Can Dogs Eat Pasta? Vet-Approved Facts & FAQ

Pasta is probably featured on your home menu at least once, if not a few times a week. Therefore, it makes sense your dog has looked at you longingly when you eat it. So, is it something you can safely share with them? Plain, cooked pasta isn’t toxic to your dog, but it isn’t exactly a healthy addition to their diet. So, while they can eat it, there are some factors to consider before giving them a bite, which we’ll discuss below.


Risks of Eating Pasta

Pasta cooked without sauces, oil, or added seasoning is generally fine for dogs as long as they don’t have a grain or wheat allergy. Pasta is usually made from simple ingredients like flour, water, and eggs, which are all safe for dogs. However, it becomes a problem when sauce or seasonings are added to the pasta.

Ingredients like onions and garlic are toxic to dogs in large amounts. They are part of the Allium family, alongside leeks and chives, which can damage a dog’s red blood cells, causing cell destruction and anemia. Since onions and garlic are common ingredients in pasta dishes, avoiding pasta with sauce is vital.

It’s also important to note that dogs can be sensitive to some spices and herbs. Oregano, for example, is toxic and is commonly found in sauces. Other ingredients like cheese can seem harmless, but too much can result in health issues such as gastrointestinal problems and the excess calories can cause weight gain.

Italian Greyhound dog eating from bowl at home
Image Credit: New Africa, Shutterstock

What to Do if Your Dog Eats Pasta

If you drop a little pasta on the floor while dishing it up, or your toddler throws some during a tantrum, don’t worry. A few bits of pasta scooped up by your dog aren’t going to do much harm in most cases. At the most, your dog might suffer from an upset stomach.

However, contact your veterinarian if you’re worried about how your dog reacts. Pasta sauce can contain toxic ingredients, but your dog must eat more than a couple of sauce covered bites for it to be a problem.

How to Serve Pasta to Your Dog

Feeding your dog plain, cooked pasta occasionally isn’t likely going to harm them. Many veterinarians still advise against serving it because it offers little if any nutritional benefits. If they eat too much, your dog can fill up on pasta and then refuse their dinner. Long-term, too much pasta can result in excess calories that can lead to weight gain and obesity and contribute to problems like diabetes and joint issues.

ravioli pasta
Image Credit: akiragiulia, Pixabay


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Can Dogs Be Allergic to Pasta?

Toxic ingredients and extra calories aren’t the only reasons some owners keep pasta away from their dogs. Some can be allergic to it thanks to ingredients like eggs and flour. If your dog suffers from a wheat or egg allergy or intolerance, they might develop diarrhea, vomiting, itchiness, weight loss, or chronic ear infections. If you notice any of these signs, contact your vet.

Can Dogs Eat Noodles?

Yes, dogs can eat plain, cooked noodles. Much like pasta, they aren’t a natural part of a dog’s diet, so they shouldn’t be given too much or too often as it can lead to weight gain because of the extra calories.

Spaghetti Pasta in a Oval White Plate Isolated on Wooden Background
Image Credit: Ika Rahma H, Shutterstock

Can Dogs Eat Any Human Food?

There are plenty of human foods that dogs can eat; you just have to be careful about what you pick, how you serve it, and how much you give them.

For example, dogs can eat the following in moderation:
  • Apples-remove seeds

  • Bananas

  • Blueberries

  • Cantaloupe

  • Carrots

  • Celery

  • Cucumbers

  • Green beans

  • Pears

  • Pumpkin

  • Strawberries

  • Sweet potato

  • Watermelon

If you are ever stuck for something yummy and exciting that is safe to feed your dog, ask your vet. They can offer helpful advice, especially if your dog suffers from any health problems.


Final Thoughts

Dogs can eat pasta, but just because something isn’t toxic to your dog doesn’t mean it’s suitable. Plain, cooked pasta won’t likely harm your dog, but it can lead to them putting on weight if you feed them too much. If the pasta has added seasoning, sauces, oil, or spices, it can be toxic to your dog. Many ingredients we like to add to our sauces, like onion and garlic, can harm your dog.

Featured Image Credit: Zoeytoja, Shutterstock

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