Can a Vaccinated Dog Get Rabies? (Vet Answer)

Rabies is a deadly disease that affects the nervous system of mammals, including humans and dogs. The virus is found throughout the world in more than 150 countries and territories, and on all continents except for Antarctica. Fortunately, rabies is preventable by vaccination. Although no vaccine is 100% effective, a vaccinated dog is unlikely to get rabies, especially if its vaccinations are kept up to date.1


What is Rabies?

A deadly viral disease, rabies is most often spread through the bite of an infected animal. Transmission can also occur if the saliva or nervous system tissue of an infected animal comes in contact with an open wound or the mucous membranes of another animal.

Once the virus enters the body, it travels to the brain via the nerves. Initially, the animal doesn’t show any symptoms despite being infected. Once the virus reaches the brain, it begins to replicate and pass into the salivary glands. It is at this point that the infected animal begins to show clinical symptoms. The time between an animal getting infected and the appearance of symptoms is known as the incubation period.

The incubation period for rabies in dogs is typically two weeks to four months, but it may be much shorter or longer depending on the site at which the virus enters the body, the amount of virus injected by the bite, and the severity of the bite.2

dog with rabies
Image Credit: Victoria Antonova, Shutterstock

What Are the Symptoms of Rabies?

Once the virus reaches the brain, rabies progresses in phases. In the first phase of the disease, known as the prodromal phase, an infected dog undergoes a change in temperament. Dogs that are normally friendly may become shy, nervous, and may even nip. Aggressive dogs may become friendly and affectionate.

Following this phase, there are two recognized forms of the disease: furious and paralytic rabies.3

Dogs with furious rabies become aggressive, appear agitated, drool excessively, and may eat and chew stones, soil, and rubbish. Thereafter, paralysis sets in, the dog becomes unable to eat and drink, and eventually starts having seizures and dies.

The symptoms of paralytic rabies are more understated. Dogs with paralytic rabies typically develop a gradual paralysis of the limbs and difficulty swallowing. Ultimately, the dog becomes comatose and dies.

Once symptoms of the disease appear, rabies is fatal in over 99% of cases, making it one of the world’s most deadly diseases. Unfortunately, there currently is no treatment for rabies in dogs.

On a brighter note, rabies is almost completely preventable, thanks to the development of the rabies vaccine.

How Does the Rabies Vaccine Work?

Vaccines work by stimulating the immune system to produce antibodies, which fight infections and prevent illness. The rabies vaccine is an “inactivated vaccine”, which means that it contains a killed form of the virus and cannot cause disease.

The vaccine triggers the body’s immune system to produce antibodies against the rabies virus, as well as antibody-producing memory cells. If a dog is ever exposed to rabies naturally, its memory cells will pump out antibodies against the virus. This means that the immune system is able to respond immediately and protect the dog from developing rabies.

dog getting a vaccine
Image Credit: Syda Productions, Shutterstock

Why Should Dogs Be Vaccinated Against Rabies?

Not only will vaccinating your dog against rabies protect it from contracting this deadly disease, but more importantly, the vaccine acts as a barrier to protect you.

It is estimated that annually, rabies causes approximately 59,000 human deaths worldwide. Dog are the main source of rabies in humans, with dog bites accounting for up to 99% of all cases. This is because dogs live alongside humans and, in many parts of the world, are allowed to roam freely, increasing the chances that they’ll spread the disease.

Wild animals, such as bats, foxes, jackals, mongooses, and raccoons serve as reservoirs for the rabies virus. If an unvaccinated dog comes into direct contact with a rabid wild animal, it’s at risk of contracting rabies and spreading the disease to humans. Rabies in humans can, therefore, be largely prevented by vaccinating dogs.

When Should My Dog Be Vaccinated?

Rabies is considered a core vaccination in many countries and is required by law. The required rabies vaccination schedule for dogs varies by country and state. Puppies are usually vaccinated between 12–16 weeks of age, followed by a booster one year later.

Thereafter, your dog will need to be vaccinated every 1–3 years, depending on your country and state’s requirements and the type of vaccine used. Your veterinarian will be able to advise you on the appropriate rabies vaccination schedule for your dog.

veterinarian checking up of an australian shepherd dog at clinic
Image Credit: Ermolaev Alexander, Shutterstock



Rabies is a serious disease that is almost fatal. Fortunately, rabies is preventable through vaccination. Although no vaccine is 100% effective, a vaccinated dog is unlikely to get rabies, especially if its vaccinations are kept up to date.

For dogs, the rabies vaccination is extremely safe and effective in protecting them from the deadly virus—which, in turn, protects you and your loved ones from the dangers of it as well.

Featured Image Credit: Try_my_best, Shutterstock

The post Can a Vaccinated Dog Get Rabies? (Vet Answer) appeared first on Pet Keen.

Parvo in Dogs: Signs & Care (Vet Answer)

In Latin, ‘parvo’ means ‘small,’ so the literal translation of parvovirus is ‘a small virus.’ It is a strongly contagious and possibly even fatal disease, especially for puppies. For something that is apparently so minuscule, this little virus has certainly made itself known in the last 45 years. It has stomped its way through the dog population worldwide, causing an escalating illness that can be fatal without prompt treatment.

By the end of this article, you will have a good overview of parvovirus in dogs and be able to take one main point away: prevention is better than a cure!


What Is Parvovirus in Dogs?

In dogs, canine parvovirus (CPV) is a highly contagious and potentially fatal disease, particularly devastating for puppies and young dogs. It was first discovered in 1977, causing a worldwide epidemic of illness in our canine population. It is closely related to the feline panleukopenia virus (FPV), which made its debut fifty years before in cats.

However, since the 1970s, strides have been made in understanding canine parvovirus, and thankfully we have formulated an effective vaccination that provides protection against the virus. Despite this, it still circulates amongst our canine friends, and unfortunately, in areas where it is rampant, it will fill up isolation wards in veterinary hospitals, with the murmured words ‘parvo season’ provoking concerned shudders amongst staff.

sick dog
Image Credit: Igor Normann, Shutterstock

What Are the Signs of Parvovirus?

The clinical signs of parvovirus include extreme lethargy and fatigue, abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, bloating, and fever. The diarrhea has a distinctive stomach-turning smell, often containing blood and mucus, and is very watery. Dogs go downhill rapidly and lose a lot of fluids through vomiting and diarrhea. They become dehydrated and, eventually, septic.

The fatality rate for untreated dogs exceeds 90%, and death can happen quickly, especially in young dogs from six weeks to six months old. However, a retrospective study that examined a decade of treatment of Canine Parvovirus in an animal shelter concluded that, with adequate treatment, survival rates exceed 86.6%.

What Are the Causes of Parvovirus?

So, you can clearly see just how easy it would be for a dog to pick up an infection simply by coming into contact with infected feces, potentially deposited by a dog many months before. These feces containing the virus will have been stepped on and spread around the environment on the bottom of paws and shoes. In areas where the disease is rife, it doesn’t take much for an unvaccinated dog to encounter the pathogen.

However, not every dog who encounters parvovirus will become infected. It depends on their immune status at the time of exposure and the amount of virus they are exposed to. If they are infected, it takes three to seven days for signs of disease to show. In the meantime, the virus will have successfully wreaked havoc in the bone marrow and intestines of the dog, destroying many white blood cells that are responsible for an immune response in the body, enabling it to effectively target the cells that line the intestines. Once the intestinal lining is compromised, it loses its ability to absorb nutrients and allows bacteria to cross through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream.

In young dogs, the virus can also attack the heart cells, leading to inflammation of the heart muscle and potentially leading to acute heart failure and sudden death.

vet examining a sick German Shepherd dog
Image Credit: Roger costa morera, Shutterstock

How Do I Care for a Dog With Parvovirus?

If your dog is exhibiting signs of the virus, it is essential to get them checked out by your veterinarian as soon as possible. Treatment has improved outcomes if established promptly, and patients require intense, supportive care to get through the illness.

Your vet will base their diagnosis on clinical signs, blood work, and a fecal test that can detect the virus in your dog’s stool. Treatment is dependent on how severe the dog is at the time of presentation; however, they will almost certainly require a hospital stay. They will be isolated from other animals to prevent transmission, which means the vets and nurses will wear full PPE (personal protective equipment) every time they enter the isolation ward and ensure that no objects that go into that room come back out again.

Dogs receive an intravenous fluid drip and replacement electrolytes if the bloodwork demonstrates any imbalances. If they have a very low white and red blood cell count from the destruction of cells in the bone marrow, they may require a blood transfusion or a transfusion of a component of blood called ‘plasma.’ This will help replace the blood cells that the virus has destroyed. They will be started on antibiotics to treat the secondary effects that the virus has on the body and will be given medication to ease the nausea and vomiting.

Most patients that get through the first three to four days of illness will make a full recovery. Treatment is time-consuming and expensive, and the old adage rings true: prevention is better than a cure!


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How Can I Prevent My Dog From Getting Parvovirus?

The yearly vaccination provides protection against canine parvovirus. Vaccination shouldn’t be considered optional, and especially for puppies, the timing of the boosters, as instructed by your vet, should be followed vigilantly.

For the first few weeks of a puppy’s life, the mother provides protection from disease through antibodies in her milk. These are thought to wane by 10–14 weeks of age, which means that the puppy’s immune system must take over. It is important that the puppy receives multiple doses of the vaccination over this time to protect against illness. You should also be extremely careful in allowing your puppy to socialize and go for walks whilst they are still vulnerable to infection.

2. My Dog Has Had Parvovirus Before. Can They Get It Again?

It is thought that if they have made a recovery from parvo, they are provided with immunity for some time, protecting them from reinfection. It’s not impossible, but it is very unlikely. It is still recommended that your dog has their vaccinations, regardless, as they need to be protected against the other diseases too.

dog getting a vaccine
Image Credit: Syda Productions, Shutterstock

3. Can Humans Catch Parvo?

Humans cannot catch parvovirus from dogs. It is species-specific and can’t jump from dog to human. Likewise, canine parvovirus cannot affect cats. They are affected by a different strain of the virus entirely.

4. How Long Does My Puppy Need to Be Isolated After Infection?

Dogs should be isolated during treatment and up to a fortnight post-recovery—ideally, three weeks.

Puppy with parvovirus
Image Credit: LittleDogKorat, Shutterstock

5. How Do I Decontaminate My House After Infection?

Parvovirus, though tiny, is mighty! They are resistant to most household cleaning products but can be inactivated by bleach. You can use a dilute bleach solution (one part bleach to 30 parts water) on washable surfaces and objects, such as bowls and bedding. However, it is difficult to decontaminate your home completely and impossible to eliminate it from the outside environment. This is where vaccination takes precedence, and if you have any other dogs in your home, ensure that they are up to date with their boosters.



Parvovirus is a miserable illness for our canine population. However, we are fortunate to have an easily accessible vaccination for prevention. It is important to ensure that you follow veterinary instructions relating to puppy vaccinations and their exposure to the outside world. If you are worried that your dog may have parvovirus, even if they have had their vaccinations, it is best to contact your vet who can advise you further.

Featured Image Credit: Todorean-Gabriel, Shutterstock

The post Parvo in Dogs: Signs & Care (Vet Answer) appeared first on Pet Keen.

What to Feed a Cat With Cancer (Vet Answer)

Most of the time, when a cat has cancer, the question of what to feed them is not as important as how to feed them as well as how to get them to eat enough in the first place.

Getting a cat to eat enough is the biggest and most common challenge. Many cats lose their appetite because they do not feel well, are in pain, are stressed, or sometimes their medications and treatments have side effects.

Plus, even if we mean well, many cats do not like it when their diets change, and they can starve themselves if we are not careful. So, if you do change your cat’s diet when they are diagnosed with cancer, proceed with caution but be persistent with encouraging them to eat.

divider-catA Healthy Cat Diet

Cats need diets particularly high in fat and protein, and they need certain proteins that other animals (dogs and humans) do not need in their diet, such as taurine (a type of amino acid). Therefore, it’s important cats are not on human or dog diets and are always given a cat-specific food.

A healthy cat can be fed once or twice a day, but a cat with cancer may need to be fed more frequently. For example, 3–6 small meals can not only encourage a cat to eat more but also be easier to digest.

Sometimes, cats are grazers. Even when they are healthy, they eat small bits throughout the day. Most of the time, this is not a problem as long as they do not have a condition contraindicated with this feeding style, like diabetes or obesity.

Image Credit: Chendongshan, Shutterstock


The 5 Nutritional Steps to Caring for a Cat with Cancer

1. Encouraging a Cat to Eat

Small changes at home can help encourage a cat to eat. The first thing to consider is how to reduce stress and help a cat feel more comfortable eating.

Experiment with the following ideas to see if any help with your cat:
  • Keep the food away from the litter tray

  • Do not let other animals dominate the food bowls

  • Ensure easy access (a cat with cancer may no longer want to walk upstairs)

  • Offer both wet and dry food

  • Mix dry & wet food together

  • Offer smelly food

  • Warm food to body temperature (make sure it doesn’t burn them)

  • Make sure food is fresh

  • Feed in wide bowls that do not get in the way of whiskers

2. Positive Reinforcement

If your cat enjoys human company, you can feed them in the same room as the family. On the other hand, if they like their privacy try creating a secure and quiet place for them to eat alone.

Sometimes, particularly if your cat is very friendly, you can encourage them to eat by praising and petting them when they eat.

cat eating dry food on the floor
Image Credit: Elena Spac, Shutterstock

3. Hand Feeding

Hand feeding can also help encourage a cat to eat more. But be careful you are not force-feeding them. Cats can develop an aversion to food if they eat a certain food while they feel sick, and they may never eat it again.

4. Increasing Water Intake

Adding water to cat food is almost always a good thing to do. It can often encourage the cat to eat more. And it increases their water intake, which is also almost always a good thing. Think of it as making a cat-soup or a cat-gruel.

You can also make small changes to their water bowl to increase drinking, such as:
  • Make sure they have access to fresh water

  • Use a moving/bubbling water fountain

  • Offer both still and bubbling water

  • Have a water bowl in every room

  • Make sure other pets are not guarding the water

white Persian cat drinking from water bowl
Image Credit: Punyaphat Larpsomboon, Shutterstock

5. Selecting a Diet

If your cat is not eating, or losing weight, make sure every bite counts by offering high-calorie foods, comparing labels, and selecting the ones with more calories.

There are also many commercial diets that are specifically designed for this. They are usually called critical care diets and are so high in calories, proteins, and fats that they are not good to feed to healthy cats. But they are scientifically balanced for the special nutritional needs of cats, which can be hard to do with homemade diets.


4 Types of Cancers in Cats and their Dietary Needs

1. Kidney Cancer

If a cat has kidney cancer, a diet low in protein and phosphate may help their kidneys function longer. However, for it to work, they need to exclusively eat the special diet, which means no treats, no human food, no stealing other cat’s food, and no hunting. This can be very difficult, if not impossible, to achieve.

Especially since many cats do not like it when their food changes, cats with kidney disease also are often nauseated and painful and not likely to eat anything. So, remember, be persistent.

Image Credit: JumpStory

2. Pancreatic Cancer

The pancreas generates molecules that are actively crucial for metabolism, so depending on what part of the pancreas has cancer can significantly alter the nutritional and survival rates.

It is a complex organ. Cancer in the pancreas may need a low-fat diet for dogs; however, there is little evidence that this is true in cats. The pancreas is also responsible for generating insulin, which regulates glucose in the body. Therefore, it is vitally important to discuss diet with your veterinarian if your cat has cancer in its pancreas to get the specific diet just right.

3. Liver Cancer

Cancer in the liver rarely needs a special diet, and the goal is usually to ensure appropriate weight maintenance, making sure they eat enough and do not lose weight.

sick white cat lying on the floor
Image Credit: Iryna Mylinska, Shutterstock

4. Gastrointestinal Cancer

Cancer in the gastrointestinal tract may need special, individualized attention. Particularly since the GI tract is responsible for digestion, certain nutrients may simulate disease if there are intolerances or allergies.

Protein is important but many proteins are allergens. And, while many human diets recommend restricting fats, cats need more fat than humans; plus, fat is often an important way of increasing calories.


Cancer’s Effect on Digestion

Cancer can also slow digestion and cause food to move along the GI tract slower, so offer food that is easy to digest and moves through quickly.

Ways to increase digestibility:
  • Small meals

  • Frequent meals

  • Watery and liquidized food

  • High in calories

  • Avoid known allergens & intolerances

It is also good to encourage gentle movement. Even the gentlest walk across the living room can help a cat’s digestive tract move along.


Preventing weight loss and keeping an ideal weight is the main goal when feeding a cat with cancer. Find a cat-specific diet they want to eat and be persistent in encouraging them to eat.

If your cat is not eating despite all your best efforts, talk to your vet, they may be able to prescribe medication that can help reduce pain, anxiety, and nausea. And remember, sometimes eating anything is better than nothing.

  • Lindley, S., & Watson, P. (2010). BSAVA manual of canine and feline rehabilitation, supportive and palliative care: case studies in patient management. British Small Animal Veterinary Association.
  • Scherk, M., Little, S., Maddison, J. E., Murrell, J., Hibbert, A., & Taylor, S. BSAVA Manual of Feline Practice. A Foundation Manual. BSAVA British Small Animal Veterinary Association.

Featured Image Credit: stokerolga, Shutterstock

The post What to Feed a Cat With Cancer (Vet Answer) appeared first on Pet Keen.