove pesticides or chemicals that can harm your little one.



Guinea pigs are highly sensitive herbivores requiring a strict species-specific diet to thrive. Cat food was designed specifically for our feline companions and is in no way a proper dietary source for the guinea pig—or any herbivore, for that matter.

It would be best if you always feed your animals according to their species to prevent any detrimental health issues. Your guinea pig relies on you for proper care, and meat should be off the menu 100% of the time.

Featured Image Credit: Africa Studio, Shutterstock

The post Can Guinea Pigs Eat Cat Food? Vet Approved Facts & Advice appeared first on Pet Keen.

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Thyme? Vet Approved Nutrition Advice

Most people know that guinea pigs are herbivores that love to munch on just about any plant matter, but it might occur to wonder what precisely is good for them and not. For instance, what about herbs like thyme? Thyme is safe and even healthy for your guinea pig, containing important nutrients like calcium, fiber, and a high amount of vitamin C. However, thyme is also high in calcium, and too much calcium can contribute to dangerous urinary tract infections and stones in guinea pigs.

What’s the verdict? A few sprigs of thyme per week won’t hurt your guinea pig and can even contribute to their overall health, but it shouldn’t be a large part or staple in their feeding schedule. If you’re interested in what other herbs are safe for your guinea pig, you’re in luck. Read on for some other healthy herbs for your guinea pig, nutritional tips, and more.


Can Guinea Pigs Eat Any Other Herbs?

Yes! Guinea pigs can eat a lot of the same herbs you may already have in your cabinets and maybe even in your garden. Like thyme, these other herbs contain some valuable nutrients that make them worthwhile snacks for your guinea pig once in a while. Scroll down for the herbs and what nutrients they have to offer.

Other Nutritious & Delicious Herbs for Guinea Pigs:
  • Cilantro: Contains a moderate amount of calcium and vitamin C with a balanced calcium-phosphorus ratio.

  • Mint: Mint has an addictively sweet scent, also offering vitamin C and a moderate amount of calcium.

  • Lavender: Contains vitamin A, calcium, and a bit of iron.

texel guinea pigs on green grass
Image Credit: Svitlana Govorun, Shutterstock

What Herbs & Other Foods to Avoid for Guinea Pigs

Guinea pigs won’t discriminate between a bunch of different plants given the choice, so it’s on you as their owner to learn what’s safe for them to eat and what you should avoid. Let’s take a quick look at some herbs and other foods you should keep away from your guinea pig.

Herbs and Foods to Avoid:
  • Rosemary: Contains a notably high amount of calcium among other herbs.

  • Onion, garlic, and chive: Like in dogs, all these Allium family members are toxic to guinea pigs.

  • Tulips: These cheery flowers are very poisonous to guinea pigs because they contain a toxin called tulipalin.

  • Rhubarb: All parts of the rhubarb plant are poisonous to guinea pigs.

  • Potato: Potatoes and their flowers are toxic to guinea pigs because of a compound called solanine, which is largely found in green potatoes.

onion and garlic
Image Credit: Monika, Pixabay

What Do Guinea Pigs Eat?

Guinea pigs are herbivores that subsist on native grasses, hays, shrubs, flowers, and herbs. In captivity, they tend to eat a diet composed of 80% hay. That said, they’re more than happy to sample some other tasty greens you may have growing in your garden or at the supermarket. Check those out with us down below.

Guinea Pig Staples:
  • Timothy hay: The guinea pig staple, timothy hay contains a majority of the nutrients they need to thrive.

  • Zucchini: A bright tasty alternative to hay that’s rich in both vitamin C and fiber.

  • Cabbage: An excellent low-calorie source of vitamin C for your guinea pig.

  • Bell peppers: The underrated bell pepper is a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants with very low calcium content.

  • Lettuce: Romaine lettuce is a great low-calorie staple to mix in with your guinea pig’s hay but contains few nutrients.

himalayan guinea pig eating hay
Image Credit: PHOTO FUN, Shutterstock



Guinea pigs love to try new foods, and adding some thyme is a good way to keep their food interesting. Though they largely eat hay or grass, you can try introducing some other foods like cabbage or zucchini to see if they enjoy it.

Featured Image Credit: Afanasieva, Shutterstock

The post Can Guinea Pigs Eat Thyme? Vet Approved Nutrition Advice appeared first on Pet Keen.