The Most Popular Cat Names That Start With R (Updated for 2024)

Every pet owner has a unique path they follow when choosing a name for their animals. Some choose to name them after characters in their favorite books or TV shows, while others use their cat’s personality or physical appearance as inspiration.

If all you know is you want to give your kitty a name that starts with R, you’ve come to the right place. Read on to find the most popular cat names beginning with the letter R and dozens of other options to inspire you.

The 10 Most Popular Cat Names That Start With R

Do you want to know the most popular cat names for this year? We have you covered. Below are the most popular male and female cat names that begin with the letter R. Some of the names have been recorded as trending, while others were voted on. Check them out!

1. Rasta

The legalization of cannabis in many states has inspired cat-owners to name their cat something marijuana-themed. Rasta saw a 38% increase in popularity, and for good reason. The name “Rasta” would perfectly fit a cat with a relaxed and chill purrsonality.

2. Rip

The TV series “Yellowstone” is on a lot of people’s “must-watch shows” list, so it is not surprising that people are naming their cat after pivotal characters. The name Rip has increased in popularity by 25% over the past year.

cat lying on a cat bed
Image Credit: VGstockstudio, Shutterstock

3. Richard

Another TV show that has everyone talking about is “The Bear”. While the name Richard, in general, is more commonly assigned to people, cat owners are leaning more towards using people-names for their beloved felines. There has been a 27% increase in the number of people naming a cat Richard, which says something about that character!

4. Roma

We all know traveling can be expensive. So, some people name their cats after a place they dream about traveling to one day or after a place that touched their hearts. Roma, this romantic Italian capital, has seen a 17% increase in popularity.

5. Ren

In addition to newer shows, TV series from the 90s are influencing people what to name their cats. Despite the fact that Ren (from “Ren & Stimpy”) is a Chihuahua, it has become a popular choice amongst cat owners.

Close up of cheerful Indian young couple with a cat
Image Credit: VAKS-Stock Agency, Shutterstock

6. Roy

Here is another name that became popularized from a television show, “Ted Lasso”. Roy, who played the handsome retired football player on the show, saw a 7% increase in popularity.

7. Raul

The next name on our list was voted on by the public on for R names. With 190 votes, Raul is the Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian form of the masculine name Ralph. There are a few famous Rauls, like the late Raul Julia from the Addams Family movies and Raúl Esparza, who famously played ADA Barba on Law & Order: SVU.

8. Raiden

Coming in as the second most voted-on R name with 171 words is Raiden. This name has Japanese origins, with the characters “rai” meaning “thunder, and “den/jin” meaning “lighting”. Translated into English, Raiden means the god of thunder and lightning in Shinto mythology.

Japanese Bobtail cat living at home on a cat tree
Image Credit: Algorithm images, Shutterstock

9. Raegan

Raegan is the third most popular name, earning 166 votes. Coming from Irish origin of the last name Ó Riagáin, Raegan means independent and strong-willed. This name will suit any cat that has a feisty persona.

10. Raven

With 164 votes, Raven is becoming a popular choice for cats. Although the name often invokes a dark image because of the bird that bears it, the characteristics behind it are not as brooding, with words like “loving”, “affectionate”, and “compassionate” associated with it.

Other Great Names That Start With R

If none of the popular cat names above suit your kitty, you might have better luck with our list of other fantastic R names for cats.

  • Racer
  • Rachel
  • Radar
  • Ragnarök
  • Ramona
  • Ramsès
  • Ranger
  • Raptor
  • Rascal
  • Rasputin
  • Ratchet
  • Raul
  • Raya
  • Razzmatazz
  • Reba
  • Rebel
  • Red
  • Regina
  • Ren
  • Rex
  • Rey
  • Reya
  • Ribbon
  • Ricky
  • Ricochet
  • Riddler
  • Ringer
  • Rio
  • Riptide
  • Rizz
  • Rizzo
  • Robin
  • Rocco
  • Rocket
  • Roo
  • Rooney
  • Rory
  • Rose
  • Roux
  • Roz
  • Rudder
  • Rudolph
  • Rudy
  • Rufus
  • Rumble
  • Rusty

Food-Inspired Cat Names That Start With R

Food-inspired pet names are adorable, especially because some are random and memorable. If you want your kitty to stand out in the crowd, one of these R names inspired by dishes and foods from around the world could be perfect.

  • Radish
  • Radish
  • Raisin
  • Ramen
  • Ramen
  • Raspberry
  • Ratatouille
  • Ravioli
  • Relish
  • Reuben
  • Rhubarb
  • Ribs
  • Rice
  • Ricotta
  • Rigatoni
  • Risotto
  • Roast
  • Root Beer
  • Roquefort
  • Rosemary
  • Rowanberry
  • Ruffles
  • Rum Cake
  • Russet
  • Rutabaga
  • Rye

cat playing with electronic flapping fish toy
Image Credit: Simxa, Shutterstock

Character Cat Names That Start With R

If you’re a pop culture fiend, you might select one of the following names inspired by movie, TV show, comic, and book characters.

  • R2D2 (Star Wars)
  • Raichu (Pokemon)
  • Raja (Aladdin)
  • Rajesh “Raj” Koothrappali (The Big Bang Theory)
  • Ralph Wiggum (The Simpsons)
  • Rambo (Rambo)
  • Ramsay Bolton (Game of Thrones)
  • Raymond Holt (Brooklyn 99)
  • Regina George (Mean Girls)
  • Remus Lupin (Harry Potter)
  • Remy (Ratatouille)
  • Renly Baratheon (Game of Thrones)
  • Richie Rich (Harvey comics)
  • Rick Grimes (The Walking Dead)
  • Riddick (Chronicles of Riddick)
  • Rita Skeeter (Harry Potter)
  • Riven (League of Legends)
  • Road Runner (Looney Tunes)
  • Robocop (RoboCop)
  • Rocket Raccoon (Marvel Comics)
  • Rocky Balboa (Rocky)
  • Ron Swanson (Parks and Recreation)
  • Ron Weasley (Harry Potter)
  • Rory Gilmore (Gilmore Girls)
  • Ross Gellar (Friends)
  • Rowena Ravenclaw (Harry Potter)
  • Rubeus Hagrid (Harry Potter)
  • Rumpelstiltskin (Rumpelstiltskin fairy tale)

How to Pick the Right Name

Picking the right name can feel impossible at first, but there are some tricks you can implement to make the process easier.

Don’t rush it. It’s better to wait a few days or weeks to name your cat than selecting one you wind up hating after a few days and having to put your cat through the trouble of changing it.

Keep things simple. Choose a name that’s easy to say. Most experts recommend two-syllable names as it’s simpler to pronounce and easier for your kitty to understand.

Consider other household names. Don’t name your cat Raven if there’s already one in the house called Maven. As cute as it is to have rhyming names, it could cause confusion between your animals.

Keep it clean. As funny as giving your cat an inappropriate name may be, remember that you’ll be using your pet’s name when registering them at the vet. If you’ll be embarrassed when the nurse calls out your cat in a room filled with other pet owners, it’s probably best to keep those R-rated options as nicknames.

Final Thoughts

Naming your new pet can be stressful, but it doesn’t have to be. You don’t need to have a name picked out the day you bring your new kitty home. In fact, it won’t matter to your pet how soon they are given a name.

We hope our list of R names has inspired you, so you’re well on your way to picking the best and most suitable name for your sweet new addition.

Featured Image Credit: Loopneo, Shutterstock

The post The Most Popular Cat Names That Start With R (Updated for 2024) appeared first on PangoVet.

The Most Popular Cat Names That Start With P (Updated for 2024)

The letter P is the start of many a great name, so if it’s one of your favorite letters, you’re sure to find the perfect moniker for your moggy. Whether you like popular, classic names or names that are a little less common, we’ve rounded up the best of the best cat names beginning with P, and we hope you find one that’s just the right fit for your feline friend. We’ll start with popular names before exploring the alternatives.

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The 10 Most Popular Cat Names Starting With P

These wonderful names (based on Rover’s national data and an online poll by are bound to get cats everywhere purring with delight. If not, there are plenty of other options further down.

1. Prosecco

If you are a fan of the television series The House of the Dragon, you are probably familiar with a trending discussion between the two lead actors: “What’s your drink of choice? A negroni sbagliato…with prosecco in it. Oh, stunning!” The name Prosecco saw a whopping 793% increase in popularity.

2. Prince

Treating your cat like royalty is not new, and neither is naming them after royalty. But some people cannot find the perfect royal P name for their cat, so they stick with something traditional yet simple: Prince. This name saw a 12% popularity increase as a cat name.

ragdoll cat wearing a crown
Image Credit: xixicatphotos, Shutterstock

3. Princess Peach

Online gaming has definitely become a beloved activity, whether on your own or with friends (or strangers!). One of the classic video games, Mario Kart, has inspired people who are looking for cat names. Princess Peach is trending with a 43% popularity increase.

4. Pikachu

Another popular name connected to the gaming and anime community is Pikachu, which showed a 9% popularity increase. With the number of Pokemon gamers need to catch, there will always be a trending Pokemon cat name!

Japanese Bobtail cat living at home on a cat tree
Image Credit: Algorithm images, Shutterstock

5. Pamela

Did anyone have a crush on blonde-bombshell Pamela Anderson? Some people have had their crush resurrected recently because naming a cat Pamela has increased in popularity by 60%.

6. Pam

If you think that Pamela is a bit too formal, why not go for Pam? The shortened form of Pamela saw a 44% increase in popularity. Sometimes, a shorter name fits a cat better than a slightly longer one!

a munchkin bengal cat on grey background
Image Credit: Sviatoslav, Shevchenko_Shutterstock

7. Pixie

People who are really into music get a lot of inspiration for cat names from bands or singular musicians. If you fell in love with alternative rock from the late 80s and early 90s, you are not alone. The name Pixie saw an 11% popularity increase as a cat name.

8. Parsley

While there are no percentages on the next three names, people are definitely talking about them! In an online voting poll, Parsley got 194 votes. When we think of parsley, we think about the herb commonly used as a garnish. But, like some recipes, without parsley, it would not be complete—much like your life would not be complete without your cat. Parsley could work perfectly.

siamese cat on top of table
Image Credit: Stockorm, Shutterstock

9. Paprika

Tied with Parsley with 194 votes is Paprika. Food names are always popular, but some people want to go a different route and focus on spices for names. This is a great name for a cat you think is going to be a little bit spicy.

10. Park

The name Park got 190 votes in the poll. This is a great name because it is gender-neutral; Park will fit a male or female cat. The name has a connection to nature, but it is also a common Korean surname.

Cornish Rex kitten looking at the camera in the arms of a man
Image Credit: Elena Loginova, Shutterstock

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Other Great Cat Names Starting With P

If none of the names mentioned above tickle your fancy, don’t worry—there are plenty more where they came from. Now, we’ll introduce you to other great names starting with P in different categories.

Great Male Cat Names Starting With P

scottish fold kitten on mirror and wooden texture
Image Credit: dien, Shutterstock

For those fond of names traditionally geared toward male cats, here is a collection for you to peruse.

  • Pablo
  • Paco
  • Paddy
  • Parker
  • Pasqual
  • Patches
  • Patrick
  • Patterson
  • Paul
  • Pavlo
  • Pedro
  • Pegasus
  • Percival
  • Percy
  • Perez
  • Pete
  • Peter
  • Petey
  • Phil
  • Philip
  • Picasso
  • Pierce
  • Pierre
  • Pinocchio
  • Pip
  • Piper
  • PJ
  • Poe
  • Porter
  • Pugsley

Great Female Cat Names Starting With P

a beautiful russian blue cat outdoors
Image Credit: Photo Spirit, Shutterstock

Looking for a cute, classic name for your purring princess? Try one of these on for size.

  • Padma
  • Paige
  • Paloma
  • Pam
  • Pamela
  • Pandora
  • Pansy
  • Paris
  • Parvati
  • Patsy
  • Paula
  • Pearl
  • Peggy
  • Penelope
  • Penny
  • Perdy
  • Petra
  • Phoebe
  • Pinky
  • Pippa
  • Pippa
  • Polina
  • Poppy
  • Portia
  • Posey
  • Precious
  • Princess
  • Priscilla
  • Priya
  • Promise

Great Unisex Cat Names Starting With P

a savannah cat on a cat tree
Image Credit: AJR_photo, Shutterstock

If you like a name but it’s traditionally used for the opposite gender, we’d say go for it anyway—don’t feel restricted! Nevertheless, if you’d prefer something more obviously unisex, here are some options.

  • Paddington
  • Palmer
  • Panda
  • Pasha
  • Penguin
  • Perry
  • Peyton
  • Pichu
  • Pikachu
  • Pilot
  • Pinky
  • Pirate
  • Pluto
  • Pocket
  • Poetry
  • Poltergeist
  • Pop
  • Popeye
  • Popsy
  • Potter
  • Powder
  • Presley
  • Preston
  • Psycho
  • Purple

Nature-Inspired Cat Names Starting With P

beautiful cat about to hunt outdoors
Image Credit: AJR_Photo, Shutterstock

Cats are some of nature’s greatest appreciators. After all, what cat doesn’t love lounging on the windowsill, mesmerized by the birds and the swaying of the trees in the wind? Here are some name ideas for your fluffy free spirit.

  • Paisley
  • Panther
  • Paradise
  • Passion (Passion fruit)
  • Pea (Sweet pea)
  • Peace
  • Pebbles
  • Peony
  • Periwinkle
  • Petal
  • Petunia
  • Pinecone
  • Planet
  • Pod
  • Prairie

Food-Inspired Cat Names Starting With P

Domestic tabby cat approaches a bowl of food eating
Image Credit: Art_Volkusha, Shutterstock

There are foods aplenty beginning with the letter P, and some make fantastic cat names. Some were already mentioned in the most popular cat names at the top, but here are some more if you weren’t keen on those.

  • Paella
  • Pancake
  • Panna (cotta)
  • Parsnip
  • Pasta
  • Pavlova
  • Peaches
  • Peanut
  • Pear
  • Pecan
  • Penne
  • Pepper
  • Peppermint
  • Pepsi
  • Persimmon
  • Pickle
  • Pie
  • Pilaf
  • Pina (colada)
  • Pineapple
  • Pinot
  • Pinto
  • Pistachio
  • Pizza
  • Popsicle
  • Porcini
  • Potato
  • Prawn
  • Pretzel
  • Pumpkin

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We hope your cat is now the proud owner of a funky, fierce, cute, or classic name starting with P, but if you’re still undecided, that’s okay. There’s no need to rush into picking a name—it can take a while to settle on the right one.

After all, while cats can certainly learn and respond to their names, they also have the skill of ignoring us when they want to down to a fine art, so that’s another reason not to feel too pressured!

Featured Image Credit: photosbelkina, Shutterstock

The post The Most Popular Cat Names That Start With P (Updated for 2024) appeared first on PangoVet.

The Most Popular Cat Names That Start With W for Wonderful Kitties

When you first adopt a cat, one of the first things you must do is decide on a name. Sometimes, this is rather straightforward, especially if you already have a name picked out. However, for many, this step can be surprisingly challenging. Figuring out just one name for your new cat that you haven’t known very long is difficult as there are so many different names to choose from.

Even if you narrow the name down to only those that start with “W,” you still have hundreds of options to choose from. We’ve outlined some of the most popular cat names that start with W based on trends and online voting. Plus, we compiled some other lists as well, allowing you to peruse many options and hopefully find a name that works for you!

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The 10 Most Popular W Cat Names

1. White Claw

A white persian cat laying on a bamboo mat
Image Credit: Syafiq Jay, Shutterstock

Food names are all the rage, but what about booze-related names? White Claw is a popular gluten-free hard seltzer often found at BBQs, parties, and other gatherings. If you find yourself always reaching for a White Claw (they have non-alcoholic ones as well!), this name might suit your cat perfectly. It has seen a 93% increase in popularity among cat owners.

2. Whisky

Not a fan of hard seltzer but like the idea of a booze-related name? Whiskey could be a great choice! This name invokes an old-fashioned and sophisticated image, which is good if your cat is an old soul. Whiskey saw a 77% increase in popularity this year.

3. Wednesday

Black Smoke American Shorthair lying down
Image Credit: marumaru, Shutterstock

Television shows inspire a lot of pet names, so it is not surprising that Wednesday is trending up 55% this year. If you have a cat that is creepy, kooky, mysterious, and spooky, consider the popular cat name Wednesday.

4. Walker

Another television show that is on everyone’s lips is “Yellowstone”, so why let the world know you like the show by naming your cat after one of the characters? The name Walker has seen a 12% uptick in popularity!

5. William

Ginger cat scratching ears on the couch
Image Credit: Mariia Boiko, Shutterstock

Does your feline have an air of royalty? Many cat owners felt this way; this is why William saw a 12% increase in trending W names.

6. Waldo

Waldo has the most votes on’s survey of most loved W names, with 190 votes. Some people might know the name from the well-loved children’s book Where’s Waldo? So naming your cat after this character is a great way to fondly remember childhood literature.

7. Wendy

cat playing with fresh catnip plant
Image credit: Anna Hoychuk, Shutterstock

Wendy, inspired by Wendy Darling from Peter Pan, is second in the survey with 189 votes. While it is a slightly old-fashioned name, Wendy clearly attracts many cat owners.

8. Wanda

Calling all Marvel fans! Wanda is the third most-liked name on the survey, with 182 votes. The Marvel Universe has definitely influenced pet owners’ naming decisions. While names like Thor, Thanos, and Rogue are popular, Wanda, inspired by Wanda Maximoff, a.k.a. Scarlet Witch, from Marvel comics, might be more fitting for certain cats.

9. Whiskers

Cat with closed eyes. The cat squints
Image Credit: Pogodina Natalia, Shutterstock

While television shows and celebrities can help people choose a cat name, sometimes people want something more traditional. With 176 votes, Whiskers is a quintessential cat name that works for both males and females.

10. Wen

The name Wen got a total of 176 votes, tying it with Wanda. Wen is of Chinese origin and means “cultured” and “literate”. It is the perfect name for your cat if you are in the academic field or simply have a love for learning.

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Female Cat Names That Start With “W”

There are many female cat names that start with “W.” Here are some of our favorite options. Some are unique, while others are more traditional.

  • Waffles
  • Walnut
  • Watermelon
  • Waverly
  • Whisper
  • Wicker
  • Wilhelmina
  • Willow
  • Wilma
  • Winky
  • Winnie
  • Winona
  • Winter
  • Wisteria
  • Wren

Male Names That Start With W

These names are more masculine, so they may work better for male cats. Some of these names are also on the list above, as they are unisex. These names vary in style and character, so you’re bound to find a suitable name for your male cat among these options.

  • Waffles
  • Waldo
  • Watson
  • Wellington
  • Wendell
  • Wesley
  • Whisker
  • Wicket
  • Widget
  • Willow
  • Wilson
  • Winchester
  • Winston
  • Wolfgang
  • Woody
Cute munchkin bengal cat
Image Credit: Sviatoslav_Shevchenko, Shutterstock

Cute Cat Names that Start With W

Here are some names that are more on the “cute” side. Most of these names are pretty unique, so you probably won’t hear them elsewhere.

  • Waffleheart
  • Waggletail
  • Weepy
  • Whifflepuff
  • Whiffy
  • Whimsical
  • Whimsifur
  • Whiskerbee
  • Whiskerette
  • Whiskerino
  • Whistle
  • Wigglesnout
  • Wiggletuft
  • Wigglywhisk
  • Wigglywhisker
  • Winkletail
  • Wispurr
  • Wobblekins
  • Wobblepaws
  • Woozle

Nature-Based Cat Names That Start With W

There are a surprisingly high number of nature-based cat names that start with W. You can draw inspiration from these names, but a great way to find nature-based names is to go outside and look around.

  • Walnut
  • Waterfall
  • Waterlily
  • Weeping Willow
  • Wheatley
  • Whinny
  • Whisper
  • Wilder
  • Wilderbeast
  • Wildflower
  • Willow
  • Windy
  • Wintergreen
  • Wisteria
  • Wolfie
  • Wolfwood
  • Wombat
  • Woodland
  • Woodstock
  • Wren
Image Credit: Georgia Evans, Shutterstock

Book, TV Show, and Movie-Inspired Cat Names

There are also tons of W names you can find on TV shows and movies. If you’re a fan of any of these movies, then you may want to select one of these names:

  • Wallace (inspired by Wallace and Gromit)
  • Walter (inspired by Walter White from Breaking Bad)
  • Watson (inspired by Dr. John Watson from Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmesseries)
  • Wayne (inspired by Bruce Wayne, a.k.a. Batman)
  • Wazowski (inspired by Mike Wazowski from Monsters, Inc.)
  • Weasley (inspired by the Weasley family from Harry Potter)
  • Westley (inspired by Westley from The Princess Bride)
  • White Fang (inspired by the novel White Fangby Jack London)
  • Wilbur (inspired by Wilbur, the pig from Charlotte’s Webby E.B. White)
  • Willow (inspired by Willow Rosenberg from Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
  • Wilson (inspired by the character in Cast Away)
  • Winky (inspired by the house-elf Winky from J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potterseries)
  • Winnie (inspired by Winnie-the-Poohfrom A.A. Milne’s stories)
  • Wookiee (inspired by Chewbacca from Star Wars)
  • Worf (inspired by Lieutenant Worf from Star Trek)

Other Great Cat Names That Start With W

Below, you’ll find some very unique cat names that start with W. These aren’t common, so you probably won’t see any other cats with these names:

  • Waffleheart
  • Waggletail
  • Weepy
  • Whiffy
  • Whimsical
  • Whimsifur
  • Whiskerbee
  • Whiskerette
  • Whiskerino
  • Whistle
  • Wigglesnout
  • Wiggletuft
  • Wigglywhisk
  • Wigglywhisker
  • Winkletail
  • Wispurr
  • Wobblekins
  • Wobblepaws
  • Womble
  • Woozle
Cute charcoal bengal kitty cat laying on the windowsill and relaxing
Image Credit: Smile19, Shutterstock

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How to Name Your Cat

Naming your feline may feel overwhelming (surprisingly, given how you’re just picking out a name). We recommend picking a name that you like and one that fits your cat’s personality. If you’ve only just met your cat, this can be challenging. You may want to spend some time observing your feline before considering a name.

You can also choose your cat’s name based on physical characteristics. For instance, if your cat has pretty distinctive markings, you could choose a name based on them. Names based on eye color are also popular. TV shows, books, and movies can also be wonderful sources of inspiration. People often name their cats after popular characters.

Preferably, you should keep your cat’s name relatively simple. You want your cat to be able to recognize it easily. A one- or two-syllable name often works best for this reason. You should also avoid names that sound like common commands or your other pet’s names.

Once you’ve decided on a few names, try each one out. It takes a week or more for a cat to learn their name, so you won’t confuse them by testing a name out for a day or so. Sometimes, names sound great on our heads, but they don’t work so well in practice.

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We hope that one of these names stood out to you as a great option for your feline—or at least inspired you to think of a name of your own. Feel free to pick a few names to try. As we’ve said, you won’t confuse your cat by giving a few names a try before you select a name that works best.

Either way, these names should provide plenty of inspiration from which you can draw.

Featured Image Credit: TarasBeletskiy, Shutterstock

The post The Most Popular Cat Names That Start With W for Wonderful Kitties appeared first on PangoVet.