The Art Of Dog Apology: How Our Pooches Say Sorry

Dogs have a unique way of communicating. They may not be able to use words, but they sure do have a way of conveying their intentions, including remorse and regret, through body language and behavior.

From chewing your favorite shoes to digging through the trash, dogs, sometimes, let mischief take over. However, this does not suggest that they do not feel some sort of remorse.

As a matter of fact, after a little bit of mischief, dogs often exhibit behaviors suggesting that they’re sorry and wish to make it up to you.

These behaviors, no matter how small or big, are our dogs’ way of expressing regret and seeking reconciliation with their hoomans.

And understanding these behaviors when they apologize deepens our understanding of our pooches and strengthens our bonds with them.

So, continue reading and learn everything you need to know about the art of dog apology.

Understanding Canine Behavior: Do Dogs Really Feel Guilt?

Two dogs with innocent expression after destroy a pillow
smrm1977 /

Even though dogs are considered “man’s best friend”, their behavior and the way they communicate is world’s apart from ours.

While we mostly rely on words to communicate, dogs rely on body movements, vocalizations, chemical signals (such as body odors and pheromones), and physical contacts to convey their thoughts and intentions.

Dogs have evolved in so many ways because they typically learn through association. They act in particular ways after observing people’s response.

And throughout the years, they have developed sophisticated communication strategies and behaviors to enable them to maintain harmony.

But do they really feel guilt? Well, a 2009 research examined the canine “guilty” expressions. And it discovered that dogs only display “guilty” behavior more frequently when their owners scolded them than when owners remained natural.

Dr. Alexandra Horowitz, the author of the research said, “A better description of the so-called guilty look is that it is a response to owner cues, rather than that it shows an appreciation of a misdeed.”

Furthermore, guilt is a complex concept to grasp for a dog and no study have proven than dogs fully understand the weight of their mischief. And we can say that their actions are a reflection of our response to what they have done.

So, dog apology serves more than just moral remorse. It is more of a response to our reaction to their misdeeds, to make us feel better, and to prevent us from getting angry at them.

And as a dog owner, it is important that we understand canine behavior and body language. It helps us better understand each other and gives both parties room to effectively communicate, despite not “speaking the same language”, and resolve conflicts.

10 Signs Of Dog Apology

Dogs may not fully comprehend the concept of guilt or apologizing, but they still try their best to make things right with their hoomans. From subtle body language to more grand gestures, dogs have their own ways of expressing regret and seeking for forgiveness.

So, without further ado, here are 10 signs your dog is trying to say sorry to you:

1. Lowering Their Head And Making Airplane Ears

Dog apology signs lowering head and airplane ears
Jenylovely /

A dog trying to apologize to you will lower their head and make airplane ears. When they do this, we might assume that they feel bad and are afraid to be punished.

However, these behaviors are a sign of acknowledgment of the misdeed and submission to their owner. By showing submission and appeasement, they communicate the desire to alleviate tension and avoid confrontations.

2. Avoiding You At All Costs

Dog apology may also come in the form of avoidance behavior. When they sense our displeasure in them, they may avoid eye contact, hide somewhere they deem safe (like their crate), or retreat to a corner.

While this behavior may seem like a dog is showing guilt, it’s more about them understanding the negative response they got, and removing themself from the intense situation to try and de-escalate it.

You can say that it’s their way of saying, “I know I did wrong. And I’m going to give both of us time and space to calm down.”

3. Tucking Their Tail And Making Puppy Eyes

Cute Boxer Dog Making Puppy Eyes
Anna Hoychuk /

Dogs use their tail to express a lot of their feelings. And when a dog tucks its tail in between its legs, it means they feel scared or anxious. But it can also be a sign of submission in the presence of another dog or human.

So, if you scold your dog and it tucks its tail, it’s another way of them saying “I know I did something wrong.”

Similar to tucking their tail, dogs also make “puppy dog eyes” to express a lot of things. And one of them is when they express their regret.

If you ask us, this seems like a dog’s trump card when trying to apologize, because who can resist a dog so adorable when they make those eyes?

4. Lying Down And Exposing Their Belly

When you scold your dog for doing something mischievous and they start rolling over and exposing their belly, that’s another form of dog apology.

While we always associate an exposed dog belly as a sign of trust, this behavior can also mean a lot of things. But in the context of dog apology, it can mean that they feel afraid, want to avoid any confrontation, or don’t want to be in any trouble.

5. Licking

french bulldog puppy dog licking a girl kid hands
Unchalee Khun /

Dogs who are trying to apologize tend to lick their fur, their nose, or even your face, hands, or feet! After a mistake, dogs will try to do this gesture on themselves to express their nervousness and awareness of their misdeed.

But when they do it to you, it actually is a little sweet gesture to soothe you and reduce the tension. A study has shown that licking releases endorphins in a dog’s brain. It makes dogs and us feel a lot calmer and more relaxed.

It’s also their way of trying to mend the bond between the both of you, show you affection, and reinforce and reassure their loyalty to you despite their mistake.

6. Sticking Close To You

Along with licking, another intimate gesture dogs do to express their sorry is by nuzzling or sticking close to you.

When they know they’ve been naughty, they will try to come close to you and press their whole body against you, like a little kid seeking comfort.

7. Placing A Paw On You

A brindle mixed breed dog offering its paw to a person
Mary Swift /

Another form of dog apology is when they place a paw on you. Like the puppy dog eyes they make, pawing is an effective way for dogs to apologize and be immediately tended to, because we hoomans find it adorable and irresistible.

By putting their paw on your arm, lap, or leg, they’re acknowledging their mistake and asking for reassurance that you still love them even after a misdeed.

8. Whining

When or after reprimanding your dog for doing something bad, have you ever heard them softly whining? Well, that’s another form of dog apology!

Whining is another submissive behavior that dogs do as a way of apologizing. This behavior comes from dogs’ ancestors, the wolves.

It is rooted in the pack dynamics where wolves can be shunned from the pack when they break the rules. They whine, lower their head, and put their tail in between their legs as a sign of submission.

9. Bringing Their Favorite Toy To You

Cute Welsh Corgi dog happily runs with toy in mouth
Yury Nikolaev /

Some mischievous dogs resort to playing when they try to appease and apologize to you. So, as a form of dog apology, they bring you their favorite toy so the both of you can play.

This might be a bit different from their other apologetic behavior but this can be interpreted as them giving you a peace offering for their mistake. It’s their way of saying “This is my prized possession, and I’m giving it to you as a token of my apology.”

Furthermore, a study found that adult dogs like to use play time to encourage emotional bonds between humans and dogs, a trait they adapted as they became domesticated.

10. Yawning

You might notice some dogs yawning when they’re being reprimanded. When they do this, it’s another way of them saying sorry to you.

Yawning in dogs can signify a lot of things. But in the context of doing a misdeed, it can signify stress or a dog’s intentions to avoid conflict or de-escalate an intense situation, especially if you scold them after they dog something bad.

In dog apology, yawning is usually accompanied by other submissive behaviors such as tucking their tail and airplane ears.

Responding To Your Dog’s Apology

Responding to a dog’s apology is key to maintaining a great relationship with them. Since they communicate differently and process guilt and remorse differently from us, understanding this is crucial to responding to their apology with compassion, rather than with punishment.

When you see them doing any of the abovementioned behaviors, it’s important to acknowledge their actions. But it must be in a calm and soothing tone, so they can feel reassured and safe.

Furthermore, physical touch such as kissing or petting can help reinforce that you still care for them and love them.

As mentioned above, avoid anything negative such as punishment or yelling as much as possible. Raising your voice makes your dog scared and anxious.


Hand of man and guilty dog - dog apology behavior
Jaromir Chalabala /

A dog’s body language is worth a thousand words, quite literally. Dogs communicate their thoughts and intentions through a wide range of behavior and body language cues.

And by paying attention to these, you’ll be able to better understand your dog, especially when they’re apologizing to you.

It’s also worth remembering that every dog is unique, and their apologies will vary from one another.

How does your dog apologize to you? Let us know in the comments below!