All Dogs Deserve a Comfortable Retirement: Pain Relief for Older Dogs

The post All Dogs Deserve a Comfortable Retirement: Pain Relief for Older Dogs by Dr. Karyn Kanowski, BVSc MRCVS (Vet) appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on

Hi, I’m Dr. Karyn! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my five funny dogs, Poppy, Bailey, Kodah, Ned, and Fred.

It is something of a misplaced point of pride amongst many owners of elderly dogs about managing to keep their dogs off painkillers, as though this is some sort of great achievement. In reality, a 12-year-old Labrador that doesn’t need any pain relief is something of a rarity. In fact, the humble Labrador is amongst the most likely breeds to suffer from arthritis, and around 80% of all dogs over the age of 8 will be experiencing some form of arthritic discomfort or pain.1

Why Are People Reluctant to Medicate Their Dogs?

I think that when it comes to medication, humans have gone through several stages:

The Honeymoon Phase

Medication is awesome! It makes everything better, and my doctor would never prescribe something that could make me sick, right?

The Side Effects Backlash

Okay, so it turns out that there may be some teensy weensy side effects to some of these amazing drugs, but what’s a little nausea, cirrhosis, fetal deformity, and death between friends?

Suspicious Minds

My doctor wants me to take this medication for my epilepsy, but I think they’re just trying to make a profit. I’m going to use this lemon juice tincture instead because that’s what everyone on TikTok is raving about.

Okay, so they might be some overly simplified and extreme interpretations of our current society’s views on medicine, but I’m sure you take my meaning. Although research is continually improving the efficacy and reducing the side effects of medication, many people are still reluctant to take prescribed medication for fear of what other effects it may have. And this suspicion often extends to our pets, resulting in the idea that a life lived without the aid of medication is superior to one that has succumbed to the perils of pharmaceutical aid. Unfortunately, it is often our voiceless pets that suffer most from this aversion to medication.

Poppy and Bailey about to get down and dirty.
Poppy and Bailey about to get down and dirty.

“My Dog Isn’t In Pain”

My biggest pet hate (pun intended) is hearing words like this:

My dog is a bit stiff in the morning, and limps after a walk, but he/she’s not in pain.”

What the owner often doesn’t realize is that they have just described classic signs of arthritic pain. It’s not until I am palpating and manipulating their beloved pet’s joints, sometimes eliciting a whimper or yelp, that they appreciate how well a dog can mask their pain. A wagging tail, willingness to follow us on a walk, and an enthusiastic appetite are not proof of a pain-free pooch, but of a dog that will push through their discomfort to please us. Dogs with arthritis rarely cry out, unless they move or land in a way that causes sudden significant pain, and this is usually the same for humans. The difference is that we can feel our pain, so we can address it with pain relief, hot and cold compresses, physiotherapy, and rest. What we don’t want is to wait for our dogs to be in so much pain that they are no longer able to hide it.

With the vast majority of dogs over 8 years suffering from some level of arthritis, it would be safer to assume that your elderly dog is experiencing some level of joint pain, until proven otherwise.

I wouldn’t suggest doing anything that I wouldn’t do. So with that in mind, I am going to share all the things that I have done (and would like to have done) to help keep Poppy and Bailey, our 11-year-old Labradors, as comfortable as possible into retirement.

Start as you mean to proceed

If you are choosing a puppy, be informed and educated about the breed, genetics, and parents of your pup to be. Not all issues can be avoided, but being prepared for what to expect can give you a head start.

Being Labradors, we were aware that both Poppy and Bailey could suffer with joint disease, particularly hip and elbow dysplasia. Frustratingly, despite coming from a line of good hips, Bailey had quite significant hip dysplasia, but having pet insurance in place from the day we brought her home meant that she was able to have total hip replacement surgery on both hips when she was 4-5 years old, ensuring a life of good mobility and comfort.

Be proactive

Although both our labs showed no signs of mobility issues (once Bailey had recovered from her surgery, that is!), we wanted to be proactive about their joint care, and we started them on joint support supplements when they were around 5 years old. I believe that this has delayed the onset of their inevitable arthritis by a year or two.

Swimming is a fantastic way for dogs to build muscle mass and stay fit, whilst protecting their joints. Poppy and Bailey absolutely love the water, so we try to get them to the beach a couple of times a week.

Bailey Diving into the water at the beach
Bailey diving into the water at the beach

Make sure your dog is getting a proper physical exam at least once a year, including a proper assessment of their joints.

Keep ‘em Lean

Labradors are notoriously greedy dogs, and keeping weight off them can be a real challenge, one that we have not always succeeded in achieving. Poppy and Bailey are both quite small labs, and we always tried to keep their weight between 55 and 60 pounds (25-27kg), but there were times when that weight crept up to 70 lbs. A leaner weight puts less strain on the joints, and although I’m not exactly the best at keeping my own weight at an ideal figure, it is my responsibility as a pet owner to make sure my dogs stay within a healthy range.

A muddy - and pudgy - Poppy and Bailey.
A muddy – and pudgy – Poppy and Bailey.

Don’t withhold pain relief

There are so many options for managing canine arthritis; so many more than even five years ago. There are

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) which have steadily improved in terms of minimizing side effects eg. Galliprant, Previcox
  • Disease-modifying osteoarthritis drugs (DMOADs) eg. Cartrophen
  • Immunotherapy eg. Librela

Be open to holistic treatment

Bailey receiving some acupuncture at home.
Bailey receiving some acupuncture at home.

The aim of holistic therapy is to treat the whole body, not just the specific disease or injury. For a dog with arthritis, a holistic treatment plan might look like this:

  • A portion-controlled diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, supplemented with glucosamine, chondroitin, and other anti-inflammatory ingredients
  • An exercise plan that encourages enrichment, cardiovascular function, and muscle maintenance, without putting excessive strain on the joints. One of my biggest regrets is that we used to use a ball thrower, not realizing just how much damage these handy tools can result in.
  • Hydrotherapy or swimming to provide low/no impact exercise that strengthens the muscles
  • Acupuncture for pain relief, as well as stimulating nerve growth factor to aid in joint and muscle recovery
  • Medication or immunotherapy to target the pain and inflammation of arthritis
  • Providing non-slip surfaces in the home to help your dog get up more easily, and avoid slipping over
I regret using one of these - they destroy dogs' joints.
I regret using one of these – they destroy dogs’ joints.

Be Proud Your Dog Is On Pain Relief

When your vet recommends starting your dog on pain relief, they’re not doing it to hit their selling targets, they’re doing it to help your pet. Yes, we should absolutely be careful about using medications, and we should educate ourselves about the potential side effects and alternatives to the ones our vet recommends, but we shouldn’t be cautious to the point of neglect.

To me, an owner who proudly states that their elderly dog requires no pain relief is one that, in most cases, has not recognized the more subtle signs of arthritic pain. If you are worried about the possible side effects medications may have, talk to your vet about what to expect and how you can minimize those effects. Incorporating alternative therapies like acupuncture, hydrotherapy, and joint supplements can go a long way to reducing the doses of medication. I would much rather be managing the possible side effects of my dog’s medication than risk them being in pain.

Dr. Karyn paw signature

This article is a part of Dr. Karyn’s series with her five dogs.

The post All Dogs Deserve a Comfortable Retirement: Pain Relief for Older Dogs by Dr. Karyn Kanowski, BVSc MRCVS (Vet) appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on

How Did My Tropical Dogs Handle Snow? Adapting to a New Environment

The post How Did My Tropical Dogs Handle Snow? Adapting to a New Environment by Allison Dorsey appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on

Hi, I’m Allison! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my three mixed-breed dogs from Thailand, Jelly, Lorraina, and Manic.

Have you ever been to Thailand? Or, at least, have you seen photos of this gorgeous Southeast Asian country? To state the obvious, Thailand gets HOT. The average temperature is in the mid-80s. While the northern part of the country sees lows in the 50s during certain times of the year, some areas (like Bangkok) can reach 100°F or hotter. For many people visiting the country for the first time, Thai weather slaps you in the face like a hot, damp towel.

My dogs were born and raised there, so I was concerned about how they would react to the weather on the East Coast of the States. How would my tropical fur babes handle cold weather and, gasp, snow?

Lorraina in light snow

Transition From the Tropics to East Coast Uncertainty

Calling all people who live on the East Coast of the USA, particularly in the Mid-Atlantic area! We know how flippant the weather is. The temperature could fluctuate in early Spring from the low 60s to the high 20s and then to the mid-40s. We could have clear, sunny skies and then acorn-sized hail. My state has an unofficial motto: “If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes.”

When we decided to relocate back to the USA in early March, I had some concerns about the weather. I assumed it would not snow and that the bitter sub-zero temperatures had passed. However, it would still be at least 30 degrees colder than what my dogs were used to. The coolest day I had ever experienced in Thailand was the mid-70s.

So, I ordered dog coats ahead of time just to be safe. You can never really plan the week weather-wise.

Welcome to the USA! Sorry About the Weather

After days of travel, we finally arrived home. Thankfully, my state decided to give us a break and bestowed us a gorgeous sunny day with a temperature of 60°F. This was a good transition. It was not too cold and not too hot. I did not want it to be too hot, thus giving my dogs a false impression that the temperature here would be equal to the tropics.

We let them explore their surroundings, absorbing new smells and sights. Right now, their world was brown, a stark contrast to the vibrant greenery they had always known.

“It’s okay, my babies,” I said to them. “Your world will be green in a few months. I promise.”

On their second day in the USA, they woke up to snow. It was time for the coats! Manic liked his coat, and I thought he looked quite handsome. The girls, on the other hand, hated those coats with a passion. I admit, they were a bit big for them. I ordered them online, and while I took measurements, the coats were not a perfect match. However, I insisted on them.

Lorraina in the snow

They went into the gray and brown world, slowly becoming speckled with white. I expected them to be a bit fearful. However, they showed no hesitation. They were like children experiencing snow for the first time, making slightly apprehensive movements and bounding around excitedly.

Granted, Jelly and Lorraina were fine leaving the snow after about 15 to 20 minutes. Perhaps it was the chill in the air and the snow on their feet, or they wanted to get out of those coats. Manic, however, insisted on staying out for as long as he could. He was in love with this winter wonderland.

I was thrilled that they were adjusting to the weather. If they can get through snow, they can get through anything the Mid-Atlantic throws at them.

However, I am not looking forward to tornado season.

This article is a part of Allison, Jelly, Lorraina, and Manic’s series.

The post How Did My Tropical Dogs Handle Snow? Adapting to a New Environment by Allison Dorsey appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on

“Grandma” Penny: Living with a Dog with an Old Soul

The post “Grandma” Penny: Living with a Dog with an Old Soul by Savanna Stanfield appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on

Hi, I’m Savanna! Read my introduction to learn more about me and my spunky Chihuahua mix, Penny.

Is your dog an old soul? And by that I mean, does your dog act mature beyond his or her years? Are they very serious most of the time, maybe even wiser than you would expect? Do they have that typical “grandma” or “grandpa” personality?

I think Penny is an old soul, despite being only around 4 years old. It makes sense after all, because dogs do age faster than humans do. But, I think Penny acts even older than her age in dog years. Let’s explore how old Penny really is and how old she acts like she is.

How Old Is Penny in Dog Years vs Human Years?

We’ve all heard that dogs actually age 7 human years for every dog year. If we go by that equation, then Penny should be around 28 years old. But, this equation was based on the average dog lifespan of 10 years and the average human lifespan of 70 years. Scientists and veterinarians think that rule isn’t exactly accurate, since dogs of different sizes age at different rates.

For example, smaller dogs like Penny tend to have longer lifespans and age more slowly than larger dogs like Great Danes with shorter lifespans. So, there is no true answer or “formula” that can be used to figure out how fast dogs age.1

However, most experts seem to agree that unless you have a dog that can weigh over 100 pounds when fully grown, most dogs will age about 15 human years during their first year of life. At 2 years old, dogs age the equivalent of around 9 more years, then around 4 more years for every year after that.

You can use this handy chart based on your dog’s weight to figure out how old they actually are. If we go by that chart, at 4 years old, Penny is actually around 32 years old.

How Old Does Penny Act Like She Is?

If I had to guess, I’d say Penny acts more like a 70-year-old woman. She’s still vibrant, healthy, and youthful, and she loves to play about twice a day. But most of her day is spent acting like a grandma. What do I mean by that?

She Makes Sure I Wake Up on Time

Hey, wake up!
Hey, wake up!

I’m not someone who can just pop up out of the bed at the sound of my alarm. I have to wake up gradually, so I usually set my alarm clock for 15 minutes before I actually intend to get up so that I can snooze it three times. It gives me time to adjust to the thought of getting up out of my nice, cozy bed.

Penny sleeps in the bed with me and never gets up until I’m ready to. But she has got the timing down, and if I don’t wake up immediately after that third snooze alarm goes off, she’s in my face, trying to lick and paw at me to make sure that I get up since she knows that when I usually get up.

She Sticks to Her Routine

Yes, I know that most dogs have a routine because it helps them know what to expect. But Penny has her own little routine after we wake up. This is something she developed on her own, not something that we created for her.

For example, an old person might wake up in the morning, get dressed, make a cup of coffee, and read the newspaper. They created that routine and they follow it to a T every morning. Penny’s morning routine looks something like this:

  • Wake up (and wake mom up, too).
  • Walk to the back door, go outside, and go potty.
  • Walk back inside, go to the front door, go outside, and check to make sure nothing is out of place in the front yard.
  • Come back inside, play with her toy for 5–10 minutes.
  • Eat breakfast.
  • Locate all three kitties.
  • Lay back down for nap time.

She Rounds Up the “Grandkids”

Kitty. Why aren't you with the others?
Kitty. Why aren’t you with the others?

Speaking of kitties, sometimes Penny acts like they’re her grandkids. She’s always trying to round them up to make sure they’re in the same room. If the kitties are grooming each other or playing together, Penny thinks they’re “misbehaving” and will start grumbling at them like she’s telling them to behave.

She acts like the kitties are 100% her responsibility to take care of, making sure they’re on their best behavior and not getting into mischief.

She Loves to Sit on the “Porch”

"Porch" sitting
“Porch” sitting

A lot of us always joke about how we can’t wait to grow old so that we can just sit on the porch all day and watch the world. I think Penny is already there because she loves to just go outside just to sit.

Okay, she doesn’t sit on the actual porch. But she loves to sit in the driveway or on the back patio and just look around. She could do that for hours if we’d let her. I honestly think that of the times she asks us to go outside, only 20% of the time is for her to go potty. The other 80% is for her to just go out there and sit.

She’s Not in a Hurry

Finally, Penny is never in a hurry to do anything. She takes her time, whether it be eating, going potty, whatever. Except for the occasional bout of zoomies, she truly lives her life as if she has nowhere to be and all day to get there. Sometimes I wish I could just slow down and “be” like Penny.

Life with Penny Is Relaxing

Living with a dog with an old soul really is quite relaxing. I know a few dogs that are older than Penny and act much younger than her, just wanting to be on the go all the time. Yes, a lot of that depends on the breed, but you’d think with Penny being a mix of Chihuahua, Poodle, and Pekingese, she’d be a little more energetic than she is.

It just goes to show that every dog is different, and they don’t always live up to the typical breed temperament, even if they are perfectly healthy. Some dogs just have “old souls” despite still being fairly young. Even though her true age is 4 and around 32 in human years, she definitely acts like she’s at least 70. But I truly love my little “grandma” dog, and I wouldn’t have it any other way, because I consider myself an old soul, too.

This article is a part of Savanna and Penny’s series.

The post “Grandma” Penny: Living with a Dog with an Old Soul by Savanna Stanfield appeared first on Dogster. Copying over entire articles infringes on copyright laws. You may not be aware of it, but all of these articles were assigned, contracted and paid for, so they aren’t considered public domain. However, we appreciate that you like the article and would love it if you continued sharing just the first paragraph of an article, then linking out to the rest of the piece on