9 Fascinating Facts About Cat “Toe Beans” (You Never Knew!)

You might find cat toe beans treading lightly through the dirt in your garden, digging up catnip plants and giving your cat some plushy support on their daily adventures. Or maybe you’ll find them first thing in the morning as they gently nudge your face when you open your eyes. Cat toe beans are a popular nickname for paw pads because they’re small, oval shaped appendages that look like jellybeans.

Unless your cat is polydactyl, which means they have more toes than usual, cats have four toe beans on each paw with an additional one or two on their front paws. These extra toe beans are also known as dew claws. Besides appearing cute to us, toe beans serve many practical purposes in your cat’s life. Let’s dig up some more interesting facts about your cat’s feet.


The 9 Most Fascinating Facts About Cat “Toe Beans”

1. “Toe beans” refer to a cat’s digital pads.

cat pawsThe anatomical name for what many of us call “toe beans” are paw pads, or digital pads. Ironically, many cats have an obsession over laptop keys, much to our utter dismay.

2. The skin on your cat’s pads differs greatly from the skin that’s on the rest of their body.

Skin of the digital pads tends to have a tough texture like the skin on the bottom of your feet. Despite their rough appearance, however, these pads are also a super sensitive part of your cat’s body with many nerves to help them navigate and make decisions about their environment. This is why your cat will sometimes gingerly touch an unfamiliar object with their feet before deciding whether they should engage with it or leave it alone.

3. Not all cats will let you play with their digital pads.

cat licking its pawSince their paw pads are so sensitive, not all cats like being touched there. If they let you, respect their decision by only delicately dealing with their toes as this is a sign of trust.

4. Manipulating the digital pads can assist in nail trims.

Given their retractable claws, sometimes cat claws are hard to find. If you gently press on their pads, their nails will pop out!

5. Cats can sweat through their feet.

cat toe beansEven though they can’t break out into a full sweat all over their body, cats (and dogs) can sweat through their feet. You might even see little puddles or imprints of your cat’s paws on a pliable surface when they’re nervous.

6. Cats may use their paws to claim your blanket.

Scent glands dwell in between their pads, which means that your cat releases their scent as they “make biscuits.”

7. Digital pads can absorb the shock of a daring leap or accidental tumble.

cat jumping outdoor
Image Credit: Nils Jacobi, Shutterstock

Cats are excellent acrobats who can dive bomb off a deck, land on their feet, and scamper off before you have time to process their actions. Despite their sensitivity, digital pads have dense fatty tissue that support them when they land. The rougher texture allows them to grip and climb up trees effortlessly.

8. The color of your cat’s digital pads depends on the color of their coat.

There’s a link between the color of a cat’s toes and the color of their fur. For example, black cats tend to have black pads, orange cats have orange pads, etc. Sometimes the color of the toe bean does not match their skin color, such as pink pads in white cats. Occasionally, they may change colors since the color is linked to melanin absorption. It’s not unusual for the color to gradually change as your cat ages. However, you should take them to the vet if they suddenly change color since that’s may be a sign of an illness or injury, such as scorching their paws on hot concrete or cutting themselves on broken glass.

9. Watch out for Plasma Cell Pododermatitis (pillow foot).

plasma cell pododermatitis in a cat
Image Credit: sarocha wangdee, Shutterstock

If your cat’s toe beans suddenly swell and turn purple, they could be dealing with an infection that’s commonly called pillow foot. It’s not a life-threatening condition, but it can lead to secondary infection and cause pain to your cat, so you should take them to the vet for treatment as soon as possible.



Cats are amazing creatures with unusual features that set them apart from other species. While other mammals also have paw pads, including canines, a cat’s digital pads allow them to perform all their unique maneuvers, such as jumping from roofs without a scratch. Next time you’re petting your cat, you can admire their toes and appreciate what they actually do (with your cat’s permission, of course).

The post 9 Fascinating Facts About Cat “Toe Beans” (You Never Knew!) appeared first on Pet Keen.

The Ultimate Checklist for Camping with Your Dog (With Tips)

Camping can be an exciting experience for everyone involved, and a dog helps to make the occasion even more enjoyable. They have a way of reminding us to take things one minute at a time and to really investigate our surroundings. Some planning must go into camping with a dog safely, but the work is always well worth it.

Here is the ultimate checklist for camping with your dog and some tips to make sure that the experience goes smoothly:

divider-dog paw

The Ultimate Checklist for Camping with Your Dog

1. License and Identification

One of the most important things to do when preparing for your camping trip is to ensure that your dog is outfitted with a license (if required in your county) and identification. These things will help ensure that you will be reunited if you lose track of your furry friend at some point during your camping trip.

The license and the identification should be in the form of tags so they can be attached to your dog’s collar. The license tag should include your dog’s license number and the name of the county they are licensed in, and their identification tag should include their name and your phone number at the very least. It’s also a good idea to check your dog’s microchip before your camping trip.

2. Harness and Leash

Chai's Choice Premium Outdoor Adventure 3M Polyester Reflective Front Clip Dog Harness

Even if your dog has excellent recall and sticks by your side while exploring the outdoors, it is imperative that you bring a leash along at the very least. If you run into a wild animal or another dog that isn’t very friendly, you can ensure that you maintain control over your dog no matter what happens. It might also be a good idea to bring along a harness if your dog likes to chase wildlife. This will help keep them from injuring their neck when they pull on the leash to go on a chase.

3. Nourishment

Purina Beyond Simple Ingredient Farm Raised Chicken & Whole Barley Recipe Natural Dry Dog Food

Packing food for your dog is a given, but it is easy to underestimate how much should be brought on a camping trip. Remember, your pal will burn out more energy than usual just like you will. Therefore, bringing more food than they would normally need might be necessary. If you will be camping for 3 days, bring extra food than what your dog would normally eat at home. This should help ensure that they have the energy they need to keep up on the hiking trails.

4. Food and Water Containers

Frisco Travel Collapsible Silicone Dog & Cat Bowl, Gray

There is no need to bring your dog’s regular food and water dishes on your camping trip, but you’ll need something to provide them their nourishment in.  Collapsible food and water dishes can be reused, and they won’t take up much room in your camp pack.

5. Plenty of Waste Bags

Earth Rated Dog Poop Bags, Refill Rolls, Unscented

A couple of plastic bags likely won’t do the trick when cleaning up after yourself during your camping trip. Even though you will be in the wild, leaving your dog’s waste on the ground is never acceptable—even in the middle of the woods. Their waste can harm wildlife due to the possible transmission of bacteria to wildlife.

Other hikers can also step on it in the area, which is never any fun. So, it is important to bring along a whole package of doggy waste bags and several large garbage bags to hold the litter waste bags and any other trash you accumulate during your camping experience.

6. A Towel

Frisco Microfiber Dog & Cat Bath Towel, Gray

You can bet on the fact that your dog will get wet and/or dirty during your camping trip. Letting them in your tent without being able to clean them off can make for an uncomfortable overall experience. You can get a new doggy towel for the trip or you can use an old towel to clean your furry family member off before bedtime. Just hang the towel up after use, and it will be ready for the next night.

7. Some Reflective Accessories

SafetyPUP XD Reflective Dog Vest

Although you’ll likely stick by your dog’s side at all times, it can get extremely dark and hard to see anything at night when you’re camping in the woods. Even if your dog gets a few feet away from you, it might be impossible to see them unless they are wearing something reflective for you to focus on. A reflective vest or collar can help ensure that you never lose track of your beloved furry friend.

8. Bug Repellent

Vet's Best Natural Mosquito Repellent Spray for Dogs & Cats

Dogs should never wear bug repellent made for humans, as the chemicals in them can cause problems like vomiting. However, there are some dog-friendly bug repellents on the market to consider grabbing before your upcoming camping trip. Mosquitoes can bug dogs just as much as us, so the extra protection will help ensure your dog’s comfort while you’re living under the open skies. Some products come in a spray form, while others come in clothing form, like this cool bandana.

9. A Life Preserver

Outward Hound Granby Splash Dog Life Jacket

If your dog is like most adventurous dogs, they know how to swim, and they enjoy jumping in a river or lake just as much as a human would. No matter how strong of a swimmer your dog is, it’s a good idea to make sure that they are outfitted with a life preserver whenever you will be around any body of water during your camping trip. Ones like this life preserver are easy to put on and include handles so that you can easily and effectively grab your dog if they ever get into trouble in the water.

10. Some Entertaining Toys

Chuckit! Ultra Rubber Ball Tough Dog Toy

You can count on there being some downtime after long hikes and other activities while you camp, but your dog might not be ready to rest and relax when you are. Bringing along a couple of entertaining toys for them to play with while you hang out in your camp chair will help ensure that everyone is happy, comfortable, and well-exercised throughout your trip.

11. A Thick Blanket or Mat

Frisco Self Warming Pillow Rectangular Pet Bed

While you likely have things covered when it comes to comfort inside your tent, keep in mind that you’ll have a comfy chair to sit on outside, and your dog will be left with the ground to contend with. Placing a mat or thick blanket on the ground will give your pup the opportunity to lounge in comfort, so they’re well rested and prepped for the next hike.

12. Some Dog Booties

Ultra Paws Durable Dog Boots

The hiking trails near your campsite might be rough, which could hinder your opportunity to hike as much as you would like due to damage to your dog’s paws. You can avoid this problem by having a pair of dog booties or shoes handy—just in case. Put the booties or shoes on your dog periodically in the days leading up to your camping trip so that they can get used to wearing them.

13. A Dog Backpack

ZippyPaws Adventure Dog Backpack

There is no reason why you must haul your furry pal’s stuff during hikes, as they have a strong back of their own that is capable of carrying a load. There are a variety of doggy backpacks on the market designed to allow for the carrying of food, water, and other small items depending on the dog’s size. Even your little dog can carry a little food for themselves and help make your load a little lighter.


Tips for Making Sure Your Camping Trip Goes as Planned

Now that you have a checklist of everything to do and bring along for your camping trip, there are a few tips we’d like to share with you that can help ensure a smooth experience from beginning to end. Here’s what we suggest:

Find Dog-Friendly Accommodations First

Don’t expect that any campground you want to go to will accept dogs as guests. While many do, some prefer to keep the park free of dogs to limit their responsibility and liability. If you show up to a campground with a dog that isn’t allowed, you may end up scrambling to try and find another place to sleep for the night. Use a website like HIPCAMP that has filters for pet-friendly camping accommodations to find out which places in the area you want to visit that will welcome your dog with open arms.

a person and her dog inside a camping tent
Image Credit: Patrick Hendry, Unsplash

Keep an Open Mind

It’s important to remember that you cannot control everything that happens during a camping trip with your dog. If you’re rigid about all your plans and there is no room for compromise, chances are that you won’t have very much fun during your experience. It’s best to keep an open mind and go with the flow whenever possible as long as you and your dog are safe.

Learn the Layout of the Land

Before heading out on your camping trip, pull out a map and get to know the layout of the area where you’ll be visiting. Take the time to learn the names of the streets surrounding the campground and understand the layout of any hiking trails that you plan to go on. This will help ensure that you don’t get lost during your journeys and that you know how to search for your dog if you get separated from one another.



Taking your dog on a camping trip is a great way to create a tighter bond and ensure that you both get a break from the stresses of everyday life. With our ultimate checklist, you won’t forget anything that you will need to enjoy an epic camping adventure together, whether for just a weekend or for an entire month!

Featured Image Credit: A_B_C, Shutterstock

The post The Ultimate Checklist for Camping with Your Dog (With Tips) appeared first on Pet Keen.

Do Dobermans Bark a Lot? How Much, & How to Stop It

Dobermans are one of the most popular dog breeds around. These dogs are big, beautiful, and considered royalty in the canine world. They are also considered one of the best guard dogs around. Often, a Doberman’s protective nature gives people the wrong impression. While a Doberman will protect their owners with no hesitation, they are also one of the most loyal, loving, and intelligent dog breeds around. Unfortunately, though, they do bark. Especially, when they are on alert.

Deciding to bring a dog into your home means learning what you can about that breed. One of the most common questions that pop up when a family is considering a Doberman as a pet is do they bark a lot? How often? Can it be stopped? The answers to those questions are simple. Yes, Dobermans bark as most dogs do. Barking usually happens when they are stressed or on alert and yes, with proper training barking can be controlled. Let’s learn a bit more so you can better understand this dog breed and why barking is a normal part of owning one.


Dobermans Were Bred for Protection

It’s odd to imagine that such a beautiful dog breed came into existence due to people not wanting to pay their taxes but it’s true. In the late 19th century, Louis Dobermann was a tax collector in Germany. Unfortunately, most people weren’t quick to offer up those taxes. Many tried to run or even attack the men who came to their door looking for money owed. Luckily, for Dobermann, tax collection wasn’t a full-time job. He was also a night watchman, taxidermist, and dog catcher. It was his knowledge of dogs that led Dobermann to breed the dogs who would eventually take his name.

Dobermann wanted dogs that would protect him while he collected taxes and put enough fear into people that they wouldn’t dare try to rob him. It isn’t exactly clear which dog breeds he used to do this, but most believe it to be the German Shepherd, for its intelligence and stamina, the Rottweiler for its guarding abilities and strength, the German Pinscher for its ambition and speed, and finally, the Weimaraner for its great scenting abilities. Either way, the Doberman breed was eventually a success that was introduced to the world to become an impressive breed in the world of dogs.

mother looking after her daughter and their doberman dog at the beach
Image Credit: Purino, Shutterstock

How Much Do Dobermans Bark?

Knowing what a dog breed was originally bred for helps determine the amount of barking they may do. It’s clear Dobermans were bred for protection, loyalty, and power. Their appearance is enough to make people take a step back, especially after Hollywood put the breed into movies to depict them as dangerous. Luckily, Dobermans have evolved into being beloved family pets. But don’t let that fool you. They are still powerhouses who will protect their families when needed. That is why barking is such a part of them. They are always on alert.

It’s difficult to predict just how much a Doberman will bark. They feel it is their job to bark when they think their owners should be alerted to something. That could be the mailman outside, a dog walking past the house, or the lack of food in their bowl. While the barking may be annoying or troublesome if you have neighbors, it is a Doberman’s way of caring for the family. Thankfully, with the high level of intelligence this dog breed exhibits, training them to control their barking is easy.

How to Stop a Doberman’s Barking in 6 Steps

Dobermans are highly intelligent and love to impress their owners. This makes working with them to control their barking simpler than with most breeds. They are also a dog breed that doesn’t require a trained professional to step in and do the training for you. In most cases, a Doberman can be trained at home by its owner. The key is for the owner to know how to work with their dog properly. Here are a few steps you can take if you want to teach your Doberman to control its barking.

1. Recognize the Trigger

It’s hard to stop a Doberman from barking if you can’t isolate the reason. As we’ve mentioned, being on guard or being hungry are common reasons Dobies bark, but they aren’t the only ones. Dobermans are a working dog breed. This means they can get bored easily. When you are away from home for long periods, this can be an issue. Without you there, your Dobie isn’t sure what to do so, after a few hours, the boredom kicks in and random barking may start.

Dobermans also bark due to separation anxiety. Dobies love their families and are often called “Velcro dogs.” This phrase means they want to be by your side constantly. When you have to be away, and your Dobie misses you, they may start barking then add in a few long, pitiful howls to the mix.

owner with her doberman
Image Credit: YamaBSM, Pixabay

2. Reducing the Temptation to Bark

Once you’ve decided what’s causing your Doberman to bark, it’s time to reduce the temptation. If they are on guard, take notice of what is stirring them up. If they notice things happening outside of the house, perhaps heavier curtains or blinds could help them avoid seeing the issues. For Dobermans who get worked up when you’re away from home, make sure they have lots of toys, especially those that keep them thinking or working things out. No matter the issue, try to install a solution to make things easier for your pooch.

3. Recreating the Temptation

When the issues have been eliminated from your dog’s daily routine, it’s time to toss them into the situation. For dogs that bark when you leave, go through the steps to make them think you are on your way out of the house. You can simply go around back to wait and see what your dog does. If they bark when people are outside or moving around the neighborhood, ask a friend or neighbor to help out.

4. Correct Your Doberman’s Behavior

The moment you hear your dog barking in a situation where you want the action to stop, move into action. This must be done quickly, while your dog is barking. Tell them in a firm voice, “stop”, “quiet”, or whatever command you want to use. Then have your dog move into a sitting position. From there, have them lie down. Kneel by your dog and place your hand on its shoulder blade. Put firm pressure, but not enough to cause any pain. Finally, hold this position for 15 to 20 seconds, then release your dog.

Dogs are often shown by their mothers when they have done something wrong. You’ll notice that the mothers hold their pups down to stop the behavior. This is one of the reasons placing your hand firmly on your dog during this training helps. It also shows your dog that you are alpha and what you say goes. As with any training, however, do not yell or strike your dog. This often shows a Doberman that you aren’t the calm, in-charge, alpha-type person, which can make them disobey more.

doberman pincher training
Image Credit: Fotokostic, Shutterstock

5. Reward Your Dog

The key is to keep your dog from barking for longer intervals. Set goals of 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 15 minutes, and so on. When your dog successfully avoids barking during this training, offer them a treat. They need to realize that the longer they avoid barking, they will receive a reward. You may be concerned that this could take ages, but Dobermans are highly intelligent and train easily.

6. Repeat If Necessary

According to your Doberman, how long you have to dedicate to this training, and the triggers your dog deals with, you may need to repeat these steps a few times. Dobermans are fast learners and should only require a handful of sessions to learn not to bark.


Final Thoughts

Whether you are a Doberman owner or plan on bringing one into your home, barking is part of life. If you feel your dog’s barking is excessive or if it’s causing issues in the neighborhood, you can work with your Dobie to remedy the issue. Before long, your Dobie will make it through the day without all the barking and the two of you can simply enjoy your time together.

Featured Image Credit: Mary Swift, Shutterstock

The post Do Dobermans Bark a Lot? How Much, & How to Stop It appeared first on Pet Keen.